Chapter 122: Yohohoho~

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Zeff: Judicial island, Enies Lobby... the gateway to the enormous World Government... Because they took it down, I'm sure that every pirate marine and pirate out there can't just leave them unnoticed. We can say the Strawhats are now known to the entire world, as is this wanted poster... Pffrr...


Cooks: HIEEEEK ! DAHAHAHAHA ! Eeeh, we are giving out wanted posters of our former chief assistant chef to whomever visits the restaurant now !! Isn't it great ? Na'am, he looks exactly like this !! Be sure to come back to the maritime restaurant Baratie, known to have housed Black Leg Sanji with a 77 Million Berry bounty on his head !!

Villagers: Feast !! We're having a feast today !! In honor of the most successful pirates from the East !! Worth 300 and 245 Million !! Cheers !!

Mayor: Shush, guys !! You ought to be ashamed !!

Villagers: Gyaaah, village mayor !

Makino: They seem to have fun. They found such a cute pet, too... So these people are Luffy's friends.

Mayor: Do they look like people you'd call "Friends" ?! Someone from our village became a vicious criminal who opposes the entire world !! I've never heard of a pirate picking a fight with the world Government !!

Makino: True.

Mayor: I knew it was bad... When he suddenly showed up one day, claiming he was looking for Luffy... What is Garp doing ?! How could he leave him alone with his grandson and allow them to cause so much trouble ?! All three generations of that family are crazy... I wonder if Dadan knows about it...

Villagers: CHEERS !!

Mayor: SHUT UP !!

Kaya: "King of sharpshooters"... it's real ! No doubt, it's Usopp !

Piiman: Right ?!

Ninjin: This nose has gotta be the captain's !! No one in the village believed us !! It's understandable, though. he's worth 30 Million !!

Tamanegi: I knew Miss Kaya would believe us !!

Piiman: They don't know how amazing the captain is ! The captain is a man who can change lies into the truth !!

Ninjin: The mask looks so cool... Let's make it with playdoh !!

Tamanegi: huh ? Miss Kaya, where are you going ?!

Kaya: I'm going back to continue studying to be a doctor ! I want to become a licensed professional as soon as I can... So that I can heal Usopp when he comes back, regardless of what injuries he has !!

Piiman: ... I envy the captain...

Ninjin: Let's whack him if he ever makes miss Kaya unhappy.

Students: Sensei, sensei !! is it true that Pirate hunter Zoro was a student of this Dojo ?!

Koshiro: ... Yes, it is true. But you shouldn't admire him.

Students: EEEH ?! Why not ?! He's super cool !! Teach us how to be pirates, too !!

Koshiro: I- I don't teach hos to be a pirate.

Students: For real ?! Don't lie to us, sensei !! Whoa, I want to be a swordsman like him, too !

Koshiro: 'Sigh, he's such a bad role model. The Judicial island incident took me by surprise, but Zoro, I don't see any doubt in you. Whomever you become, as long as you treasure your swordsmanship, that's enough...'

Students: Sensei, don't lie to us !

Villager: Nojiko ! Everyone on the island is talking about that incident !! Nami-Chan has become sexier again.

Nojiko: Ahahaha... Silly, it just shows that she's a criminal. Gen-saaan. Here, your tangerines.

Genzo: What, you brought them over again ? I told you I'd buy them at stores !!

Nojiko: My, don't be a stranger, take them. Nami and I think of you as our father, you know.

Genzo: Whatever...

Nojiko: Well ? What are you doing here ?

Genzo: i'm trying to call and protest to the marine HQ with a Dendenmushi, but it won't connest !! How can we let such an obscene wanted poster be shown to the entire world ?! She'll get more suitors than bounty hunters !! Unforgivable !!

Nojiko: But you really like the picture yourself, don't you ? You enlarged it so much... But it's okay, isn't it ? It means they are keeping the promise with you.

Genzo: ... yeah, they are !! But that's the problem with those pirates !!

Nojiko: then would you rather have a stern-looking picture ?

Genzo: No, that's unforgivable !!


Villagers: GYAAAH, Dr.Kureha is coming down from the castle !! She's riding Lapahn !! Watch out, stay away !!

Kureha: Are you happy, kids ?! Dalton ! What the hell did you call me for ? i'm busy !!

Dalton: Hello. Sorry, Dr.Kureha. I really wanted you to see this.

Villagers: Dr.Kureha !! Don't talk to the king like that !!

Kureha: What ? You wanna hear the secret of my youth ?

Villagers: No, we didn't ask for that !!

Kureha: First of all, Dalton, why don't you live in the castle like kings do ? I'll rent you a room.

Dalton: No, I prefer this village. I've gotten used to it. And I like the rice with chestnuts.

Kureha: ... My, my, my. Would you look at these Strawhat kids...

