Chapter 9: Fetch, boy !

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Baggy: We're the Baggy crew !! under our flag we're known for our raids all over the world !! Would it do to be looked down upon by four common thieves ?!!

Crew: No, it would not.

Baggy: I can't hear you ! Again !!


Baggy: Shut up !!! we have to teach those people just how scary it is to make a whole pirate crew their enemy !! Now let the beast show begin !!!

Morge: Did yo call me, captain Baggy ?

Crew: WHOO !! It's the vice-captain, Morge !! It's vice-captain Morge's beast show !!!

Morge: May I have the honor of taking Roronoa Zoro's head ?

Baggy: Do whatever you want. But be careful about the white-haired one, he's hiding something.

Your POV:

"We're now quite far away from the bar, they won't be able to catch up with us immediately now."

Zoro: Our escape was done okay, but this cage is starting to get annoying.

Luffy: Yeah, if this thing doesn't open then even though all those bad guys come I can't even attempt to fight them !

Zoro: This is it... I don't have enough blood, I can't walk any longer...

"What is this dog doing here ?

Luffy: What is this ? Is it really a dog ? Hey look, guys, the dog isn't moving at all.

Zoro: Whatever... What it does is up to the dog. Right now, you've got to think of a way to get out of that cage.

Luffy: I wonder if it's dead...


Luffy: ARRRGHH !! You stupid dog, what the hell do you think you're doing ?!

Zoro: You idiot, do you even know the seriousness of the situation here ?! Dammit... I don't have enough blood !!

Nami: You three, what on Earth are you guys doing... If you just lie around here in the middle of the street Baggy will definitely find you !

Zoro/Luffy: Hey, our navigator.

Nami: Says who ?! I just came to repay my debt to you, because you saved my life back there.

"Repay ?"

"You managed to steal the cage key ?"

Nami: Yeah... Even if I still think it was a really dumb thing to do, because of that I couldn't steal any of the treasures.

Luffy: Yay ! The cage was such a problem I thought we were gonna just die from the headache it gave us !

Zoro: Phew... making such a difficult escape's reward is finally shining through.

"Oh well, guess I won't have to blast it after all..."

Luffy: You stupid dog !!! Spit it out, that thing you just swallowed wasn't food !!! Damn it !

??? Hey !! You people !! Don't do anything to Shushu !!

"Shushu ? Who are you ?"

Boodle: I'm the village's leader, or in other words, the chief !

Luffy: So, how's Zoro ?

Boodle: I let him sleep art my house since it's just next door, even though I told him that there's a doctor at the shelter, he won't listen and says that it'll get better after sleeping. Even though it's an enormous injury !

"I told him it was safer if I just carried him around, but nooooo, Mr.Zoro wanted to walk, Mr.Zoro is just too strong, Mr.Zoro won't go down for that little scratch. *Sigh*, so, this dog's named Shushu ?"

Boodle: Yeah.

Luffy: What is he doing here ?

Boodle: he's guarding this store, I just came to give him some food.

Nami: Ah, you're right. Now that I'm looking carefully, it's a pet-food store.

Boodle: The owner of this place is my friend, and ten years ago, he opened this store with Shushu. The precious store is filled with cherished memories for the two, although I like it too...

Owner: Listen ! When I'm not here, you're the owner ! Don't eat our stock !!

Boodle: look at these wounds, they're definitely from fighting with those pirates and protecting this store.

Nami: But then, no matter how precious it is, what kind of thing is making a dog guard a store with pirates as the enemy ? The store owner is with the other people at the shelter, right ?

Boodle: No, that guy... He's already gone to the next world because of a sickness. Three months ago he was hospitalized and then...

Owner: While I'm in hospital, you look after the store, Shushu !

"Then... Could Shushu be waiting for his owner's return... After all this time ?"

Boodle: That's what everyone says... But I see it in a different way. Shushu's an intelligent dog, so I think he already know his owner passed away.

Nami: then why still guard the store ?

Boodle: Obviously, this store is a treasure to Shushu. He loved his owner so much and since this is the only property left by the owner, I think he'll continue to guard this store. It's an unendurable thing, I tried to take him to the shelter a few time, but he won't take a step away from this place. If I just left him here, I think that he'd stay until he starved to death.


"Alright, what was that ?!"

