Chapter 142: Tenryûbitassholes

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Sanji: Usopp, Franky, you guys aren't heading out ? Everyone else went to town.

Franky: The ship got a little damaged during that last battle, so it's my job to fix it up !

Usopp: I wanted to help, so I stayed behind. When we finish, let's all head out and have some fun !

Sanji: No, I'll wait for someone to come back and switch with me, then I'll go shopping.

Usopp: Hm ? Why ?

Sanji: Well you see, my beloved Nami said this...

Nami: Oh, my~.All my treasure is stored on this ship. If only there was a knight who could protect it for me.

Sanji: IT'S ME !!

Usopp: That woman is leading you by the nose, you know that ?


Usopp: It doesn't mean anything if you say it yourself.

Zoro: Alright.



Zoro: Hm ? Just taking a walk.



Zoro: I'M TELLING YOU, I'M NOT GONNA GET LOST !! Who could get lost in a place like this ? There are numbers on the trees ! And in the worst case, I'll just ask someone for directions. Even a kid could find his way.

Usopp: Ah... I never thought you would be that smart.

Sanji: I underestimated you... Sorry, be careful. Make sure you ask someone. Believe in yourself !

Zoro: ... This is really annoying... I just have to remember this tree's number... Grove 1, huh... ?

Hatchan: The World Nobles are also called the "Tenryûbito". They think they're too good to breathe the same air as the rest of us, so they wear masks. You absolutely can't defy them in any way. Just promise me this one thing.

Luffy: Sure...

Hatchan: There's plenty of other stuff you need to look out for. Like I said before, this island is where people aiming for the "New World" gather. There are pirates, just like you, and the marines chasing them. Plus, there are bounty hunters and kidnappers. If pirates are caught by the slave trade, then law won't protect them. If you do anything to stand out, then they'll all be after you in a heartbeat. Be really careful, whatever you do.

Luffy: 'K... Hey, I was wondering, when did you get that wound ? On your forehead...

Hatchan: This ? Don't mind it.

"He means what he's saying, Luffy. Soldiers here are nowhere near the grub you find everywhere. They're the absolute elite, straight from Marine HQ, right up next door. Even bounty hunters are on another level from the rest."

Hatchan: Exactly. And one more thing.

Luffy: Come on, that's too much to keep track of !

Hatchan: Here, Camie and I aren't fishmen or mermaids. On this island, treat us like we are humans. That'll make everything easier.

Luffy: Why ?

Robin: When in Rome, do as the Romans do, Luffy. Let's do as the octopus says.

'... How does she knows what Rome is... ?'

"But... There's also one thing I must ask of you, Luffy."

Luffy: What ?

"If we come across one of these Tenryûbito, and you see me visibly losing my cool... Just knock me out. Please."

Merchant: Slowly push your head in.

Luffy: Pwah ! Ooh ! I can get inside ! It's not leaking !

Brook: Wooo, how interesting !

Merchant: okay ! Take this and put it inside. Is the height okay ? Then, go ahead and advance.

Luffy: Ooooh ! It's moving ! This is so fun !

Chopper: Waaah ! Amazing !

Merchant: if you want to rent a "Bon Chari", it's 500 berry a day. And if you want to buy one, it's 10,000 Berry. A steal, right ?

Luffy: I want one ! I'll buy one with my spending money !!

"Bad idea, Luffy. For us travelers, there's no point buying one."

Luffy: Eeh ?! Why ?!

Hatchan: I'll tell you later.

Merchant: Aw, man, you're locals ? Well, shoot.

Nami: Waah, this is great ! There are lots of ways to use them !

"Don't get why you insisted on that, I could transport everyone easily..."

Robin: I think you're underestimating how famous you may have become. It would be like screaming "Hey, I'm a famous and wanted pirate everyone" everywhere.

"... Man, my sense of self-concealing has rusted over the years..."

Luffy: This is so fun! i'm going to buy a Bon Chari after all !

Hatchan: Strawhat, when you first got here, you got on a soap bubble and floated up into the sky, right ? Why did you fall back down ?

Luffy: Aaah ! After the bubble passed the top of the trees, I wanted to go even higher. But the bubbled around me all started popping. And then the one I was riding on popped, too. So I fell back down.

