Chapter 124: Thriller Bark

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Usopp: Wh- What do you mean, ghost island ?!

Chopper: Hey, hey, where is that ghost from before ?! Is he still on the ship ?!

Zoro: No, he went to the island. He probably lives there.

"... So that vibration from before was the sound of that gate closing... We were 'eaten' by that island..."

Luffy: Eaten ?

"Yep. Hard to see due to the fog, but there are walls attached to it. Most likely surrounding the entire island."

Robin: Meaning, the ship is confined by the walls that surround the island...

Usopp: I see... That's why that skeleton told us to get out of here asap !!

"So this island is just wandering around... What for... ?"

Franky: If the island keeps on moving, we cannot lower the anchor because we're in the middle of the sea.

Usopp: H- Hey ! Why would you want to anchor ?! We've gotta escape ! We have to get out now, or we'll be cursed !!

Nami: Listen guys. I... I seem to have contracted the "Can't go on the island" disease...

Chopper: Me, too !! I have it too !!

Luffy: All right ! Take the ship to the island !!

Usopp: DID YOU CONTRACT THE "ALWAYS READY FOR ADVENTURE" DISEASE OR SOMETHING ?!! Hey, think it over, Luffy !! Look at it ! That creepy building is a real "Haunted house" !! You're underestimating the "Evil spirits" !!

Luffy: What are you talking about ? I'm taking all the necessary measures possible. I'll catch that ghost from earlier and feed it.


"No one's asking you to go on the island. You can stay here and keep an eye on the ship."

Luffy: Anyway, we have to get our precious crewmate back. Sanji !! Gimme pirate bento !!

Usopp: Our crewmate... I OBJECT !! If that skeleton joins the crew, I'll be too afraid to sleep at night !!

"Worse than that time I put a blaster right in front of you as you woke up ?"

Usopp: ... Let me think about that one...

Robin: The bento is ready.

Sanji: You guys ! Make sure to protect Robin-Chan !

Franky: Exploring an unknown island sure is exciting !

Nami: Wait, you're going too ?!

"I have something to settle with that ghost... I know I can't hit it, but when it comes to being annoying, I know no master... I'll exorcise it by being even more obnoxious than it !!"

Robin: Fufu...

Franky: Great ! Now then, we'll be using a small boat to land. But there's still something special that I haven't shown you guys yet. The soldier dock system: "Channel 2" !!

Luffy: 2 ?!

Franky: This system has five channels. There are two "O", "1", "2", "3" and "4" ! Each dock has a different function !!

Usopp: You showed us the paddle wheel of 0, 1 and 3. But you told us 2 and 4 were still empty.

Franky: Uhahaha, they're so special that I kept them secret. You don't want to land in it ? Just try riding it first !!

Usopp: Bring it on !!

Franky: Soldier dock system: "Channel 2" !! Set sail !

Franky: MINI MERRY II !!


Chopper: WUOOOH !! MERRRY !!

Franky: It's a "Paddle-Steamer" for four people !!

Usopp: IT'S MERRY !! Merry reincarnated as a small boat !!

Nami: I never thought you would be hiding such a nice little present !! Thank you, Franky !!

Chopper: Yaaay, it's small, but it's Merry !!

Zoro: That's a nice gesture, Franky.

Sanji: if that's our shopping boat, I don't mind shopping any longer !

Luffy: Lemme ride it ! Hurry !!

Franky: just wait a moment. We'll ride in it soon enough. Just let them have some fun now. I showed you 1 and 3 before, so now all the systems are ready. Channel 0 !! Assistance paddle wheel !! Channel 1 !! One person waver: White wooden horse I !! Channel 2 !! Four people shopping boat: Mini Merry II !! Channel 3 !! Scouting submarine: Shark Submerge III !! Channel 4 is still empty, I swear ! But depending on the needs during our trip, I might put some weapons in it ! For now, that's it for the "Soldier Dock System" !! Each channel can be considered as a supporting soldier for the Thousand Sunny, our mother ship !!

Luffy: I love the way you think, Franky !!

Franky: Yeah, I'm the best there is this week, nmmmmm... SUPER !!

"... What's taking them so long... We can't even see them anymore..


Sanji: Na- Nami-San ?!! What's going on ?!!

Zoro: What happened ? We can't see a thing because of this fog.

"I think it came from the island."

Luffy: You guuuys !! Heeeey !! Hurry up and let me ride Merry !!

Sanji: What are you saying !! You should worry about Nami-San !!

"Shouldn't you worry about Usopp and Chopper too ?"

Robin: That scream just now... Were they cursed or killed by ghosts... ?

"Now's not the time to jinx bad stuff. let's bring the ship closer."

Luffy: Eh ?! The anchor just dropped !! No one touched it though !!

Franky: ... There's no way the cog-wheel could be loose, it's brand new... !

"Anyway, raise the anchor again, or the ship will lose its balance !"


Zoro: Hey, the hatch opened by itself ! Did anyone touch it ?!

Sanji: No... No one was even near it.

