Chapter 20: 3 years ago...

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Pepper: Is the hypnotist still after us ?

Onion: No, I don't see him ! Maybe we've lost him...

Carrot: He must be dreaming if he thinks he can catch us in this forest !

Onion: Don't worry, Kaya ! We'll protect you !!

Pepper: That's right ! In the name of the Usopp pirate group !!

Kaya: Yes... Thank you...

The three: WHA- WHAT ?!


Onion: He's coming !!

Pepper: What... ?! I thought he was just a normal hypnotist !!!

Jango: If that's the case, I'll just have to clear the whole damn forest !!

Usopp: What was that noise ?!

Klahadoll: Well, that's probably just Jango losing his temper. You can see for yourself, but you will probably be too late...

Zoro: We'd better hurry.

Klahadoll: Can you ?

"I don't know, can YOU stop us ?"

Usopp: Damn it... You two have stayed together for three years ! Don't you have any feelings for her ?!!

Klahadoll: No. As I've said before, Kaya is just a pawn in my plan. And if she dies, I might actually thank her...

Zoro: This guy's beyond saving !

"Who said we even thought of saving him ?"

Usopp: I can't let you do whatever you want !! 'Must go and save them ! Otherwise, they'll all be killed !! There's not a second to lose !!!'

Klahadoll: Who said you could move ? Buchi !!

Buchi: SHHYAAA !!

Zoro: Don't get in the way, we're... In a hurry ! You've messed around enough ! I won't kill you, if you just lie down quietly !!

"I don't think it can really consider things in his state, Zoro."

Luffy: Usopp !!

"When did he got hurt ? Or is it exhaustion..."

Usopp: Da... Damn it !! I can't... Move my body !!

Klahadoll: Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah... You're a joke !! It's probably safer for you to lie down here, anyway. Even if you can caught up with Jango, you're still no match for him.

Usopp: Even... Even if I'm no match for him... I'll still protect them !! I will protect them !!! I'm the captain of the Usopp pirate group ! i'm a brave warrior of the sea !! I won't let you hurt the villagers !!!

Pirates: Hehehe !! look at him, shouting out load in a weird style like that !! So pathetic !

"The next one to open his mouth, I'll personally break all of his bones one by one..."

Pirates: Eeeek...

Buchi: SHHYAAAA !!!

Zoro: Hey, kitty. You moron, I thought I already warned you... Don't get in the way. Get...


Pirates: Ahh !! Even the hypnotized Buchi was...

Zoro: Guys, I'm gonna take Usopp and go after that bastard hypnotist ! You have any problem with that ?

Luffy: Nope ! Go quickly !!

Usopp: S... Sorry...

Zoro: It would actually be faster if I go alone, but we're going into the woods, and if you don't guide me, I won't be able to find them.

Klahadoll: Hey, you ! Who said you could get through me ?

"That would be us !"

Luffy: Go, Zoro !! Go, Usopp !!!

Luffy: He disappeared ?!

"He's behind you !!"

Luffy: Woah !!! Gum-Gum...

"Dammit, he disappeared again."

Luffy: Nevermind that, they already got up the slope !

Pirates: Th... These kids, they actually dare to challenge captain Kuro !!

Klahadoll: Before we fight, I want to ask you one question. You're both strangers here, why are you getting so involved with this village ?!

Luffy: I have a friend in this village, that I don't wanna see dead !!

Usopp: East, EAST !! I told you to go to East !!

Zoro: How am I supposed to know which side is East ! Just say left or right !!

Usopp: Then turn around and go right !!

Zoro: You mean go back ?!

Klahadoll: What a simple reason. Are you really okay with it ? After all, it'll be your reason for dying...

Luffy: That's okay !! We're certainly not going to die anyways !!

Jango: Where did they go...

If the boys were on their own, they probably could've escaped Jango. But Kaya was too weak, and it wasn't long before she collapses.

Pepper: Kaya !!

Kaya: huff... I'm sorry... You boys keep going ahead.

Carrot: what are you saying ?! We are here to protect you, Kaya !!

Pepper: Oh no !! She looks really sick !!

Carrot: What ?! Hang in there, Kaya !! We must take her to the doctor !!

pepper: Idiot, we're running for our lives now !

Onion: But t's too dangerous to let her go on !!

pepper: All right, then... We'll have to make a decision, Usopp pirate groupe !!

Onion: Okay !!

Carrot: We're gonna fight...

Jango: There you are.


Klahadoll: Die.

"No thanks."

Pirates: They started !!

The first one to move was the butler, trying to end this as soon as possible, but before he could even reach us, Luffy as already grabbed both his arms, stopping him and preparing another "spear"... Only to be casually thrown aside when Klahadoll rotated his arms.

