Chapter 14: The great captain Usopp

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:


Nami: Calm down, I just mended the cuts. I think that should do it, try not to poke it too much.

Luffy: Right ! Right ! Thanks ! You did a great job in fixing that hat !

Nami: Didn't you listen to what I just said ?!

Luffy: YAAAAAAAAA !! Stop poking me with that needle, it hurts !

Nami: It's useless if I hit you, so I have to use the needle !

Luffy: Ah, that makes sense.

"Luffy, you're bleeding..."

Zoro: You guys are too noisy ! I can't sleep with all that noise. Plus I'm hungry... Share us some food !

Nami: Oh, please ! You need to be more prepared. You don't bring any food or water and you dare to go to sea, you underestimated the sea ! We need to plan things more !

Luffy: What do you mean ?

Nami: Are we really going to Grand Line like this ?

Luffy: Oh, that's right, we don't have any meat on this ship !

Nami: I am not talking about the food supplies !

Zoro: And we don't have any booze to drink either, how boring !

Nami: Stop thinking about your stomachs only !! The place we're going, Grand Line, is the most dangerous place in the world ! Every pirate in the world wishes to get the treasure there, so we need to get a better ship first !

Nami: we're also short on crew members and this ship doesn't have any equipment. No matter what you think, we can't possibly be safe !

Luffy: Oh, what do we do then ?

"We have to prepare and plan our journey ahead. I've spotted a village North of our position, maybe we should go there first.

Nami: Yes, first thing to do once we get there is looking for a better ship !


???: Hu hu ! it's such a beautiful day... there's nothing like starting such as a happy and refreshing day by looking at the sea !

Usopp: This is bad ! WE'RE IN DANGER !! THE PIRATES ARE ATTACKING !! The pirates are coming ! The pirates are coming ! Everybody, run !!

Villager: What ?! Pirates ?!

Usopp: The pirates are coming !!

Villager: Oh ! Usopp is starting to shout again, that means it's almost time to go to work.

Usopp: This is bad ! This is bad...

Villager: No matter the day, he's really punctual...


Villager: Why you, little liar ! I won't let you get away this time !

Usopp: Uh oh ! Everybody's coming out today !

Villagers: Stop right there ! You bastard !

Usopp: Wahahaha ! Catch me if you can !!

Villager: Damn ! He got away again ! That guy doesn't seem to be able to go on for a day without lying ! If I ever catch him, I'll make him pay ! Where did he go anyway ?

Little did they know, but a certain liar was quietly snickering from above them in a tree.

Usopp: Hee hee hee hee... I have fooled the whole village again ! I am very happy... I've done another good deed done nicely today ! I've helped ass some excitement to this boring village ! Huh ?

???: Ah ! There he is !

Usopp: Oh oh ! It's you guys !

Pepper: Good morning ! Captain Usopp !

Carrot: Usopp's pirate crew is ready for action !

Usopp: Pepper, Carrot, why only you guys are here ? Where's Onion ?

Carrot: He's probably still sleeping, right ?

Pepper: Yeah, I think so !

Usopp: How can he sleep so much ?

???: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !! This is bad !! AAAAAAAAAA !!

Carrot: It's Onion !

Pepper: What is he yelling ?

Onion: This is bad ! The pirates are coming !! It's true ! I just saw it ! The ship has a skull flag, and has come down to the southern part of the shore !

Usopp/Carrot/Pepper: You're lying !

Onion: It's true ! And on one of the ship's flag, there was the symbol of Buggy's pirate fleet !

Usopp: What did you say ?

Onion: it's true ! we're dead !!

Usopp: Alright, time for snacks !

All three: Don't run away !

Usopp: actually, I have this disease that will kill me if I don't eat snacks...

All three: You're lying !!

Carrot: Captain, aren't you always saying you want to be a real pirate ?!

Pepper: How can a pirate be afraid of other pirates ?!

Onion: that's right ! And there are only four of them !!

Usopp: What ? Four ? I though the entire fleet was coming...

Onion: no, it's just two small boats.

Usopp: Okay ! Usopp's pirates, let's move ! Let's fight for the village and peace ! let's go ! Follow me !

All three: ... ... ... YES ! YES CAPTAIN !!

Luffy: Wow ! there's really an island here !!

Nami: So what did you expect ? We followed the map, so it won't be wrong !

"Are you doubting the quality of my scouting here ?"

Luffy: oh... is there a village here ?

Nami: Yes, looks like there's a small village.

Usopp: hey ! Onion, are those the pirates that you were talking about ?

Onion: That's right ! Look, there's a pirate symbol !

Pepper: They don't look scary !

