Chapter 24: Here comes Sanji

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Johnny: We're here at the restaurant ! Look, guys !!

Nami: Why am I counted in "guys" ?

Zoro: Hmm ?

Usopp: Oh !

"This is... ?"

Luffy: Ahhh !

Johnny: What do you think, everyone ?!

Luffy: What a huge fish !

Usopp: That's so funky !!

"Hey guys, I don't want to alarm you, but there's a navy ship right beside us, what do we do ?"

Luffy: The marines ?! When did they... ?!

Usopp: They're not going to attack us now, are they ?

Johnny: Hey ! We ain't pirates over here !

Yosaku: Ah, someone's coming out !

Fullbody: Hmm, never seen that pirate flag before... I'm the lieutenant of the marine headquarters known as "Ironfist Fullbody". Who's your captain ? Name yourself.

Luffy: I'm Luffy. I just finished making my pirate flag the day before yesterday.

Johnny: H-He said... the day before yesterday ! Haha !

Yosaku: Good one !

Usopp: And I'm Usopp !

"Usopp, no one asked for your name..."

Fullbody: Wait a minute, I think I've seen you two before. You frequent the government office on some business. If I remember correctly, you're... Small time bounty hunters. Yosaku and Johnny, I think your names were... So you've finally been caught by pirates, have you ?

Johnny: Hey, Yosaku, I think this bro's sticking it to us.

Yosaku: Well, we can't just let some guy walk around, calling us "small time". This ain't gonna net us a single berry, but I think we have to teach this kid how to keep his mouth shut. YOU COCKY LITTLE YUPPIE !!!

One embarrassing beating later...

"Are you sure you guys aren't just super weak ?"

Yosaku: N-No, it's just that that guy's not too shabby himself..

Johnny: I-It was a close one...

Zoro: The hell are you two doing ?

"You mean, besides getting owned ?"

Girl: Darling, enough beating up on weaklings, let's get going already~.

Fullbody: Ah yes, let's do that. Consider yourselves lucky pirates because I'm on break today. I only came here to eat at the restaurant. But consider your lives forfeit the next time you run into me when I'm not off-duty.

"Oh, so I won't have to sink your boat, good news..."


Fullbody: Sink'em.

Soldier: Yes, sir !

Usopp: HE FIRED !!

"We noticed. Luffy, since he attacked first without warning, can I sink their ship ?"

Luffy: Go for it. Now leave that cannonball to me ! GUM-GUM BALLOON !

Usopp/Yosaku/Johnny: THE HELL ?!

Luffy: You can have your cannonball back !

"And who are you giving it to, dumbass..."

Customer: Look, the one sitting over there is Lt.Fullbody...

Customer: No way, a marine lieutenant is eating here ? Look how graceful he is...

Girl: Amazing, you're the center of attention.

Fullbody: Oh please, I'm sure they're all looking at you. Mm ! This delicate scent ! It must be from Micqueot of the northern lands ! And this slight sourness mixed with a thick, dry taste... This wine must be... Itelzbulger stein ! Am I right, waiter ?!

Sanji: Not even close, sir. Oh and by the way, I'm actually the assistant head chef. I'm only temporary filling in foe the waiters who all ran away yesterday. Here's your soup, sir. Please enjoy it while it's still hot.

Customer: Hey, don't laugh !

Customer: B-But he was so sure of himself ! Pffft...

Girl: Are you very knowledgeable ? About wine, I mean.

Fullbody: Ah, yes... But I think my tongue's a little off today for some reason... 'The hell's going on ?! I specifically asked the owner to bring out that wine for me !'

Cook: Owner, are you alright ?!

Zeff: YOU THINK I'M ALRIGHT ? Anyways, enough yapping and get back to work !

Cook: B-But sir ! Your body's... !

Zeff: Are you trying to make me angry ?!

Zeff: It's a cook's duty to keep his customers well-fed. Are you planning on ruining my restaurant, you numbskulls ?!

Cook: Sir ! We brought the one responsible for this !

Luffy: I'm so sorry, mister ! GYAAAAA ! YOU LOST YOUR FOOT BECAUSE OF ME !!

Luffy: Oh, so you lost that foot a long time ago...

Zeff: I'm still injured all over my body thanks to you ! If you got no money, then you'll have to work it off...

Luffy: Sure thing. I'll make it up to you.

