Chapter 8: Dipping down

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:


Nami: Hold that thought, Luffy !! I can't say I understand, but can we save the awe for later ?! We just got word that the battleships are almost on top of us !!

"While I agree with that, can we please address something I believe to be of even biggest urgency ? Like Sanji being out cold."

Usopp: Exactly !! Chopper ! Get over here, he's losing a ton of blood !!

Sanji: O... O... One gorgeous girl... Two gorgeous girls... Three gorgeous girls...


"When you said they were on top of us, I didn't exactly imagine it that close ! We're an easy target here !"

Usopp: Do we fight back ?! This doesn't look good !!

Officer: Open fire !! Sink that vessel !

Hancock: SLAVE ARROW !!

Officer: H- Hold it !! Hold your fire !! That's... The Kuja Pirates !! What do you think you're doing ?! Are you trying to obstruct our mission ?!

Hancock: Who... Was so thoughtless as to place a battleship in my path ?!

Robin: That's the emblem of the Kuja...

Nami: The Kuja ?

Robin: An all-female Pirate crew, led by the Shichibukai "Pirate Empress".

Sanji: *Stoned*


Brook: AHH !! MY EYES !! She sines with an unearthly brightness !! her beauty knows no end !! Wh... Why is there a Shichibukai here ?!

Luffy: Oh ! It's Hancock !

Usopp: Eh ?

Hancock: 'Luffy... Now is your chance !' *Wink*

Brook: Aahhh !! She... She just winked at us !!

Luffy: That was lucky ! Come on, let's set sail !

Nami: Do you... Know that Shichibukai ?

"He was blasted all the way to the isle of women by Kuma. And unsurprisingly, he made friends with about all of them."

Usopp: The Isle of women ?! The legendary land of dreams ?! It really exists ?!

"You don't want to get here without authorization, they're really keen on their ancestral laws."

Sanji: He's friends... With that Empress... ?! OH, YOU'D BETTER HAVE BEEN TRAINING HARD !!

Luffy: Sure have !

Sanji: Do you have any idea ?! Any idea what I've... ?!

"... ... I think it's a bad time to say that Shichibukai fell heads over Heels for Luffy and claims that they're engaged..."

Robin: It's probably for the best, yes... We don't want Sanji jumping into the water with a rock attached.

"Dark. So how was Baltigo treating you ? I know Dragon can be a bit difficult to work with, being so cryptic all the time."

Margaret: Wow... ! So those are Luffy's friends ! They do seem fun !

Sweetpea: "A veritable assortment of mysterious creatures" ! 1, 2, 3, 4...

Franky: i'm opening the valve !! It's gonna pump in air from our undersea airbag !!

Usopp: What the... ?! This jelly-like stuff is expanding !!

"Relax, that's just how coating works."

Chopper: Whoaaah !! We've got a giant bubble roof !! ... Is something wrong, Usopp ?

Chopper: ... Did you guys take out all the marines on your way here ?

Chopper: No... I could hear plenty of them still shouting !

Usopp: Then why don't I see them heading this way from the island ?

Franky: If they're not coming, then all the better ! We'll jut leave before they get here ! Lucky for us if they got caught up in something, right ?

Usopp: ... ..

Officer: THIS IS REINFORCEMENT UNIT 3 !! It looks like we won't be reaching Grove #42 any time soon !

Base: Why not ?!


Base: INSECTS ?!

Heracles: 'I wish you the best of luck, Usopp-un !!'

Officer: This is reinforcement unit 4 !! We must apologize !! A sudden downpour of rain has ruined our gunpowder !! Our weapons are useless !!

Base: ... Rain ?! What do you mean, rain ?! The skies above Sabaody are completely clear !!

Wizards: No, no, don't bother with the lightning ! We don't want to hit any innocent citizens !! All these soap bubbles certainly are a bother !

Wizard: Still, what luck we've had with the winds ! They've landed us right above the Sabaody Archipelago !

