Chapter 117: To the seas of adventure !

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Soldier: Detachment of the first pillar has been completed. Mr.Rob Lucci of CP9 and Strawhat Luffy are in the first pillar.

"What the..."

Sanji: They destroyed half of the bridge !! What's going on ?!

Nami: The warships are coming this way !!

Officer: All ships: Form a battle formation around the bridge of hesitation. We have confirmed that there are 10 pirates, including Pirate hunter Zoro, Nico Robin, and Y/n "Sans" L/n on the bridge and the convoy.

"They're coming to get Robin back..."

Nami: We won't let you do that !

Officer: They are probably the main force who defeated the CP9 in the tower of justice.

Soldiers: But what kind of people are they... ?! Since CP9 reigned over Enies Lobby, the legend about how it never fell remained intact for the past 800 years. But now its members have been defeated by pirates, and their captain is on par with Rob Lucci... I guess Strawhat Luffy isn't an ordinary rookie.

Officer: But he won't be able to defeat Rob Lucci. And the annihilation of this gang is imminent... this rubbish evil attack will be put to an end right here !!

Sogeking: Hey !! Look over there !! LUFFY !! WE'RE HERE !!

Franky: We all got to the bridge safely !!

Sogeking: Don't worry about us,Luffy !!

Sanji: We got Robin-Chan safely, too !!


Zoro: In the end, this is what it comes down to. A game of endurance...

Lucci: ... For now, all of you are alive, just like you said... Good job... But it'll be worth seeing if they can keep the same face in a few minutes. "Evil" will not prosper in this world !

Officer: We have no need for people with a rank below that of a Lieutenant-Colonel to go to the front. Assault unit consisting of 200 colonels and commodore only. Take care of them immediately.

Sogeking: He- Headquarters colonels ?! But... That's the same rank as Smoker ?! There are so many of them !!

Zoro: it's simply proof that they're scared of us... Orders ?

"Hm ?"

Zoro: The captain isn't here, so it's up to you to give us orders now.

"... Rip and tear... Until it's done."

Zoro: Very well.

Sogeking: Eh ?! Huh ?! Where's Sanji ?! He was here a minute ago !!

Zoro: What ?! Where the hell did that idiot cook go ?!

"You'll worry about that later. He got special orders."

Nami: We've got to move away from the ship !! If they inflict damage to this ship, we won't be able to escape !

Robin: i'll never get caught by them !

Chopper: I... I can't move !


Sogeking: What are they... ?! I can't hit them !

Franky: Watch out !! There are Devil Fruit users, too !!

Robin: Is that so ? Well, they aren't the only ones !

Kokoro: We're hostages !!

Chimney: We're weak and defenseless !!

"We have but one goal ! Keep holding on until Luffy gets here !!"

Lucci: What's up ? It seems like your doping technique has lost its edge. After all, it's impossible for you to escape Enies Lobby. So I was right ! Even if this island lost its shape, I'll pursue that woman to the end of the Earth, and obliterate her and anyone else who gets in the way of the World Government, all in the name of "Dark Justice" !

Luffy: If we've come this far, it's to set Robin free from such a thing !! JET STAMP !!

Lucci: ... ROKUOGAN !!

Sogeking: Luffy !!

Zoro: hey, watch out !! Why are you dozing off ?!! Soge...


Soldiers: ... What are those pirates ? Such dreadful fights... they are on par with the colonels.


Luffy: ... Haa... Haa... Usopp... ?! You... You're here...?!

Usopp: ... D- Don't misunderstand me !! I only came here to rescue Robin !! It's not like I came here to see your face !!

"... Idiot."

Usopp: Hey, you !! The boss cat of CP9 !! I'll be your opponent ! Come get me !!

Luffy: Eh ?! Hey... Don't... !! Don't try !! You... Haa... Don't start it !!

Lucci: I have no business with someone who has already been defeated. I'll kill everyone anyway.

Usopp: Right, come here, boss cat !! I'll blow you away !!

Luffy: Are you an idiot ?! Stop it, Usopp ! You'll get killed !!



