Chapter 18: The Nyaban brothers

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd person POV:

Usopp: How dare you hit me... Don't forget, in my veins is the blood of a pirate ! You underestimated me ! I'm going to kill you all...

Kaya: Usopp ! Don't do this !

Usopp: DIE !!

Kaya: AAAH !!

Kaya: AAAH !!

Kaya: I don't understand... Why would Usopp say something like that...

Kaya: Klahadoll ? Are you there, Klahadoll ?

Kaya: Me... MERRY !! What happened ?!! Merry ! Wake up !! You can't die !

Merry: Cough ! Cough !! Young miss... Good, you're safe...

Kaya: I'm safe ? What... What are you saying... What happened to you ?

Merry: Klahadoll !! He... He tried to kill me...

Kaya: Wha ?! He...

Klahadoll: if... if anything happened to you, I would feel like I had betrayed your parents !

Kaya: How... This couldn't be real !

Merry: He's a pirate !

Kaya: Then yesterday... All that stuff Usopp said was true ?!!

Merry: Yes... Thinking back... he alone knew the truth, and tried everything to warn us... But we... None of us, believed anything he said !

Usopp: After tomorrow, you will know the truth ! Just... take this chance and run ! Please listen to me !

Merry: We've misunderstood that man's good intentions... That brave, young man, he tried so hard to save this village but was instead chased away !

Kaya: And I... What have I ever done for him... Someone please help !! Merry's...

Merry: it's no use... Everyone went on vacation starting yesterday !

Kaya: Then... I'll get some help...

Merry: I'm your servant, how can I let you do MY duties for me ? Also, before everything happens, we need to think calmly and decide what we have to do now... Just now, I saw Klahadoll walk out the door. If... That Usopp said was true... then, he must have gone to the shore to join his comrades. Not only our lives, but the lives of the villagers are also in danger.

Merry: Klahadoll's plan is to obtain this house and the wealth, so we should just give it all to him ! That way we'll get to keep our lives !

Kaya: O... Okay !

Merry: Unfortunately, the only one that can stop Klahadoll now... is you ! Can you do it ? Even though you don't really have to...

Kaya: I know ! I understand, I won't run away ! I'm going to talk to Klahadoll right now !

Pepper: Eh ? That butler went to the shore ? Hey Carrot ! Wake up !

Carrot: But normally I'm sleeping this time of day...

Onion: Now isn't the time to sleep. Something awful might be about to happen ! I think pirates are about to attack the village ! I think captain was lying when he said that it was just a lie...

Pepper: I think so too !

Carrot: Me too ! Because he was acting kind of weird yesterday !

Onion: Eh ? That's... It's Miss Kaya...

Carrot: What's she doing walking out...

Pepper: Something must've happened !

Luffy: Zzz... Zzz...

Zoro: What's going to come out now...

Pirate: Heh heh... You'll all be killed...

Jango: Come down.. Nyaban brothers !

Sham: Hey ! The captain is calling for us !

Buchi: What ? They haven't gone to the village yet ? Why are they still here ?

Sham: Hey, look ! Everyone has been defeated !

Buchi: that's weird... let's go down and check !

Jango: Hello, Nyaban brothers.

Sham (Right): Captain, you called for us ?

Buchi (left): What's up ?

Nami: What are they ?

Usopp: Wow... Jumping from so high, they're like cats...

Jango: Buchi, Sham... We couldn't pass through this slope because those guys are blocking our way ! Now go and destroy them !

Sham: What ?! How can we... Buchi, we can't beat them...

Buchi: Yeah ! Those guys look really strong !

"I... I don't know what to think of it..."

Usopp: What's going on ? Aren't they good ?

Zoro: I don't know... they both seem scared...

Sham: We're just the ship's watchmen !

Buchi: Yeah ! We don't want to participate in these kind of battles !

Jango: Sham ! Go now !!

Sham: Eh ?! Why meee ?!

Jango: GO !!

Sham: Okay ! I'm going !!

