Chapter 123: Thriller bark

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Brook: Yohohoho !! A cheerful greeting !! Hello, everyone ! How do you do ? Seems like my ship and I caused some trouble. I'm "Dead-bones" Brook ! Nice to meet you !!


Brook: Yohoho, don't be so harsh !!

Chopper: IT'S A SKELETON !!

Usopp: There's no reason for a skeleton to talk, walk, or wear an afro !! This is a dream, it's just a dream !!

Chopper: Really ? I'm glad it's just a dream !

Usopp: Begone foul spirit, begone foul spirit !!

Brook: Oh, hello, young lady ! Could you let me see your panties ?

"That's where I draw the line !! Stop right there or you might break a bone !"

Brook: Ohoh, what a shock ! That attack was sudden, it almost made my heart stop ! Even if I don't have one ! Yohoho !!

Zoro: Hey, Luffy !! What the hell is this guy ?!

Luffy: He's funny, so I asked him to join our crew.

Zoro: I WON'T ACCEPT THAT !! Why do you two think you went with him ?! You were supposed to stop Luffy from running wild !!

Sanji/Nami: We're ashamed...

"How many times will I need to pound into your skull that just because you're asking doesn't make it better ?!"

Brook: Yohoho ! When you spend decades on your own, you fail to see the problem. Because I lack eyes ! Yoho !

Sanji: ... They've been at it for almost half an hour now...

Brook: Yohohoho ! Well, it's not getting any warmer out here ! Let's go inside the ship and have dinner !


Brook: Oh, such a wonderful dining room ! And the kitchen, too ! This is an incredible ship, yohoho !

Franky: That's right. "Super" Franky made this ship ! You have good eyes, indeed.

"But he don't have eyes..."

Brook: I'm a skeleton !!

Both: Yohohoho !!

Sanji: Why are you guys being so friendly...

Brook: But it would be nice if we could start eating. It's been decades since I've had a proper meal... Every day I've been living with this pain, as though the skin of my belly and my back were stuck together. But of course, I don't have skin on my belly, nor on my back !! Yohohoho !! Skull-joke !!

Brook: Since I'm a gentleman, I'll "Wait for the meal". I love how unconcerned that sounds... DINNEEEER, DINNEEEER !!

Sanji: SHUT UP AND WAIT QUIETLY !! I'm making it, so drink your milk in the meantime !

Luffy: By the way, Koropokkuru...

Brook: I'm Brook. Umh... I don't know your name yet...

Luffy: I'm Luffy. By the way, what on Earth are you ?


Sanji: Let's postpone evicting the skeleton for a while. It's time to eat.

Luffy: NMAHOOOO ! Hey, Brook, eat a lot of this ! Sanji's food is the best !!

Brook: I should what...? Instead of my stomach, my heart is full... Oh, young lady, it seems your steak is bigger than mine. Would you like to trade ?

Sanji: You can have more, so eat your own !!

"Yomi-Yomi no mi ? So you ate a devil's fruit ?"

Brook: That's right ! The truth is, I already died some decades ago !

"Oh, you too ?"

Sanji: First, clean your face. How can you be so dirty after eating ?

Brook: In short, the Yomi-Yomi no mi has the power of revival. I was promised that I could live a second time as a "revived human". Oh, how wonderful that ability seemed ! I was a pirate in those old times. Oh, excuse me, *Burp*. On the ship you saw earlier, I came to this "Devil's sea" along with my crew. Oh, excuse me *Burp* !

Sanji: I'm that close to hit some manners in you.

Brook: Unluckily, we happened to engage with some frighteningly strong fellows and my entire crew was annihilated. Of course, I also died at that time ! When I was alive, the only ability the Yomi-Yomi gave me was the inability to swim. But that day, at last, the fruit's ability was activated.

Brook: My soul was returned from the underworld ! If I had returned to my body immediately, I would have bee resurrected, but, as you can see, there is a thick fog on this sea and I got lost. My soul wandered around this fog for a whole year ! When I found my own body, it was only white bones ! I was utterly surprised! I didn't even have eyeballs ! Yohohoho !!

Luffy: You're just as stupid as Zoro, huh ?

Zoro: Hey...

Franky: So that's how you became a talking skeleton ! Being resurrected even though you were only white bones is the dreadful power of that devil's fruit.

Sanji: But you're still cursed, right ? Once the function of the fruit is fulfilled, the only ability you have is the inability to swim.

"... Usually, when you die, you also lose your hair. How can that afro... ?"

Brook: Mother Nature gifted me with strong hair roots.

Usopp: So, are you a ghost after all, or not ?

Chopper: Even if you were a human, you don't look like one at all !!

Brook: But I strongly dislike ghosts ! If I happen to see one, I'll scream !!

Nami: have you seen yourself in a mirror ?


Usopp: Eh ? Wait a moment !! the mirror... ! You're not reflected in it ?!!

Luffy: Really ?! That's incredible !!

"... That's a vampire thing, I think, not a skeleton's..."

Usopp: He's... A VAMPIRE ?!! And look carefully, you don't have a shadow !!