Zeff: You'll work odd job's around my restaurant without pay for a full year ! Only then, I'll forgive you.

Luffy: O-ONE YEAR ?!

"One year..."

Zoro: What're you talking about, Y/n ?

"Just... It might take a while before we're able to get out of here..."

Zoro: What, you don't think they'll force him to work here for like a month or something, do you ?"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhh... How do I put that... ? I really hope you guys weren't planning anything important for the next year."

Nami: he should just explain that it was all the navy's fault. That idiot's too honest for his own good...

Usopp: Hey, let's go in and see him ! We could get some food while we're at it ! Whaddya say ?!

"we should probably check on him first..."

Fullbody: OOH WAITER !!!

Sanji: Huh ? I already told you, I'm not a waiter. My, my, what a beautiful lady we have here. A pleasure to meet you, miss. How about you and I share a glass of wine over there ? Our selection of wine is excellent.

Girl: Well...

Fullbody: Hey ! Is it customary for this restaurant to serve its soup with insects ?!

Sanji: Insects... ?

Fullbody: 'Heh heh. I put this bug in the soup myself... This is what you get for embarrassing myself earlier on ! I'm gonna ruin this restaurant's reputation !' What's this damn bug in my soup ?!

Sanji: Ah... pardon me, sir, but I'm afraid I do not know. Sadly, my entomological knowledge is very limited, you see...

Fullbody: Seems like you have no idea who you're dealing with...

Sanji: Now, now, sir, can't you still eat this soup as long as I remove the bug ?

Fullbody: What did you say ?! I'M A PAYING CUSTOMER ! For a damn cook, aren't you quite full of yourself ?!

Girl: Fullbody, stop ! Just forgive him !

Sanji: Can money... Fill your stomach up ?

Cook: Agh ! We have to stop him ! Stop the assistant head chef Sanji !!

Girl: Fullbody...

Sanji: Remember this... Going against a cook on the seas, is tantamount to suicide... Don't you dare waste food...

Luffy: Cut it down to just 1 week.

Zeff: What did you say punk ? You think you can destroy my restaurant with a cannonball, leave me critically injured, and then make it up by only 1 week without pay... ?

"Hey, that cannonball was fired by those marines, not us."

Zeff: You're working 1 year and that's final ! Got it ?

Luffy: No ! I waited 10 years just to finally become a pirate, I'm not waiting another year ! Alright, it's settled ! I'll work just 1 week and then you'll forgive me !

Zeff: Just who gave you the right to decide ?! Take this, head chief's kick of justice !!! I'm the one who'll decide whether I forgive you or not !

"You sure looks fine for someone who claims to be heavily wounded..."

Zeff: Shut up !! Listen kids, since you two seems to know each other, I'll let it slide if the two of you work here for 6 months, instead of 1 year. But if you're so strapped for time, then I'll tell you a faster way to get out of here. You'll have to leave behind, one of your legs !

"Am I still included in that or... ?"

Luffy: Isn't it obvious I'm not going to choose that option ? Are you a little dumb in the head or something, old man ?

Zeff: Saying no to this, saying no to to that... Don't think you can make it in this world by only saying no, you little brat !! HEAD CHEF DROP KICK !!

The restaurant's restroom:

Patty: Customers... ARE GODS !!

Patty: Service is love ! Love is this restaurant ! Motto, motto ! Service motto ! And the foundations of good service, is a kind and pleasant welcome ! "Welcome, you squid-faced bastard !" "Please never come back again !" "Pardon me, dumbass." "That'll come to 10,000 berrys, moron !".

Patty: Ahh, that was a good dump ! I feel great again today ! Motto, motto ! Service motto ! The customers are gods ! ... ... WHAT ?!!! THE CUSTOMER IS BEING... ?!!

Patty: You again, Sanji ?! The hell do you think you're doing to our customer ?! Not only that, that man's also a navy's lieutenant !

Sanji: Hm ? Oh, it's just you, the shitty cook. Don't call my name so casually like that.

Patty: I ain't gonna stand by and let a shitty cook call me a shitty cook ! It's a restaurant's duty to serve customers ! Just how do you explain you injuring our precious customer ?

Sanji: So what if he's the customer ? He dared to waste our precious food and insulted a cook ! I was only teaching him a lesson.

Fullbody: What's with this place... ?! How can there be a restaurant that ill-treats its customers to this extent... ?! I'll close down the restaurant ! I'll report this place to the government !

