Chapter 19: Captain Kuro

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Jango: I'll split you into two !!

"A chakram ?! It's not only a pendulum ?!"

Luffy: Was that you, Nami ?!! How dare you step on my face...

Nami: Luffy !!

Jango: Ah !! that kid is still alive !!

Zoro: He woke up... At the wrong time... Or maybe the right time ?

Klahadoll: It's him... ? I thought he fell off the cliff and died...

Jango: Impossible !! He's still standing !!

"He really is something..."


Luffy: IT HURTS !!!

Pirates: We're doomed !! Now it will be impossible to finish them off in 5 minutes !!

Luffy: You want to kill me or what ?!

Nami: It wasn't me !!!

Luffy: Your shoulder's injured ?

Nami: I'm alright, I've done my best, the rest is up to you ! This is a battle, that we definitely cannot lose !!

Luffy: You...

Nami: I'm doing it for the treasure !

"Of course you are... That's just your character, after all..."

Luffy: heh... Even the evil butler is here...

Klahadoll: ... In three more minutes, all of you will be dead.

Pirates: What ? There's no hope left !! Even though we have captain Jango and Buchi, even the two of them can't... How can we finish off these people... ?!!

Jango: Buchi ! We don't have any more time ! You go and kill the two up there ! I'll deal with the straw-hat kid !!


Usopp: Kaya ! Why... Why are you here ?!

Jango: Oh ! isn't that the young miss of the mansion ?! She's the target of the mission !!

Pirates: Then... We don't have to go to the village ?! If we can just kill her now...

Klahadoll: You surprised me, young miss... What are you doing here... ?

Kaya: Merry told me everything.

Klahadoll: Oh ? He didn't die ? I didn't... Showed any mercy to him...

Kaya: 'No... ! He really, isn't the Klahadoll I know...' I'm really sorry, Usopp ! Maybe you can't forgive me so easily, but... I... really can't believe that Klahadoll is a pirate !!

Usopp: N-Nevermind that !!! Why are you here ?! Didn't I tell you to run away ?! These pirates are after your life !!

Kaya: Aren't you fighting as well ?! We treated you so badly... And yet you're here fighting...

Usopp: We're different !! I... I'm a brave warrior of...

Kaya: Klahadoll ! If you want my money, I will give it all to you !! Please leave the village !!

Klahadoll: You're wrong, young miss... It's not only money that I'm after. I also want "peace of mind". I spent three years here to gain the villager's trust, I feel at peace here. Only when I have obtained peace and money, my plans will be complete. That's why having my crew attack the village, and making you leave a will at your death, is essential.

Usopp: Kaya, run !! Don't bother negotiating with him !! He's no longer the butler you knew !!

Pirates: A pistol...


Klahadoll: So... You've become stronger in these three years... Do you still remember ? A lot has happened in the last three years, since your parents passed away, we've been together for quite some time. We took boat rides together... Went to town together... When you're down with a fever, I always stayed by you to take care of you... We've shared our troubles, and our joy... I've served you tirelessly ! I suffered taking care of this noisy little young miss, I suffered waiting for so long... All this is so that I can kill you today !

Usopp: You bastard...

Klahadoll: I was a captain in the past... And I had to serve such a young, naive little girl obsequiously... Deliberately to make her like me... Can you understand how demeaning my days have been ?!!

Usopp: AGRHH !!!

Klahadoll: About that, Usopp, now that I think of it, I... Still haven't thanked you for that punch you gave me last time... You hit me really hard !!


Luffy: That's too bad that you really hate being hit...

"... 'Cause we have a few hundreds more of those in stock for you !"

Pirates: What happened ?? How did they knock captain Kuro down, from their position ?! Captain Kuro's really angry now ! What're we gonna do ?


Carrot: Here comes Usopp's pirate group !

Pepper: Die, you bastard !!

Onion: You ingrate butler !!

Usopp: How did you all...

Kaya: You can't come here !!

Onion: Hit him ! Take that and that and that too !!

Pepper: You damn pirate ! Trying to disrupt the peace of our village !!

Carrot: Die, bastard !!

Pirates: Wah !! What the hell are those kids doing ?!

Usopp: Stop it, all of you !! Stop it !!

Zoro: What are those kids trying to do ?

Carrot: Ok ! We'll have mercy on him... our captain was really fighting !

Pepper: Why didn't you tell us ?! That's disloyal !!

Onion: Wrong ! It should be dishonest !!

Usopp: It doesn't matter if it's disloyal or dishonest !! Just get out of here !! Run away !!

Carrot: We won't leave you, captain !!

Pepper: Yeah ! We wanna fight too !!

Onion: If we run, we'll ruin the reputation of the Usopp pirate group !!


Usopp: Idiots, run !!

Carrot: Ah... Wha... What ? Didn't he see us... ?

Onion: Captain !!

Klahadoll: I'm a bit curious... That was quite some odd attacks you just used. Looks like you possess the power of the "devil's fruits"...

"Well yes, but actually no..."

Luffy: I ate the Gum-Gum fruit when I was little, and I've become a rubber-man !!

Pirates: What ?! devil's fruit ?! This is bad ! You mean they actually exists ?! No wonder this guy's so weird !!

Jango: So, rubber-man, then the stretched arm wasn't an illusion. But he still stand up after getting hit by my chakram, that's incredible !!

"That's Luffy for ya..."

Klahadoll: I see... Jango !!

Jango: Y... Yes !!

Klahadoll: I will take care of these kids ! You take care of Kaya. Make her write her will, and then, kill her ! And also, those three puny ants... They irritate me.

Jango: Got it.

Zoro: Stop ! I won't let you get through me !

Jango: Buchi !!!

Buchi: Graaaaahh !! SHAAAAAAAA !!! Cat technique...

Zoro: That again ?!

"Cat technique, horizontal-get-the-hell-out-of-here..."


"He may be even more powerful than before, but it doesn't really mean a thing against me. You already lost to us once, kitty, so don't stand in our way."

Usopp: 'Damn... I feel dizzy, I can't get up ! But I must stop the enemies...' USOPP PIRATE GROUP !!

Carrot: Yes, captain !! I told you, we won't run !!

Pepper: Captain, you're injured ! We can't just run away !!

Onion: We will destroy your enemies !!

Usopp: Protect Kaya !! I'm diving you the most important task ! Take Kaya away from here safely ! You mustn't refuse !! This is the captain's order !!

The three: Yes... YES, CAPTAIN !!

Jango: idiots ! You can't escape !

'He really is good for speeches... But basically, he's just telling them to run away.'

Carrot: Miss kaya, run ! Go in the forest, we know it very well !

Jango: Where can you run to ?!


Usopp: Heh heh ! Serves you right !!

Jango: You... You bastard !!

Klahadoll: Jango, quick ! After them !!

Jango: O... Okay !!

Pepper: Miss Kaya, this way !!

Klahadoll: It's no use, I know very well how weak Kaya is... They'll never be able to outrun Jango !! if you want to help them, you can go. That is... if you can get through this slope alive...

Usopp: Damn ! This situation's really bad ::

"Hey, Usopp..."

Luffy/Zoro/Y/n: Leave this to us !

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