Usopp: THEN STAND UP RIGHT AWAY !! And don't act like you're about to die !! It's not like you !! Even if there are billows of smoke, we can still see the sky ! We can still see the ocean !! IT AIN'T LIKE IT'S HELL HERE !! DON'T ACT LIKE YOU ARE ABOUT TO DIE !! Don't make me worry too much, damn it !!

Luffy: I know... This isn't hell or anything like that... !!


Luffy: OF COURSE !!

Lucci: ... You could still move ?

Luffy: I never said... Anything about giving up !

Soldiers: The first pillar is... ! What just happened ?

Luffy: Haa... It's over... All is well... WE'RE GOING BACK TOGETHER, ROBIIIIIN !!

Soldier: R- Reporting to all warships !! Mr.Rob Lucci of CP9 has just been defeated by the pirate STRAWHAT LUFFY !!

Soldiers: WHAAAT ?!! Impossible... !! Even Mr.Rob Lucci, the leader of the strongest CP9 group in the history of Cipher Pol, has been defeated by the pirates... !!

Usopp: W- Wuu... Lu-... LUFFY WON !!

Zoro: heh. Got me scared for a moment.

Franky: You finally did it, Strawhat !!

"Now's not the time to rejoice yet ! We still need to get away !"

Nami: Guys, get on the escape ship now !! we'll set out !!

Chopper: yay !! Luffy !!


Franky: Eh ?

???: I- Idiot, they'll hear us !!

Officer: Hey, whose voice is that ?!

???: It's okay, we're letting them know !!

Soldier: I don't know, sir ! it's coming from somewhere through a Dendenmushi !

???: Bro !! BROOO !!

Usopp: W- Whose voice is that... ?! Who ?!

???: Stop !! if we ran away quietly, they'd just think we're all dead !!

Franky: Guys... !!

"The devil's luck, heh ?"

Officer: Aren't those the pirates that we finished off at the main gate ?

Soldier: Impossible... ! I'm sure they all fell to the bottom of the ravine... !! there's no way they could have survived... !!

Family: Don't push ! Or the rope's gonna snap !

Paulie: Idiots, Galley-La's ropes don't snap ! ... Shit, they should've kept their mouths shut.

Zambai: WE'RE ALL SAFE HERE !! The giants took all of the bombardment for us !

Paulie: The warships are gonna come again ! let's run, quick !

Kashii: Hurry up and climb, guys !

Oimo: Blood's rushing to our heads !

Zambai: We have a way to escape, so don't worry about it !! We'll see you guys later, alive !!

Franky: ... ... ...

"... You okay there ?"

Franky: ... GUUUUUUYZ !! VIDIOOOOOD, I WOULD DEVER VORRY ABOUT YOU GUUUYZ ! VOOOOO !! Yeee ! Zou's hidiods zar abriive !! Abriiive !! Ahrm zo glayd ! Ahm zo happeeyy ! Oooh !!

Zoro: yeah, that's good news ! But it'll all be meaningless if you die, won't it ?!

Franky: Ayup, ayup, zat's ride, ayup... NOW BRING IT ON, BABY !!

Soldiers: Shall we head to the main gate immediately ?!

Officer: Not now ! This is more important ! Don't take your eyes off Strawhat in the first pillar !

Soldier: Y- yes, sir, but... ! Pirate Strawhat Luffy is also gravely wounded, and doesn't seem to be moving from the spot at all !

"What ?!"

Usopp: Hey !! Luffy !! Hurry up and come here !! if we don't get away, we won't survive !! What's wrong ?! we're almost out of here !! use your Gum-Gum and jump over here !! I'll carry you from here ! We're surrounded by the ocean and warships !! You'll be killed if you stay there !!

Soldier: It seems that the pirates are planning to escape using the convoy !

Officer: Hrm...

Luffy: Haa... can't... My body... Won't move, at all !

Usopp: Don't be silly !! You won the battle ! We got Robin back, too ! All that is left is to go back !! Please !! You can do it !!

"Leave that to me, i'm gonna get him."

Nami: We can take the ship to the pillar where Luffy is !! Everyone, get onboard !!

Officer: FIRE !!

Nami: EH ?! NO !! Our escape ship !!