Boodle: Th... That is that guy !! The beast trainer Morge !! RUN AWAY !!

Luffy: Hey, now something's coming up. Give me the key, you little thing.

Shushu: Woof.

"Guess I'll have to blast the cage after all. Don't move, Luffy."

Morge: Well I found two guys... I'm Baggy's pirate crew vice-captain, the beast trainer Morge. Did the people you were with just ditched you ? Poor little things, and you tried so hard to run away...

Morge: Captain Baggy is pretty mad, you guys have committed a pretty serious crime.

"Yes, we laughed about his nose, what else ?"

Luffy: Hey, why are you wearing a weird cap fur like that ?

Morge: What !!! You idiot, watch what you're saying !! this is my hair !!!

"That just makes it even weirder."

Morge: SHUDDUP !! You... You think this cage will protect your from me... You don't know how scary I am...

Nami: These guys... They want to die, right...

Boodle: Those idiots...

Morge: I'm telling you, there is no animal in this world that won't obey me ! That includes that dog over there.

Morge: Shake a paw-*bite* AAAAHCK !!

Morge: You're just some common thieves.

Luffy: You gave up on the dog ?

"Pretty lame for a tamer..."

Morge: I have no reason not to kill you. Now tell me where Roronoa Zoro is.

Luffy: I don't want to !

"If you're gonna kill us anyways, what's the point in telling you ?"

Morge: Very well... KILL THEM, RICHIE !!!

Nami: the steel cage !!!

Boodle: the kid's gonna die !!

Luffy: Yes, the cage finally opened !!

"Luffy, always keep your eyes-

"-On your opponent... Huh."

Morge: that was instantaneous ! He talks back to me and that's what he gets. Now, maybe YOU will tell me where Roronoa Zoro is, if I kill him I'll earn an even better reputation.

"Sorry, but that's not happening anytime soon. Now take your oversized kitten with you and get out while you can still walk."

Morge: So you have chosen death... Richie, tear him to shreds !! ... Richie ?

But the beast wasn't listening, he has his eyes fixated on the giant bone I just summoned, drooling.

Morge: R... Richie... What are you...

A devilish grin crossed my face, as I just got a great idea about what to do now.

"He he he he... Now, who's a good boy ? Who's a god boy ? Yes you are, yes you are ! Now fetch ! Fetch the bone !!"

Throwing the bone left and right using telekinesis, the lion was jumping after it out of gluttony, desperately trying to get a taste of it.

Morge: Ri... Richie, stop !! Richie, I order you to stop !!

"Good boy ! Now fetch this one if you can !!"

Stopping the bone high in the air, then bringing it down at full speed on the lion's head, burying the lion deep in the ground.

Morge: Richie... What have you done !! Just who are you ?!

Baggy: Be careful about the white-haired one, he's hiding something.

"Right now, you should worry about yourself. You have one more foe left."

An arm grabbed him from behind, a VERY long arm, stretching from the rubble where Luffy was.

Morge: His... His arm stretched !! What are you too ?!!

Luffy: A long time ago I ate the Gum-Gum fruit.

Morge: Gum-Gum fruit ?! Could it be that you have gained abilities from eating a devil's fruit just like captain Baggy ?!

"Hold him well Luffy, now's the time to end this. Have a taste, of my Gaster Blaster !!"

Summoning the skull inches away from his face, the beam burned away a good part of his hair, and launched him veeery far away, disappearing from our sight.

Luffy: Good job Y/n ! That's one down !

Nami: Just who are you guys ?! How could you do that ?! I thought devil fruits were only a legend !

"I never ate one. I'm what you could call a 'psychic'."

Nami: But why did you stayed here to fight that guy ?! Why didn't you checked on your captain first ?!

"Two things actually. I knew Luffy was alright, being made of rubber and all. And second, if I just went away, I'm quite sure he would've devastated the store, Shushu's treasure."

Nami: Don't try to play that card with me ! Pirates are all the same, crushing everything precious to others !

"Think that if you want. Some pirates must have done horrible things to you before, but don't think all of us are the same. Now if you excuse me, I have a nose to punch."

Luffy: Wait for me, that guy had the guts to attack Zoro from behind, I can't let that slide.

Baggy: Morge was defeated ?! Prepare all the baggy special cannonballs that we have ! I'm gonna destroy this whole village ! I'm gonna turn it all to dust !!

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