Dalton: They put out wanted posters after the incident from the other day...

Kureha: Chopper... I presume the amount is some mistake, but... Hee hee hee hee. I don't care as long as I can see his face. it's the best possible news I can hear about him...

Grand Line, the island of white Soil, Vertigo:

Revolutionist: The rebellion at Centaurea of South Blue ended in triumph. Another Kingdom taken down... This is great !! With North Blue from the other day...

???: Don't enjoy this victory. This is a war.

Revolutionist: Ah... S- Sorry.

???: ... Who is this ?

Revolutionist: Strawhat Luffy and his crew. they're the ones who took down Crocodile in Alabasta. After the Enies Lobby incident, they've grown so big that the government can't hide them any longer. Total bounty of the crew is 912 million... And 50 Berry. I've heard their captain and Garp from the marines are... ah, where are you going ?

???: Gonna get some fresh air...

???: Live the life you want, Luffy... occasionally, the times... use every possible chance and determination.

Dragon: To question the world !! The day we shall meet again will eventually come... Wouldn't you think so, Dr.W ?

Your POV:


Luffy: Woooow, you caught a shark !!

Usopp: Put it in !! Put it in !!

Robin: ... There's another one. A shark, huh ?

Franky: hey ! Is this room good or what ?

"the room's good, but that shark ? Not so sure..."

Luffy: yeah, let's go see it !! Let's look at it in the fish tank !!

Usopp: Yooo !! A shark dropped in, right ?! That thing's a beauty, I tell ya !!

Robin: Yes, we saw the shark, but... All the other fishes mysteriously disappeared, you see ?

Shark: Burp.


"Why don't you think of what can live together ? It's simple, think of what would happen if we entrusted the fridge's key to Luffy for example."

Luffy: GODDAMMIT !! We're having that bastard for dinner !! Sanji !! barbecue this stupid shark !!

Sanji: Hold up, you amateur... this is fresh fish we're talking about here. How about Sushi... ? We can make it into Yuzarashi... putting it in spicy vinegar miso would be good. Tempura would be tasty, too.

"And now I'm hungry..."

Luffy: Okay, let's eat it as a snack !!

Sanji: Wait until tonight !!

Zoro: Hmm ? Hey ! Something's floating in the water !

Usopp: What is it ?

"I believe this is what's called a barrel. Now, if you were asking what it's doing here, I have no fucking idea."

Luffy: A barrel ?! Look ! It's got "Treasure" written on it !! Could it be ?! Something dropped by a "Treasure ship" ?!

Usopp/Chopper: Treasure ?!!

Nami: Doesn't look like it. Probably alcohol or reserves.

Luffy: How can you tell without looking ?!

Nami: It says "Offering to the sea gods" on it, right ? That's a "Floating barrel". Someone was praying for a safe voyage, so they made an offering to the guardian deities of the sea. That's what "offering" means.

Usopp: Oh... Then picking it up was pointless.

Zoro: hey, it's probably alcohol. let's drink it !

Usopp: Idiot ! You'll be cursed !!

Nami: It's alright if we pray before we drink it, right ?

"... I'd rather enroll myself as a shichibukai than be caught praying to anything that has the slightest connection to water..."

Robin: I've heard that alcohol massaged by the waves is especially delicious.

Franky: We should taste it !! Alright everyone, a toast !!

Nami: We'll still have an empty barrel once we've drank it. Putting a new offering in and sending it off is the customary thing to do.

"hey Sanji, think you can arrange the shark to go with it ?"

Sanji: Who do you take me for, some second-class cook ? Of course I can.

Luffy: Hey, Goooood !! Gimme some snaaaacks !!

Zoro: A certain somebody sent "God" flying back in the land of the sky...

Luffy: Great, it's open.


Usopp: WAAH !! Something went flying !!

Sanji: What's that ?!! Red light... ?!

Nami: What's going on ?!

Chopper: the alcohol flew up, lit up then disappeared !!

"A flare... Who has time to set up such stupid pranks ?"

Zoro: Hahaha, a curse of the sea gods ?

Robin: ... No problem if it's just a prank, but... Perhaps... Someone may now be targeting this ship.

"A trap triggered by opening the barrel ? Who could it have alerted ?"

Chopper: I don't see anyone anywhere !!

Nami: That's right... But... This barometric pressure... EVERYONE, TO YOUR POSTS !! We're fleeing South-Southeast !! A "Raging Storm" is on the way !! In five minutes !!

Luffy: I can't see it, but if she says it's coming, it's coming fast !

"Roger that ! The course ?!"

Nami: Bear to two O'clock !!

Nami: No good, it's all headwind !!

Franky: hey !! Think that's all this ship's got ?!

"That's right... Everyone, take up the sails !! The 'paddles' are coming out !!"

Usopp: Ohh ! Those things !!

