Chapter 7: Reunified

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Reporter: The whole place is in a panic !! Indeed, the marines burst into the stadium to arrest the Soul King... Have been set upon by the fans. It's an all-out riot !! the Soul King himself appears to have fled the scene !!

Brook: Yohohoho !! Thank you kindly for this... Your timing was exquisite !!

Rider: We're here on Shakky-neesan's orders ! Your crew are waiting for you on Grove #42 !

Brook: My chest is about to burst from nostalgia and anticipation ! ... Not that I have a chest to burst in the first place !! Yohohohoho !!

Manager: Dammit !! Filthy traitor !!

Reporter: That's right ! The famous musician Brook was actually a pirate !!

Sanji: Gotcha. Grove #42, by the coast.

Franky: All right, then. See you there !

Zoro: What was that ?

Sanji: Weren't you listening ?! Ehhm, let's see... "Marines.. Coming... We... Ship... Run", you get it ?

Zoro: What d'you take me for, a baby ?! Speak in full sentences !!

Sanji: I figured that was the best way to get through to a guy with muscles for brains...

Zoro: Right, you're getting sliced up later. What's all the ruckus over on that island anyway ?

Sanji: Good question... "That way... Noisy."

Pirates: Take them out !! Big Boss !!

Duffy: Looks like we've found two of the culprits already !! Let's start by teaching them a lesson !! And just so you all know... What you're about to see happen to them... Is the same thing that's going to happen to you if you ever have the nerve to defy me !! So take that as a warning !!

"... ... ..."

Sans: Huh ? What'cha lookin' at, you asparagus ? Got a problem with the vice-captain of the Straw hat pirates ?

'... A bald, overweight midget with a wig... In a way, he's closer to the original than I am, in terms of looks...'

Luffy: Zoro, Sanji ! Do you know this guy ? Thing is, we ran into him earlier...


Officer: Straw-hat Luffy, and all you minions !! I suggest you come quietly !! We have sealed all exits from Grove #46 !! There is nowhere left for any of you to run !!

Duffy: The Marines !!

"Well, that's indeed less than ideal..."

Luffy: Hm... ? How did the marine know we were here ?

Sandy: Huh ?! What're you going on about ?!

Bozo: Captain !! Th- They've got us completely surrounded !!

Duffy: 'Don't let 'em throw you, idiot ! What do you think we gathered all these new crewmembers for ?! We've got hundred-million bounty heads on our side, for god's sake !' HEY, CARIBOU !! CORIBOU !! Use the marine soldier we captured as a shield !! Force 'em to open a way out !!

Marine: A marine soldier ?! It would appear one of the scouts we sent in has been captured... ! This is bad...

Caribou: Sorry, big boss ! i'm afraid I can't do that ! See, this snot-nosed little brat lied to us ! Told us he hadn't called his pals ! Ain't that right ?!

Duffy: You idiot !! STOP !!


Officer: ... It doesn't look like they plan on coming quietly...

Caribou: Is it one of your unwritten rules... That it's fine to lie to the bad guys, eh ?! Kehehehehehe !!

Albion: Well, damn...

Duffy: Caribou, you crazy bastard !! You just ignored a direct order from your captain !!


Caribou: Kehihi ! I smell blood for the spillin' !! The filthy blood of a buncha hypocrites !

Pirates: Idiot marines !! Our captain's got a bounty of four hundred Million !! he's Straw-hat Luffy !! TAKE 'EM DOWN !!

Luffy: ... Why're they randomly calling me their boss... ?

'Wait... Four Hundred Million ?'

Sandy: Like I said, what are you even talking about... ?

Duffy: You idiots !! Who told you to charge at them ?!




"Oh, goody. These guys again, love to see it. Let's use that commotion to leave."

PX-5: Pirate "Straw-hat Luffy" identified.

Duffy: A- A pacifista... !! A real Pacifista ?! And it's aiming... At me !!