Chopper: UWAH ! It's true !! What are you ?!

Brook: ... ... *Sip*



Brook: ... I'll tell you everything now... It has been a long time, since I began drifting on this sea, but you must know... Being a skeleton, and not having a shadow, are completely different things... .. To be continued in the next chapter.

"Okay, that was funny for like 4 seconds. Tell us everything now."

Brook: Some years ago, a man snatched away my shadow...

Usopp: Snatched away... ?!

Robin: Your shadow... ?

Zoro: You're a talking skeleton. It doesn't matter what you say. It won't surprise us anymore, right ?

Brook: But it could. A shadow being stolen, it means that I cannot exist in a word with light. If my body is exposed to direct sunlight, it will start to disappear. I saw someone I met disappear under the sun in front of my own eyes !! It was a horrible sight for me, even though I'm a skeleton. I don't have the shadow that should be seen in the light. I also cannot be seen in a mirror or in a photograph ! In short, mine is an existence rejected by light !! My friends were all annihilated ! I'm "Dead-Bones" Brook ! Nice to meet you !!

"... How can you be so cheerful, your life positively sucks. I'm flabbergasted you endured all that."

Brook: And even then, I'm still alive and kicking ! As a skeleton, though !!

Sanji: SHUT UP !!

Brook: Yohohohohoho~ ! Yohohohohohoho~ !

Usopp: hey, are you alright ?

Brook: Today is a wonderful day !! I was able to meet people !! I couldn't tell the difference between today and tomorrow and this dark sea with a thick fog. All alone on a ship that won't obey its rudder. How many years I've been wandering ! I've been reaaaally lonely !! Lonely and afraid ! So much that I wanted to die !!

Brook: I've lived a long time ! People are a delight !! For me, you're my delight !! Yohoho !! If I had tears, I could cry of happiness !!

I believe you invited me to join your crew, and I'm really glad, thank you very much. But the truth is, I must decline.

Luffy: Ehh ?! Why ?!

"Think about it, Luffy. For this bag of bones, sun is death."

Brook: It is true. My body cannot live under the sun, because of my stolen shadow. Rigth now, I'm protected because of the fog of this devil's sea. Even if I could leave this sea with you, it would be just a matter of time before my body disappeared. I have to get back my shadow, which is still here. I have to wait for a miracle day !! Yohohoho !!

Luffy: What are you saying ? we're not strangers !! If that's the case, we'll get your shadow back !! Tell me who stole it !! Where is it ?!

Brook: ... ... You're really a good person. i'm surprised. Even then, I cannot tell you that. I only just met you. You shouldn't say that "You'll die for me".

"Is the enemy really that strong ? Can't you even tell us their name ?"

Brook: No, I won't say it. You can't make me ! Yohoho. I don't know if I will be able to meet him before my second life ends. If I can do that, I've decided that I will fight him.

Brook: However, let's sing a song ! In honor of the good encounter we had today. i'm very proud of my abilities, I used to be the musician on my pirate ship.

Luffy: EEH ?! Really ?! I'm begging you, join my crew, you idiot !!

Brook: Yohoho !! Let's have a happy sea song !

"... Urk..."

Zoro: hey, what's wrong ?

"Ugh... I... I wanna die. I wanna die, and then join the Shichibukai..."

Sanji: What... ?


Sanji: Hey, what's happening ?!

Brook: A... A GHOST !!



Zoro: Wah ! What's that vibration ?!

Brook: What's this ?! Is this ship under "Surveillance" already ?! Please look at this !! the forward gate has already closed ! This is what caused the vibrations !! This is the inside of the gate, which means... ! Look behind the ship !

Brook: Did you pick up a floating barrel on the sea ?

"I- Indeed we did... We are worthless pieces of trash..."

Nami: Hey, snap out of it already !!

Brook: that was a trap. This ship has been targeted ever since then.

Sanji: Targeted ? What does that mean ? Even though this ship only just got here... Why is there an island ?!!

Brook: This is the "Ghost island" that wanders through the sea... "THRILLER BARK" !!

Nami: A wandering island ? The Log Pose isn't responding... !

Brook: That's right. That's because this island came from far away, all the way from West Blue. But today was a lucky day ! Not only was I able to meet some people ! My heart's desire was fullfilled !! Yohoho !

Sanji: Wow ! His body is so light !!

Brook: Yohohoho !! That's right ! As light as dead bones !! Please, try to break through the back of the gate and escape !! Do not even think about lowering your anchor at this island !! i'm so glad that I met you today and could eat your delicious food. I'll never forget you !! If it is fated, we'll meet again on some other sea!!

Luffy: hey ! Wait, brook !! You're a devil fruit user !! What are you thinking jumping in the sea ?!

"He can run on top of the sea ?!"

Sanji: Wow ! Incredible !

Nami: A- Anyway, let's do as he told us, Luffy !!

usopp: We don't know what will happen, but this island is definitely dangerous !

Luffy: Mh ? Did you say something .

"Yeah, that's a lost cause. He wants but one thing right now, and it's going there."

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