Chapter 16: The black butler

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Merry: Young miss... the special order you placed in the neighboring town has arrived, here's the item. Is there anything else that you will need ?

Kaya: Yes, thank you ! that's all ! I'm so sorry that I had you run all the way over there.

Merry: You're welcome, I love to be of service ! That's a present, right Klahadoll will be very happy !

Kaya: Yes, tomorrow will be Klahadoll's 3rd year anniversary since he came to this place. He takes really good care of me.

Your POV:

Carrot: OH MY GOD !!

Pepper: They're going to kill Kaya ?!

Onion: The village is gonna be attacked ?! Is that true ?

"Yes, that's what these guys said, no doubt about that."

Zoro: Besides, why were you sleeping over there anyways ?

Luffy: I remember I was on top of the cliff...

"He got hypnotized by that weird guy."

Carrot: That bastard butler was a bad guy !

Pepper: No wonder he gave me the creeps !

Onion: And that hypnotist was a fake as well !

Nami: So, that's why your captain ran to the village in such a hurry to warn them ! Well, that's good, you guys are the first to know, you should escape while you can ! It'll be too late when the pirates get here !

Carrot: Yeah ! Then we should run away !

Pepper: Yes ! Pack up our important stuffs !

Onion: My allowance money, and snacks... And my mode ship... Gotta hurry !!

Luffy: Oh no !

"What now Luffy ?"

Luffy: We haven't bought our meat yet ! Even the butcher will soon run away !

"Seriously, is meat really tho only thing you care about ? But... I doubt that the villagers will evacuate..."

Zoro: Why's that ?

"If Usopp really has that much of a bad reputation, I don't think he'll convince them."

To prove my point, Usopp was wandering on the road in front of us, and as soon as he spotted us, he tried to cover the wounds he had on his arm.

Usopp: Hey ! Hi everybody ! EEEEh ?! How can you be still alive ?!

Luffy: Still alive ? I just woke up.

Pepper: He was just asleep. But captain ! We heard about the pirates ! We've got to warn everyone !

Usopp: Warn everyone... ? WAHAHAHAHA ! What pirates ? Just like all the other times, of course it was just a lie ! I was just having my revenge on that butler, by making up stories about him being a pirate !

Nami/Zoro/Luffy/Y/n: *X*

Pepper: Whatttt ?! It was just a lie ?

Carrot: Man ! I thought something big was going to happen !

Onion: Even the strawhat and his friend helped captain Usopp lie to us !

Luffy: Eh ?

Carrot: Captain shouldn't make up lies just because of this, that's not honorable !

Pepper: Yea, I feel the same way !

Onion: Me too ! No matter how mean that butler is, captain, I never thought you would make up lies to hurt others.

Carrot: let's go home !

Pepper: Yeah ! Go home and eat dinner !

Onion: Wonder what's for dinner.

"Now that they're gone, should we discuss about that raid ?"

Usopp: Because I used to lie all the time, no one believes a word I say now !

'Called it.'

Zoro: Even so; the fact that those pirates are going to attack is the truth, right ?

Usopp: they're definitely going to attack in the morning, but no one believes me ! They all think tomorrow will just be another peaceful day...

Usopp: Since everyone thinks that I'm a liar, I'll protect this village myself and prevent the pirates from attacking ! In order to protect the village, then this will just become one of my lies !

Usopp: Although they... Fired guns at me; and they chased after me with broomsticks... Here, is the village where I grew up ! I love this village ! I want to protect everyone... how can I just watch, everyone get killed...

Zoro: You are a pretty good guy, you lied to your crew so that you can do this alone...

Luffy: Okay ! I'm definitely going to butt-in this one !

Nami: But first things first, all their treasure is mine !

"Reminds me of that time when we had to defend the city from those cabbages..."

Usopp: What... ? You guys, are willing to fight with me ?! Why ?

Luffy: because the enemies outnumber you !

Zoro: You have the words "I'm scared" written all over your face.

Usopp: Idiots ! Me, scared ? So what if they outnumber me ?! They can't compete with me ! I'm captain Usopp ! In my veins flows the blood of a courageous warrior !

Usopp: Stop shaking ! Stop it !! Stop it !! What are you guys looking at ?! They're captain Kuro's fleet ! Of course I'm scared ! I don't need your sympathy ! Go away ! Now !

Zoro: we're not sympathizing for you ! But rather we're commending you for having courage.

Luffy: Why else would we risk our own lives ?