PX-7: Bounty 88,000,000 Berry... Lip "Service" Dhoti.

Pirate: CAP'N DHOTI !! No way... Captain !! An eighty-million man... Taken out like he was nothing... ?!

Pirates: It's no goo, Big boss !! You've gotta do something !! These human weapons are gonna kill us all !! Huh ?! Where's Big Boss Luffy ?!

Duffy: Hurry it up ! We're gettin' outta here !! We can't fight the kind of monsters who can take out Dhoti !!

Sans: ... 'Nope, i'm out of here. Glad to have known you guys.'

Pirates: Ahhhh !! Big Boss Straw-hat is gonna fight for us !! Take 'em out !! Show them the power of a four-hundred-Million man !!

Sentomaru: ... Why are these people calling you "Straw-hat"... ?

Duffy: H- Hey, big guy !! Don't you know who you're talking to ?! If you don't want to have your chest torn open and your insides ripped out, then get outta my way !! I'm the son of Dragon !! The Grandson of Garp !! I'm the Four-Hundred-Million man-



Sentomaru: I see... So every last one of these scum was taken in by his Straw Hat act... PX-5, who is this man.

PX-5: *Beep* Bounty 26,000,000 Berry... Pirate "Tripletongue" Demaro Black.

Pirates: ... A FAKE ?!

Sandy: 'They're onto us !! Run for it !! We'll be killed !!'

Pirates: THE HELL ?! Those dirty crooks !! They used the name of Straw Hat Luffy to play us all for fools ?! Taking advantage of the real Straw hat's death ?!

Albion: Ugh !! That worthless little 26-Million scumbag... To think he almost had me working for him !!

Luffy: Huh ? He was pretending to be me ? That Zoro and Sanji, too ? Wow... I thought they seemed different, but they sure do look similar !


Luffy: Oh, right, you knew from the get-go, didn't you ?

"H- hehehehe, weeeeeeee..."

Sentomaru: The deceivers may be fools, but it's over for you lot who were deceived as wel ! Every one of you is under arrest !! And what's more, by some crazy coincidence, it looks like the real Strawhat and his vice-captain are on this island as well! The PX-5 detected them as soon as they entered the Archipelago !! TAKE THEM OUT !! PX-5 !!

"Front shot ! Backflip dodge !"

Luffy: Whoa !! Man, that was close ! Hey, what was that for ?! All my precious food is in that bag, you know !!

Pirates: ... ... ... ... IT'S THE FACE FROM THE WANTED POSTER !!

Fakes: Aaaaaaghhh !! These guys were the real deal... the real Straw Hat !!

"Well, guess the cat's out of the bag now. So tell me, who was that 'tall bastard' you were trying to take out exactly ?"


Soldiers: Brace yourselves, men !! These are the men we came for !!

Luffy: Don't tell me you're gonna get in my way again ! I'm not meant to cause any trouble, it might get in the way of our departure... !

Sentomaru: Departure ? Oh, you're not going anywhere ! I'm not the same man I was 2 years ago... I've become a full-fledged marine soldier !! I'm going to capture you here and now ! Get them, PX-5 !!

"Haaaaaah... Why does it always end up like that... Three shots, Luffy."

Luffy: Yeah, too slow... Gear Second. Gum-Gum...

Sentomaru: 'Armament Haki... !!'

Pirates: In a single punch... ?!

Luffy: Shishishi ! Well, see ya ! I get the feeling this won't be the last I see of you !

Sentomaru: Hold it, Straw Hat !!

Zoro: Hey, Luffyyyyy !!

Sanji: Luffy ! I knew it ! Why is that whenever there's trouble, you're always right in the middle of it ?!

Luffy: Ahhh !! Zoro !! Sanji !! This time it really is you ! It really is them, right ?!

"Yeah, no doubt about that. It's been forever, you guys !!"

Sanji: Hm ?

Both: MOVE IT !!

Zoro: I cut him down first !!

Sanji: I snapped his neck first !!

