Chapter 21: Just (not) as planned...

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Luffy: That's five less claws for the kitty !

Pirates: Those kids... Captain Kuro's "Cat's claws" were.. !

Pirates: Captain Kuro ! You still have one hand left of "cat's claws" left ! Kill them !!

Pirate: Hey, don't call him captain Kuro ! Peoples in the village calls him what again ? Klara... Klara something...

Pirate: Okay then, we should call him Klara. KLARA !! KILL THEM !!

Klahadoll: Shut up... !! After this is done, all of you must die, and Jango is no exception...

Pirates: What ?! Why do we have to die too ?

Jango: Open your eyes, little girl !!

Kaya: No. I won't let you hypnotize me, I won't write the will.

Jango: If that's the case, I'll have to open them by force !

Carrot: Here's our chance !

Onion: "Blind pepper !!!"

Jango: ARGHH !! Achoo !! Achoo !!

Pepper: And another !!

*10 years later, Jango Jr: father I don't feel so good...*

Kaya: Boys !

Pepper: We were only pretending to be hypnotized !!

Onion: As if we would fall for the same trick twice !

Carrot: Prepare for the next battle plan !!

Jango: Haahh... Haaahh Huuu... Damn kids !! Where did they hide ?! The girl's gone too... I should kill those kids first !! Damn it...

Unknown to him, Onion has jumped from a branch above. Only in appearance, as he grabbed him by the throat before he could hit him.

Pepper/Carrot: Onion !!

Zoro: Hey ! Did you hear that ?!

Usopp: I heard it ! It was their voices ! That way ! Quickly !!

Zoro: Okay !

Jango: You've played your little pirate game too far... Since you're stupid enough to interfere in a real pirate's business, you can all go to hell and repent !! DIE !!

Pepper/Carrot: You bastard !!

Pirates: Eh... Please stop joking, captain Kuro !! it's still not too late to attack the village !! As long as Jango can make that girl write the will, the plan can still succeed !!

Klahadoll: You don't have to worry about the plan, as long as your corpses are here; I can place all the blame on you. I never intended to let any of you leave the village alive. It would be to my disadvantage to let anyone who knows about my plans live.

Pirates: You mean, you planned... from the very beginning... To kill all of us ?!

Klahadoll: Yes, ever since three years ago, when I was still captain Kuro... All this was part of my "plan" !!

"You guys are really dumb. What a bunch of loser pirates."

Klahadoll: Hmph... Losers ? A pirate crew is just a random gathering of outcasted outlaws. What could these fools do without my "plans" ?! You should continue to quietly follow my plans !!! In a pirate fleet, the crew members are just "pawns" for the captain to use as he wishes. That means, your life and death are all in my hands. Even if there's a wall right ahead, you'd still have to follow my orders and charge at it !! And sacrifice themselves for my plan !!

Klahadoll: That's the way of a pirate !!! Two wandering little brats like you would never understand !!!

Luffy: Even if you were the captain of a ship who controls hundreds of men... You still couldn't defeat Usopp !!

Klahadoll: What ? You say that I'm inferior to that "captain" in a kid's pirate game ?

"That's precisely what we meant."

Klahadoll: HA HA HA HA... You're so stupid ! Don't get cocky just because your friend has broken my "cat's claws" ! In what way am I inferior to him ?!!

"Easy... It's the way you think."

Klahadoll: What ?!!

"You clearly don't know what a true pirate is supposed to be !!!"

Pirates: That kid !! he saw through the captain's Silent Step !!!

Klahadoll: You... You've insulted me... You want to know what a true pirate is supposed to be ? Then let me show you... Together with the terror of a real pirate !! the terror of a pirate... Who's been at the brink of death and survived !

Pirates: Wait, that stance is... Don't tell me it's that special technique ! Against Only two people ?!

Pirate: I... I'm pretty sure that's it !! That's the "Deadly jolt" !!! he's gonna use the "deadly jolt" !!

Pirate: We're not safe here either, right ? We can be killed !!

Pirate: His true intention is to kill us !! That's what he said earlier !!! Ca... Captain Kuro !! if I go back to sea I won't tell anyone you're still alive, so please let me live !!!

Pirate: Hey, you're so selfish, trying to save only yourself !! I won't tell anyone either, Captain Kuro !! Just spare me !!!

Pirates: Me too !! Me too, me too !!! Just please don't use that technique !! We'll do anything !!!

"What are they talking about ? he's just swaying there..."

Klahadoll: "Deadly Jolt" !!!

Nami: Ah... How disappointing... I thought there would be a lot of treasure. It's silent, is the battle over already ? Why is everyone standing still... is it over ?

Luffy: Huh ? What's happening ?!!

"Another one... Even the rocks now !!"

Pirate: Captain Kuro, please stop it !!!

Pirate: It's no use !!! When he's using his "Deadly Jolt" attack, he can't discern one person from another !! he's so fast than even he doesn't know what he's attacking !! he won't stop 'til he's tired !!!

Nami: Wh... what's going on ?! Those people are getting massacred out of nowhere !!

Pirate: At this rate, I don't know how many of us will die... ARGH !!

Pirates: Help us !! try to avoid it or hide if you can !!

