Chapter 22: After the battle, new companion.

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Usopp: Can you guys keep everything that has happened here as a secret ?

Carrot: What ?! A secret ?! But why would we do that ?!

Pepper: That's right !! We fought for the village !!

Onion: Everyone will change their opinion of you, captain !! You could be the town's hero !!

Kaya: Usopp, we have to fix the misunderstanding about you...

Usopp: There's no misunderstanding, people would just say I'm a liar like I've always been. it's over now, and I don't want to cause unnecessary fright.

Usopp: Besides what has happened today, I think pirates wouldn't be interested in a small village like this... And the villagers would be able to continue living their lives peacefully. So, let's just say nothing happened. It was all a lie.

Kaya: Usopp...

Usopp: I won't force it on you guys, but...

Carrot: No, I can do that !! If that's what's best for this village !!

Pepper: Same here !!

Onion: Me too !! I won't tell a soul !

Usopp: Kaya, is it going to be hard for you ?

Kaya: No...

Villager: Hey !! it's already 7 o'clock !!

Villager: My gosh, you're right ! I overslept ! that's strange, Usopp didn't come today...

Villager: I wonder what happened to Usopp... Feels weird, throws my whole schedule off.

Villager: Dear, it's time for work.

Villager: Really ? Usopp hasn't come running through yet.

Child: Mommy, is the big liar not coming today ?

Angry villager: Is that lying brat not here yet ?! Were we a little too harsh on him yesterday ?

Villager: Oh, I'm sure he'll come tomorrow.

Mother: PEPPER ! How could you get your clothes dirty so early in the morning ?! Go wash up !!

Pepper: Ye... yes mom !!

Mother: Carrot, have you seen the frying pan ? I can't make scrambled eggs without it...

Carrot: Uh... I, I'll have them uncooked ! I like them uncooked !

Mother: Did you beak your glasses again, Onion ?!

Onion: I'm so sorry, mom !

Your POV

Usopp: Thank you ! It's all thanks to you ! If it weren't for you guys, the village couldn't have been protected.

"Don't mention it. Now, we only need to explain the crumbled cliff, shattered ground, cut forest and those guys' prow laying over there..."

Zoro: If you hadn't done anything, I wouldn't have either.

Luffy: same here.

Nami: That doesn't matter, I was able to get the treasure in the end.

Usopp: In light of this, There's a decision I've made...

"Huh ?"

Merry: What... Did you just say ? After such a disaster, we are to act as though nothing happened ?

Kaya: Would you rather not ?

Merry: How good-natured this young man is... he says it's best for the villagers ? Are you alright with that, young miss ?

Kaya: If Usopp says it is the best, then I will do so.

Merry: I see, yes. I will go along with your story.

Kaya: And Merry, there's a favor I'd like to ask of you.

Pepper: Captain Usopp, what is it that you wanted to talk to us about ?

Usopp: Oh, yes, you're all here. You guys fought bravely against those pirates ! It was a battle worthy of the Usopp pirate group. I'm very proud of you as the captain !

Usopp: 5 years ago, we formed the Usopp pirate group when you guys were four, this was the greatest and most magnificent battle we have experienced in those 5 years. And now, it's sudden but I have decided to go to the sea by myself ! I'm going to become a real pirate !!

Carrot: What ? Captain ?

Usopp: After seeing them, I decided that I'm going to leave this village. There is only one reason ! Because the pirate flag is calling me !

Carrot: Captain, that's a lie ! That's also a lie, right ?!

Pepper: That's so sudden ! Besides, don't you love this village, captain ?

Onion: What's going to happen to the Usopp pirate group ?!

Usopp: Thanks for everything, guys. I don't plan on telling the folks in the village, say bye to them for me.

Carrot: No...

Pepper: No, I don't want to say that !!!

Onion: Don't go, captain !

Usopp: Do you remember this place ? This is where we first met...

Pepper: Hey, liar !

Usopp: Who are you little brats ?

Pepper: But you're famous for your lies !

Onion: Yeah, you're famous !

Pepper: I don't wanna hear that story !

Usopp: Okay, you can call me captain Usopp from now on ! You guys are the Usopp pirate group !

The three: Whaa...

Usopp: What are you trying to say ?!

Usopp: A lot has happened...

Usopp: It's a cerberus, get rid of him !

Usopp: A dragon ! Capture it !

The three: Wow, captain ! Your aim's perfect !

Usopp: of course, I'm a brave warrior of the sea !

Shopkeeper: Stop, you apple thieves !!

Usopp: Run, it's the alien store-owner guy !

Usopp: What are your life ambitions ?

Carrot: To own a tavern !

Pepper: To become a master carpenter !

Onion: To become a writer !

Usopp: While not losing sight of our ambitions... Swear that you will go on the road you have chosen ! Starting today... The Usopp pirate group... IS DISBANDED !!!!

Luffy: Phew... I got it !