Sanji: You're going to report us, are you now... ? Well, then I guess I have no choice but to kill you right now.

Fullbody: W-Wha... ?!

Cook: No, stop ! Hold him down or he might seriously kill him !! Stop, Sanji ! You've went too far !!

Sanji: God, it just gets me so angry, to see a damn spoiled son of a bitch like you !! Just who the hell do you think you are ?!!

Fullbody: Ack !! 'W-What's with this guy ?!'

Luffy: Whew, that scared the crap outta me...

Cook: S-Sir, what are you doing ?!

Zeff: Shit ! The ceiling of my beautiful restaurant is... This is all your fault, you damn brat !

"Hey, you destroyed it yourself. Don't blame us for what you do."

Luffy: how did you get here before us, Y/n ?

"I took a shortcut."

Cook: Sir ! Please help us stopping Sanji !

Zeff: Hmm ? Sanji ! Are you running wild in my restaurant again ?

Sanji: Shut up, you shitty geezer...

Patty: it's exactly as it seems, sir ! And this time, Sanji beat up some idiot navy lieutenant !

Zeff: Are you trying to ruin my restaurant, you little shit ?!

"By the way, if you're still looking for the one who fired that cannonball, that's him right there."


Fullbody: GYAAAA !! 'E-Even the owner of this place is violent ?! Just what do they think their customers are ?! Just who do they think I am ?! This barbaric and violent restaurant is... Just like a pirate ship ! Are these guys, really cooks ?!'

Patty: The customers are our gods !

Sanji: Not surprising you'd call them your gods, considering that they can actually stomach your shitty food...

Zeff: Patty ! Sanji ! If you're gonna fight, then do it in the kitchen !!

Soldier: Lieutenant ! Lieutenant Fullbody ! it's an emergency ! Forgive me sir, but... He's escaped from the ship's prison !!

"What now ? This place is so noisy..."

Soldier: The underling of pirate Krieg has escaped ! It took 7 of us just to capture him in the first place, but now he's gone !!

Fullbody: That's impossible ! He shouldn't even have the strength to move ! He was on the verge of death when we captured him 3 days ago, not to mention he hasn't had a single scrap of food since then ! How could he possible escape ?!

Soldier: It would seems that he took advantage of our ship sinking to exit his cell...

Fullbody: ... What... ?!

Soldier: Yes, there was an explosion, some sort of huge light, and then they was a hole in the hull, and the cell's door was blasted off...

Luffy looked at me with a suspicious glare.

"What ? You said I could sink his ship. I just didn't knew they had a prisoner onboard."

Customer: A member of K-Krieg crew... ?! The same pirate Krieg whose crew is said to be the strongest in all of East Blue ?!

Soldier: please forg-...


Patty: One customer, coming this way.

Zeff: He better not start any trouble in my restaurant.

Luffy: A pirate ?

"Seems like it."

Gin: Anything will do... Just bring me some food... This place is a restaurant, right ?!

Patty: Welcome, you squid-faced bastard !

Customers: WHAT ?!

Gin: I'm only going to say this one more time so listen up ! I'm a customer, and as such, you'll bring me food this instant !

Fullbody: That cook, is as good as dead !

Patty: Pardon me, dumbass, but do you have any money ?

Gin: You accept lead in the brain ?

Patty: So you don't have any money ?

Zeff: Damn that Patty, he dare to break one of my chairs !

Luffy: Woah, he's pretty strong.

"He's got guts, that's for sure."

Patty: If you can't pay the bill, then you ain't no customer !

Cook: Nice going ! Show that pirate who's boss, Patty !


Patty: Oh ? Is that your stomach rumbling ?

Gin: That was just me farting, you bastard. So hurry up and bring me some food.

Patty: If you're not a paying customer, then get the hell outta here !! This is a restaurant for paying customers ! I ain't gonna give you a single bread crumb to a broke-ass pirate scum like you !

Fullbody: I've had enough... I don't want to involve myself with this restaurant anymore !

Patty: Now then, ladies and gentlemen ! Please enjoy the rest of your meals !

Sanji: Here. Eat.

Of course, he instantly started to dig in, not even bothering to ask what it was.

Gin: I don't know what to say... I've never had such delicious food... In my entire life ! I'm so grateful ! I thought I was going to die ! I thought it was all over for me...

Sanji: It's damn good, right ?

"Well, looks like we just found our new cook."

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