Old weather guy: Nami-chan, you're a good girl... Good luck on your journey ! We'll miss you on Weatheria...

Officer: This is unit 5, reporting from Grove #42 ! Unit 2, who were sent to this area in advance, all seem to have succumbed to heavy depression... !!

Marines: I wanna be a flea... It's no use... I want to turn to moss...

Base: Depression ?! What are you talking about ?!

Officer: According to their reports, Straw Hat Luffy and part of his crew appears to have fled the scene atop a gigantic bird !!

Base: A bird ?! What are you people playing at ?!

Officer: Right now... We are confronted by an obstruction the likes of which we have never seen... !!

Okamas: What do you mean, you don't want to accept our invitation ?! Don't be shy ! Let's have a nice cup of tea together~ !!

Officer: I don't know... If we can hold out... !!

Okama: 'Sanji-kyun... This is your chance~ !' *WINKRUNK*

Sanji: ARGHH... !!

"... What just happened ?"

Sanji: I... I dunno... For a moment, it just felt as though someone was crushing my heart...

Nami: Are you all paying attention ?! A coated ship has the ability to reduce the surrounding pressure in various ways ! In other words, once a ship is coated, it cannot float of its own accord... So if we remove the "Buoyancy bag" underneath the ship that's currently supporting it, the ship will naturally sink beneath the surface.

Zoro/Luffy: I see...

Nami: I can see you both don't understand.

Franky: I've released the buoyancy bag !!

Nami: All right !! We're going down ! Everyone, raise the sails !!

"The... Sails... ?"

Robin: Apparently coated ships can use sea currents as a substitute for wind to propel the ship. I though you'd know that, with how often you used to cross it.

"Well, I never did it with a ship... Basically, I'd just ask Rayleigh for a bubble and be on my way."

Luffy: Are we setting sail, Nami ?!

Nami: That's right, captain !

Luffy: Well then, Men !! I have tons of things that I've been waiting to say to you all this time... BUT FOR THE MOMENT, LET4S LEAVE IT AT THIS !! THANKS FOR GOING ALONG WITH MY SELFISH WHIM FOR THEE PAST TWO YEARS !!

Sanji: Yeah, like this is the first time we've been swept along by his crazy whims...

Usopp: That's right !! This is just what you're always like !!

"... What should we do with the buoyancy bag now... ?"

Robin: Maybe you can throw it at the marines to slow them down ?

"... ... ..."

Marine: Rear-Admiral !! The Pirate ship is submerging !!

Officer: Damn it !! You fiends ! Do you have any idea how dangerous those criminals are ?! You big meanie ! BLURGH !!

Soldiers: Rear-Admiral !! ... is that a buoyancy bag ?


Coribou: Big bro dude ! This digging is hard !!

Caribou: Well, o'course it is ! This island's basically made outta tree roots !

Sandy: Forgive us, please !! Don't bury us alive !! We'll do anything, just please don't kill us !! It was our captain... he made us do it !! It was all Black... !

Caribou: Keheheheheh !! Y'see, what we figured... Was that if we joined up with 'em, that'd give us the chance... To slaughter every last one of that valuable Straw Hat crew from within !

Bozo: AAAAHHHHH !! DRIP !! Stop this, please !! You'll kill him !! Are you... A Fruit user ?!

Sogekong: I said quit it already !!


Caribou: ... ... ...* SCHLORP*

Fakes: WH... WHAAAAAAAT ?! A... A LOGIA ?!

Caribou: ... What about it... ? Y'know, I did wonder... Whether a guy's looks could really change that much in just two years... That Straw hat... But in the end, it just turned out to be some piece-of-shit fake !! You think God will forgive this, Coribou ?!

Coribou: Dig-uh... Dig-uh...

Caribou: That's right... We're gonna bury these fools... Hear that, oh mighty Lord ?! I'm gonna bury these fools for ya !!


