Chapter 5: The great captain Morgan

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Citizen: H-He really did it !! He punched the captain's son ! Captain Morgan will be furious !

Koby: Luffy ! Stop ! Are you trying to pick a fight with the whole navy ?!

Luffy: Scum is scum... No matter who it's father is !

"He's not worth it, Luffy. Calm down a little. At least wait for his father."

Hermepp: Y-You hit me ! You actually hit ME ! No one has ever hit me ! Not even my daddy ! I'm captain Morgan's beloved son !!! I'm telling daddy on you !

Luffy: Don't run crying to papa ! Face me like a man !

Koby: Luffy ! Please stop !

Hermepp: You'll die begging for mercy ! You're a bunch of walking corpses ! Father will kill you, you booger-face !!

"So, what you're saying... Is that no matter what we do now, he'll come after us to kill us ?"

Hermepp: That's right!! I bet you're terrified now, huh ?!

"Well, to me, it only mean we can hit you without making our situation any worse.."

Hermepp: ... Huh... ?

"So, if you're going back to the base, why don't you use that nice shortcut right here ?"

Morgan: I'm so great !!

Soldier: Yes sir ! You certainly are, sir ! You're the great captain Morgan, sir !

Morgan: Then why are the tributes from the peasants... Ahem... Townsfolk... getting smaller ?

Soldier: Yessir, regarding your tributes... I believe the townspeople are now too poor to raise-

Morgan: It's not a question of how much they CAN PAY, it's a question of their RESPECT for me !

Next, he wasn't expecting his son to suddenly barge in his office, and even if he was, he would probably expect him to come through the door, not crash through the window, a blue aura around him slowly shrinking.

Hermepp: D-Daddy !!

Morgan: What's wrong, Hermepp ? Why the commotion ?

Hermepp: I want you to kill someone for me !!

"Yep, nailed it. I told you I could aim for that window from here !"

Koby: Now you've both done it...

Rika (The little girl) : You were so great, right now ! I feel a lot better now !

Luffy: Then I wish I'd given him a few more whacks for you !

Mother: Rika ! Get over here ! You shouldn't be talking to them ! If the soldiers think you're their friends, they'll kill you, too !!

Rika: But mommy, they're good persons ! And Zoro, he's a good-

Mother: What are you saying ?! You didn't go to the parade ground, did you ?!

Rika: Um... Well... No-o-o...

Mother: Hurry up, let's get inside...


Koby: They won't let you get away with this ! And captain Morgan has the whole navy behind him !

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. We need to warn Zoro about that now."

Luffy: hey, Zoro !

Zoro: You guys again... If this is about me joining your pirate crew, my answer is still NO !

Luffy: Call me Luffy ! I'll untie you if you join my pirate crew, Okay ?!

Zoro: You don't listen, boy ! I've got my own mission, and it doesn't involve becoming a stinking pirate !

Luffy: you're too good to be a pirate ?

"A bounty hunter who everyone thinks is some sort of demon ?"

Zoro: I don't care what people think. I live by my own code. I've never done anything I regret, and I don't intend to in the future. Which is why I'll never be a pirate !!

Luffy: ... Sorry, but I've made up my mind ! You're gonna join my crew !!

Zoro: I don't care what you've decided !!

Luffy: I heard you can use a sword.

Zoro: Hmph ! If I wasn't tied up, I'd show you...

"So where are they now ?"

Zoro: they took them from me. The captain's idiot son... Next to my life, those swords are my dearest treasures.

Luffy: Hmm... Treasures, huh ? Too bad they took them... I know ! We'll get your swords back from the idiot son !!

Zoro: What ?

Luffy: Then, if you want your swords back, you'll have to join my crew !

Zoro: YOU SNEAKY LITTLE RAT ! Hey ! Come back !!

Luffy: let's go, Y/n ! see ya soon !

Zoro: He's going into the fortress... That's one dumb pirate !

"That's Luffy for ya. Now if you excuse me, I have to go too."

Morgan: Okay ! Steady ! Stand it up !