Carrot: Yeah !

Zoro: It's been a long time since I last stood on firm ground...

Luffy: That's because you were sleeping all the time !

Zoro: By the way, I just noticed a moment ago...

"Oh right, those guys observing us. I don't know, they've been here for quite some time now."

Usopp: Hey ! You... Don't run away !!

All three: WAAAAA !! WE'VE BEEN FOUND !!!

Usopp: ... ... ...

Usopp: I... I am the great pirate fleet leader, Usopp, who is in charge of the security of this village ! I'm also known as "Captain Usopp" !!

Usopp: it's best if you don't try to attack this village, because my 80 million men are not going to forgive you !

"You... You're a pretty bad liar, you know ?"

Usopp: WAA ! I've been caught !

Nami: see, you even said it yourself !

Usopp: ARGHH !!! Did I just say that ? Bad planning ! Bad planning indeed !!

Luffy: Hahahahaha !! You're so funny !

Usopp: Hey ! Don't underestimate me ! I am a man with high self-esteem ! And everyone calls me the "Honorable Usopp" !!

A small tavern in the village:

Usopp: What ? Looking for companions ? So, you're looking for companions and a big ship ?

Luffy: Yup !

Usopp: Oh ! Sounds like a big adventure ! there's only one place where you can find the stuff you want in this village. Although it's not a very big ship, but it's not that small either.

Nami: Where ?

Usopp: There's a mansion not far from the village that belongs to a wealthy family. The ship belongs to the mansion's owner. Although we say that she is the owner, she is a pitiful young girl, a weak and sick girl that always lies on the bed...

Nami: Eh ? Then how come she's the owner of the mansion ?

Luffy: Can I have more meat ?

Zoro: And some booze too please !

Usopp: Are you listening to me ?!

"Don't mind them, go on."

Usopp: I think it happened around a year ago... that girl's parents died of sickness, leading her a large inheritance, a mansion, and over ten servants... Even if you are really rich, it doesn't exempt you from sorrow.

Nami: ... Nevermind. let's forget about searching for a ship in this village, we'll go and search somewhere else...

Luffy: okay ! But we're not in a hurry anyways, I still want some more meat ! Let's buy some more for our supply !

Usopp: Oh yeah, you... said earlier that you're looking for companions ?

"Is there somebody who wants to be our companion ?"

Usopp: Let me be the captain, and I'll join you !

All four: Nevermind.

Usopp: What kind of attitude is that ?!

???: Say, Klahadoll...

Klahadoll: What is it, miss ?

???: I... I want to see Usopp...

Pepper: Hey Onion ! Did the pirates really go into this tavern ?

Onion: Yup, I saw them ! Captain brought the pirates here ! We must save him !!

Carrot: But real pirates are savages, he might have been eaten !

Pepper: idiot ! it's witches that eats people !! carrot, you must be willing to die ! This is going to be the most dangerous battle since the creation of our pirate crew !!

All three: Usopp pirate crew is here !!

Nami: What ?

Luffy: I don't know... Who are they ?

Carrot: Hey... Captain isn't here...

Onion: It can't be that... He's been eaten up !!

Pepper: H... hey pirates !! What did you do to our captain Usopp ?! Give us back our captain !!

Luffy: Yum yum ! What a delicious meat !

All three: Huh... Meat ?! He... he ate the captain ?!!

Zoro: Your captain...

Pepper: Wh... What ?! What did you do ?!

Zoro: We just... Made him our lunch.

"Although I'm full, my little boys here could certainly go for some... Tender... dessert."



Zoro/Y/n: *Laughter*

Pepper: "It's that time again" ?

Zoro: Yup... After he said that, he left the tavern.

Pepper: Oh, so it was time to go to the mansion.

Nami: Mansion ? The place where the sick girl lives ?

Carrot: yup !

"Why does he go there ?"

Carrot: To tell lies !

Luffy: isn't that a bad thing to do ?

Pepper: No, that's not bad ! Actually, it's great !

Onion: Yes !! it's very good !!

"Eh ?"

A mansion outside the village:

Klahadoll: So, you want to... talk to Usopp again ?

Kaya: What's wrong with that ? I want to talk to him.

Klahadoll: No ! How many times have I told you, he's the biggest liar in the village ! If you talk to him, you might catch his bad influence !

Kaya: Petty !

Klahadoll: yes, call me whatever you want, but I'm not changing my mind. Usopp's weird stories are just too exciting, and you're still too weak emotionally to listen to them.

Kaya: But I'm feeling okay !

Klahadoll: Please listen to me. When your parents passed away, they specifically asked me, that I must protect you. That is why I hired some guards, they're there to ensure your safety.

