Chapter 8: So "nose"-y

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Baggy: The stolen map of Grand Line has been recovered !! Furthermore, we've recruited a new crew member !! Our navigation is now perfect !! Now drink to your heart's content !! Then at the battlefield let us fight well !!

Baggy: Nami !! Are you drinking, you little rascal ?!

Nami: Yes, captain !! I'm drinking, captain Baggy !!

Pirate: Hey, newcomer ! let's have a drinking contest !

Nami: Okay !! Victory !

Nami: 'Hoo hoo ! My drinking capacity is endless ! If they just continue drinking like this, stealing their treasure will be easier than I thought ! Huh, pirates are so simple-minded, they're easy to be fooled !'

"Luffy these bars are made out of steel. I know you have good teeth, but you won't break them like that."

Luffy: I don't care, I wanna party too ! Good fortune has crossed their path... That's why pirate's life is so great !! Eh ?

Nami: So, how's it going "Bosses" ?

Luffy: Shut up and let me out ! I'm hungry too...

"Could you step aside a little ? You're in the way."

Nami: In the way of what... EEK !!

Right behind here, there was a small floating skull, about the size of my head, with flaming blue eyes and carrying a steak between its jaws.

Luffy: *Chomp* Thanks, Y/n, I needed that.

Nami: Uh... Don't you even see what situation you're in ? You're more likely to be sold to some place by these pirates. Don't worry, though, 'cause if my plans work smoothly, I'll open the cage's lock and help you run away since I have nothing against you guys.

Luffy: Then open it now.

Baggy: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !! You've got yourselves a pretty good follower there ! Thieves bosses !!

Luffy: What are you talking about ? She's not our follower ! We never met before !

Baggy: Yes, yes, you probably feel like saying something like that. Especially since you've just been betrayed. Even though I got my map back, it's still a terrible crime to steal from me ! Your fate has been chosen for you.

Luffy: Oh ! You're gonna let us go ?

I hit my head against the bars.

Baggy: Yeah, I'm letting you go... You think I'm that stupid ?!

I did it again.

Baggy: Boys !! Prepare the "Baggy special cannonball" !!!

Pirate: "Baggy special cannonball" ready, captain !!

Baggy: Alright, show them ! Show them it's power !!

'Meh, I can do that too.'

Baggy: The power is so great, this thing can wipe out this whole little village in one shot !! This and the power I have gained from the devil's fruit assure my future success at Grand Line !!

Baggy: Now, shoot the cannon, Nami ! And swear upon this, your loyalty and sincerity of the desire to rule The World with me !! Get rid of your old bosses once and for all !!

Nami: K-Kill these guys ? Me... ? N... No ! Captain Baggy ! I don't think that's necessary !! More importantly... Ah, yes ! Drink ! Let's drink ! Let's just ignore these guys !!

Baggy: Kill them.

Pirates: Kill them ! Just finish them off in one go !! Shoot !! Shoot !! Shoot !! Shoot !! Shoot !! Shoot !!

Nami: 'Oh no... Who would have thought something like this could happen... if I don't shoot I'll definitely... Die ! Even though these guys are pirates... If I just kill them like this, then there's no difference between pirates and me...'

Baggy: Nami !! Stop spoiling the fun, just hurry up and light it !!

Luffy: Your hand is shaking. The strong oath, is what a pirate has sworn himself at, and you lack the strength of that oath !

Nami: Ho, strong oath. Wonder what that is... Is it killing innocent people like insects ? Is that the pirate's oath ?

"No it's not... It's the idea of being strong enough for risking your life !!"

Pirate: Hey, new kid, stop wasting your time, let me do it ! Guess you don't know how to blow the cannon, huh ? You just have to put the fire, just against the cannon's fuse and light it...

Pirates: WHAT THE ?!

Nami: 'Crap... !! I didn't even realize what I was doing !!'

Baggy: Nami, you idiot ! What the hell do you think you're doing ! I actually gave you the honor of lighting the cannon's fuse because you're my new crew member !!

"Oh, so now you're saving us ?"

Nami: You idiots, shut up ! I did that not with that purpose !! Even though it was an act, I don't want to become anything like an evil pirate !! Pirates stole the life of someone who was precious to me, I hate pirates more than anything !!!

Luffy: Aah... So that's why you don't like pirates... AAAH !! The fuse, it's burning !! We're gonna die !!!

Baggy: You'll regret making a fool of me, bitch !! Kill her, painfully !!

Nami: the fuse... it's still...

Luffy: Dammit ! Someone put out that fuse !!

"That's all you had to ask, Luffy."

Next second, without anyone noticing, I was out of the cage, with the burning piece of the fuse ripped apart from the rest.

"There. Can't let that thing fire, especially since we were in the way."

Nami: You... How did you...

Pirates: Behind You !!

Zoro: Just how many of you are charging on one girl ?

"Hey Zoro, took your sweet time to get here."

Pirates: Zoro ?

Zoro: Hey, are ou hurt ?

Nami: N... No, I'm fine.

Luffy: Thanks goodness, you actually found this place !! Get me out of this thing, quick !

Zoro: Seriously, is this your idea of fun ?! You get caught by a bird and get carried away, and now when I finally found you, you're in a cage ?! Stupid !

Pirates: Hey, that guy... Z... Zoro ? Did he just say his name was Zoro ? The pirate hunter Zoro ?! Why the hell is he talking with thieves ?!

Nami: The crew member they were talking about... Was the pirate hunter Zoro ?! I don't understand... And is anyone going to point out the fact one of them just escaped the cage like it was nothing ?!