Pirates: It's the Straw Hat pirates !! the real deal !! They're totally different !! nothing like the fakes at all !!

Zoro: Oh, hey, you guys can decide between the two of you who's number nine and who's number 10.

Sanji: Oh, shaddup ! How long are you gonna go on about that ?! Come on, everyone's waiting at the ship.

Luffy: Right ! Man, this is so great... It's been two whole years !!

Officer: "Pirate Hunter" Zoro... ! "Black Leg" Sanji... !! So the whole crew really is here on the Archipelago !! ... They're all alive !!

"... ... We don't really have time for that."

Sentomaru: You stay here !! Straw hat... Huh ?!

"I already answered you~. Give my regards to that big-brained old man next time you see him !!"

Sanji: Hm ?! Hey, What's wrong, Luffy ?!

Luffy: RAYLEIGH !!

Rayleigh: Ahahah... I thought I'd drop by and take a look... But it doesn't look like you need any help. You have honed your strength even further. Well then, you had better be off, your crew awaits... !

Luffy: Yeah !! Thank you so much, Rayleigh ! For everything you've done these past two years !!

Rayleigh: Hahah... No need for such formalities... Just go...

Luffy: Rayleigh, I'm... Gonna do it !! I'M GONNA BECOME;;; THE PIRATE KING !!

Marines: Take Straw Hat down !!

Luffy: Uh-oh... Well then, Rayleigh !! Thank you for everything !! SEE YOU LATER !!

Rayleigh: ... Indeed... HEAD STRAIGHT FOR THE TOP !!

"Oh, and before I forget... Rayleigh, catch !!"

Rayleigh: ... What's that ?

"That's for the coatings ! And all the money I made you lose through the years !!"

Soldiers: the crew is heading for Grove #42 ! D- Dark King Rayleigh !!

Rayleigh: My apprentices are setting sail. Do as you please, but... I would suggest that you do not cross that line.

Zoro: This way !!

"No, not this way ! There's already a while squad ahead of us ! Hm..."

Soldiers: Aaaaaagh... !!

Perona: I just knew this mayhem had something to do with you people ! Why are you still hanging around here ?!

Soldier: I want to become a tick...

Sanji: Ahh !! You're... From Thriller Bark... !!

"Someone go get Usopp !!"

Zoro: Well, what are you doing still hanging around here ?!

Luffy: Who's she again ?

Perona: is that any way to talk to the person who brought you all the way here ?! Why, if it weren't or me, you'd be...

Sanji: A real woman... A real woman... !

Perona: Well, of course I am !! What are you, sick In the head ?!

"He just spent two years stuck in his personal hell, don't mind him. But now I at least know how Zoro managed to get here in time..."

Perona: At any rate, you need to set sail as soon as possible ! There are battleships appearing just offshore !!

"Oh, right... That kind of problems..."

Brook YOHOHOHO !! Usopp-san ! Nami-san, Robin-san ! Frrrrrankyyy-saaaaaaaan !!

Usopp: BROOK !!

Franky: Gotta say, i'm impressed you gave up your life of stardom. Good on you !

Brook: Ah, such memories these faces bring back ! Yeah !! Well then, Nami-san... For the first time in two years...

Usopp: Are... Are you gonna sing something ?

Brook: Would you be so kind... As to show me your pant-BLRMPH !!

Nami: I never showed you them in the first place !!

Brook: A... Ahhh... My heart is all aflutter... At this touching... Reunion... ! Urnghh ! Not, that I have a heart... To flutter, of course !! Yohoho... Yoho... Urghhh...

Usopp: Uh, we've got a superstar in convulsions on the floor...

Nami: Honestly, don't you people ever grow up... ?!

Brook: It would appear... That we are not yet assembled...

Usopp: We've sent Chopper out to fetch the others...

"Heeeeeeeeeyy !!"

Luffy: Ahhhh !! You guys !! Everyone !!

hopper: I've brought them !!

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