Hermepp: Father !! Why aren't you hunting the brigands who hit me ?!! Even you never laid a hand on my lovely -yet masculine- face before !

Morgan: Hermepp... Do you know why I've never hit you ?

Hermepp: Well; of course because I'm your beloved s-


Hermepp: ARF !!!

Morgan: Why should I fight your battles ? You're big enough to wipe your own bottom. I don't mind if you use my status, but I only lay hands on people who defy me !! Don't fool yourself, YOU are not the great one ! I am great !! I am the GREAT ONE.

Morgan: I heard a little mouse snuck into my parade ground.

Hermepp: the little girl , I dealt with her, I-

Morgan: So you killed her.

Hermepp: What ?! No... I, uh... She was just a little girl and I... She didn't even know what she was doing...

Morgan: You ! Find her and kill her ! Child or not, ANYONE who defies me must suffer the penalty !

Lieutenant: Huh ?! But, captain, she's just a little girl... I wouldn't obey such a cruel order !

Morgan: Oh, wouldn't you ? You are a lieutenant in the navy, aren't you ? And I, a captain, am your superior officer, am I not ?

Lieutenant: Uh... yes sir...

Morgan: Then you are duty-bound to obey me !! If I say kill her, then you will kill her !!

Lieutenant: I... I won't murder a little girl !!

Morgan: MUTINY !!

Hermepp: You didn't have to kill him !!

Soldiers: Lieutenant !!

Morgan: No matter, the townsfolk must be taught respect. I'll handle it personally ! For years I labored to achieve this rank, and I did it by my own strength... At great personal cost ! Rank means EVERYTHING in this world, remember that ! My rank is the highest on this base, which makes me superior to everyone else here... That means everything I do is right !!! Is that clear ?

Soldiers: Yes sir !! You are the greatest, sir !

Morgan: This is a monument to my rank and power !!! It took years to build, but today it is finally complete. Raise my statue ! Put it at the highest point of this fortress as a symbol of my greatness !!

Luffy: That's funny.. there aren't any sailors around...

"Maybe it's lunch time or something ? Anyway, that's not helping us, we can't find Zoro's swords or even the idiot son that way..."

Luffy: huh ? I think there are voices up there. let's go check it out ! GUM GUM... ROCKET !!!

"Seriously, he can't just wait a little... oh well, my turn I guess."

I summoned a GB and hopped on it, heading for the base's roof on my own.

Morgan: HEAVE ! HEAVE !!

Morgan: What was that ?! Did you just bump it ?!

Soldier: Sorry, sir ! We were careless, sir !

Morgan: Swine ! Do you know how long I've waited fro this statue to be finished ?! And you've already scratched it !!

Soldier: Sorry, sir ! I'll pay to have it fixed !

Morgan: This statue is like my person ! Scratching it is the same as attacking me ! Let this be a warning to all !

Luffy: Whoa ! I overshot !

Soldiers: What's that ?! It came from below !!

To slow down his ascension, he grabbed the closest thing he could, being the ropes that were holding the statue, eventually leading to...

And as it wasn't enough already, the moment the upper half was about to fell over the edge, an energy beam surged from under it and completely vaporized it in a matter of seconds, soon revealing me in my GB, with another GB pointing upward.

"Alright, which one of you thought it would be funny to throw rocks like that ?"

Everyone: *Absolute gaspation*

"Oh... that was a statue ? Luffy, what have you done again ? Now say you're sorry."

Luffy: Yeah... Sorry about that.


Soldiers: Y-Yes sir !! Aye aye, sir !!

Hermepp: Daddy !! They're the ruffians who hurt me ! If you had killed them this would never have-

Luffy: We've been looking for you, you're coming with us !

Hermepp: L-Let me go ! Father ! Help !! Help me !

Soldiers: They're entering the fortress ! Get them !

Soldier: Captain ! Someone's in the parade ground !!

Morgan: What ?!! All these rebels defying me ! Kill them all !

Koby: What ?! Luffy and Y/n went into the fortress ?! Why are they so reckless ?!

Zoro: Yeah, I've noticed. Who are they anyway ?