Luffy: Hrm ?

Sanji: hey, Luffy !! Why are you joking at a time like this ?!

Luffy: Noh, iss noh hat !! Ah hihint huu anyhin !! (No, it's not that !! I didn't do anything !!)

Sanji: You didn't do anything ?! Then what's with that mouth ?!

Luffy: BHA !! UWAH !!

???: GRRR...


"... Was that an animal sound... ?"

Franky: HEY, WATCH OUT !! What are you doing ?!

Zoro: Sorry !! My katana just... !!

"Everyone stay still and away from each other ! We're not alone here anymore... There's something, or someone other than us on this deck right now."

Franky: is this a ghost's doing... ? Or is it a devil fruit user a something... ?

Luffy: I did feel something touching me.

Robin: And there was a bestial howl earlier... That's weird...

"We're only supposed to be 6 here... But I can clearly feel a seventh presence around..."

Sanji: Shit ! Anyway, although this place sure is weird, I'm more worried about Nami-San and the others... !! I'll leave the ship to you guys !! I'm going to the island to save them !!

Zoro/Luffy/Franky: EEEH ?! HOW LAME !!

"Yeah, figures. Whatever is on the deck doesn't want us to reunite with the others."

Luffy: Hey, Sanji !!

Sanji: Ku... !! What was that just now, dammit !!

Zoro: You said "Hogeeeh".


Franky: they don't want us to leave the ship... ?!

"A ghost can't touch anything... I don't really know what we've got here, but it's definitely alive..."

Zoro: What are their intentions... If they want to kill us, they can attack us or something.


Robin: Something's... Grabbing me !!

???: GRRRRR !!

Sanji: And it's enjoying it, that bastard !!



"Follow the scent of fried meat !!"

Luffy: There really was a bestial howl !! Could it be beast ghosts ?!

"Waves ! Artificial waves from inside these walls !! the ship's drifting away ! Where did that motherfucker go ?!"

Zoro: We have higher priorities ! Hey, "Hogeeeh", raise the anchor so we can control the ship !!

Hogeeeh: DON'T CALL ME HOGEEEH, PUNK !! But we can't leave Nami-san and the others !! Usopp, Chopper, say something !!

"Hey Franky, is there any secret weapon that could be useful right now ?!"

Franky: All right ! We have the "Projecting surprise swimming pool" !!

Zoro/Luffy/Sanji: Sounds like fuuuun !! NO WAY, YOU IDIOT !!

"Okay... We tried waiting for them, but now we've got no choice..."

Sanji: Plus, there's no way this ship can get away from this giant spider web.

Zoro: Even the skeleton guy's ghost ship...

"Even the mini Merry... Usopp, Nami and Chopper should have come back by now, but everything's in the spider web..."

Zoro: Conveniently, the entrance to the island is inviting us. Right at our front... I can almost see ghosts beckoning to me.

"Well, they went so far to welcome us with a red carpet, it would be rude of us to decline."

Luffy: What are you jabbering about, you're coming too ! We don't have time to lose here ! C'mon ! The bento is divided already !

Sanji: Why is there suddenly a staircase going down ?

Luffy: No matter how you think about it, this is the entrance, there's no other option...


"... I think there's something waiting for us down there..."

Cerberus: GROOOOOOOO...

Sanji: Eh... Cerberus ? That's supposed to make hell safer ?

Robin: Oh, it's cute.

Franky: Is it trying to pick a fight ?

Zoro: How impertinent...

Luffy: Oh. Is it tasty ?

"Wolf meat is tough as hell."

Zoro: It looks like it wants to fight. In that case...

Luffy: No, wait. Let's try to tame it.

"I'm not sure about this one... It may be a dog, but it's not any dog... But maybe if it's a Greater Dog..."

Luffy: Exactly. Dogs are dogs. There, there, there. Shake.

Franky: ... Right after he was warned...

Luffy: There, there, good boy. There, there, there... That's it, let me go slowly... You're a good boy... YOU BASTARD !! Down.

"Erm, I don't think you're supposed to proceed in that order, but... Good enough, I guess ?"

Robin: Aside from that, what terrible wounds. It's a wonder that it's alive.

Sanji: Even still, you talk about wolf, but there's fox mixed in... It's not even a valid creature anymore.

Luffy: if something this interesting popped out as soon as we entered, then I'm looking forward to this island !!

Franky: Once we leave the moat, the forest is in front of us...


"Looking again, these looks less like wounds and more like surgical stitches... Who on this island would create something like that ?"

Robin: You seem to have no energy, Cerberus...

Zoro: You guys shouldn't sympathize too much with the losers, it'll affect his pride.

Luffy: ... Huh ?

"... A tree with the face of an old man and a unicorn having a drink together... Even I couldn't think of a lamer pun..."

Luffy: I CAUGHT IT !!

Franky: Me too !! These are rare !!

Tree: WUOOO, please let us go !!

Luffy: You guys !! Do you want to be pirates with-

Zoro/Sanji/Y/n: NO WAY !!

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