Chapter 13: Our navigator

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Baggy: Put my treasure down !!

Nami: Crap ! He noticed me !!

Baggy: Since when did you think you could fool me, Nami !! let me send you painfully to the netherworld !!!

His upper half was flying around, while his lower half was just standing there not moving. And by the looks of it, me and Luffy had the same idea about it.

Baggy: I'm not giving you a single thing !!

Nami: GYAAAAA !!

Nami: Huh ?

Looking behind, his lower half was being maltreated by the two of us, Luffy kicking the front quite hard, while a bone was sticking "somewhere" on the back of it.

Baggy: ARRRGHHH !! D... Damn you kids !! How dare you attacking my bottom half... !!

Luffy: Your opponent is still me !

Nami: I'm alive...

"Hey, you should put that treasure down and go somewhere safer ! He's going to chase you otherwise !!"

Nami: Put the treasure down and go ?! I don't want to !! Why would I leave my treasure behind ?!

Baggy: Y... Your treasure ?!

Nami: Of course !! Since I'm a pirate-treasure thief and I just stole from a pirate, I'm telling you this treasure is mine !!

Luffy: Ah... I see.

"Well, hooter-face also stole this treasure to begin with, so I guess that makes sense. I think."

Baggy: What nonsense !! That treasure's mine !! Do you think that if you steal it it's yours ?!! How the hell were you brought up ?!

Nami: A lecture from a pirate ? Stop that nonsense... I don't think I've done anything bad enough to be lectured by a pirate !

Baggy: ... You're prepared for this, aren't you, Nami !! Fragment...

Baggy: KUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!! See if you can protect your friend now !

Luffy: Damn it ! There should be a limit to this fragment thing !! If it's like this, there's no way I can fight him !!

"Hey, is that his feet on the ground ? They can't actually fly ? Let's have some good ideas."

Baggy: Give me back my treasure !!

Nami: I won't !!


Nami: GYAAAAH ?!!

Luffy: How's this ?!

"He's pretty tough. How about this ?"

Baggy: Stop it, you idiots !!

Nami: the one that's got to stop, is YOU !!

She swung her bag of treasure at him, but it was exactly what he was waiting for.

Luffy: Ooh !!

Baggy: Heh heh... Thank you for returning my treasure !

Nami: Huh !! Let go !

Baggy: Let go... ? The one who should let it go is you !! It's my treasure !!

Luffy: Hey big-nose !! I just told you that your opponent... IS ME !!!

"Bullseyes !! You improved your aim Luffy !"

Luffy: That last kick was for the village chief !

Nami: ... thank you. Thanks to you, I'm alive.

"Don't worry about it. Now time to retrieve the map."

Nami: Aah ! My treasure got scattered everywhere !!

Luffy: Alright !! I've finally got it, the Grand Line's map !!

Baggy: Just you wait, Gum-gum kid !

Luffy: Eh ? You're still alive ?

Baggy: I'll kill you once and for all !! Fragments gather up !!

"You wouldn't happen to be looking for these, would you ?"

Was referring to the rest of his body parts, completely frozen in place or tied, courtesy of a pirate thief.

Baggy: Yikes !! My body parts !

Luffy: HAHAHAHAHAHA !! A thief definitely has some cool skills ! Leave the rest to me !! Get lost, Baggy ! Gum-Gum...


Luffy: Victory !! Now you're gonna become our crew member, right ?

Nami: I'm just cooperating with you while it serves my purpose, remember that ! I'll say okay for now, since it seems that if I go along you guys I'll be able to earn a lot !

Nami: Baggy said that he only takes the best treasures for himself, so this bag's contents are of the highest quality ! This much treasure should be worth at least 10 million berry !!

Nami: I've divided it into two bags so you hold half of it. This treasure is so heavy that carrying it alone is difficult.

Nami: That hat... Is it that precious to you ?

"You have no idea..."

Luffy: Yeah, but it's alright, as long as I can still wear it it's okay. I feel better now that I got rid of Baggy !!

Pirate: ... hey, captain Baggy got knocked out of sight.

Pirate: What... Should we do ?

Pirate: ... For now let's pretend we're still passed out.

Pirate: Yeah, that's a good idea.

Luffy: Hey Zoro, get up ! let's go !

Zoro: Hmm ? Did you finish the fight ?

Luffy: yeah, and we also got the map and the treasure.

Zoro: ... Aah, I don't think I can walk yet. Feels dizzy...

Nami: Obviously ! If you guys can still walk after that, then you guys aren't human...

"Why are you including us ?"

Nami: You're the weirdest, the psychic !!

Luffy: Oh yeah, we also need to wake up the chief !

Villager: You guys... We're the people of this village. Did the pirates stir up a fight amongst themselves ? If you know anything please tell us...

Nami: Oh... So you're the villagers. For a second, I though some of the pirate crew were still here. If you want us to tell you there isn't anything much left to tell you...

Villager: Ah !! Chief !! Goodness gracious !! please get up !

Villager: Dammit ! What the hell happened here ?!

Villager: It's definitely the work of those pirates !!