Caribou: But now that I've seen the real Straw Hat Luffy... With my own two eyes... !! Kehihihi !!

Sentomaru: As I've told you already, the situation was insurmountable. The man who stopped us was the Dark King, the same man that once stopped Uncle Kizaru in his tracks. What was I supposed to do against that ?

Sentomaru: the only ones to escape from the Plaza were the Caribou brothers and their crew, along with a number of the fake Strawhats. All the rest of the offenders have been apprehended, but the real Strawhats have dealt severe damage to two of the Pacifistas. The units were prototypes... The same ones that cornered the Straw hats two years ago. Their strength, of course, was the same as back then.

Sentomaru: It's the Straw Hats themselves that have changed !! The level of growth they displayed after these two years is nothing short of incredible !! You'd better make this nice and clear to Marien HQ ! The Strawhats are at large once more !!

Shakki: Gone in the blink of an eye... Monkey-chan and the others, they've all become so strong...

Rayleigh: ... You were watching ?

Shakki: Of course. I'm their fan, remember ? ... Are you... Remembering something, perhaps ? Ray-san.

Rayleigh: Hmm ? Yeah... I suppose so. Heheh...

???: Hey !! That's some nice ship you've got there !!

Rayleigh: Oh, this ? I stole it... My house was burned down, so this is where I live now.

???: I see ! What's your name ?

Rayleigh: ... Rayleigh.

Roger: Well, I'm Roger !! This meting must be fate, Rayleigh !! What do you say to turning the world upside-down with me ?!

Rayleigh: the world ? ... Hahahahah ! Who the hell are you, anyway ? Get outta here !!

Rayleigh: ... It may just be that there is no such coincidence in this world. As though it was always meant to be... Mysterious bonds slowly but surely weave their forms... At any rate, Luffy has taken another step towards becoming a man... Worthy of that hat he wears... ! That boy makes me feel like living on for a while longer...

Robin: the surface is so far away... !

Franky: It's beautiful !! You can't get a window this big on a submarine, that's for sure !!

Chopper: We're sinking !! Further and further down !! Is the water really not gonna get in ?! It's kinda scary !!

"I've done that dozens of times, Chopper. Everything wil be fine as long as certain people don't do anything reckless."

Nami: It feels as though we're leaving the human world behind... This is so exciting... !!

Usopp: W- W- We will be able to get back to the surface, right ?! I mean... I- It's not as though I'm scared or anything, but...

Luffy: the sea sure is pretty !!

Brook: Yohoho ! Take a look over at that side ! A tree !! No... It's a root !!

"Yep. The Sabaody Archipelago is a forest of giant Mangrove after all."

Brook: The wonders of nature in all it's glory !!

"... What I don't get is that Mangroves usually settle on muddy, shallow areas... Was there an actual island here long ago who sank down... ?"

Zoro: I've seen it already.

Sanji: Yeah, when you got on the wrong ship !! Shut up !! We're trying to be awed here !!

Usopp: Forget that, there's something behind us !!

Robin: These roots must reach all the way to the seabed... the sheer magnitude of it is impossible to put into words...

Chopper: There's something huge behind that tree !!

Luffy: Man, this is exciting ! A Grand Adventure in the ocean depths ! It's like a dream ! Ooh ! Fish !! I can almost reach them ! Get here, you !

Usopp: Heh ?!

Zoro: There are some tasty-looking fish over here, too...

Chopper: Huh ?!




"... Okay, I think everyone is getting hungry here, Sanji..."

Sanji: Sure, I can whip up something. It's been a while since you went through here and to the New World, isn't it ?

"'Bout a decade, give or take... But all of this is making me quite nostalgic of the first time I passed here..."

Sanji: If you're nostalgic, how about a meal to celebrate ? Got something in mind ?

"... Now that you say it, I do have something specific in mind. I think I'll take... An Oden. Very boiled."

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