Chapter 23: Looking for cooking

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Luffy: Alright ! OUR PIRATE FLAG IS DONE !!

Luffy: Hahaha ! I put a lot of thoughts into making our symbol !

"O-Our... Symbol..."

Usopp: Calling him artistically challenged would be an understatement...

Nami: No... This could be some sort of abstract art...

Zoro: A pirate's flag should be a symbol of death, but...

"I guess it IS terrifying, in a sense..."

Luffy: Whaddya think ? Hee hee !

Usopp: You're beyond terrible ! Leave the drawing to me !

Zoro/Luffy: No one asked for your portrait !

Nami: Wow ! That one's perfect !!

Usopp: There we go.

Zoro: It doesn't look even remotely like the other one.

Luffy: That's great ! Draw one on our sail too later !

Usopp: Yeah well, I've honed my artistic talents by drawing on the walls of people's homes for years. I'm quite the master artist, you know.

Luffy: Alright, it's done ! With this, our pirate ship "Going Merry" Is ready for action !!

Usopp: Ahh, I'm tired !


Zoro: Hey, what are you doing all of a sudden ?!

Luffy: I'm testing our cannon ! It'd be a waste not to make good use of it. But I can't get it to fire well...

Usopp: Stand aside, my amateur friend !

Luffy: Try aiming for that rock !

Usopp: OK ! Judging the distance between here and the target... This should about do it...

Luffy: Holy crap ! You hit it on your first shot !

Usopp: You're right, I did !!! I mean, of course I did ! I'm an expert when it comes to all things aiming ! Feel free to bow down before me and address me as captain-

"Seriously, why having a cannon, when I'm here ?"

Usopp: Was that... WAS THAT A LASER BEAM ?!!! THAT'S SO COOL !!!

Luffy: I've decided ! You can be our sniper !

Usopp: Alright, I guess I can settle for that for the time being. But if you even chicken out from your duties, I'll take charge as the ship's captain.

Luffy: Alright, fine. Hey, I just had an idea ! there's still one crucial position of a pirate crew we need to fill before entering Grand Line.

Nami: That's right, we do have this fantastic kitchen after all. Of course, I could do it as long as I get paid.

"We need it as soon as possible, or we'll be ruined in no time..."

Zoro: An indispensable crew member for long voyages.

Luffy: You think so too, right ? Yup, what a pirate ship crew really need is... A musician !

Nami: Are you retarded ?!

"And here I thought you were going to say something smart for once..."

Usopp: Do you have any idea what sailing on the seas is like ?!

Luffy: B-But a pirate's gotta sing !


Luffy: Hey ! Who do you think you are ?!

???: Who am I... ? I should be asking... WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE !!!

Zoro: How many enemies are out there ?

Nami: just one... I think.

"Oh well, let Luffy deal with him."

???: I've killed countless of infamous pirates... And yet a nameless person like you... DARES TO KILL MY PARTNER ?!

Luffy: Partner ? I don't know who you're talking about, but... Don't... WRECK MY SHIP !!

???: Ugh... A-Almost had him...

Luffy: Just what the heck, are you shouting about anyways ?

Zoro: Huh ? Hey ! Is that you, Johnny ?!

Johnny: Ah... Z-Zoro ?!! Is that really you, bro ?!

Zoro: Where's Yosaku ? isn't he usually with you ?

Johnny: H-He's... !!

"They know each other ?"

Nami: Just what's going on ?

Johnny: Yosaku is... !

Zoro: Sick ?!

Johnny: Yeah... He was just fine a couple days ago, but all of a sudden he turned pale and kept passing out ! I don't know what he's come down with... His teeth have begun to fall out, and his old wounds have reopened ! I just don't know what to do anymore. I was trying to at least let him get some rest on top of that rock but... You guys chose that moment to fire at us !!

Luffy/Usopp: W-We're truly, truly sorry.

Johnny: It's fine, what's done is done... If all problems could be solved with a simple apology, there wouldn't be any need for policemen.

Johnny: "Yosaku and Johnny"... We were infamous enough to have pirates shaking in their boots at the mere mention of our names from time to time. We've lived and worked together as bounty hunters for years ! Is this... How it's all gonna end ?!

Nami: God, how thick could you get !

Zoro: What did you just say ?!

Johnny: Lady, I won't let you go free if you dare to make a mockery of my partner's suffering...

"Sigh... Luffy, Usopp, I thing there's some limes in the kitchen. Squeeze out the juice and bring it here."

Luffy: Roger !

Johnny: Limes ?

Nami: He's afflicted with scurvy. If it's not too late, he should have recovered in a few days.

Johnny: A-Are you telling me the truth, Sis ?!

Nami: Please, don't call me sis.

"In the past, it was practically a death sentence for sailors. It's caused by the lacks of vitamins found in vegetables and fruits. It was quite common back then because ships simply didn't have the technology to effectively store fresh fruits and vegetables for long periods of time..."

Luffy: Wooow ! You sound like doctors !

'Sometimes, it helps coming from a more-advanced era..."

Usopp: Yeah, I always knew that girl was special. Usopp's eyes are never wrong.


Yosaku: Alright, I'm charged up on vitamins and ready for action !

Johnny: Haha, my partner's fine now !


Johnny: Sorry for the late introductions. The name's Johnny !

Yosaku: And I'm Yosaku ! Zoro used to bounty hunt with us in the past ! Nice to meet you all ! I don't know how to thank you. I thought I bit the dust for sure.

Johnny: Well, color me surprised ! I never would've expected the infamous pirate hunter Zoro to have become a pirate himself !

Yosaku: BUHEE ! BLARGH !!

Johnny: YOSAKU !!

Zoro: Just shut up and get some rest already !

"Hey, he lasted way longer than I thought he would..."

Nami: Let this be a lesson to the rest of you.

Zoro: These are the kind of dangers we'll have to face on long voyages.

Usopp: He would've died for sure if he hadn't come across us.

"We fired a cannonball and a couple of beams at him... But we definitely need someone to think about our diet so we stay healthy. What we nee id a 'Chief of the sea'."

Nami: if you think about it, that's one of the most important talents to have when you're out on the seas.

Luffy: Alright, I've decided then ! Let's go look for a sea cook ! Eating good food is never a bad thing !

Johnny: Bro !

Zoro: What is it, Johnny ?

Johnny: If you're looking for a cook, I know just the place. Of course, getting one to join you is another matter altogether...

"A restaurant on the seas ?!"

Johnny: That's right, you should be able to reach it from here in 2-3 days. But that place is close to Grand Line so you gotta be careful. Lots of dangerous guys around those parts. Even that "Hawk-eyed man", you've been looking for has been sighted there once before, bro.

Johnny: If it's alright with you, I'll lead the way !

Luffy: Alright !!

*Picking up the odd duo, Yosaku and Johnny, the ship changes directions slightly to the north. Their destination: That famous "restaurant on the seas".*

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