Chapter 121: Two ships set sail

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"So Usopp is planning on coming back ?"

Sanji: yeah. He was rehearsing at the coast.

Luffy: For real ?! Wow !! Good to know !! Let's go fetch him immediately !

Chopper: Ooooh !!

Nami: He's not docile at all.

Luffy: Woohoo ! Usopp's coming back !! hey guys, step aside, we're gonna get Usopp !

"... i'm afraid we can't."

Zoro: No one here will go "Fetch" him.

Luffy: Eeeeh ?! Why ?!

"In that situation, unless he's the one to apologize first, there's no way he can come back."

Chopper: YOU GUYS !!

Nami: Hey, why are you saying such things-

"SHUSH !!"

Zoro: Whatever the thoughts were in Luffy and Usopp's argument, and no matter who was correct, as long as the two decided to fight, the outcome was entrusted to the match. In the end, he lost, and left us.

"Listen. As much of an idiot that Luffy is, he is and stays our captain. It's better not to have someone who cannot pay due respect to him. As part of the crew. A crew whose captain has lost his dignity will collapse for sure !"

Zoro: It's none of my business that you usually joke around, but if you humiliate yourself yet still claim any pretense of being my leader, then I will be the one to leave the crew !!

Nami: Eeeeh ?! Then we'll naver come together !!

Zoro: I agree that it'd be for the best if that fool decided to come back, but I will never let him back in if he has no intention of excusing himself and tries to sweep this under the rug ! If that happens, we'll leave Usopp behind on this island !!

Nami: Eh... ? Wait, I know he has his faults, but we can complain about him as much as we want after he comes back...

"You think leaving this crew is such a simple thing ?!"

Nami: ... No, but...
Sanji: Nami-San... Unfortunately, it's right...

"If he can do these kind of things on a whim, there's no way we can trust him afterwards ! Let me put things simply: if the first thing Usopp says is his deepest apologies, then there's no problem for him coming back. But if it's not... Well, you got the point. We aren't kids playing pirates here."

Luffy: ... Are we clear ?! We parted ways once. There are still several days until the ship is complete and we sail out ! We'll wait for him in silence !!

Officer: Vice-Admiral Garp !! We've spotted the Strawhat crew on the Southeast coast. They're on shipwreck island and are about to sail out !!

Garp: We'll head there immediately. Get onboard !

Koby: Vice-Admiral Garp, sir. It is very embarrassing for us, since we parted with Luffy and the others very emotionally...

Garp: If you have anything to say, say it to Sengoku !! We ended up returning because he got angry at us... Talking big and all !

Aokiji: It's all because you said "He's my grandson" on the Dendenmushi.

Garp: Don't be noisy and just shut up, Greenhorn !

Soldier: A- Admiral, sir... Is it okay for you to be here ?

Aokiji: It's pretty bothersome to go back by bike... Well, I won't butt in.

Soldier: I don't think that's a good thing to say when we have our enemy right in front of our eyes...

Usopp: Haa... Haa... All right ! i'm coming back ! They're all waiting for me !! We have a magnificent ship, too ! All I have to worry about is how I'll go back to them. But no matter how they treat me, I have 100 patterns to counter them !! The best first line I could think of is: "Since you guys are crying so much and begging me to come back, I can come back to you guys as vice-captain !!", "Thank you so much, vice-captain Usopp !! Waaah !"

Sanji: What the...

"I don't know, but I have a distinct need to break a neck right now..."

Usopp: Maybe they'll say say they'd do anything I say and beg me to come back. Ahaha ! I am the best ! I'm indeed a man who takes advantage of every situation. In this adversity, they'll admire me even more, and we'll live happily ever after... All right, I've gotta hurry !! I really hate to go, but goodbye, "Water city" Water 7 !!

"Set sail !!"

Family: Bro, we wish you good health !! Franky Family will never die !!

Franky: ... Are you sure, Strawhat ? Don't you have to wait for one more person ?