Franky: What the hell ?! We're doomed !! That ship was our only way outta here !! Kokoro !! Chimney, Gombe !

Nami: CHOPPER !!

Sanji: Gwah !! THEY'RE... SORT OF SAFE !!

Chimney: I'm dead !!

Nami: Oh, cool ! Sanji ! Where have you been all this time ?!

Sanji: Yeah, sorry, I had some errands to run !! But oh man, what a mes !! Since we have Robin-Chan on our side, I didn't think they'd fire at the ship, but... !

Soldier: That's it, pirates !! Let go of the elderly ! Be good kids and just di-

Kokoro: It's not the time for that !!

Officer: Fire !! Chase them to the second pillar !!

Sanji: Shit !! The bridge is gone !! we're trapped on the pillar !

Nami: there's nothing we can do anymore !!

Franky: We'll just have to fight all of 'em here... !!

Usopp: Don't be stupid !! There's gonna be a bunch of stronger ones coming out !!

Officer: Aim all cannons at the first pillar ! Obliterate, Strawhat Luffy immediately !

Zoro: Luffy's in danger !! We should at least get him to this side !!

Luffy: gah... Shit !

Usopp: LUFFY !!

Robin: It's no good. Even if I try to pull him, he'll fall into the ocean on the way here.

Nami: Luffy !! Stand up !! Please !!

Sanji: Can't you do anything at all, Luffy ?!

Luffy: U- Ugh... Haa... Crap... I'm really screwed... !!

"... This... definitely counts as a desperate situation."

Luffy: Huh ?

"Luffy. What are, your orders ?"

Luffy: ... No... You can't !

"You're the one who ordered me to never go that far again. But if we stay here, every single one of us is gonna die. As long as I'm part of this crew, I'm bound to your orders, so you're the only one who can get us out of that. So, Luffy... Your orders ?"

Luffy: ... You know how far that can go.

"I wouldn't asking for permission if I didn't."

Luffy: We have no other choice. Permission granted.

"About time. Don't worry about side-effects... This will only take..."

"An instant."

Usopp: Wh- who is it ?! Whose voice is that ?!

Franky: ... ?! Are you talking about my men ?!

Usopp: No !! Not that voice !! It's been around for a while !

Officer: Firing at Strawhat Luffy in the first pillar in 5 seconds...


Officer: What ?!

Soldier: Reporting from warship 2 !! we've suffered heavy damages, and the reinforced hull has been breached !! All artillery cannons are out of order ! We're sinking at an alarming rate !!

Soldier: Warship 5 here !! Something has pierced through the entire hold ! The ammunition stock is on the verge of exploding, and the fire's spreading to the entire ship !!

officer: What in the name of-


Officer: How the- GWAAAAAAH !!

Soldiers: Vice-Admiral !!

"... This is as far as I can go... But this will do... Armageddon."


Officer: What happened ?!

Soldiers: We have no idea !! It all happened in an instant, but three warships were just destroyed !!

Officer: ... Strawhat Luffy was talking with his vice-captain just a minute ago... Was that purple flash...

Luffy: Haa... below ? ... Look below ?

Usopp: I can't really hear it !! What ?! Below...

Nami: Who ?!

Chopper: It said, "Look below" !!

Chimney: What are you talking about, reindeer ?!


Zoro: Usopp ?

Usopp: Robin !! Can you drop Luffy into the ocean ?!

Robin: leave it to me !!

Zoro: idiot !! Are you trying to kill yourself ?! Being desperate won't save you !!

Usopp: We'll survive !! Have you forgotten ?! We still have... We still have one more friend !!

Nami: Chopper, sis you look below ?

Chopper: I DID ! JUMP !!

Robin: Cien Fleur, Delphinium !

Luffy: I'm moving ! Robin ?


Soldiers: The pirates are jumping into the ocean !!

Officer: Idiots !! There's no way they can survive in the ocean ! HAVE YOU GONE MAD, PIRATES !!

Usopp: Follow Luffy !!

???: Let's go back, everyone ! Back to the sea of adventure again !!


Luffy: MERRY !!

Merry: I've come to take you home !!

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