Luffy: Come out, you evil butler...

"I believe... I believe it's time for me to end this !!!"

I stomped on the ground resulting on a bunch of bones sticking out of the ground, all over the slope.

"He's too fast, I can't hope to hit him by attacking randomly... Good thing I wasn't trying to..."

Suddenly, one of the bones was scratched. Then another one, again and again.

"I may not be able to see you, but now I can track your movements and predict your path ! Right... HERE !!

Just as another bone was scratched by his attacks, I made another one appear, completely throwing that butler up in the air by hitting his guts.

"Got you now. It doesn't matter how fast you are, as long as I know where you're going to be next, you know."

Klahadoll: Gh... You bastard... You should've just quietly let me chop you to pieces !! Look ! All because of you, my beloved crew is half dead and in great pain ! Don't you have something to say ?

"As a matter of fact, yes. You're truly the lowest scum of earth, I swear that I'll never ever become someone like you."

Klahadoll: Oh, you won't. Of course, you can't even be pirates, because you will all die here...

He started preparing another one of his technique. Of course, a familiar blue light wasn't gonna let him.

"Not so fast... I don't think I can allow you to use that again, can I ?"

Kaya: Please stop it !! I'll write the will !! just stop hurting the boys !!

Pepper: No !! After you write the will, he'll kill you !!

Jango: Idiot ! Don't try to negotiate with me ! Captain Kuro said, I have to KILL ALL OF YOU !!!

Kaya: Fine... Since you won't listen, I will kill myself ! And you won't get the will !!

Jango: GAH !! WAIT !! Don't make a stupid decision !! I just want the will, if I don't get it, I'll be in big trouble ! Okay, i'll let the kids go ! Not like they can escape anyway.

Jango: Don't forget to mark it with your thumbprint.

Pepper: If we pretend to stay unconscious, will we live... ?

Onion: I think so... Miss Kaya have saved us...

Carrot: Didn't the captain always say that if you know you're gonna lose, then you must flee ?

Pepper: But captain is a liar !!

Onion: Now, he's bravely fighting alone ! He was all covered in blood... And still wanted to protect us !

Carrot: We can't let Kaya die... We are the Usopp pirate group !

Jango: "I'm leaving all of my inheritance to my butler, Klahadoll." Good, this is definitely your will. That even saved me from hypnotizing you... now, you have to die ! If you're still alive, the will's no better than a piece of scrap paper.

Kaya: You promised me, you won't hurt the boys !

Jango: Don't worry, I'm a man who keeps his words.

Usopp: There they are !!!! Stop ! Stop ! There ! There ! Over there !!

Zoro: hey, don't hit me, I'm not deaf !!

Usopp: Thank god ! She's still alive !!! But she's in danger ! Let me down...

Zoro: You just wait there ! Damn hypnotist, you can't do anything now !!! 'Can I do it at this distance ?'

Jango: What !! He caught up with me ! I should finish you off quickly !

Boys: Don't even think about it !!!

The three of them grabbed their shovel, and... Plunged it right into Jango's "back cleavage"...

Jango: YOU DAMN BRATS !!! Too bad, but it's too late now kid !!

Zoro: oh yeah ?

Usopp: Good ! That tree branch was blocking the way !

Kaya: What ?! Usopp...


Usopp: Eat this, hypnotist !!!

Klahadoll: DAMN !! Let me go !!!

"No, I don't think I will. Now your three-years plan will fail."

Klahadoll: What did you say ?!!

"You said something about being at the brink of death, right ? That's really cute. I've lost track of how many times I came back from the other side..."

Pirates: He's... He's got captain Kuro ! Wait a minute... if he wins, then we won't be killed !!

Pirates: That's great, psycho-boy !! Kill him !!

Three of them were crushed by a giant bone.

"All of you shut the fuck up !! After I'm done with him, you're all next !! Gaster..."

Klahadoll: How can it be... my plan... MY PLAN... CANNOT FAIL !!!

Usopp: Special technique "GUNPOWDER STAR" !!!

"...CRUSHER !!!"

the very same bone traveled up the slope at break-necking speeds, only stopped when it hit a tree, Klahadoll being between the bone and the tree.

Pirates: He... He did it, captain Kuro was... Even a ship of marines weren't able to defeat him, yet he really... HE REALLY BEAT HIM ! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU ?!!!

"Y/n L/n, former adventurer and hero."

Luffy: Monkey D.Luffy !!! There's no way we'd lose to a pirate who gives up his name and runs from the sea. The only time a pirate should give up his name is when he dies !!

"You better try and remember his name... 'Cause he's the one who's going to become the pirate king !!!"

Pirate: Are these guys crazy ?!

"Stop talking, take your captain back... AND DON'T EVER COME BACK !!!"


Nami: You guys really fought hard...

"Yeah... It really took a lot off me. Just let me rest for a bit and I'll be good."

Nami: I guess even you can't stand up after such a fight. Why did you get so mad earlier ?

Luffy: I don't like them, they're wrong !!

Nami: What are you talking about ? It's obviously because they're pirates.

Luffy: I want meat.

"Of course you do, Luffy..."

Back to school for me, so now my stories will be weekly updated. Every saturday for One Piece.

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