Hatchan: That's because you left the atmosphere of the Sabaody Archipelago. The atmosphere here is especially suited for and by Yarukiman mangroves. So when you leave the area, the resin can't maintain its shape.

Robin: Is that so ? Then outside of this Archipelago, you wouldn't be able to ride these bubble bicycles, right... ?

"Precisely. I learned that from... Personal experience. People who come here for the first time often buy one and regret it later."

Luffy: Hmmmmmmph... But... I don't really get it, so... Let's just get... One...

Nami: Don't you get it ?! If you leave these islands for any reason, then the soap bubbles just mysteriously pop.

Luffy: What ?! They mysteriously pop ?! How is that possible ?

Camie: Ah, but you can use them at Fishman island. We have these soap bubbles at the ocean floor, too.

Luffy: I want to go to Fishman island now ! It's going to be awesome ! What is it like... ?! No ! I don't want to hear it yet !

Pappag: I hope we see the mermaid princess, she's a beauty ! Even a starfish like me can see that, no mistake ! I know her, so maybe I'll introduce you.

Brook: That would be great ! I have no eye for women ! After all, I'm a skeleton...

"So you don't have any eyes !"

Both: Yohohohohohoho !!

Luffy: ... Hm ? Hey, what's a "Graman" ? It smells great !!

Vendor: It's a "Grand Line Manjyu". So we shorten it to "Graman". Would you like to try one ? See, they've got "Grand Line, first half" written on them. They're popular souvenirs to take to the "New World". They stay good for up to three months, so you can take them anywhere !

Luffy: So good. They're delicious !

Chopper: They're sweet and tasty !

Brook: They really are good. My we open the next box and have some more ?

Vendor: Are you going to buy anything ?!

Robin: It looks like there are a lot of hotels around Grove 35...

"They're for the people waiting for permission to go through Marie Geoise."

Pappag: It's easy to make a hotel here. You take a giant soap bubble, cover it with an alloy, and that makes the foundation. That's how these round buildings are made.

Nami: Ah ! Is that a shopping mall ?!

Vendor: thank you for your business !!

Luffy: "Grasen" and "Grachoco".

Chopper: Key holder.

Brook: Pennant.

Pappag: You guys made lots of great memories !!

Luffy: I had them put in a "Bon Bag".

Brook: carrying stuff around on these islands doesn't seem to be a problem.

Chopper: Huh ? Where did Nami and Robin go ?

"They wanted to go to the shopping mall at Grove 30. Said to take care of the coating."

Chopper: is that so ? Then we'll take care of it !

Robin: Camie... We invited her, but she didn't come.

Nami: Yes, she seems to have gotten a little more reserved since we came to these islands... I wonder what's wrong with her.

Robin: ... Could it be that... She's had some bad experiences here... ?

Luffy: DAAAAAH !! I'm out in front !!

Hatchan: Nyuu~!! I won't lose ! There's still a long way to go ! The finish line is Grove 13 !

"Ha ha ha. You kids are so cute, thinking you can best me in a race."


Luffy: Hm ? What's going on up there ?!

Pirate: PLEASE !! I'M BEGGING YOU, ANYBODY !! HELP ME !! Please, let me go !! I don't want to die ! Anybody at all !! An axe !! or a saw !! Anything is fine, just give it to me !! I just need to break this collar !! There's no danger for you !! I've given up on the New World !!

Pirate: Please, I have a wife and son at home !! I just want to go home... please ! Please help me !! I left when my kid was still a baby ! He doesn't even know my face !!

"... Catching a glimpse of my hatred right now..."

Luffy: Huh ?

Hatchan: Don't pay attention to him ! He's probably a pirate who was caught by a slave trader... And was sold off ! The people who bought him probably brought him here, and he escaped ! He should know that he can't get away !

Pirate: This collar ! If only this were gone !


Luffy: WHA... ?

"Slaves always have chains attached to their necks... And if they break the chain, then the collar explodes..."

Luffy: That's awful... !!

Pirate: '... I'll get something for my kid and go home... I... Don't want to be a pirate anymore... !!'


Brook: Wa... Wait !! Shouldn't we help him ?!

Pappag: Idiot ! You promised not to get involved, no matter what happened !!

Chopper: UWAAAAH !! What the hell is going on in this town ?!!

"... brace yourself everyone. If that guy really was a slave, then the Tenryûbito must be close by..."

Hatchan: Right ! Strawhat ! Get off of that Bon Chari !

