Chapter 12: Baggy the clown

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* * :Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Luffy: red-haired ? Do you know Shanks ?!

Baggy: Mmm ? What's this ? Looks like you are considerable interested. I know him, but why do you want to know ?

"You know where he is now ?"

Baggy: Where... ? Well, if I know then I know, and if I don't know then I could also not know anything at all.

"You done saying stupid things ? You idiot."

Baggy: Who're calling an idiot, you uncivilized buffoon !!

Baggy: I'm saying that I'm not nice enough guy to tell you information that you want to know, even if it's your last wish before you die...

Luffy: Then let us make you say it by force !

Baggy: Kuhahaha ! Before you hear it, you're going to be dead. Even though you are made of rubber, blades will not bounce off you.

Luffy: Mm, that's right.

"Luffy, stop telling your weaknesses to all your enemies."

Baggy: Fragment...

But Luffy easily dodged by juming over that attack.

Baggy: Moving here and there in the air, is most likely impossible !!

The knives all stopped, like time froze for them, all glowing blue.

"Say that again, only where you actually hit something. But it's really nice of you to supply me some weapons. Now how about you try to dodge them all ?"

Baggy: You already forgot ? Knives won't hurt me ! You're wasting your time !

"I'm not doing this to wound you, but to restrain your movements !"

Luffy: Now that he's immobilized...Gum-Gum Pistol !!

Baggy: That's an interesting ability, but... An arm that's stretched to it's limit is full of weaknesses !

Behind him, Luffy's hand grabbed a wall, and used it to close the gap between him and his enemy, calling back his arm.

Baggy: I'll tear it to shreds !! Huh ?!

Luffy: Gum-Gum...

Baggy: Fragment emergency escape !!

Luffy: ... Scythe !!

Baggy: Kuhahaha ! You're not much of a treat, Gum-Gum...

"Neither are you, fragment-guy. Gaster Hammer !"

Baggy: *SBUNK* GACK !!

I don't really know how heavy that bone was, but simply judging by how it immediately put his head back in place, it must be pretty heavy.

Luffy: Damn ! Separating into sections...

Nami: H... How is it possible for such a fight... I feel as though I'm dreaming...

Pirate: Hey... Did you just see that ?

Pirate: Idiot, pretend you've fainted. We've got no chance of living, if... If we get caught into a fight like that.

Baggy: Fragment cannon !!

He launched his hand, several knives stuck between his fingers, and Luffy barely stopped it from skewering his face.

Baggy: Separate !!

he splitted on his wrist's level, and his hand resumed its movement, slightly cutting Luffy's cheek, as well as something else.

Luffy: You... You bastard !!

Baggy: What ? You're so pissed that your face is scarred ?

"No, but now you're just so done for. I'll go at your funeral if you want."

Luffy: How dare you mess up this hat !!!

Baggy : What ?

Luffy: This is my treasure !! I will never forgive anyone who messes up this hat !!!

Nami: 'I thought this guy was someone who'd never get agitated at anything, but he's so pissed off right now...'

Baggy: ... Is the hat that precious to you ?

Luffy: Yeah, you bastard !

"Luffy, behind you !!"

He barely dodged the knife Baggy's hand threw at him from behind, but in order of doing so, he exposed his hat for a split second.

Baggy: If it's that precious to you then why don't you protect it properly !!!

Shanks: This hat is my gift to you.

Baggy: Kuhahahahaha ! What sort of treasure is that rag-like hat ?!

Shanks: That is my favorite hat, you know. When you become a great pirate in the future, you'll return that hat to me.

Luffy: That's the hat I swore myself to give back to Shanks !!!

Baggy: What ? This is Shanks's hat ?! I thought it looked familiar !! Me and him used to be in the same pirate ship. To rephrase that, he was my comrade when we were still pirate trainees.

Luffy: Shanks is a great man... You say that he was your comrade ?!

Baggy: Fragment emergency escape !!


Nami: May I know why you're not helping him fighting ? Isn't he your captain ?

"I'll intervene if I judge Luffy is really in danger, not before. This is his fight, not mine, it's personal matter for him. Besides, it is pretty obvious he has the matter in hand here."

Luffy: Dammit, how dare you treat my treasure like that !! You even spat on it ! it's your own saliva, so take it back !!

Baggy: Arg ! Eck eck !! That's dirty, stop it !!

Luffy: Shanks being your comrade, don't you dare repeat those words ever again !!

Baggy: huh... Even though I don't know what sort of relationship you had with Shanks, it's my own choice how I can speak of him !! take this ! Fragment...

Luffy: Stay still !!

Pirate: Hey... isn't our captain... Kinda losing ?!

Pirate: D... Don't say such stupid things ! Do you think captain Baggy will actual lose ? His real skills will start now ! ... Most likely !

"You'd better continue to play dead, or I'll make sure you don't have to play anymore."

Pirates: Eek !

Nami: Hey... I was so fascinated, I kept on watching. I've got to quickly steal the warehouse treasure and run away.

"Suit yourself. I don't care what you do, as long as you don't pull another trick like last time."

The villagers' shelter place:

Glasses villager: Its too strange... It's been so long and the chief still hasn't returned...

Old villager: that man... Making the townspeople worry...

Villager: Something definitely happened in the village, and we've also heard a couple of cannon noises...

Old villager: Aright, I'm going to go check out the village and return shortly. You all wait here !

Villager: You mustn't go alone ! I'll go too.

Old villager: Fool ! The ones at the village are pirates ! Baggy's crew is known for being low and dirty !

Villagers: that's why we really have to go ! If we can't protect our own chief, how could anyone call us villagers ?! it's useless to try and stop us, since it's a voluntary action we're all taking !

