Chapter 15: All according to plan...

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Pepper: Captain...

Klahadoll: Pirates are "great warriors of the sea" ? Don't twist the truth, it's because you have that savage bloodline that you like to lie so much ! And use violence whenever you are enraged... I believe you only get close to the young miss for her money...

Usopp: What the hell are you talking about !!

Klahadoll: Who cares what your motive is, the fact that your father is a pirate is more than enough reason for me to kick you out !

Usopp: I dare you to say that again !

Kaya: Usopp, please stop !!! Please don't use violence !!

Kaya: Klahadoll... Isn't a bad person... he's just concerned about me, that's why he's a little extreme...

Klahadoll: Get the hell out of here ! Savages like you are not welcome here ! I'll let you off this time, but I warn you... Don't come here again !

Usopp: Fine... I understand... I'll leave even without you telling me to ! I'll never come back here again !

Carrot: Captain !!

Kaya: Usopp...

Carrot: You bastard ! Captain is not that kind of person !

Pepper: Yeah ! Stupid !

Onion: Idiot !!

Luffy: Idiot !!

"Why are you screaming along them ?"

All three: YAAAAAAAAAH !!

Luffy: I'm gonna kill him !

Zoro: hey, stop !

Klahadoll: All of you, get the hell out of here now !

Kaya: *Cough cough*

*Knock knock*

Klahadoll: Young miss, it's lunch time...

Kaya: I don't want it ! I don't want to eat... It doesn't taste good !

Klahadoll: Don't say that, the chief is gonna get mad. He tried hard to come up with some food suited for your health, young miss.

Kaya: Why did you have to say it like that ? I know I kept it from you, secretly talking to Usopp is my fault... But you shouldn't have chased him away like that...

Klahadoll: ... May I sit ?

Kaya: please.

Klahadoll: I've been in this house for three years now. I can never forget what happened that day... Three years ago, I was working on a ship, because of a small mistake I made, I was fired... Afterwards, I got lost wandering and ended up in this village. I didn't have any money, and didn't know what to do, but your dad took me in... If he hadn't done that, I would be dead now. To me, your late parents were my saviors. And you... Are my savior's daughter...

Klahadoll: I know interfering with you making friends, is none of this lowly servant's business, but that Usopp guy, he has a bad reputation in the village... If... If anything happened to you... I would feel like I had betrayed your parents !

Klahadoll: I know that what I said before was a little extreme... Do you hate me because of it ?

Kaya: No, I don't hate you... I should thank you for taking care of me, but you misunderstood him, Usopp is not a bad person at all !

Klahadoll: That doesn't matter.

Kaya: You... Why won't you listen to my explanation ?!

Klahadoll: So what if I don't listen ?!

Nami: Where are Luffy and Y/n ?

Zoro: They went chasing that captain guy.

Carrot: the captain must be there !

Pepper: Yes ! At the shore ! Everytime something happens, he always goes ther !

Pepper/Carrot: Going to check it out ?

Zoro: Nah...

Nami: Hey, where's your other buddy ?

Pepper: Oh ! Onion, right ? He often suddenly disappears !

Carrot: Yeah ! And makes tons of noise when he shows up !


Carrot: Ah ! it's Onion !

Onion: Bad news ! HAAAH ! Huf huf ! There's a man that... backwards !! There's a weird guy, he walks backwards !!!

Carrot/Pepper: Liar !

Onion: it's true ! Look !

Jango: Hey ! Who said I'm a weird guy ? I don't look weird at all !

Nami: yes you are ! Any way I look at it, you're weird !

Jango: Shut up ! I'm just a hypnotist passing by...

Onion: Hypnotist ? Wow !

Pepper: Can you show us your skills ?

Carrot: Yeah ! Show us !

Jango: What ?! Idiots ! You guys don't even understand what a hypnotist is ! This is our first meeting, no way I'm showing you my hypnotism ! Ok ! You guys stare at this !

Zoro: You're showing them anyway !

Jango: I'll say "One, two, Jango" and you will fall asleep ! Let's start, ooone... two... Jango !