Luffy: I was waiting for him ! Ever since Sanji told us the story, I waited for him in that room at Galley-La, so someone could welcome him, but he never showed up !! This is his answer !! i'm sure he... Will have fun, too. I don't think he'll quit being a pirate, so hopefully we'll see him on the sea sometime !!



Luffy: GRANDPA ?!

Garp: Hey, Luffy, can you hear me ?! This is your grandpa. This is your grandpa.

Luffy: Hey, grandpa !! What's going on ?! You told us that you wouldn't arrest us here !!

Garp: Yeah, things happened. So I'm sorry to say this, but I'll have to ask you to just drown and die ! It's not like I can make up for it, but I'll face you guys by myself !!

"... I can't tell if that's good or bad news."

Sanji: Why ? What's he gonna do ?

Garp: Cannonball.

Soldier: H- Here sir !

Garp: Genkotsu...

(meteor fist)

Sanji: h- He threw the cannonball with his bare hands ?!!

"And much faster than a cannon would too. New ship or not, if we don't get away now, we'll get wrecked !"

Garp: Bwahahahaha !! I wish I didn't get old. My power has been declining lately !! Bring a thousand cannonballs !!

Soldiers: Yes, sir !!

Franky: No good, we're gonna get more of those cannonballs !!

Koby: "Genketsu meteor stream" !! A ship wouldn't stand a chance against something like that !!

Garp: ... Shall we begin, kids ?

"... ... ... *Inhale* BRING IT ON, YOU OLD FART !!"

Nami: Full speed ahead ! Smash the cannonballs !!

Sanji: Okay ! 'Shit !! Is he really not coming... ?'

Chopper: HE'S HERE !! Usopp is here ! Heeey, guys, Usopp's here !!

Zambai: Hey, nose-bro, what are you doing here ?!

Usopp: Wh- What's going on ?! Why did the ship set sail ?

Zambai: What ? I totally thought you were on it already. Hey, the staircase is broken !! Watch out !

Usopp: WAIT !! What are you guys doing ?! HEEEY !! I'M STILL HERE !! What's going on ?! Even after our quarrel, we fought together. I'm the Sogeking !! Did you give up on me... because I disappeared ?! Hey, guys... Don't worry !! I'm back here !!

Garp: Here, you go, more, more !! BWAHAHAHAHA !!

"Protect the ship !!"

Chopper: Usopp's here, guys !! Usopp's here !!

Usopp: Haa... Bastards... Stop... !! HEEEEEY !! Rejoice !! It's me !! Haa... Chopper !! the weather's great today !! Let's go fishing !! But it's not time for that, huh ?! Ahahaha ! By te way, I have good news for you guys ! Don't be surprised, when I'm back, I won't mind being a vice-captain for you !! How does that sound ?! Heeey !! Luffy !! Guys !! I know what's going on !! You guys are crying from happiness, right ?!

Usopp: I can't... Cope with you guys anymore. Sorry for causing trouble until the very end.

Usopp: You !! Don't tell me it's about what I said that time ?! We've known each other forever !! You know I would never say such a thing seriously !! We've had lots of arguments, but we are crewmates !! I'll let some stuff slide !! Hey, say something !! Cut it out, guys !!

Chopper: Luffy !! Usopp's calling you!

Luffy: I didn't hear anything.

Chopper: Guys !

"Didn't hear anything !"

Chopper: liar, you heard him !!

Usopp: Haa... Haa... Stop joking around... ! ... What ? Are you really gonna leave me ? I see... I've had enough !! if that's how it is... Let me say one last thing...

Usopp: It's none of your business to know where I'm going. I'm leaving the crew.

Usopp: ...

Usopp: Luffy...


"Look who's the idiot here."

Nami: Ahahaha... !! You guys look so lame !

Luffy: Finally... Everyone's together !! Let's just get away from this bombardment, AND HEAD FOR AN ADVENTURE, GUYS !!

