Chapter 10: A man's treasure

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd person POV:

Baggy: Ho... So you've returned, vice-captain Morge.

Morge: I... I give my sincere apologies captain Baggy... 'Must tell the fact the guy's a psychic...'

Baggy: What ?! You were defeated by that white-haired brat ?! Weren't you fighting Zoro ?!

Morge: Yes... I... Also... Have... Underestimate... At the... Guy... 'Must tell that the guy is... A psychic' The truth is... That... That guy... Is a... ic ! *Blergh*

Crew: What the heck did he just say ?!/ Vice-captain Morge did say something.../ What was he trying to say while suffering such pain and exhaustion ?/ All I could hear was "a ... ic"/ What in the world does that mean ?

Baggy: Oho... So does that mean he attacked that thoughtlessly... ?!

Crew: I think captain Baggy knows...

Baggy: That idiot ! So he's "absolutely demonic " ?! It makes me so mad ! My crew, how much longer is it until you finish preparing for the destruction of this village ?! Hurry up !!

Crew: Y... Yes sir, captain Baggy !!

Morge: ... A psychic...

The village's shelter place:

Villager 1: Hmm ? That... That's Shushu from the petfood store ! It's such a relief that you're alright ! Everyone was worried about you !

Villager 2: Those cuts look nasty. Looks like he got hurt by those pirates, I'll treat those quickly.

Villager 3: Hey, what happened to the old chief ?

Villager 1: Oh yeah... The chief said he was going to give Shushu some food, so he left, it's strange that Shushu arrived her alone. Could something have happened to him ?!

Villager 3: Don't be foolish ! The chief isn't stupid enough to be caught by the pirates, especially since he knows every corner of this village better than anyone. Then again... His love for the village is too deep ! How much this village means to him...

Villager 3: Listen, please don't do anything unnecessary or stupid ! As long as we keep the villagers safe, we can easily rebuild the village.

Boodle: I know, I'm just going to give Shushu some food.

Villager 3: Please... I hope he's not thinking of doing anything stupid...

Your POV:

Boodle: I can't stand it anymore !! It's just so miserable, so miserable ! Shushu and you youngsters are fighting like this ! But why is it that I , being the village's chief, can only watch our village being trampled !!!

Nami: Wait, chief, calm down !

Boodle: To a real man, there are some fights that cannot be avoided !!! Isn't that right, kids ?!

Luffy: That's right, mister !

Nami: Don't encourage him !

Boodle: 40 years ago !! this place was just barren wasteland ! From there we built everything as a fresh start...

Boodle: Let's build our village here. And forget the last village, which was destroyed by the pirates...

Boodle: At first it was tiny, and merely had a few small houses. But the population of villagers increased little by little, and we built more houses and stores and tried our very best !! This place has now grown into a successful harbor village !! This village was made by the old people !! It's a village WE made ! The village and the villagers are my treasure ! What kind of chief doesn't protect his own village ! I'm going to fight !!!

Baggy: FIRE !!! Baggy special cannonball !!

The explosion blew the four of us back, but we had more urgent matter right now.

Boodle: GRRR ! Even my house !!!

"Wait, wasn't Zoro sleeping in there ?!"

Boodle: is he dead ?! The kid with the waistband ?

Luffy: Hey, Zoro, are you still alive ?! Huh ?

Zoro: Yeah... That was some bad way to wake me up.

Luffy: What a relief ! You're alive !

Nami: And just how is it that you survived ?

"Don't question it, that's better for you."

Boodle: It feels as though my chest is being scraped out !! Do you think I'll allow pirates to trample all over us again ?!! For a "Horse skeleton guy" who suddenly pops out ! He has absolutely no right to trample all over our 40 years !!! I am the chief ! I won't leave and let this village be treated this way !!

Boodle: Alright, I'm going to fight !!

Nami: W... Wait a minute, chief ! Those people are dangerous ! So what's the point in going ?! This is too reckless !!

Boodle: Let go of me, kid !! I know it's reckless !!!! You just wait ! Baggy the clown !!!

Nami: the chief... he was crying !

"Really ? I didn't see anything."

Zoro: For some reason this is starting to feel more fun...

Luffy: Heehee, I agree.

"We should hurry, or we'll be late to the party."

Nami: How can you still laugh ?!

Luffy: Don't worry ! I like that old man ! I'm not going to let him die !

Nami: How can you still laugh in this kind of situation ? Where the hell does your confidence come from ?!

Luffy: Our destination is Grand Line, now we're going to steal that map again ! Will you join us ? You need the map too, don't you ? And the treasure...