"I would appreciate if they don't."

Baggy: Zoro ? Yes you're definitely Zoro. Are you aiming for my head ?

Zoro: No, I've no interest in that, I'm no longer a pirate hunter, I have quit...

Baggy: But, I have some interest, if I kill you, my name will become even more famous.

Zoro: if you don't wanna die, then just leave me alone.

Pirates: Oooooohhh !! Kill him, captain !! Send Zoro off !!

Baggy: If you don't show your true skills now, you'll soon be covered in blood !!!

Zoro: Fine, if that's what you want...

Luffy: huh ?! that's guy's so weak ?!

Nami: Oh my god !

"Oh well, I guess that end this..."

Zoro: Yeah, he died really easily.

Meanwhile, the other pirates were slowly snickering at what just happened, not looking concerned in the slightest about their captain's death.

Luffy: Hey, Zoro ! Hurry and get me outta this thing !

Zoro: Okay.

Nami: 'What's going on with this pirates ? Their leader's dead but now they're laughing ?!'

Zoro: This thing won't open without a key, these iron bars won't slice.

"True, and even if I can blast them, it'll also mean having grilled Luffy for dinner."

Pirates: Hehehehe !! Aahahahahahaha !

Zoro: What is so funny ?! Just give us the key !! I don't want to fight yu guys !!

Luffy: they're pretty weird...

Zoro: !! URK !!

Luffy: ZORO ?!!

Nami: What ? That hand !!

Zoro: Damn it ! What the hell is it ?! The hand ! The hand is floating in the air !!!

"Don't look at me like that, it's not my doing."

Baggy: The section-section fruit... that's the name of the devil's fruit that I hate !! No matter how you try to slice me up, you can't because I'm a sectioned-man !!

Nami: He stuck his body back together ! I thought the devil's fruit was just a myth !

Luffy: A sectioned-man ? That guy's a monster !!

"Luffy, you're made out of rubber. Then again, who am I to talk ?"

Baggy: I see I've missed your vital body parts, Roronoa Zoro !! But it's still a pretty serious injury. It was an okay victory !

Zoro: 'Ugh... I actually knew that guy had eaten some kind of devil's fruit... I was careless !! He's winning for sure now. Dammit, I came to save them, but look at me now !!'

Pirates: The captain's so cool ! Go kill him off ! Send them away !

Nami: 'This is dangerous !! the situation's reversed !! if I just stand here like an idiot, those three, and obviously I also, will be killed !!'

Luffy: ... Stabbing from the back, that's dirty !! You big nose !!

Nami: That idiot, he should've said anything but that !!


"You of course, you see anyone else with a hooter on their face around here ?"


I completely and utterly 'noped' him by effortlessly stopping his hands for reaching me or Luffy.

Luffy: I swear, we're gonna take you down !!

Baggy: Oho... take me down ? PUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, You're gonna take me down ?! You're hilarious ! You four are gonna die right now on the spot ! PUHAHAHAHAHAHA !!

Nami: Everything's finished ! We're dead !

"Die right here ? Sorry, I haven't planned doing that anytime soon."

Baggy: And how exactly do you plan to take me down in this situation ?! Boys ! Laugh at them-

They all went completely silent after that.

"Good, now that I have all your attention, stay silent while I free my captain."

Luffy: Y/n, Zoro ! Run away !!

Zoro: What ?!

Nami: Hey... Your friends came to rescue you, but you're telling him to run away ?! How about you ?!

"Run away ? Got it."

Nami: 'Oh dammit ! Pirates are definitely hard to understand. that's something I hate about them !! I better hurry and think of a way to escape myself !!!'

Baggy: Stupid idiots ! You think I'm going to let you go like that ?! Fragment Cannon !!

"We never said anything about asking you the permission. Can you deal with these hands while I do the rest, Zoro ?"

Zoro: Yeah, leave it to me.

Baggy: Kahahahaha ! Are you really running away ?! You think you can escape from captain Baggy ?!

"Just for you to know, this is not running away. This is merely a tactical retreat !!"

The cannon glowed blue, and raised itself in the air, before completely returning, pointing the other side.

Pirates: AAAAAH !! Captain, he just pointed the cannon in our direction !!

Baggy: AAAAHCK !!! That thing still has a "baggy special cannonball" in it !!

"Now, light it ! Hurry !"

Nami: Eh ?! Y... yes !!

Baggy: Stop it !! Duck... !!

Zoro: I think this is a good time to go. Who are you anyways ?

Nami: me ? I... I'm a thief.

Luffy: That girl is our new navigator !

Nami: You're an idiot, aren't you ?! You're still on about that ?! If you've got time to say things like that then how about thinking of a way to get out of this cage ?!

Luffy: Hey, that's a good idea, I'll do that.

"No, don't worry. You can stay in this cage for now."

Baggy: Dammit, I'm not gonna let them escape !

'Too late for that, we're already gone'

Baggy: Where did those four go ?

Pirates: They're gone, captain !! Zoro ! Nami ! Even the cage ?! No way !! that cage took five people to drag it up here !!

Pirate: Crap, it's been stolen !!

Baggy: What has ?!

Pirate: The cage's key, it's gone !!

Luffy: Dammit ! If only I could open this cage !! Open !! Open !!

"This is quite a dangerous situation here. But I guess what we started must be finished."

Baggy: Those impudent fools !! They dare, to steal and toy with me, huh !!! Who am I ?!

Pirates: The pirate "Baggy the clown", captain !

Baggy: That's correct !!! Now I definitely know those idiots aren't just common thieves !! I now declare a war and withstand any fight to catch them !!!

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