Chapter 7: A pirate's thief

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Luffy: Ugh... I'm so hungry...

"Yes Luffy, we know. You've been repeating that for almost an hour now."

Zoro: it's weird that you have absolutely no navigation skills.

Luffy: Why ? We've always been just wandering !

"And besides, aren't you same as us, wandering and capturing pirates for rewards ?"

Zoro: I don't remember saying that I live completely off of rewards ! I was searching for a man, that's why I left for the sea. But now I can't find my way home. I had no choice but to start hunting pirates for a living, just to get a little bit for the living expenses...

Luffy: Oh, so you're lost ?

Zoro: Shut up ! You are the ones who're lost !! Geez... Never heard of pirates who don't know how to navigate ! How do you expect to go to Grand Line like this ? You should hurry and find a crew-mate who knows how to navigate !

Luffy: And someone who knows how to cook, and someone for singing...

"Luffy, those are NOT priorities. Well, maybe a cook is..."

Luffy/Zoro: Soooooo Hungry...

Luffy: Y/n, how long until we reach another island ?

"How should I know ? I can only tell you none of my scouts have found one yet."

Zoro: Scouts ?

Luffy: Yeah, those skulls he use to fight. They're smaller and connected to him, so he can see and hear through them.

"And no islands on sight, so it means no food either."

Zoro: hey, look ! A bird !

Luffy: It looks pretty tasty... Let's eat it !!

Zoro: And how exactly do intend to catch it ?

Luffy: I'll go get it ! Watch my specialty !! Gum Gum...

Zoro: I can't believe he though of that... Huh ?!

Luffy: Ahhhhhh !! Help meeeee !!

Zoro: You idiot !!!

"Luffy ! Wait !!"

Hopping on a G.B, I sped up, following the bird, while Zoro was forced to row.

Zoro: What the heck are you doing too, Y/n ?!

???: Hey... Stop the boat ! The boat over there, stop !!

Zoro: Huh ? There are people in trouble here too ? I don't have the time to stop ! You guys get on yourselves !

???: You... What did you say ?!

Zoro: heh, your climbing skills aren't bad !!

Pirates: Were you trying to run us over ?!

Pirate 1: Whew... thank god ! Why is this guy so reckless ?!

Pirate 2: Hey ! Stop the boat ! This the pirate Baggy territory...

Zoro: What ?!

Pirate 2: Hohohohohooho... We didn't know you were 'Pirate-hunter Zoro' ! We're really sorry...

Zoro: You three made me lose track of my friends ! Put some back into it ! If I don't find my friends, you three are in for it !! Oh yea, why were the three of you drifting in the middle of the ocean ?

Pirate 2: Yes yes yes ! Good question, you finally asked !

Pirate 1: That girl !

Pirate 2: Yea ! That bad girl !

Pirate 3: But, she's really cute too !

And so that one got hit again.

Pirate 1: the three of us just finished robbing a ship, and on the way back...

Pirate 2: Wahahahahaha !! So much treasure !! Who would have thought such a small ship would carry so much loot !

Pirate 1: Maybe captain Baggy will reward us for this !

Pirate 2: Hmm ? What's that little boat doing there ? There's someone fainted at the side of that boat !

Pirate 1: Oh ? It's a girl ?

Pirate 2: Hey ! What's wrong with you ? Are you dead already ?

Girl: Ahh... Am I dreaming ? I actually found someone... In this vast ocean... I don't know... Who you guys are... But... Please... Could you give me some water, please ? And if it's convenient, please provide me a small piece of bread... I... I was in a shipwreck...

Girl: If you want money... I'll give it to you... Please... Save me...

Pirate 2: Sure ! We'll save you ! But, can we see that treasure chest first ?

Girl: Sure... Please take whatever you want... But please give me water first...

Pirate 2: What's your hurry ! Let us take a look at the treasure first !

Pirate 1: yeah, yeah ! We'll save you, don't worry !

Girl: Well... Since you guys seem to like it so much, I'll give you the boat as a bonus ! He he !

Pirate 2: AH ?! That girl took our treasure and our ship !

Pirate 1: Hey ! This chest is empty !!

Girl: There's a bit of dark clouds toward the South... Found a cloud approaching !! the storm following it, the wind will pick up, and then that boat will sink !!

Girl: Bingo ! Bye bye ! I'm taking your treasure !

Pirate 2: Damn you ! You planned this !! Someone help us !!!

Pirate 2: And that's what happened... terrible, huhh ?!

Zoro: She can predict the weather... This girl must be something special ! Wonder if she'd join us...

Pirate 1: If I find her, I'm gonna kill her !

Pirate 2: First we got to get our loot back !

Pirate 3: Yeah... If we go back empty-handed, captain Baggy will...

Zoro: Who's Baggy ?

