Chapter 6: The three-swords pirate

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Luffy: Yes ! We have a new companion !

Zoro: Okay, nice, now hurry and get these ropes off of me !

Soldier: That guy ! How the ?! How did he manage to repel those bullets ?!

Morgan: That rascal isn't normal... he must have eaten one of the 'devil's fruits' !

"You are surprisingly well-informed. You are correct, he ate the gum-gum devil fruit when he was a kid."

Soldiers: He ate one of the ocean's secret treasure ? Then, his special ability is due to this fruit ? Captain, that guy's gonna take off Zoro's ropes !

Morgan: Don't let him take them off ! If guns don't work, then use swords to kill him !

"Because you really though I would let you do this ?"

They all froze in their charge, glowing blue.

Soldiers: Nnng... Wh-What the hell ?! We can't move !!

"I can't have you attacking my captain without reacting. Hey, Luffy, you done yet ?"

Luffy: Damn, this knot is so hard to untie... How do I open this... ?

Zoro: Oi ! Hurry up !

"Oh well, we'll be here for some time..."

Koby: Ugh... Ah, did I faint ? What did... WAAAAAAAAAAAH !!!

Luffy: I can't concentrate, give me some time

Zoro: We don't have time for you to take your time ! Or maybe we do, actually...

Soldiers: C... Captain, we don't know what's happening ! What do we do now ?!

Morgan: You bunch of useless maggots... You're nothing without me, remember that. All who dare oppose me... MUST PERISH !!

He rushed forward, preparing a mighty swing from his axe, but when the dust of his attack cleared up, everyone could see that the hit was stopped, not by telepathy, he wasn't paralyzed, but his so-called invincible arm was blocked, by a single bone sticking out of the ground, not even dented by the attack.

"Hey, maybe next time, you could avert me before you attack, you almost scared me."

Morgan: What the... How did you stop my arm ?! You ate a devil fruit too, didn't you ?!!

Behind him, the soldiers were freed from the paralysis, due to me activating another one of my powers. And once they realized it, they rushed Luffy and Zoro like madmen.

"Oh yeah, Kinda neglected that problem... Luffy, you mind speeding up a bit ?"

Luffy: Don't worry, I already untied one side !

Zoro: Idiot ! Hurry and get me my swords !

Morgan: What the... ?!

Luffy: Oooh... Cool !

'I wished I could still do the same...'

Zoro: All of you better not move. The first one to move, I'll kill him !

Soldiers: 'Waah... How scary... !'

Zoro: I already told you I'd be a pirate with you... Anyway, after this incident with the navy I'll be an outlaw too. But it's okay, I still have my own goals !

Zoro: I'm going to become the world's greatest swordsman ! I no longer care if my name is clean or not... Bad guy, good guy, it no longer matters, as long as my name is known worldwide ! If any of you do something that ends up in the way of my goal, I will have to cut your stomach open to say sorry ! !!

Luffy: Good ! To be the world's number one swordsman ! Since you wanna be the pirate king's crew member, if you can't even accomplish something that small, then I would be embarrassed as well !

"That's well said, Luffy !"

Morgan: What are you maggots standing there for ?! Hurry up and finish them off !

Luffy: Zoro, duck ! Gum-gum...

Koby: Wow, that's so cool !!

Zoro: What are you guys... ?

Luffy: I am a rubber-man !

Soldiers: Ru... Rubber-man ? Captain ! We can't kill these three ! They're just too strong...

Morgan: This is an order... Whoever just said that, get a gun and kill yourself !! I don't need useless soldiers ! That's an order !

Zoro: What the hell do these dumb marines think they're doing ?!

"I don't think you understand. Right now, we are your enemies ! Luffy, interception !!"

Luffy: We are the navy's worst enemies ! If you have guts then try to execute us !!

Koby: Luffy, Y/n ! You have to beat him !

Morgan: People like you, without status... Have no right to oppose me ! I am navy captain, axe-hand Morgan !!