Zoro: idiot, it's because your throat isn't trained enough to handle fish bones.

"A normal person wouldn't swallow fish bones to begin with..."

Zoro: Well, we had our meal, we should get going.

Luffy: You're right.

Kaya: oh, so this is where you guys are...

Luffy: Hey, miss Kaya !

Nami: Don't you need to stay in bed ?

Kaya: No. I realized that my depressed state was caused by my parents death a year ago. Usopp encouraged me, that's why I can't be so weak now ! Anyway, I heard that you guys needed a ship !

Luffy: A ship ! You're gonna give us one ?

On the meantime, Usopp was busy putting all of his stuff into an absurdly huge backpack.

Usopp: Ngh ! Finished ! It's time to say goodbye to this house... !

But what he didn't thought of, was the door's size compared to his backpack's...

Usopp: NOOO !! Damn ! Why can't I get out ?! When I finally managed to stuff everything in !! But this won't stop me ! It's just the prelude to the upcoming great adventures, a good one to boot.

"So that's the ship ?"

Nami: A caravel !

Luffy: Wow !!

Merry: I've been waiting for you. it's slightly old style but I designed it myself. It's a caravel and it uses a staysail... the controls are in the back. I called it "Going-Merry".

Luffy: We can really take this ?!

Kaya: yes, I insist.

Merry: I will explain the steering system. First of all, in order to adjust the yards in relation to the crew garnet...

Nami: Don't explain to Luffy, I'll listen to the explanation.

Kaya: I had everything you would need for a voyage loaded onto the ship.

Luffy: thanks for causing all this trouble !

"That's 'For going through' all this trouble, Luffy..."


Kaya: Usopp !

Luffy: What's he doing ?

Zoro: I think we should stop him. If he keeps going on like that, he'll hit the ship.

"Say no more, and leave it to me."


"There. He is stopped."

Usopp: Sh... Shanks guyj... Bleh...

Kaya: So you are going to the sea, Usopp ?

Usopp: Yeah, I have to go before I change my mind, please don't stop me.

Kaya: I won't... I've figured that you might do this. It makes me sad though.

Usopp: Next time I come to this village, I'll tell you adventure stories that are more unbelievable than lies !

Kaya: Thank you. I look forward to it.

Usopp: Well, safe voyage guys ! Hope to see you again somewhere !

Luffy: Why ?

Usopp: Huh, why ? You're such a cold hearted-man... We're both going to be pirates now, so we might meet again on the high seas...

"What are you blabbing about ? Hurry up and get your ass on that boat."

Usopp: What ?

Luffy: You're already our companion, aren't you ?

Usopp: Wha... I... I'M THE CAPTAIN, RIGHT ?!


Carrot: There goes the captain...

Pepper: But, if he's with those people... I feel safer.

Onion: yeah, I've never seen anyone so strong.

Carrot: We can't do anything about it, he always wanted to be a pirate.

Pepper: the villagers will be sad when we tell them the news...

Onion: It's so sudden... And it's because the captain... he was pretty noisy just by himself.

Pepper: I have an idea !

Carrot/Onion: What ?

Kaya: Merry...

Merry: What is it ?

Kaya: it hurts to lie doesn't it...

Merry: You mean about Klahadoll ?

Kaya: No...

Merry: Is it that, you actually wanted to stop Usopp ? Young miss, I heard a story about him when he was younger, from the villagers. Right after his father left the village, he also lost his mother.

Kaya: What...

Merry: I heard that the day before his mother dies, she was weak from an illness, and the words that came out of him were...


Doctor: Hey Usopp ! You shouldn't scream !


Mother: Don't say something stupid Usopp... Dad isn't going to come home. But I'm proud that I married him, I wish I could see you when you become as proud as him...

Usopp: Don't speak like you're gonna die... Do... Do you know the story about the medicine ?! It's a legendary medicine that cures any kind of disease, it's just on the other side of the sea !

Mother: Oh, silly child... that's just a dream... now, if something happens to me, I want you to listen to the villagers, and...

Usopp: I don't mind being silly ! I don't want to hear you talking as if it is your last words ! Of course I have dreams... I'm the son of a pirate !!

Merry: Out of sadness, he continued to lie after her death, hoping that someday his father's pirate ship might appear in the bay, that he would come to pick up his son... the villagers said that was the reason behind his lies. He probably couldn't leave you alone after you lost your parents, for he too experienced that loss in this village.

Merry: You will need to become stronger now, as a gratitude of everything he has done to you...

Kaya: Yes...

Luffy: To a new ship and a new crew member !!

All: CHEERS !!

Onion: let's go !!

Carrot: Are we really going to do it ?

Pepper: of course !! we have to succeed the captain !


Kaya: Merry... I...

Merry: Yes, young miss ?

Kaya: I'm going to become a doctor...

Merry: Oh, that is a good goal !

Okay, I'm soooo gonna main the Mii gunner from now on.

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