Nami: I'm not going to become a pirate. Rather than 'Partners', let's just say we're 'cooperating'. Helping each other to achieve our goals !!

"That's good to hear, but seriously, let's go before they blow up the entire village, and the chief too."

Baggy: Second cannonball, ready... !

Crew: preparation is complete !!!

Baggy: Good ! Fi...


Baggy: Who's that man ?

Nami: You're going too ? What about your stomach injury ?!

Zoro: it's all healed now.

Nami: Yeah right !!

Zoro: More important than the injury done to my body, is the injury my name suffers because all I did in my last fight was getting hurt. Should we go ?

Luffy: yeah, let's go !

Nami: I'm dumbfounded...

Baggy: What's this ? Did you call me ?

Boodle: I'm the village's leader, or in other words the chief !! I'm Boodle ! Come down here and fight me !!

Crew: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !! Fight with the captain ?! Do you actually think you can win ?!

???: Captain Baggy...

Baggy: What is it, Cabaji ?

Cabaji: Leave those small fish to me.

Crew: OOOOOOOH !! It's Cabaji's acrobat show ! He flew !!

Cabaji: 'Cause I can't help but feel that these days, my skills are starting to rust.

Crew: Woohoo !! Finish him off ! Cabaji !!

Baggy: You idiot ! The one he called for was me, you just stay back !!

Crew: Aah... And we thought we were gonna see Cabaji's acrobat show...

Baggy: Hey, why are you challenging me ? Do you want fame ?

Boodle: That's stupid !! I'm here because I want to protect this village ! Because I want to protect my 'treasure' !!

Baggy: Huh ? What an idiot ! The word 'treasure' Brings to mind the thoughts of gold, silver and jewels ! The owner has to have some sense of dignity and pride of it, before calling it a treasure !! The village I your treasure ?!! What a bunch of meaningless words !!!

Boodle: Don't you mess with me !! I never would've dreamed that I'd realized my love for this village if it hadn't been for the likes of you !!! Get own here right now !!

Baggy: Go down there ? I don't want to !!

And to prove his intents, it was his hand he directly threw at his "opponent", lifting him up from the ground and strangling him.

Crew: Bwahahaha ! Kill him off, captain !!

Boodle: M... Monster !! What's this... !

Baggy: It hurts dammit !! Are you an idiot, hitting your own neck ?! Tell me to come down there ?! Just who do you think you're talking to with such disrespect, old man ?! Let me tell you who I am !!

Boodle: 'As long as I can't counterattack at least once, I can't close my eyes !!'

Baggy: Soon Grand Line will be within my grasp ! I'm going to be the man who's got his hands on every treasure that glitters in this world !!! The world's treasure is mine !! In this world, there's gonna be no one but me who's got any treasure !! If this village means that much to you, I suppose you would be greatly honored to become dust with it !

Boodle: What the hell, you bastard !! Fight me !!!

Baggy: Heh... Whatever... BLOW IT ALL APART !!!

Boodle: You can't do anything to the village !! fight me !!!

Baggy: Huh ? That strawhat !!

Luffy: I've kept my promise, I've come to beat you !!

Baggy: So you come without a single trace of fear by your own will... You morons !! You're all so dead !!!

Nami: Listen, I don't care whether you fight or not, you guys do as you wish. I'm just here for the map and the treasure.

"Yeah, we know that already."

Boodle: All of you... What did you come back for ? You four just stay out of this, this is my war !! I'm the one who must protect this village ! Don't interfere !!


"You're way too stressed. Get some sleep now."

Nami: What ?! You... You idiot !! What the hell was that for ?! Why did you do that to the chief ?!

"He would've get in the way. It was too dangerous for him to stay here."

Zoro: yeah, without a doubt, he would've charged recklessly. It's safer for him to be unconscious.

Nami: Don't do anything unnecessary !!!


"Get down here if you're a man, hooter-face !!"


Nami: Are you trying to get yourselves killed ? You idiots !!

Zoro: Guys ! Dodge it !!

Luffy: Do you think just because of a cannonball, we'll move a single inch ?

"So, you stop it, or I stop it ?"

Luffy: I'll do it. Gum-Gum...

Baggy: What the hell is that kid ?! Could the Baggy special cannonball... He bounced it back !!

Zoro: Could've said something sooner...


Luffy: There ! Their number has decreased ! Shall we start ?!

Zoro: So much for blowing us...

Nami: What the hell are you ?!

"You get used to it."

When you're reading stories, and you see your own stories as reccomendations.

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