Zambai: Oh, thank god !! It looks like nose-bro managed to get aboard safely !! That's all foo them !! All they have to do now is flee from the warship ! Run, Strawhats !! BROO !!

Soldiers: Look ! What's going on ?! The pirate ship is taking in the sails !! Are they giving up ?!

Garp: I don't think they'd give up... But what is their intention... ?!

"Hey, you sure about that, Franky ?"

Franky: Yes !! hurry and take in the sails !! Stupid bastard, trust in the ship !!

Luffy: That's right !! trust it, stupid bastard !!

Usopp: You bastard, stupid bastard !!

Chopper: You bastard !!

Zoro: Help out, guys !!

Nami: Usopp, until a second ago, you were... Oh well.

"Ah, yes, that reminds me. Usopp, it's good to have you back. However !!"


"That's for pretending you could overthrow me."

Usopp: Hrrrrrrr... 'Kay... 'Won't do it again... Blegh.

Sanji: What ?! The name of the ship ?! At a time like this ?!

Franky: Yup. Don't you know ? You can't really sail off with a positive vibe unless the ship has a name.

"So, like 'Something lion' ?"

Luffy: ALL RIGHT !! I thought up a strong-sounding name !! "Bear !! Polar bear !! Lion !!"

Usopp: How can a ship have a name like that ?!!

Luffy: How about "Tiger !! Wolf !! Lion !!" ?

Usopp: Quit listing all those animals !! Are you trying to recite a curse ?!!

Luffy: "Squid !! Octopus !! Chimpanzee !!"

Usopp: What happened to the lion ?!

Franky: I have some suggestions of my own, too.

Paulie: This figurehead looks good...

Lulu: Totally.

Timberstone: It's a great sunflower.


Iceberg: Hmmm, we can't blame you for making the mistake. But it's a ship that's destined to be sailed by the future pirate king. That's what you had in mind, right, Franky ?

Franky: Heck yeah ! It's just right for the ship that'd sail off to the sea of beasts and stand at its zenith...

Iceberg: Nice Sun.

Franky: WRONG, IDIOT !!

Iceberg: A ship that crosses thousands of cruel seas as a cheerful "Sun"... It's just right for them.


Iceberg: Franky, what do you think of the name... Pirate ship...

Franky: "Thousand Sunny" !!

Chopper: Wow !! That sounds really cool !!

Luffy: It sounds much better than the one I was about to propose: "Dumpling gorilla lion" !!

Usopp: Are you playing Shiritori ?!

Zoro: It's better than my "Lionel the Boss"...

Robin: Better than my "Dark King".

"Pretty sure this one's already taken anyways."

Sanji: Better than my "Monsieur Sunflower"...

Usopp: ARE YOU NUTS ?!!

"But, for a ship that will cross thousands of seas, piercing through their darkness... yeah, Thousand Sunny couldn't be more fitting."

Franky: Wait, guys !! That was just for a starter ! This name that I thought up is your best bet !! Lo and behold !! The name of the ship is... New Battle franky "Lion gang Champion" !!

Luffy: let's go with Ice-gramps idea ! I love it !

Sanji: the "Thousand Sunny" Good name !

Nami: Agreed !

Zoro: Now that we have a good name, the tension to sail off is rising !

Chopper: Nice to meet you, Sunny !!

"Hey, franky, stop grumbling about nonsense and use that secret weapon to get away already ! Now that's we've named it, I'd hate to see it sink !"

Franky: All right, shut up !! Take a good look at this beautiful "Water City" while you can !! You'll lose sight of it in a blink !!

Luffy: Really... ? Then... GRANDPA !! KOBY !! I'M GLAD I COULD SEE YOU AGAIN !!

Hermepp: SAY MY NAME, TOO !!

Garp: What's the matter, Luffy ?! I still have some left to fire !!

Luffy: No use !! we'll be running away seriously now !! Until we meet again !!


Hermepp: V- Vice-Admiral Garp, wait, please calm down !!

Koby: 'So cool... !'