Usopp: You... You guys... I'm so touched !

Usopp: they're going to attack from this shore. Because, this is only way into the village there's only one slope. The rest is just cliffs ! This means, as long as we guard this slope with our lives, the village won't be harmed !

"Sound easy enough."

Usopp: Easier said than done... What are you guys good at ?

Zoro: Slashing !

Luffy: Stretching !

Nami: Stealing !

"Blasting !"

Usopp: I'll go hiding !


The mansion:

Klahadoll: Where is the young miss ?

Merry: She's already asleep, she looked very tired...

Klahadoll: I cannot believe all this happened when I was away... That Usopp kid is quite a trouble maker.

Merry: Yes, I know, I can't believe that he would claim that you are a pirate... it's not even a good lie...

Klahadoll: Yes... Only an idiot would believe a thing he says... What's this ?

Merry: Oh... That ? That's a present from the young miss. She said it's because tomorrow will be exactly three years since you first came to work at this mansion. She says it's an anniversary.

Klahadoll: Anniversary...

Merry: Because your glasses often slip, so the young miss went to the next town personally and ordered this special pair of glasses ! She is so nice and caring...

Klahadoll: She calls it an anniversary... Indeed, tomorrow really is a special day. Tonight's moon, it's crescent, on a night like this, every cell in my body becomes excited...

Merry: What ?! Klahadoll, why did you break the present ?! The young miss went through so much trouble to get it for you !!

Klahadoll: I will ask her for my own presents. But it won't be a small present like this... I want, this house and everything it contains...

Merry: Wha... What ?!

Klahadoll: there's no need to continue this act... because in just a couple of hours, this village will be overtaken by pirates. Three years... is way too long...

Merry: Young miss !! Run... !!


Pirate: Captain Jango ! It's almost morning, time to wake up ! Good morning captain.

Jango: You idiots ! it's not morning yet ! Don't say good morning ! The moon is still out, it's still night !

Pirate: yes, sir ! Sorry !

Jango: My men, morning ! LET'S GO MEN !!

Pirates: YEAAA !!

Usopp: Okay ! we're done ! We're sprayed a massive amount of oil here !

Usopp: Now those bastards won't be able to get up this slope. This is the most effective way to fight them ! No matter what, we must guard this slope with our lives.

Nami: Just don't fall down there yourself, or else, you're screwed

Usopp: Don't worry ! I have a lot of confidence in myself !

"The sun is up, the pirates are going to come soon..."

Jango: We've reached the shore ! let's go, everybody !! our plan is to destroy the village !

Pirate: Captain ! There are two strange looking ships over there !

Jango: Don't mind them, they wouldn't have treasures anyways.

Luffy: Where are they... it's morning already...

Zoro: Maybe they overslept or something...

"Maybe it's not the best time for that, but does someone remember where we anchored our boats ? They don't seems to be here..."


Zoro: What's going on ?!

Usopp: There's another entrance into the village in the North, the one where you put your boats !!

Luffy: Don't tell me you got it wrong !

Usopp: They talked about the plan here, so I thought they'd attack from this side !

Luffy: Hurry ! Which way are they going to attack the village from ?!

Usopp: Going on that direction it'll only take 3 minutes ! The landscape on that side is basically the same as this one ! All we have to do is prevent them from coming on top of the slope !

Nami: But if our boats are docked there, my treasure is going to be robbed !!

"It'll only take me 30 seconds to get there !"

Luffy: I'll only need 20 !

Usopp: Damn ! Then our oil trap and preparations are useless !Damn it !

Zoro: Nami ! What are you doing ?!

Nami: Help ! I'm slipping !

Zoro: Ah ?! Let go of me !

Nami: Sorry ! But my treasure is more important ! You find your own way up !

Zoro: Nami ! I'm going to kill you !

Usopp: I won't let them get to the village ! Those guys are so fast, I lost sight of them already !

Luffy: Run north ! Run north !

Nami: if they dare touch my treasure, I will never forgive them !

"Where the hell is Luffy ? I thought he was right behind me ?!"

Pirates: GOOOOOOOOO ! Don't let anyone live !

Pirate: There's someone up on the slope !

Jango: You are...

Usopp: I'm captain Usopp ! I've been waiting for you guys ! I've made all preparations ! If you don't want to die, then retreat at once !

Zoro: Damn ! I can't get up there !

Luffy: Eh ?! I reached the village ? I thought I was running to the North shore ?

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