Luffy: My name is Luffy ! Nice to meet you !

"Luffy, in that kind of situation, casually introducing yourself is not something to do."

Morgan: Go to hell, both of you !

Koby: Wah ?! The fence broke into half just like that ?!

"Wow, if one of these hit, we might be in trouble... Keyword being IF."

He froze in place, left wide open for Luffy do sock him in the jaw with a nice kick, sending him rolling on the ground a little farther.

Soldiers: Captain, he...

Morgan: You little bastards ! Go to hell !

"Lead the way."

Luffy: We're not dead yet !

Koby: They're... So strong...

Soldier: Captain Morgan... He can only be kicked around !

Luffy: The great marine you pretend to be, you destroyed Koby's dreams and goal...

Hermepp: Wait ! You idiots, I told you to wait !

Hermepp: If you want this guy to survive, then don't move ! If anyone moves, I'll shoot !

Soldier: H-Hermepp... !

Koby: Luffy, Y/n ! I... I don't wanna be in your way... I'm not afraid of death !

Luffy: okay, I know !

"Hey, stupid, Koby's not afraid of death, so what you're doing is pointless !"

Hermepp: Hey ! Idiots, I tolod you not to move, or I'm gonna shoot ! I'm really gonna do it, so don't..


He froze, and slowly looked at the hand that was holding the gun, or more accurately, what was left of his gun, given the other half was being chewed by a menacing floating skull.

Hermepp: ... Heh... ?

"Welp, that's a problem solved, I'm leaving the rest to you Luffy."

Luffy: Okay ! Gum Gum...

Koby: Guys ! Behind you !

Morgan: I am... The great captain Morgan !

Hermepp: Daddy ! Hurry...

Luffy: ... PISTOL !!

The moment Hermepp was punched away into Oblivion, Morgan fell down, his chest cut open.

"Eh... Nice one..."

Luffy: ... Zoro !

Zoro: Leave it to me, captain !

Soldiers: The captain... he lost !! Captain Morgan has been defeated !

"Now, if some of you still want to arrest us, feel free to try."

Soldiers: ...

Soldiers: Yes !! We're free !! We are out of Morgan's control ! Long live the navy !!

Luffy: What's going on ? They seem to be happy that they captain was defeated.

Koby: Everyone... They hated Morgan ! He terrorized the same he terrorized the townsfolk !

"So we're not going to fight them ? Are you sure they don't wanna fight ? Even a little ?"

Luffy: No, now put away those things before someone gets hurt.


At that moment, Zoro collapsed on the ground.

Luffy: Huh ? Zoro ?!

"Hey, that's not my doing, I didn't even touched him !"

Zoro: Phew... I'm full ! Haven't eaten for nine days, almost starved to death !

Luffy: then it's impossible for you to last an entire month !

Zoro: Your so scrawny, how come you can still eat more than me ?!

"His stomach is also made of rubber, so it's really stretching."

Koby: Sorry... Even I ate quite a lot...

Mother: Don't worry ! Keep eating, you saved our town, after all !

Rika: You guys are so strong !

Luffy: Yep ! We are, and we'll get even stronger later on !

Zoro: yeah, that remind me, what are your plans next ?

"We're gonna head for the 'Grand Line' to find the legendary 'One Piece' !"

Koby: What ?! You're saying crazy things again ! Just you three, how can you enter the Grand Line ?! Don't you understand ? The world's strongest pirates all gather there !


Koby: Oww... Why'd you hit me again ?

"i dunno... I suddenly really wanted to."

Zoro: If we're going for the One Piece, it won't hurt to head that direction !

Koby: Zoro, even you're saying this rubbish !!

Zoro: What are you so worried about, it's not like you are coming with us...

Koby: Even though I'm not going... I will still worry ! Can't I ? Can't I worry about you guys ?