Chopper: Uoooooh !! It's so cool, I love it ! Let's do iiit !!

Franky: "Soldier Dock System" !! Channel 0 !! Cola engine ! "paddle ship" Sunny, go !! Chaarge !!

Nami: Haa... We're through... that's good, but... What's with this sea ?

Zoro: It shouldn't be night yet... The fog's so thick, it's eerily dark.

"It looks like... We've entered that part of the sea already..."

Nami: Oh no... My heart's not ready yet... !!

Usopp: Oh ?! We've already arrived at Mermaid island ?!

Luffy: No, that sea where monsters appear !!

"That's right... Don't let your guard down, don't relax just yet... There's no doubt about it... We've entered the grimly famous... 'Florian Triangle'. The strange sea where almost everything disappears, shrouded in mystery."

Usopp: Eh... Mo- Mons... Mon- Nuh- Nuh... Mons...

Luffy: Monsters show up here.


Luffy: Old lady Kokoro told us there're living skeletons here.

Sanji: That's just your imagination. Don't scare him like that. Listen, usopp. Every year in this ocean, over a hundred ships vanish mysteriously... What's more, ghost ships carrying corpses wander these waters, or so they say...


Sanji: And what if I did ?

Usopp: PREPARATIONS !! I'd fortify myself with stuff that wards off evil spirits !!

Chopper: Usopp, gimme some of those toooo !!

???: Yohohoho~...

Usopp: What the... Music... ?

???: Yohohoho~

Usopp/Chopper: IT CAME OUUUUUUT !!!

Luffy/Zoro/Nami/Usopp/Sanji/Chopper/Franky: GHOST SHIIIIIIIIP !!

???: Yohohoho~...

"What' the song... Sounds familiar..."

Usopp: Haa... A sailor's deity of the damned !! Don't listen !! Cover your ears, you'll be cursed !!

Chopper: EHHH ?!!


Robin: In this ship... Is there someone riding in it... ?

???: Yo~ Ho~ Ho~ Ho~...

Zoro: Humph. If it's an enemy, I'll just cut him down.

"You can't cut down a ghost. Speaking from experience here."

Sanji: Something's there...

???: ... Going to deliver~...

Nami: Why are we going ?! We should turn back !!

Luffy: I told you I was fine by myself.

Nami: No way, if you do something stupid and our ship gets cursed, then what ?

Sanji: Luck of the draw, huh... I'm not surprised that you agreed, Y/n, I'm surprised you insisted to go.

"If it really is a living skeleton... I must see it by myself."

Luffy: You were looking forward to the "Treasure ship", weren't you, Nami ?

Nami: No way this is the "Treasure Ship" ! You saw it, didn't you ?! The moving skeleton !

Luffy: That's the guardian of the treasure, let's search for him first !

"Oh, hello good sir, would you happen to guard a treasure ?"


Usopp: Begone foul spirits, begone foul spirits, rest in peace, guys !!

Skeleton: How do you do !! Yohohoho !! Pardon my earlier behavior !! I met eyes with you before, yet could give no greeting !!

Brook: What a surprise !! It's been decades, perhaps, since i've met a living person !! All you see are ghost ships after ghost ships around these parts ! So scary !!

Luffy: Look, he's talking ! The skeleton with an afro is talking !!

Brook: Now, now, do please come in ! My, my !! What a lovely young woman over there ! Nnn- Beauuuuuutifuuuul !!

Nami: ... Ehh, no... That's...

Brook: I've never set eyes on such a beauty !! 'Cause skeletons don't have eyes !! Yohohohoho !!

Luffy: 'Wait...'

"... ... ..."

Brook: perhaps you'd be so kind as to show me your panties ?



Brook: Yohohoho, my my, how seveeere... !! I felt that down to my bones !! Just down to my skeleton !!

Nami: SHUT UP !!

Sanji: What's with the puns...

Luffy: Oh no... That's...

Sanji: Hm ?

Luffy: We need to get out of here... Now... Or at least get him out of here...

"... ... ... *Twitch*..."

Sanji: What's happening to him... ?

"... Hrm. That was a pretty Humerus pun, I bet you have a Skele-ton of them, right ?"

Luffy: Nooooooooooo...

Brook: A fellow joke appreciator ! I can't believe what I'm hearing, even though I don't have ears anymore !

Sanji: Okay, keep the puns down for a bit !

Luffy: ... hey, can you pop ?


Brook: Indeed, I do poop.


Nami: I think I preferred the puns...

Sanji: First !! You're nothing but bones, so how can you walk and talk ? What the heck are you ? Why are you here ? What happened on this ship ? Tell us everything that's going on in these waters !!

Luffy: Before that, join my crew !!

Brook: Very well, I accept.

Nami/Sanji: UOOOH, HEYY !!

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