Pirate 2: He's our pirate leader, haven't you heard of "Baggy the clown" ? He's a dangerous man who ate one of the 'devil's fruit' !

Zoro: Ate a devil fruit... ?

Pirates: Stop ! You can't run from us !! Thief !! Give back our navigation map !!

Girl: huff huff ! I finally have it ! The navigation chart to Grand Line !!

Pirates: Damn ! If we don't get that map back, we're dead ! If we let the captain know what happened, we're gonna have an ugly death !

Pirate: Reporting in ! Captain Baggy, there's an unknown flying object in the air !!

Baggy: Use the cannon and shoot it down !

Pirate: Yes, captain !

Luffy: AAAAAAHH !!

Pirates: Someone... Just fell from the sky ?!

"Hey Luffy, you alright ? Don't scare us like that !"

Pirates: And now there's two of them !

Girl: What... ?

Luffy: Why did they shoot with the cannon ? Damn it... Well, at least I finally landed !

Pirates: What the ! He's still alive !

Girl: ... ! Oh, "Bosses" ! You're finally here... I've been waiting for you to save me !

"Do we... Do we know you ?"

Girl: I'll leave everything to you !

Pirate 1: Ah ! She ran off again !

Pirate 2: We don't have to chase that girl anymore, her "bosses" are still here !

Pirate 1: That's true, they're together anyways ! Am I right ? Boss ! That map was captain Baggy's treasure !

With his sword he striked, sending Luffy's hat to fly away.

"Oh well, now you've done it. You're all done for."

Pirate: What do you-

Luffy: Don't you dare... Mess up my hat !!

Pirates: You... Damn you !

Girl: Wow ! You guys are really strong ! You beat those guys with swords bare-handed !

Luffy: Ah ? Who are you anyways ?

Girl: I am a thief who only steals treasures from pirates ! The name's Nami, want to be partners ?

"After that little trick ? No thanks, but I'll pass."

Nami: Hang on a second ! What's with that hat ? When they nearly damaged it you got so mad ! Is it expensive ?

Luffy: this is my treasure !

Nami: Hyaa... treasure !! I wonder if there's any jewels inside it... Ah ! Maybe it's a treasure map ?!

Baggy: You still can not catch the thief... ?!

Pirate: W-We're in the middle of searching, captain !

Baggy: How on Earth did it get stolen so easily, you're talking about the Grand Line's map, right ? It got stolen ?! We were going to go into Grand Line soon... Then go in and start our business.

Pirate: Well, you see boss, we lost it through a bit of a mistake. The cabinet where the map was in still had the key in it's lock, and when that idiot left it on like that the key got lost...

Baggy: What did you say... ?!

Pirate: I said when that idiot guy left it on like that the key got lost...


(A/n: 'Left on it' and 'Nose' sound similar in Japanese)

Baggy: Does my nose look funny to you ? Like a round nose ?!

Pirate: N-N-No ! You misunderstood...

Baggy: What ?!? A BIG AND RED ROUND NOSE ?!? Die a painful death !

(A/n: Same thing, 'Misunderstood' sound like 'Big red nose')

Pirate: EEHHH ?! W-Wait, captain ! I never said... !!

Baggy: Who am I ?

Pirate: Ehlk ! B-Baggy... captain ! Ca... Can't breath !!

He was slowly being lifted off the ground by some unknown force, holding his throat in pain.

Pirates: It... It has appeared ! The power of the devil's fruit !

Baggy: Prepare the cannon !!

Soon-to-be-dead Pirate: I didn't do anything wrong... H-Help me !!

Baggy: blow him to smithereens !! recover the map ! And make sure you take all the village's treasures too !

Pirates: Y-Yes sir ! Captain Baggy !

Nami: Eh... So you two got separated from your crew... How many people are in your crew ?

Luffy: Counting us, we're three. Is this your house ?

Nami: No. I don't even know whose house this is, everyone in this village is hiding in a shelter outside of the town. They are trying to avoid conflict with the Baggy pirate fleet.

"He really is that scary ? I mean, he's named 'The Clown' after all..."

Nami: You better not make that kind of jokes in front of him. he's a famous pirate, known for his love of cannons. When a bunch of kids from a village where he once stayed made fun of his nose, he used a cannon to wipe out the entire village, and it's said that he's got a really strange power.

Luffy: But then why isn't there anyone in this village ?

Nami: I just said they're avoiding conflict ! What have you been listening to, all this time ?!

Luffy: Aha, so you, you're stealing from these empty houses !

Nami: That's despicable !! Didn't I just tell you I only steal from pirates ?!

"it's useless, Luffy never listen, unless the discussion is about food."

Luffy: Food ?! Where ?!

"See ?"

Nami: It's so tiring trying to talk with you ! Don't you dare compare me with those common house robbers !

Luffy: Hahaha Eh, calm down.