Zoro: Hey ! What the hell is he doing ?!

Luffy: HI !

Usopp: WAAH !

"There you are !"

Usopp: It' you ! Why can't you be more normal ?!

"Nor-what ? Anyways, you're Yasopp's son, right ?"

Usopp: How do you know that ?

Luffy: We've known him for more than 10 years now !

Usopp: really ? You know my dad ?

"Yup ! You look just like him, no wonder I thought you looked familiar. I just realized that a moment ago."

Usopp: Where is he now ?

Luffy: No idea, but I'm pretty sure he is on Shanks the red-haired's ship ! Yasopp is one of my favorite pirates in that crew !

Usopp: Re... Really ? So he is on that Red-haired Shank's ship huh ? ... SHANKS THE RED-HAIRED ?!!

"Oh ? You know Shanks ?"

Usopp: Of course ! He is a great pirate ! Is my dad really on that great ship ?

Luffy: Great ? Yeah ! His shootings skills are the best, Yasopp's never misses anything within his range.

"Yeah, whenever we had a shooting contest, it always ended up as a draw, or him winning."


Luffy: Wow ! Amazing !

Yasopp: of course ! Even if it's between the eyes of an ant, I can still shoot it !

"That makes the final score 100 to 99 in your favor... Damn, I'll never beat you, right ?"

Yassop (mildly drunk): Luffy, I have a son... He's just about your age...

"And that's just about the 900th time you tell us that story already."

Yassop: Then I'm gonna tell it more, so you have to listen to it no matter how many times !

Luffy: Ah ! Yes, yes !!

Yasopp: I had to force myself to leave him !! There's only one reason, because the pirate flag was calling me !!

Luffy: Yasopp was a really popular pirate !

Usopp: is that really true ? To tell you the truth, even thought he left me for the sea, I'm always proud of my dad ! But that bastard Klahadoll looked down on him, he looked down on my pride !

"Don't worry about it, it's not like he knows what it really means being a pirate."

Luffy: yup ! I don't like him at all ! Are you giving up seeing that young miss ?

Usopp: Dunno, maybe if that butler apologizes, and begs me, then I'll consider !

"That butler down there ?"

Usopp: Yeah ! That butler... Why is he here ?

Klahadoll: Jango, I told you not to draw the attention of the villagers, why did you sleep in the middle of the street ?

Jango: How can I attract any attention ? It's not like I look weird or something !

"That guy with him definitely looks weird..."

Usopp: I've never seen him before, who is he ?

Klahadoll: So... Are you all prepared for it ?

Jango: Of course ! We can start operation "Assassinate The young miss" any time !

Y/n/Usopp/Luffy: 'What ?! Assassinate ?!!'

Klahadoll: "Assassinate" is such an ugly word !

Jango: Ah, yeah ! Accident ! We'll call it an accident ! isn't that right captain Kuro ?

Klahadoll: Captain Kuro... I gave up that name 3 years ago, don't call me by that name again ! You are the captain now !

Luffy: hey, what are those two talking about ?

"Luffy, you heard them yourself, why are you asking ?"

Usopp: I think I've heard the name captain Kuro somewhere... I think he's a pirate famous for his careful planning before robbing and plundering... But I heard he got caught by the navy three years ago, and got executed...

Jango: I still remember that day... it simply shocked me...

Klahadoll: Hmm ?

Jango: You said you were going to give up being a pirate, and made me the captain ! Everyone thinks that captain Kuro has been executed by the navy ! But actually, you hid in this little village, and told us to come here in three year's time. Before, when I worked for you, there were always a lot of "benefits" that's the only reason I worked for you ! I can get a good share this time, right ?

Klahadoll: yes. If you succeed, you'll get your share.

Jango: Good ! Leave that girl to me !

Klahadoll: Killing her is not enough... You have to make sure it looks like an accident ! It looks like you're not ready yet !

Jango: Shut up ! I'm completely ready ! When you send the signal, we'll charge into the village and kill the young miss, simple as that ! Then you can openly claim her inheritance.

