Chapter 17: Guarding the slope

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Usopp: Huh ? Where the hell are those guys... I'm sure they went off before me...

Jango: You're one of those kids, who overheard our plans. What do you want ?

Usopp: I'm warning you ! Retreat now !! I have a 100 million crewmen waiting to kill you all !!!

Pirate: Only an idiot would fall for that...

Jango: What ?! 100 million crewmen ?! So... Soo many !

Pirate: Captain ! he's obviously lying ! Don't believe him !

Usopp: Ah ! They saw through my lie !

Pirate: Do you think we're two year olds ?

Jango: You bastard, how dare you lie to me...

"No but seriously, why having 100 million crewmen, when only one guy is more than enough to wipe you all out ?"

Usopp: You were here this whole time ?! When did you got here ?! What were you doing ?!

"Calm down, I arrived a while before you, and as the question what I was doing, look up and you'll understand."

Jango: Be careful, that one is something else... look up... HUH ?!

Above the cliff, high in the sky, hundreds of floating bones were ready to rain down on our opponents.

"I did the same as you do, I made a trap. Now, for the first and last move. Gaster... THUNDER !!

I brought all of them down at once, resulting on a literal osseous rain striking the slope, and almost all the pirates knocked out.

"That is done. Now get out of this island at once, or I wo't be as nice next time."

Jango: I should've expected that... But you'll be the one to get out. Look at this... After I say "I, 2, Jango", you two will let us pass ! One... Two...

Usopp: That's the thing he used before...

Jango: Jang...

Nami: YOU IDIOT !!

Pirate: Who the heck is that girl ? Captain ! Now isn't the time to let us pass !

"Finally you're here. we've been waiting you know. What took you so long ?"

Nami: Shut up ! I could've came here faster, but that stupid oil trap slowed me down !

Usopp: Ouch... There's no need to yell, you know.

Nami: What are you talking about ? I just saved you !

Usopp: What ?!

"You haven't noticed yet ? He's a hypnotist, so don't look at his pendulum."

Nami: By the way, where's Luffy ? Wasn't he running ahead ?

Usopp: I don't know ! I was running behind him, but he disappeared from my sight so fast...

"Knowing him, he certainly got lost on his way here... He tend to do that."

Usopp: Alright ! You two charge ahead ! I'll cover you from here...

Nami: Why me ?! How can I beat them ? I'm weak !

Usopp: Don't think just because I'm a man that I'm stronger ! Can't you see that I'm shaking in fear ? Look at my legs ! I can't even move !

Nami: I bet you're only lying !

"Guys... the enemy..."

Jango: They forgot about us... Everybody charge !! destroy the village !

Pirates: UWOOOOOOOOO !!!

Nami: they're coming !!

"They never learn... Gaster thunder, second downpour !!"

Zoro: Argh... Damn Nami, I'm going to teach her a lesson ! Huh... I can do this !

Zoro: I made it ! Now... Which way is north ?!

Luffy: Run north ! Run north !

Luffy: Which way is north ?!

Usopp: Seriously, what ARE you ?!

Nami: I keep asking me that...

"I told you, I'm a psychic. Psychokinesis like that is one of my best tricks."

Nami: Anyway, good job ! Keep up the good work ! I'm going to rest a while ! AAH !

Usopp: What now ?

Nami: We... We can't go back anymore...

"Oh right... I wrecked the path behind us too..."

Usopp: You idiot !!

Pirate: You're blocking our way ! Now die !

"Seriously, which word are you missing when I say 'Telekinesis' ?"

Usopp: I will never let you pass this point ! I want the villagers to believe that I'm a liar ! And the village stay as peaceful as always !!

Jango: You idiots ! Just go and attack the village ! Did you forget captain Kuro's plan ? We can't mess it up !! Or else he'll kill us all ! Do you hear me, you idiots ?!

Pirates: W... We know that, but we can't move !!

Usopp: Good ! Now dispose of them once and for all Y/n !!

"There's no need for that. They're finally here..."

Nami: Seriously, what took you guys so long ?

Pirate: What's going on ? Captain Jango... We didn't know they had these kind of people in the village...

Zoro: What took us so long ?

Luffy: How should I know ! Right now I just want to kick some ass !



Jango: Who are those guys... ?

Sitting on the stairs in front of the mansion, a certain butler was getting impatient.

Klahadoll: Why are they late... Those idiots should know what it means to ruin my plans, and still they dare to be late... if they dare forget about my plans... I will kill them all...

Usopp: I didn't know you guys were this strong...

Luffy: Of course !

Nami: You're late... What took you so long ?

Zoro: It was you who made me fall down ! And now you're blaming me ?!

Nami: I couldn't help it ! Better one person fall down than both of us !

Zoro: Then you should've been the one to fall !

Luffy: You bastard ! You just said north, you didn't even tell me which way North is !

Usopp: It was your fault for running so fast ! Besides Y/n found it, even though he started before you.

Luffy: He can fly, that doesn't count ! I'm just trying to help you !!

Jango: hey ! You idiots, don't tell me you guys are finished just from some blows from those fools ?

Luffy: Ah ! They're still alive ! they're pretty tough !

Jango: listen ! We don't have time to waste here ! Since the opponent is strong, we must be stronger... Come ! Look at my pendulum. After I say "1, 2, Jango" You guys will become stronger ! Your wounds will heal ! And you will become much stronger than before !!

Luffy: What's that guy doing ?

Usopp: I dunno...

"Is he trying to hypnotize them ? Like, to make them think they're stronger ?"

Nami: This is absurd !

Jango: One... Two... Jango !!

Nami: No way ?! They were still shaky just a while ago !

"Never underestimate the power of suggestion..."

Zoro: He crushed the wall... How did they gain so much strength ?!

Nami: They have... Really been hypnotized !

Usopp: If just one guy can crush the wall, then that many guys...

Jango: Go ! Kill those pests !!


Zoro: You two hurry and go up the slope, we'll take care of this...

"hey ! Luffy ! Luffy ?!"


All: You got hypnotized too ?!?

Jango: Eh ?!

Nami: he's not your average idiot... Got hypnotized so easily...



Zoro: hey ! Luffy !

Luffy: Gum-Gum...

Usopp: His arms !!

"Well, I guess that solve the problem... Somewhat."

But Luffy certainly wasn't done, and charged the enemy.. And, passed the enemy, heading straight for their boat.

Pirates: He... What's he doing ?!

Nami: Go ! Luffy !

Pirates: WAAAH ! He's taking off the bow ! he's destroying our ship !!

Luffy: *Intensification intensifie*

Pirates: No ! Wait ! He's trying to kill us with it ! Captain !! Help us !!

Jango: i'll say "1,2, Jango", and you will fall asleep ! One...Two...


Jango: Jango !!

Jango: Damn kid... ruined our whole plan... If captain Kuro sees this, he will kill everybody here !

Nami: I think they're finished now !

Usopp: hey... His head is squashed under the ship bow !

"Don't worry, he won't die from something like that.

???: Hey Buchi ! Come look ! Our ship's head is wrecked !!

Buchi: What ?! Wrecked ? How did that happen ?!

Pirate: oh... that voice... It's the ship's guards, the Nyaban brothers !

Zoro: Looks like there's still someone on that ship...

Jango: Oh yeah, we still have "Those two"... !!

Onion: 'So it's that damn butler from the mansion... Where's he going so early in the morning ?'

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