"Ah, sorry. I'm the one who put him to sleep."

Nami: Hey ! Why did you tell them that kind of thing on purpose ?!

"What, it's just the truth..."

Nami: I know, but still !! That was because you had a good reason...

Villager: All of you, how dare you do this to our chief... It doesn't mater what sort of excuse you give us !! Who the hell are you ?! Could you be pirates ?!

Nami: 'Ooh... If we didn't know any better, and just said we're thieves or pirates, then it'd be instant death !!'

Luffy: Yes, we are pirates.


Villagers: So you are !!

Y/n/Zoro: *laughter*

Nami: YOU MORON !! BAKA !!

Luffy: But it's the truth !!

"No time for that, let's run away !"

Villagers: Ah ! They're running away !! Chase them !! We won't let you get away !! We'll pay you back for what you did to the chief !!

"No worries about that, you can keep the change !!"

Nami: Why the hell are you guys making the situation even more complicated ?!

Luffy: This is a good village !!

Nami: Wha... ?

Luffy: For their chief, for just one person, they're all getting that mad ! No matter what excuse we give, they'll still be mad at us !!

'Humans tend to ally when a bigger foe appear, although I'm not sure Luffy did this on purpose."

Villager: They're running away through an alley !

Nami: Shushu !

Luffy: Ah, that dog !

Villagers: Hey, Shushu ! Move out of the way, quickly !! Those guys are bad pirates !!

Shushu: GRRRRRRRRR... !!

Villagers: Why are you stopping us ? Shushu ! Move out of the way now !!

Shushu: WOOF !!! WOOF !!!

Nami: Phew... I was getting pretty worried. Thanks to Shushu we barely got away. Why does it always end up this way ?

"You get used to it."

Luffy: Who cares what they think, we did what we came to do !

Nami: Well, it's not quite like that...

Luffy: is this your boat ? It's cool ! I envy you !!

Nami: I don't think so... I stole it from a bunch of stupid pirates

Pirate 2: AH !! We have been waiting for you, thief !!

Nami: You... You guys are...

Pirate 1: We knew you'd come back if we stayed here.

Pirate 2: Hehehehe ! I never dreamed that we'd see this oat again in this very harbor after you stole it.

Pirate 3: You won't be able to say that you've forgotten us !!

"You know these guys ?"

Nami: Hmm... Sort of.

Pirate 2: "Sort of" ?! We have a long history ! So you have a gang now ? I guess we get to teach you all a lesson.

Pirate 2: Stealing from others is such a terrible thing to do. Hey man, don't faint like a coward ! Stupid ! Hold your face up properly !

Villager: Aah ! Chief, you're awake ! I'm so glad you're alright !!

Boodle: Yeah...

Villager: Just what on Earth happened, chief ?! When we came it was already like this, did you see anything ?

Villager: Ah ! Just a while ago these four weird guys were...

Boodle: Those kids... Were those kids still alive ?! That idiot !! Doing such a rude thing to an old guy like me ! How dare he !!

Villagers: Don't worry, we chased those idiots away. But I'm still pretty mad, it was like they were laughing at us !! Those kids don't know how mad we are about the damage done to our village ! We should probably go and catch them...

Boodle: SHUT UP !! Only one person has the right to be mad at those kids, only me ! I won't forgive anyone who says anything bad about those kids other than me !!!

Villager: Why are you siding with those pirates, chief ?!

Boodle: Are those kids just gonna disappear now ?! Did they go to the harbor ?!

Villager: Yes ! They ran off in the direction of the harbor !! AAH ! Chief !!

Boodle: Dammit !!! Coming into my village and messing around and then leaving without my permission !! the number of things I have to say to you are piled like a mountain !!!

Luffy: Okay, let's go !

"Hey, isn't that Baggy's mark on your boat ?"

Nami: It was those pirate's boat so of course it does. I'll erase it later.

Boodle: Huff... I still have tons to say to you... STOP RIGHT THERE YOU MORONS !!!

Luffy: Mister chief !

Boodle: 'I really thought it was okay for me to die at that time... In my despair, I considered death to be nothing... !!'

Boodle: I'M SORRY !! I OWE YOU !!!

Luffy: Don't worry about it !! Just live happy lives !!

Boodle: I don't know how to express my gratitude...

Nami: What ? You left the treasure behind ?! I gave you half of it, didn't I ?! That's five million berry !

"Half the village was destroyed, it will take money to repair it. And that money was their to begin with, so it's only fair to give it back."

Nami: That's my treasure !!


"Were you trying to drown me ? I can swim you know, I never ate a devil's fruit."

Luffy: If you want it so badly, go and take it back from them.

Nami: How could I do that ?! If you ever do that again, you're dead !!

Zoro: *Laughing*

Nami: Seriously, you idiot !

Luffy: Now you're laughing ?

Nami: Shut up !!


Luffy: It doesn't hurt...

*Their new companion, Nami the "pirate thief" has joined the journey and the two boats continue sailing on the sea... But they don't know that on the next island they land at, a terrible pirate crew awaits them...*

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