Koby: Luffy, Y/n... Even though we just met, and you've been hitting me a lot lately... We are still friends !

Luffy: Yep ! Even though we have to part, we'll always be friends !

Koby: ... I never had friends growing up... Every time I would be picked on... No one would ever stand up for me...

Zoro: First of all, you'd better worry about yourself !

Koby: Huh ? Why ?

"You just spent two years working on a pirate ship. If the navy learn about that, you can bid your dream farewell."

Zoro: Don't underestimate their ability to gather information. If they know, they won't let you join.

Lieutenant: Excuse me.

Lieutenant: We are wondering, is it true you three are pirates ?

Luffy: Yes, we just found our first crew member, so that would make us pirates now !

Lieutenant: I see... Even though you are pirates, you saved out town and base, and for that we are really grateful. However, since you are pirates, as the navy, we cannot allow you to stay in town any longer.

Lieutenant: Please leave this place immediately. As a thanks, we won't report the events that occurred here to the headquarters, though.

Citizens: Hey, navy ! What kind of bullshit are you saying ? Are you kidding us ? Or have you all gone nuts ?! They are the town's saviors !!

"Oh well, I guess this was bound to happen sooner or later..."

Luffy: Yes. Well then, let's go ! Thank you for the food, ma'am.

Koby: Luffy...

Lieutenant: hey, aren't you going with them ?

Koby: Eh... I... I...

Luffy: Even though we have to part, we'll always be friends !

Koby: I'm... Not... I'm not with them !!

Lieutenant: Please hold on... Is he telling the truth ?

Luffy: Well, I can tell you what this guy used to do before we met...

Koby: Luffy... 'What is he...'

Luffy: I can't remember where, but he used to be with this fattttt female pirate...

"Yeah, I believe her name was Alvida or something."

Koby: Stop... Don't say any more...

Luffy: It was a fat and ugly female pirate, this guy spent two years there...

Koby: 'Please ! Shut up...' SHUT UP !!

Everyone: ...

Luffy: You ! You deserve a beating !!

"How dare you hit the captain ! I'll make you feel sorry, you bastard !!"

Lieutenant: Both of you stop it ! I won't allow this town to get in any more fights !

Zoro: You went overboard, stop it !

Lieutenant: I know he isn't your friend ! Please leave this town immediately !!

Koby: 'They... they did it for me... They wanted to make me mad... Make me hit them... Even in the very end, I still needed their care... I am so damn useless... I am... An imbecile. If I don't take this chance, then everything they did will be a waste !!'

Koby: Please let me join the navy ! Even if it's chores, I will still do them !! 'Good ! I did well !'

Soldier: Lieutenant, I'm against it ! We cannot accept a person whose past is unclear to us ! There has been events where pirates have joined the navy to be spies ! So, we have to properly check his background before we can decide.


Lieutenant: ... Don't think we don't know your past as a 'pirate'. You underestimated our power, but I will still allow you to join !

Koby: Yes sir ! Thank you, sir !

Zoro: Nice act ! This way, even though he's been a pirate before, it wouldn't be such a big deal !

Luffy: I believe Koby will become stronger and more independent in the future.

"You're asking for an ostrich to fly here, but I'm confident."

Zoro: Well, time to go, or else there's no telling what will happen ! Not leaving anything behind, that's what pirates are all about !

Luffy: Ha ! That's what I'm saying !

Koby: Lu... Lu... Luffy !! Thank you very much ! I will never forget you guys for the rest of my life !

Zoro: A marine saluting pirates, what's happening here ?

Luffy: Hehe... Koby ! We'll meet again someday !

Lieutenant: Group, salute !!

Koby: Eh ?!

Lieutenant: You really have great friends.

Koby: Y... Yes sir !!

Lieutenant: We just saluted pirates, and therefore violated the navy's codes !! So, the punishment will be no food for a week !!

Soldiers: Sir, yes sir !!

Luffy: We're off !! Grand Line, here we come !!

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