Luffy: Damn it ! Gum-Gum... LEG SWEEPER !!! And... PISTOL !!!

It appeared that he was inches away for hitting him square in the face, but in fact, he disappeared again, reappearing and standing boringly on his still stretched arm.

Pirates: He... he dodged it and !! He's standing on his stretched arm !!!

Klahadoll: This is so boring, I'm beginning to feel sleepy...

Luffy: You bastard !!!

Luffy tried to call back his arm, but way faster than him, his opponent... ran up his arm and prepared a mighty kick, that would've probably broke a few teeth, if I hadn't put a bone right in his way. Not enough to prevent Luffy from being kicked away, though...

Luffy: Ouch... Ouch...

"That's a tough one. And he's really fast, just to make it worse..."

Pirates: That strawhat kid was so scary and strong !! That's our captain Kuro...

Pirates: KILL THEM !!! Go, Captain Kuro !! Captain Kuro !! Captain Kuro !!


Pirates: HIII... !!

Klahadoll: You still don't understand ? The real purpose of this plan, was to eliminate the name "Captain Kuro" forever !! I'm sick and tired of making plans for you reckless morons... As my name became more and more notorious, the governments marines and professional bounty hunters kept coming after me, that really started to annoy me... That's why on that day, three years ago, I decided to kill myself...

"Wow, that's sad. I know a really good therapist, if you need help with your suicidal thoughts..."

It tools me a few seconds of awkward silence and gazes fixated on me, before I realized the real meaning of his sentence.

"Oh... nevermind, go on."

Pirates: What a dumbass... But, that day, it was that incident...


Pirate: First mate Jango !

Jango: What is it ?

Pirate: Captain Kuro is looking for you !

Kuro: Jango... I want to leave the ship...

Jango: Huh ?! What are you talking about ?! This is your ship ! And you're the captain !

Kuro: You can be the next captain. I don't think I'm suited for a pirate's life, I'm sick of this chaotic lifestyle.

Pirate: Captain Kuro !! Captain Kuro !! A navy ship is spotted to the north !!

Pirate: Again ?! This is the third time this week !! And they're firing at us already !!

Kuro: See ! They've come again !

Jango: We don't have a choice, we're doing things that get us hunted. Because of that, you've become notorious.

Kuro: yes... It's the name that draws them here. that's why I decided not to be captain Kuro anymore.

Jango: Stop kidding yourself ! You'll be hunted down by the government all your life until you're dead.

Kuro: Then I will die and make myself disappear from the face of the earth !

Pirate: Captain Kuro, what do we do about the marines ? Should we blast them with the cannons ?!

Kuro: No, get me a small boat.

Pirate: Huh ? A boat ?!

Pirate: the captain left all by himself, what is he doing ? he's heading to the marines alone... is he trying to turn himself in ?

Pirate: they've stopped attacking, and there's no movement over there. Maybe they killed the captain !! Steer the boat over ! Charge the cannons ! Everyone prepare for battle !!

Pirates: Ah...

Pirates: All... All the marines... ARE DEAD !!

Kuro: Okay... Let's start the plan...

Sham: Even though he's our captain, his power still brings shivers down my spine...

Buchi: Yeah... the opponents were well-trained marines... But still...

Soldier: ... Uh...

Kuro: Oh... You're not dead yet... You've got quite a nice face.

Morgan (Yes, THAT Morgan): I won't beg for my life. If you want to kill me, then do it now !

Kuro: Your jaw is broken, yet you still can say such crap. I'm impresses. I shall reward you with the head of "The 100 plans Kuro".

Jango: Your name is captain Kuro. This tragedy was caused by you. One... Two... Jango !!

Pirate: I am captain Kuro... This tragedy was caused by me. I am captain Kuro...

Jango: And you're the man who captured captain Kuro !! Take him back to your base and have him executed. One, two, Jango !!

Kuro: This is a perfect plan. Once the fake one is executed, captain Kuro will disappear from this world...

Jango: I'm the one who captured captain Kuro !!

Pirate: The first mate hypnotized himself again...

End flashback:

Klahadoll: What happened that day has been essential for today's plan to be successful. My plan can only be complete once I have obtained wealth and peace. Do you understand, kids ? I've spent three years doing this plan, it cannot fail !! I can't let you disrupt my plans !!

"Three years, that's all ? Dude, I've spent decades traveling around and fighting for my life, you really think you can scare me like that ?"

Klahadoll: So, it seems you can do more than just stretch.

Luffy: that's right ! I've been training to become a pirate !!

Pirates: Whoa !! The "Cat's claws" are broken !!!

Luffy: You said that you're sick and tired ? If you're afraid of your name being known, THEN HOW CAN YOU BE A PIRATE ?!! My dreams are far greater than your plans !!!

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