Chimney: Sounds like he's saying something !!

Kokoro: Ngagagaga. We can't even hear it...

Iceberg: Geez, pirates. They can't even sail off quietly.



Garp: Fifteen years ago... OF YOU SON OF A- THAT WAS YOU !! STAY HERE !!

Franky: here we go !! An amazing emergency acceleration device, made possible with a giant blank shot and treasure tree Adam's strength !!



Luffy: Franky, start !!

Soldiers: the ship... FLEW AWAY !!

Garp: They've done it.

Luffy: WUOOOOOH !!

"Hey, we know that feeling !"

Franky: I've consumed three barrels of cola, but we can fly 1Km with this ! Everything your Going Merry could do, this ship can do as well !! It surpasses it on every point, and will inherit its brave spirit !! If it breaks, I'll fix it without flaw !! Count on me for your ship and weapon needs !! From this day on, this is your ship !!

Garp: ... This isn't good. They ran away...

Aokiji: ... yes, certainly. I've confirmed it.

Garp: ... Bwahahahaha... That's my grandson for ya !!

*Beautiful underground water overflows at its top. And the sound of a worksman's hammer resounds.*

Kashii: he's not coming with us after all.

Oimo: of course not. But I made a promise with the king of sharpshooters that they'd all come to Elbaf one day. we'll just wait patiently for that day... Giants' lives last 300 years...

Lulu: It was a nice job.

Paulie: Agreed... well, let's get back to the real work !

Kokoro: let's go back to the station, Chimney, Gombe.

*Along the rhythm of the town's liveliness, they continue to plane and hammer.*

Zambai: now, do you remember what Bro was doing ?

Family: No idea. All we did was whatever bro told us to do...

Zambai: Gyahahaha !! We'll just starve to death then !

Iceberg: Hmmm, I kind of guessed this was going to happen...

Zambai: Iceberg !! Wh- What is it ? What are you here for... ?!

Iceberg: i'll give you some work. Make sure one of you shows up at Galley-La HQ every day.

Zambai: Y- You sure, Iceber- I mean... ! Bro !!

Family: New Bro !! New Brooo !!

Iceberg: ... Quit that.

*Entrusting hope to a smoking steel train, and looking back on the island called... the "Water City", Water 7.*

Luffy: Now then... !! To Robin and Usopp who came back !! And to our new crewmate Franky and the pirate ship Thousand Sunny !! CHEERS !! LET'S GO !! NEXT STOP: FISHMAN ISLAND !!

*The wind is fair, the crew heads straight for the "Paradise" located at the bottom of the sea !*

Robin: Still on guard, even at night ?

"I can't get what Kokoro said out of my head, about Florian's Triangle... So if i'm not going to sleep, might as well keep an eye out. I take it's the same for you ?"

Robin: Kind of... There is a lot on my mind lately...

"It would be more surprising if it wasn't the case, honestly..."

Robin: Maybe... Ohara, Alabasta, and now Enies Lobby... Aren't you getting tired to save me over and over, when I don't even want to... ?

"Didn't I tell you ? Keeping the last light of Ohara safe was a mission of mine. Even though some personal feelings got mixed in, I guess..."

Robin: ... For over 20 years... Even though I've lost my will to live... Even though I had no reason to go forward in life... Every time you were there, dragging me, forcing me to keep my eyes above the water...

"Fitting, considering your habit to drown in problems. I just hope now you understood. Don't let others try to dictate you what your life's worth for."

Robin: Yes... But I don't just want to live...

"Hm ?"

Robin: I want to live... By your side. I want to stay with you, forever...

"... You do realize I'm technically old enough to be your father, right ?"

Robin: I'm sure there's some occasions when I won't mind calling you daddy~

"... Oh."

Luffy/Chopper: Don't really understand what's going on, very happy nonetheless.

Zoro: Don't give a single crap, already asleep.

Nami/Usopp: Actually know what's happening, genuinely happy.

Franky: *Niagara Falls mode activated*


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