Old villager: ... *sigh* Do whatever you want.

Villagers: Let's go !!

The town:

Baggy: Throughout my whole life, even until today, there was not been a single person who has made me madder than he did !! That bastard, he... he took a tremendous amount of treasure from me !!! I will never forgive him...


Pirate: Oooh, they're fighting again ! Hahaha, fight, fight ! Don't lose to each other !!

Baggy: It's the North Pole !!

Shanks: No, it's the South Pole !!

Baggy: You're still insisting on that, moron !

Shanks: Of course ! I'm telling you I'm right !!

First mate: Enough is enough !! You two always gonna fight or what ?! I can't see why whether the North Pole or the South Pole is colder has to do with you !! If you want to know so badly, go to both places and check for yourself !! Idiots...

Watch: A vessel is coming from the North West !!

Pirates: Okay, attack !! let's start the action !!!

Shanks: Looks like you're all fired up, Baggy.

Baggy: A vessel's another name for a treasure box !! The most important thing to a pirate is his loot !!

Shanks: Well, that's one thing...

Baggy: It's not just one thing, it's everything !! Too nice for your own good. You and this ship's pirates, you don't treat treasure seriously enough !! You don't know what a pirate really is !!

*Insert battle scene*

Baggy: huh ?! This... T.. T-T-T... T... T... Treasure map !! First time seeing one !!

Baggy: It was a map that had a huge amount of treasure lying on the sea-bed marked on it. I was really shocked !

Baggy: 'Aahaaaa, no one could've seen. Who wouldn't keep this to themselves.'

Baggy: Yahoo !! From now on, my life's worries will end and happiness wil come !!

Pirates: Hahahahaha ! Today we have another delightful victory !! Drink, drink to your heart's content, raise your voice and sing !!

Shanks: hey, Baggy... let's celebrate together ! We found a weird treasure, too !

Baggy: W... W... What do you mean treasure... I didn't do anything at all !! I don't know anything !!

Shanks: What are you talking about ?

Baggy: We too one day, will get off this ship.

Shanks: Of course we will... If I get to have my own ship, I'm planning to go around and see the world. As a pirate, of course.

Baggy: Hehehe !! talking about nonsense as usual !

Shanks: Oh yeah ?!

Baggy: I can understand and accept your fighting skills, if wasn't for your crazy way of thinking, I wouldn't mind taking you in as my crew member...

Shanks: Your follower ?! Like I want to be !! because we think so differently we just need to travel the path that each thinks best. that's what a pirate's life is like !

Baggy: Hahaha !! it's funny to hear things about pirates from your mouth, but if that happens, then when we meet each other at sea again, we'll meet as enemies !

Shanks: Yep, that's just another part of a pirate's life.

Baggy: What the hell you're talking about... ? Hey, didn't you just say something about some weird treasure ?

Shanks: Hmm... yes, we've got this "devil's fruit". I once heard that the devil's fruits are all the sea-devil's incarnations. If you eat it you'll gain a special ability, but you won't be able to swim anymore. The captain said that whoever wants to eat it can have it.

Baggy: Kuhahaha ! Who would be stupid enough to eat that thing ? A pirate unable to swim is completely useless... 'Scary... Anyone who eats that sort of things is no doubt a real idiot. If there's a treasure lying on the seabed and you can't swim, then you can't go and get it !'

Shanks: But that odd fruit... Turns out it sells for around 100 million berry if you can believe it.

Baggy: WHAT ? IS THAT TRUE ?!! 'if it's one hundred million berry then it's more than the selling price of 10 A-ranked treasure boxes !! The treasure goddess must be smiling at me right now !!'

Baggy: Pirate trainee Baggy ! He will eat the devil's fruit !!!

Pirates: Hahahaha... being young is a wonderful thing, since can be so carefree. Good going Baggy, I have more respect for you now !!

Pirates: Oooh, he ate it ! He actually ate it ! So how is it Baggy ? Fell any difference in your body ?

Baggy: No... Not really...

Pirates: What ?! Was it a fake ? Well the story of the devil's fruit was a rumored story from the start...

Baggy: 'Kekekekekeke !! You've got it exactly right ! What I just ate was a fake fruit I spent all night working on and switching.'

Baggy: Everything turned out as planned !! I don't need to be a pirate trainee anymore. I better get off this ship before anyone finds out. With the money from selling the fruit and the treasure from the map, I could form the best pirate crew in the world and steal the most valu-

Shanks: Yo Baggy, whatcha doing here ?

Shanks: Your face sure is a sight.

Baggy: 'W... What the, so it was this idiot. Scared me half to death.'

Shanks: Don't steal too much food, the cook will get mad !

Baggy: 'Phew... The danger has passed...'

Shanks: Oh yeah ! If I think about it the captain just...

Baggy: *GULP* !!


Shanks: What is that ? That piece of paper...


Shanks: Hey !! Baggy ?!

Baggy: 'What the... My body can't move properly...' He... Help... !! Someone save me !!

Shanks: Hey, Baggy, what's going on ?! Swimming's your specialty !

Pirates: What the ? What's going on, Shanks ? What's that guy doing ?

Shanks: I'll save you...

Back to present:

Baggy: So I... Ate a hundred million berry worth fruit... And became unable to swim !! And I also missed the treasure lying on the seabed !!

"You were even more stupid back then. Everyone knows that the South Pole is the coldest one."

Baggy: I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT THAT PART !!! Because of that idiot my future life plans were postponed for ten years !!! So that's why I promised myself !! If I can't get anything under the sea then I'd settle for every treasure above it !!! With this devil's fruit power !!

Baggy: because of that, whoever touches my treasure... Whoever that is I never LEAVE THEM ALIVE !!!

Nami: Eh ?

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