Nami: What's going on ? Aren't they supposed to be strong ? Why are they making those cowards fight ?

Sham: Prepare to die !! My claws are really sharp !!

Zoro: Y/n, this one's mine. Hey you ! If you don't stop now, I'll attack you !

Sham: just you ? You can't kill me...


Zoro: You...

Sham: You must be thinking, that I'm just a coward ? I was just pretending to be a coward ! If I didn't, then you wouldn't have left your guard down !

Usopp: So he was just acting scared ?!

Nami: Zoro ?! Your swords...

Zoro: Eh... Where did they go ?!

Sham: You look like you might have a few skills ! But you underestimated me, Sham of the Nyaban brothers ! What ? Are you missing something ? Want me to help you look for it ?

Buchi: there it is ! Cat burglar !

Zoro: that bastard... Stole my swords ! Give me back my swords !!

Sham: Give them back ? You already have one, isn't it enough already ? Oh right, before the battle starts... I should get this junk out of the way.

Sham: Okay, now that's better...

Zoro: Don't treat other's people stuff with such disrespect !!

"I'm confused... He played the coward, then he's kind off strong, and then nothing..."

Buchi: it's my turn now !!

Zoro: Damn it... How could he treat my swords like this !!

Sham: Did you think you actually cut me just now ?

Sham: Too bad, I have a very thin waist !!

Zoro: What ?!

"That guy... Zoro's attack only cut his shirt !"

Sham: Go, Buchi ! It's your turn !!

Buchi: Okay ! Got it, Sham !! Cat technique !! Buchi's..

Nami: Look out !!

Buchi: ... DROP K- GAH !!

Instead of stomping Zoro into nothingness, he completely changed direction, hitting the cliff instead.

"Give me a break... Going two on one on an already weakened opponent, that's not something I'm used to let happen like that... Zoro, you take the thin one, I'm taking on fat-ball over there."

Sham: Damn you !! Almost there !

Buchi: Who are you calling fat-ball, brat ?!

Sham: Don't fall for that, Buchi, he's trying to anger you so you lose your temper.

Zoro: that was close ! Thanks, Y/n, It'll be trouble if I get hit by that. Even my bones would be shattered.

Sham: Two on two... We can do it Buchi !

Buchi: Of course !

The two: CAT ATTACK !!

"Woah there, you sure move fat for someone of that size, kitty."

Buchi: How about you stop dodging and fight me for real ?!

'Easier said than done. Given his speed, he's most likely able to dodge my attack, and even if not, his fat will cushion the hit. I need to take him by surprise. Anyway, I always loved doing that...'

Buchi: Wha... Where did he go ?!!

he heard a voice coming from behind him, whispering into his ear.

"You don't know it yet, but you're already down..."

Buchi: W... What ?!

"And back to the boat for you fatty. How's it looking for you, Zoro ?"

Zoro: I've seen better days ! If only I had at least another sword...

Nami: I that case, let me do it !! I only need to pass him the swords !

Jango: Not so fast, young lady.

Usopp: Damn him !

Jango: Sham ! Finish... Him... now... Ah ! I... I... I can explain !!

Usopp: Huh ?

Pirate: Cap... cap... captain Kuro !! We... we're done for...

Usopp: 'Oh no ! He chose such a bad time to appear !!'

Klahadoll: It has been pretty long since dawn. I was wondering why the plan wasn't carried out... WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED ?!

Klahadoll: I didn't expect you to be held up by these kids... the Kuro pirate fleet has been reduced to a truly sad state... ISN'T THAT RIGHT, JANGO ?!?

Jango: But... But... that day, you said that we could let that kid go, because he couldn't affect our plans !!

Klahadoll: Yes, I did say that... So what ?! He indeed still cannot affect our plans, I expected that he would come after us, I just didn't expect your uselessness ! I don't want any more excuses !

Sham: You said we're useless ?!

Buchi: D... Don't look down on us, captain Kuro...

"Huh, I was sure I knocked him out cold... he's tougher than I thought."

Sham: indeed, you were very powerful, but that's in the past...

