Chapter 129: A "Ghost" of a chance...

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd person POV:

Chopper: Usopp, Sanji and Y/n fell !! Do we keep going ?!

Luffy: Yeah !! They'll be fine !! I need to find Moria before he leaves, and beat the heck out of him !

Robin: That's probably the best way to go about this.

Chopper: There's the entrance to the dance hall where Luffy lost his shadow, and the freezer where we last saw Moria is beyond it !


Chopper: Was that... ?

Luffy: No... It didn't sound like him...


Luffy: Now that was him.

Robin: But then, the other one...


Franky: THAT A ZOMBIE ?!

Zoro: That...

Sanji: Luffy ?!


Usopp: UWAAAA !! WHAT'S HE GONNA... ?!

Oars: Oh... This hat is perfect. Okay ! I think I'm ready to go now !! I'm gonna be the pirate king even if I rot !! The building breaking was kinda scary though...

Usopp: ... What... He didn't even notice us...

"He's saying stuff that Luffy would say... So between the physical abilities of the zombies and Luffy's fighting skills... It's gonna be rough for sure...

Sanji: ... When did you get here ?

"Just now. Some personal stuff to reduce to ashes."

Usopp: ... Let's just give up on your shadows...

Sanji: HELL NO !! And even if that were okay, we're still going to rescue Nami-san !! Now get it together !! But now the bridge is broken...

"And I don't think you guys can jump this distance... Alright, hang on tight, we're going-

Franky: Wait 30 more seconds. i'm not happy with this ornament...


Franky: hey, there's plenty of material around here.

Usopp: ... But maybe you didn't need to focus so much on details...

Franky: I never do half-assed jobs !!

Sanji: Well, we're really grateful ! Let's go !!

"Wow... This room is really... How do I put it..."

Zoro: Flashy ?

"Yes, that."

???: Horo horo horo horo... I was planning to give you all to the zombies. If only Oars didn't fall... I won't be interrupted again.

Zoro: Those ghosts ! She controls them... What are they ?!

*Thriller Bark's ghost princess: Perona*

Perona: Horo horo horo horo ! You already know the ghosts' abilities... I ate the Horo Horo no mi fruit. I can create ghosts at will ! The ghosts are part of myself and they can empty anyone's heart !! Horo horo horo, you're all done for !!

Sanji: Are you telling me that this cutie is the boss of the ghosts ?!

"First, yes ! Second, stop thinking about that, we need to escape !!"

Usopp: We'll be finished if those things touch us !!


Zoro: It's the only way to get away... !!



Usopp: Everything... is finished...

Franky: Yes !! I want to be stepped on by a wild dog !!

Sanji: i'm less than a mackerel... !! I want to die...

"Please, lady Aqua-Sama, make me your footstool... I don't deserve anything better..."

Zoro: i'm sorry for walking on the same Earth as everyone...

Perona: GET THEM !!

Zombies: Yes, ma'am !! UOOOOOOOO !!

Perona: That was quick. Now for the ones upstairs...

???: SALT STAR !!

Zombies: Gurg ! GYAAAAAA...

Perona: Who did that ?!

Usopp: I won't let you... Touch any of my crew !!

Perona: Damn... He was only pretending to be affected ! NEGATIVE HOLLOW !!

Usopp: ... My name is... CAPTAIN USOPP !!

Perona: WHY ?! Why aren't you falling ?! The ghosts touched you !! How did you do it ?!

Usopp: I didn't do anything !! I am... ALWAYS NEGATIVE !!

Perona: Agh... 'It can't be... !! there is nobody in this world who can withstand the negative hollows !!'

Zombies: Negative ghosts don't work on him !! That's something !!

Perona: 'People... As long as they are living... Look forward to something... But he... !!'

Zombies: Hang in there !!

Usopp: DON'T CHEER ME ON !! And you guys, wake up !! Go rescue Nami and Brook ! You're no match against her powers !! Leave everything to me !!

"... This is something new..."

Sanji: Reliance on Usopp... ?

Zoro: I didn't work on him...

Usopp: But go after you get rid of the zombies !! I can't beat them !! I'll die !!

Franky: Well, we're leaving everything to you !!

Usopp: Hh !! NO !! WAIT !! WAAAAAAIT !!

Perona: NEGATIVE HOLLOWS !! It must have been a mistake last time, but this time, you will lose all will to live !!

Zombies: He got attacked by four of them at the same time !! No one has ever been able to resist these ghosts...

Ghosts: ... Horo... Horo...


Perona: Kumashi... I'm so sorry for everything...

Zombies: It's even affecting lady Perona !!

Usopp: Here's the thing... When it comes to thinking negatively... NO ONE CAN DO IT BETTER THAN ME !!


"To think the only one able to fight these things would be Usopp... This is really scary..."

Zoro: Well, now we've only got the weird animal zombies after us. That we can deal with."