While talking, he kept replacing his glasses with his palms each time they were sliding off his nose.

Klahadoll: All of this is for your own good, Miss.

Kaya: Yes... I know...

Klahadoll: I'm glad you understand. I'll put your medicine here, please take it.

Kaya: Okay...

Kaya: Usopp, it's you !

Usopp: You had that depressed look again.

Kaya: I'm sorry, I wanted to treat you like a proper guest, but Klahadoll won't allow it. He's not a bad person, he's just...

Usopp: Nevermind, I feel comfortable here. The somberness of the room will suffocate me. Don't forget I'm a brave warrior of the sea !

Kaya: So which adventure are you going to tell me today ?

Usopp: Let's see, today I will tell you... About the time when I was five and fought with a southern giant goldfish !!

Kaya: Goldfish ?

Usopp: The most amazing was its feces, it was so long and big I thought it was land and even docked there...

Luffy: Wow ! he's a great guy !

Nami: So to restore her spirits, he's been going for a year to amuse her with made up tales ?

Carrot: Yup. I like his "Nosiness".

Pepper: I like the captain's "Cowardice".

Onion: I like his "lies" !

Zoro: What kind of strong points are those ?

Luffy: So the lady is feeling better already ?

Carrot: yeah, and it's all thanks to the captain !

Luffy: All right !! Then we shall go to the mansion and ask for a ship !!

Nami: No !! Didn't you just say you'd give it up ?!

Luffy: Good afternoon, please lend us a ship...

"I definitely don't think it'll work this way..."

Luffy: Let's just go in...

Pepper: Then what's the use of that greeting ?

Nami: there's no use trying to stop him right ?

"You got that just right."

Zoro: Since we can't stop him, might as well follow him.

Klahadoll: What ? Trespassers ? Where are the guards ?

Merry: Well... they just went out for lunch...

Kaya: Ha ha ha ! So what happened to the goldfish ?

Usopp: Well then I sliced it up into little pieces, and sent them to the country of the dwarves... And up to this day they still haven't been able to finish it. Because of my great powers, they all called me...

Carrot: Caaaptain !!

Usopp: Yes, captai... HUH !! Why are you all here ?!

Pepper: We brought this guy here...

Kaya: Who's that ?

Luffy: Oh ! So you're the miss ?

Usopp: These guys heard of my reputation, and travelled far to see me here. They are the new members of the Usopp pirate group !!

Luffy: Yeah !... No ! that's not... !

Kaya: a request ? Of me ?

Luffy: Yeah, we nee a big ship...

Klahadoll: What are you doing here ?! You can't just barge into the mansion like this !!

Usopp: Urg ! The butler !

Kaya: Klahadoll...

Luffy: Who's he ?

Kaya: Klahadoll, listen, these people are...

Klahadoll: You don't have to explain ! I will ask you about it later ! Please get out ! Or is there something you need to say ?

Luffy: We need a ship...

Klahadoll: No way.

'Ouch. Instant denied, that's pretty harsh, dude.'

Klahadoll: You... You're Usopp, right ? I've heard some rumors about you... The villagers talk about you all the time.

Usopp: Oh... Oh, thank you, you may call me captain Usopp, everybody calls me that...

Klahadoll: The guards said... You were lurking outside the gates. What do you want here ?

Usopp: Errr... Err... I heard that there's a huge mole inside the mansion ! So I wanted to see it for myself.

Klahadoll: Hahaha... I see that you certainly lie well. I have heard rumors about your father too...

Usopp: What ?

Klahadoll: You're the son of a filthy pirate. I'm not surprised that you turned out this way, but you better stay away from miss Kaya !

Luffy: his dad was a pirate ?

"He reminds me of someone..."

Usopp: ... Did you say filthy... ?!

Klahadoll: You and miss Kaya belongs to totally different worlds. Is it money that you're looking for ? Name your price.

Kaya: That's enough, Klahadoll !!! Apologize to Usopp at once !!

Klahadoll: there is no need to apologize to this uncivilized person ! I'm just telling the truth ! I feel sorry for you... You hate your father, don't you ? Because he's a dumb "treasure hunter" who deserted his family and village !


Usopp: I won't let you say another bad thing about my father !

Kla-asshole: Why are you so angry ? You're not very smart, are you ? You should have just told your usual lies, and say that your father is in fact a traveling merchant... or that you and him are not blood-related...

Klahadoll: Ugh... See... You're so violent ! Like father, like son !!


"Oh, right, now I remember !"

I just wanted to say, @ImmortalTrickster17 made an adaptation of my story. Go read it, it's just excellent.

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