Klahadoll: What are you trying to say ?

Jango: Hey ! Shut up, Buchi ! Sham !!

Sham: that was three years ago.. ! You've been pampering yourself in this village ! But we've never stopped our attacks !!

Buchi: We've attacked countless villages, and sank many ships !!

Usopp: Internal conflicts ?

"That looks like it..."

Sham: We won't allow ourselves to be killed, for a stupid reason like a "Failed plan" !!

Buchi: You've been inactive for three years ! Do you think you can still beat us, the Nyaban brothers ?!

Pirates: That's true... if those two gang up, even captain Jango can't beat them... It's a fact that they are our strongest team...

Buchi: You're no longer our captain !

Sham: instead of being killed by you silently, we might as well kill you first !!

Klahadoll: Who did you say, you were going to kill ?

"Okay, now that's fast."

Usopp: When did he get behind them... ?!

Pirate: Ah... It's ... It's the "Silent step" !!

Zoro: What a weird looking weapon..

Sham: He's behind us ?!

Buchi: Huh ? Dis... Disappeared ?!

Klahadoll: You're right, I don't feel too active. You're also right, that I'm no longer your captain... I am only the "client" in the plan ! A client who will kill if the plan fails !

Pirate: This is the first time I see the Nyaban brothers get caught... !

Nami: Even though he does have swords on his hands, the Nyaban brothers who could take on Zoro, and even give Y/n a challenge... they're just like babies in his hands...

Jango: What are you still hoping for ? His "silent step"... I a soundless moving technique. Even if he faces 50 assassins, he can still kill them all silently, we can't escape from his plans. Plus... When I met up with him, he sent a shiver down my spine when I saw that he still kept that "habit" of replacing his glasses with his palms, in order to avoid scratching himself with his "claws gloves"... This proves that he hasn't forgotten how to fight !!

Klahadoll: After three quiet years... It seems that I've become more generous... I give you five minutes. If you can't settle this in five minutes, none will escape my wrath... I'll kill all of you !

Pirates: I DON'T WANNA DIE... !!

Buchi: Five minutes...

Usopp: Damn it !! we actually let this guy stay in our village for three years ?!

Jango: Five minutes ?! With five minutes, we can settle this !! THEM !!! WE CAN FINISH THEM OFF... !! WE CAN GET UP THE SLOPE !!

Buchi: That's right ! If we can focus one of them at a time, they're no match !

Sham: No problem !! We can take care of them in five seconds each !!

Nami: Hey, Zoro !! Here are your swords !!

Zoro: Stupid girl... How dare you kick my swords !!

Nami: Really ? Not even a thank you ?

Zoro: Ah... thanks !! I'm saved...

'He got that now. There's no need for me to but him now.'

Sham: SHYAAAAAA !!! Stop dreaming ! Even with three swords, you're no match for the two of us !!

Zoro: You don't know the difference, between using three swords, and using three swords style !

Pirates: Nyaban brothers ! We're counting on you !! Finish them off within these 5 minutes

Zoro: Tora...

Pirates: With... With only one slash !! the Nyaban brothers are...

"Don't worry. Within those five minutes, we'll kill all of you, with no exceptions."

Klahadoll: Heh... Let's see you try it.

Buchi: Hah... Hah... Those guys... Damn them, I... I will kill them ! Cap... Captain !! Captain Jango ! Hypnotize me !!

Klahadoll: he's still alive ! You were too nice...

"He's really durable... What a pain... Huh ?"

Zoro: It's... it's hypnotism again ? This guy is troublesome !

"He could crack the cliff easily before, what will happen now that he doubled in size... ?"

Jango: Hmmm ?!

Nami: 'This is my chance ! I have to go and wake up Luffy ! Really, how can he still be sleeping when we're in grave danger !!'

Jango: What do you think you're doing, sly little girl !! Die !!

"A chakram ?! it's not only a pendulum ?!!"

Nami: Everyone is fighting with wounds and this guy just sleeps !! WAKE UP !!


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