Sanji: I think we'll be in the mansion after we cross this garden. i'm gonna head for Nami-San from here !!

Franky: Alright, good luck !


Zoro: He flew... How high up is this place ?

"Don't worry, he won't feel anything because of the adrenaline."

Franky: There's the top floor of that mansion. The skeleton's in the lab !!

Ryuma: You're like a phoenix... Or a zombie... You shouldn't be able to stand back up anymore. I'd like to see you stop completely now. You won't be able to get your shadow back ever again... Where would you like me to cut with my "Yahazu Giri" ?

Brook: ... You don't know anything... So don't use that name... I used to be in the royal raiding party. The name of my favorite move was "Requiem Bandulor". My shipmates praised it and renamed it... "Hanauta Sanchou, Yahazu Giri". (In three steps you die, Song slash).

Brook: You may have my personality and skill, but you don't have any of my memories or my humanity ! You have no right to use that name !!

Ryuma: Yohohoho, if you claim to be its creator, then you must be able to best my "fake" one ! This is your last chance...

Brook: 'Laboon... I need to apologize... I need to apologize for being so unlucky...'

Ryuma: First, this afro.

Brook: 'I was in a dark sea for 50 years... It was so long... But now it appears there was no reason for my being... It's lonely... My life... Has been so lonely... !'

Ryuma: Yohoho !


Ryuma: Huh ?! What is that ?! The mansion is shaking...

Frabky: Heey ! What's with this shaking ?!

Zoro: I don't know ! Maybe an earthquake ?!

"This is a boat we're in, Zoro ! ... Hey, sliced door ! This is the lab !"

Franky: There ! Hey, Skeleton !! Looks like you're really beaten up, you alive ?!

Brook: Y... Yes... Why are you...

Ryuma: ... Yohoho !! You mustn't touch that loser without my consent !!

Zoro: Wait just a second.


"The 'Bad to the bone' team has arrived !"

Franky: ... You'll be the first one...

Zoro: So you are the legendary samurai who cut a dragon. I didn't even know that someone like that existed... I've been looking forward to this !!

Brook: He... Who is he... ?!

Franky: Just an easily-provoked pirate who uses three swords, but he's pretty formidable. If your pride would give in to this, we can get your shadow back for you. What do you think ?

"Whatever, decide quick, I don't like this shaking !"

Brook: My shadow... ?! Really... then, please... PLEASE, MY SHADOW... ! GET MY SHADOW BACK, PLEAS-


Brook: WHAAAAT !! Blegh.

"Yeah, bad-mouthed too."

Franky: Hey !! Skeleton !!

Zoro: That sword of yours... It looks nice.

Ryuma: Yohohoho ! You have a good eye... This is one of the 21 great swords. It is called "Shûsui". It's not something you see everyday.

Zoro: So it's one of the great sword. I'm in luck, then. I was expecting something good from a samurai. ... Okay ! That sword, I'll take it from you.

Franky: Didn't that samurai say something just now ? Then... What did it mean ?

"Simple... This fight just reached it's conclusion. When two skilled swordsman come to fight, it never lasts very long..."

Brook: This is the first time I've seen this kind of battle. That samurai... When he fought me, he wasn't serious at all... !!

5 minutes ago:

Ryuma: Yohohoho. This black sword, "Shusui", you are gonna take it from me ?

Zoro: To be more precise... I'm gonna take it from your corpse. Really.

Ryuma: I see ! Then with all your might, yohoho !

Brook: It... It's better if you don't provoke him too much... !

Ryuma: But, you seem to already have 3 of them.

Zoro: One is broken. I won't feel good until I replace it. I'm a user of the "Santouryuu", the three-swords style, after all.

Ryuma: I've never heard of it. Is it some kind of acrobatics ? Yohohoho.

Zoro: It's a shame I can't show it to you right now.

Ryuma: I suppose. You seem strong... It feels like you might come not based on memory, but with emotion. It's like if some huge creature was coming to eliminate me... It's a strange, throbbing feeling !! Feels like my body wants to dance.

Brook: Woah !! That scared me !!

Franky: A PISTOL ?!

"No... It's a shockwave !"

Brook: Th... It's a thrust... But even if I do that technique, it isn't nearly as powerful !!

Ryuma: I've provided some ventilation.

Brook: For the thrust to go that far, just how much physical strength does it take... ?

Ryuma: Yohoho. A draw, it seems.

Ryuma: Yohoho, I was almost cut.

Franky: W- When did he counterattack ?!

"At the same time. Zoro can also make his attacks fly. Forgive me Brook, as I don't know about your shadow, but when that samurai was alive, no doubt that he deserved the fame he has today. In term of physical strength, they're equally matched."

Franky: T... Then what now ?

"Simple. If they have the same 'Destructive power', this match won't last for too long."

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