Klahadoll: I wonder if your mom actually gave you a brain ! I have no relation to her family, how can there be inheritance for me ?

Jango: We can work on it !

Klahadoll: It's no use ! The most important part is... Before you kill her, you have to hypnotize her, and make her write my name into the will ! "I will leave all my wealth to my butler, Klahadoll." !

Klahadoll: this way, I can openly claim her wealth ! I've spent three years getting everyone to trust me, and as soon as she write the will, no one will suspect me !

Jango: just for this you spent three years being a butler ? If I were you, I would have just robbed them straight on !

Klahadoll: If I had done that, I'd still be an outlaw, and the navy would still chase me ! This plan can get me tons of money, plus I won't have the marines chasing me. I like using my head to find a peaceful way to settle things !

Jango: Hahahaha ! Peaceful way to settle things ? You mean murdering her entire family is a peaceful way ?

Klahadoll: Hey, Kaya's parents died naturally, it wasn't part of my plan !

Jango: Whatever, let's not argue over this. Anyways, you just need to send the signal ! Our ship has been anchored close by for almost a week ! They're starting to grow impatient !

Usopp: Horrible... I've heard a horrible plan...

Luffy: Hey ! What's going on ? This doesn't look good !

Usopp: isn't he listening ? Of course it doesn't look good ! they're serious about this !

"So, for three years, he played the nice butler, only waiting for the right time to strike..."

Usopp: That butler... No, captain Kuro, is still alive ! And I punched him before... he'll kill me for sure ! Kaya will be killed too ! The village will be under attack !! Not good... not good at all !

"Luffy, what are you doing ? They'll see you if you stand up."


Jango: Who are they ?!


Usopp: You idiot !! They'll see you ! Hide ! they'll see you !

"I'm pretty sure they already spotted us."

Klahadoll: Oh... It's just Usopp...


Klahadoll: Did you... hear anything ?

Usopp: No ! Nothing at all ! We just got here... really...

Luffy: We heard everything !

Usopp: HEY !!

"Captain Kuro, isn't it ?"

Usopp: *crying intensifie*

Jango: heard everything... oh well, you guys, take a look at this pendulum...

Luffy: Look at what ?

Usopp: Ah ! That ! he's going to use that to kill us !!

"Usopp, that's a hypnosis's pendulum, not a weapon... Hypnotist..."

Jango: When I say one, two, Jango, you will fall asleep... one... Two...

Usopp: You idiots ! Hurry up and hide !

Jango: Jango !

Klahadoll: You still haven't get rid of that habit, have you ?

That instant, Luff, who had fall asleep, started to fell of the cliff.

Usopp: Hey ! What are you doing ? You're falling over !

Usopp: Hey ! Hey, you !! Are you alright ?

"he's alright, don't worry about him."

Usopp: Huh ? Why aren't you asleep ?!

"I... Closed my eyes... ? Like, to not be hypnotized ?"

Jango: Damn, I didn't wanted to kill him... broken neck, I don't think there's any hope !

Usopp: B... Bastard ! You killed him !

Jango: What about these ones ? Kill them too ?

Klahadoll: Don't need to. No matter what they say, I don't think anyone will ever believe them. Jango, tomorrow morning, take the crew to attack the village ! And destroy some houses, make it look like a pirate raid. Then, kill Kaya, the young miss. Tomorrow... Did you hear that, Usopp ? It doesn't really matter, none of you can affect my plan.

Usopp: Damn... I hate you ! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!

Jango: Are you sure it's okay ?

Klahadoll: Don't worry, my plan won't be affected.

"Never proclaim that, you could be surprised."

Jango: How did you got down here so fast ?!

"The same way you're gonna head out, now get lost."

Before they could register, they were launched away, and landed... I don't really care, as long as it's far away from here.

"Alright, now for the hard part... Waking him up. Hum hum... LUFFY SOMEONE IS BURNING YOUR HAT !!!"


"Relax, nothing happened, I just had to wake you up somehow. Now that' you're up, we have to plan: How are we going to stop that raid ?"

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