Nami: *sigh* My goal is to get a hundred million berry ! Then I'm going to buy a certain village !!!

"A village ? That's a lot of money, you must be really busy to gather it."

Nami: I've got a plan for that ! Look ! This is the Grand Line map I just stole ! I'm going to steal some treasure from this Baggy guy, then I'm going to go to Grand Line, and I'm going to steal from even greater pirates who carry much more treasures !! What do you think ? Don't you wanna team up and earn a bunch ? You both look strong, I could use your powers, and then you'll get your share too !

Luffy: by any chance, do you know how to navigate ?

Nami: yeah ! Of course I know ! Don't look down on me ! Navigation skills, well, there aren't a lot of people who know more about it than I do ! Especially since I love the sea !

Luffy: I see ! that's great ! we're also on the way to Grand Line !

Nami: really ?!

Luffy: yeah ! Hey, you could join our crew as our navigator, and...

"Luffy, I don't think she'll accept. We're pirates after all."

Nami: Pirates ?! So... You are pirates. Forget it ! We never had this conversation ! I don't want to team up with you.

"Told you. We should try to find someone else, and also look for Zoro."

Nami: Aah... Now I get it. You're going to use that map in your hat to find a treasure, right ?

Luffy: I told you there's no treasure map in it !

Nami: yeah right ! Then what is it ? Why call that stupid rag of a hat your treasure ?

Luffy: I got this hat ages ago from a friend, it's my precious treasure ! I swore myself to gather up a crew and become a pirate to the person who gave me this hat !

Nami: ... Huh, everything's pirate this, pirate that... It's a pathetically sad era ! The things I hate the most in this world... Are pirates !! I only like money and oranges !!

Nami: 'Damn it, are they just stupid useless pirates ? They doesn't look like they got anything to steal from, plus they doesn't seem like much help...'

Luffy: hey, come on, become our navigator !

Nami: You think I'm crazy ?! Shut up your damn pirate ! How many time do you want me to say that ?!

Nami: 'Hmm... okay !'

'I don't like that smile...'

Nami: Well, it looks like you're in a fix, so just under one condition, i'll consider it.

Luffy: really ? Thanks, we're kinda in a fix. But what's the condition ?

Nami: You both go with me to where Baggy is. That's all, that's all I want you to do.

Luffy: Okay okay, let's go ! Where's baggy anyways ?

Nami: Ah ! Hang on a second ! I've got one more thing to prepare !

"Um, Luffy, I think we should be more careful..."

Luffy: What's that rope ?

Nami: It's just a rope, you got a problem ? 'As if I'd ever become a pirate !'

Nami: Just at the end of this road... the bar where the pirates are staying is over there.

Luffy: But what now ? What do you wanna do here ?

Nami: that... You will find out soon, when we get there ! Stupid pirates !

Next thing we know we were both tied up with the ropes she was carrying.

Luffy: hey ! What are you doing ?!

"No but seriously, Luffy, there's something suspicious about that..."

Baggy: What !! You lost track of that map thief ?!! You three strong men chase after one thief and end up like this ?!

Pirates: We're really sorry captain ! B-But ! There was two really strong guys ! They... they were her bosses and one of them wore a straw-hat !

Baggy: Die a painful death !!!

Pirates: AAAAAH !!

Pirate: Captain Baggy !!

Baggy: What ?!

Pirate: The thief we just saw, she returned here herself !

Baggy: Okay !! bring her on... What ?! Came here herself ?!! Whatcha talking about ?

Pirate: Er... I don't know why... but she's here.

Baggy: Okay !! Bring her in then !!

Pirates: Aah !! these guys ! It's them, captain ! that's her bosses who fell from the sky !

Nami: I captured the thieves, Baggy the clown, leader of this pirate fleet ! I will return your map, too !

"Really, why can't I put my finger on it..."

baggy: I see, you're obediently returning the map to me. But... Why are you doing this ?

Nami: You see, I came into an argument with them ! I'm tired of it, please let me join the Baggy pirate crew !

Baggy: huh ? So you're tired of it now, eh ? Haha, you're a pretty amusing girl ! Okay ! I'll let you join as a part of my crew !

Nami: 'Sucess ! Now I'll just steal Baggy's loot and map, then get outta this village !'

Luffy: that mean girl ! See if I put her in my crew !!

"Don't say I didn't warned you, Luffy."

Pirate 2: We're here, master Zoro !

Zoro: What's this ? The village is empty ? I can see no one around...

Pirate 3: Yes... The truth is our Baggy pirate fleet is here at the moment, raiding this village.

Pirate 1: What do we do ? What can we say to captain Baggy ? We've got nothing now.

Pirate 2: We'll just have to tell him the truth ! We've no other choices, since that bitch must be out somewhere on the sea by now.

Zoro: I better meet that "Baggy" guy then... Cause I might be able to hear some information about Luffy and Y/n...

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