Zoro: hey ! Now YOU'RE being reckless ! If they catch you freeing me, they'll kill you !

Koby: they imprisoned you unfairly ! I can't stand to watch the navy act improperly ! I'm going to become a proper sailor ! Just like Luffy's going to be the king of the pirates !

Zoro: What ?! King of the pirates ?! Does he even know what that mean ?!

Koby: Ha ha... I was shocked when he first told me, too. But he'll succeed or die trying ! that's how he is !

Soldiers: They there are ! Get them !

"Now, stop resisting and tell us where are Zoro's swords !"

Hermepp: I-I'll tell you ! Just stop dragging me !

Luffy: okay, tell us !

Hermepp: They're in my room ! We passed it a long way back.

"Why didn't you told us that sooner ! We're wasting time !"

Hermepp: Aaarg ! Stop hitting me !!

Soldiers: Drop the captain's son, or we'll shoot !

Luffy: I don't want to.

"Now go ahead and shoot, if you want."

Hermepp: DON'T SHOOT !! DON'T SHOOT !!

Soldiers: They're using Hermepp as a shield !!


Koby: AAAAAAH ! I've been shot ! B-Blood ! I'm bleeding !! AAAH !! I'm gonna die !!!

Zoro: Good ! You're alive ! Now get outta here ! They're on their way down.

Koby: Hff Hff... But... I haven't untied you...

Zoro: Don't worry about me. I just have to survive the month and they'll let me go. So just beat it-

Koby: They're not going to let you go ! You're going to be executed three days from now !!

Zoro: What are you saying ?! That idiot promised me ! If I survive here for a month, I'll be set free !!

Koby: he never intended to keep that promise ! That's why Luffy and Y/n attacked Hermepp ! Because they found out he lied to you !!

Zoro: What ?! So, that thing soaring up the sky from the town below was really Hermepp ?!

Koby: Exactly ! The navy is your enemy now !! Please, if I untie you, will you help Luffy and Y/n ?! They saved my life ! I won't ask you to become a pirate, but... they're really strong and so are you ! If you three team up, you can escape from here ! Please, help them !

Soldiers: Stay where you are ! Captain Morgan has ordered your immediate execution !!!

"Alright, this has to be the right door !"

Luffy: Hey ! There are the swords ! See, you didn't have to bust the entire place with your beams !

"Yeah yeah, whatever. let's grab the swords and head out."

Luffy: But... there are three swords ?! Which ones are Zoro's ? And that guy fainted ?!

"Hmm ? What's... What's going on down there ? Koby ?!"

Morgan: Surround the fortress !! If those white haired and straw hat rascals escape, you'll all be sorry !!!! You four aren't simple outlaws, are you ?! You're trying to overthrow me !!

Morgan: Roronoa Zoro ! Peasants and pirates may tremble at your name... But you're no match for the great one ! You may be a barracuda, but I'm a great white shark !

(Hody Jones: *sneeze*)

Morgan: TAKE AIM !!

Zoro: 'I-I... I can't die yet ! There's something I have to do...

Zoro: I promised her ! I can't die yet !!

"There's no time for choose ! Just take all the swords and get out of here !"

Luffy: Got it ! GUM-GUM... ROCKET !

Morgan : FIRE !!!!

Zoro: YOU ?!

Koby: Luffy !!!

Morgan: Stray hat...

Luffy: Ungh... !! BULLETS CAN'T HURT ME !!

Soldiers: LOOK OUT !!!

"Just in the neck of time Luffy, great job !!"

Zoro: Who are you ?! No, WHAT are you ?!

Luffy: I'm the guy, who's gonna be king of the pirates !!!

"So, which swords are yours ? We didn't know, so we brought all three."

Zoro: They're all mine. I practice Santoryu, three sword style.

Luffy: Look, if you fight the navy with us here and now, in the eyes of the government, you'll be one of the bad guys !

"Of course, you could obey the law, and simply let them kill you."

Zoro: You must be demon spawn... But I'm not ready to die without a fight ! All right ! You've got yourself a pirate !!!

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