Luffy: Eh... ? Okay... I get it.

???: ... That was... The Captain of the Akumate pirates, Devil Dias, worth 60 million, huh... How pathetic... ! He would never have made it in the "New World"...

"Here they come... Hm."

Luffy: is that one of those Tenryûbito... ?

Hatchan: You guys get on your knees, and no matter who comes, don't look them in the eyes ! Don't lay a hand on that dog either, the Tenryûbito are right behind it.


???: Oh my, how unladylike, Saru.

Luffy: T- That's them, huh... ?

Sharlia: Oh shoot, father, it looks like another one got broken.

Roswald: Did you give it tranquilizers every day ?

Sharlia: I did, but it didn't seem to have any effect on this fool. Won't you please buy me a new one ?

Roswald: You're terrible at training these things. My collection of captains is getting ruined one by one...

Sharlia: Well, this one is no good anymore... A full grown man like you, crying as you die amongst these people. You're just a filthy human...

Luffy: he can't even move anymore...

Sharlia: You disgust me.



Luffy: You- !

Hatchan: Wait ! Please !!

Sharlia: I'd like a giant as a slave this time.

Roswald: Start with a human child.

Sharlia: I don't want something that weak.

Camie: ... I feel awful.

Luffy: I wonder if he'll be okay. He was taken to the marines, but...

Hatchan: he's a pirate, so even if he's saved, he'll be stuck in prison.

Chopper: But... A pirate like that should be able to win against an old man and that girl !!

"That's the whole point. Tenryûbito are not to be trifled with... For they have the authority to call an Admiral from the marine HQ at any time.


"Or Akainu, or Kizaru. You never know who will come. In fact, if your gramps accepted his promotion, even he could come. HQ's right there, after all."

Chopper: Why are they so important ?

"Because... they have the "Blood of the creators" running through their veins... 800 years ago, what is now known as the World Government, was created by a group of 20 kings. The descendants of 19 of them are today known as the Tenryûbito. And over the years... Their power went well over their heads."

"Now you see why I always try to spend as little time as possible here..."

Luffy: Why ?

"The very epitome of what I hate he most about a country... A happy facade hiding the equivalent of humanity's garbage dumpster..."

Camie: You did it ! You're so strong !

Luffy: Yeah ! My stomach is full ! there's no way I'd ever lose to the likes of you !!

Brook: I wonder what's going on here... All of a sudden, there's nothing but bounty hunters around.

Chopper: This is already the third ambush !!

"These are things you should get used to. But if you guys are done with your side, we should move on before more come."

Brook: The food sampling shop... No, the souvenir shop is out of sight...

Chopper: There aren't that many people around, so the shops and the town seem pretty suspicious. This doesn't seem like the kind of place where a coating craftsman would be.

Hatchan: Nyuu. The Archipelago is pretty big, so there are places where the government's arm doesn't reach. The marines don't go to the very inland at all.

"We're at Grove 16 right now, and Groves 1- 29 are pretty much lawless."

Chopper: Ehhh ?!

Hatchan: Look at this. The islands are organized into groups of 10. It's not set in stone, but this is pretty much how it is.

Chopper: Why didn't you say anything earlier ?! I could have had Zoro or Sanji take my place !

Hatchan: Nyuu, it's fine ! We're headed for Grove 13, we're almost there !

Camie: Chopper and Skeleton, you guys are strong and cool, too !

Chopper: Th- That doesn't make me happy at all, geez~ !

Brook: i'm so flattered that my ears are turning red... I don't have any ears, though ! Yohoho !

Hunters: Cough... !! Dammit... ! What strength ! I... I knew a 300 Million bounty... Was to much. There are so many big bounties here on these islands right now... if we just got one... !

Grove 13:

"Judging, by where you're leading us, Hachi, I wouldn't be surprised if we had the same artisan in mind all along."

Hatchan: Nyuu, he's the best, after all. But it's been about 10 years, I wonder if he's still running the shop.

Luffy: is the coating guy a fishman ? Well, we'll know when we meet him !

Camie: Ah, Pappag and I haven't met him before, but I've heard he's a pretty amazing person.

"That would be a serious understatement."

Hatchan: Nyuu. This is a guy I've known since I was a kid.

Pappag: Hachi... It says right on the bar's sign that they're going to rip us off... It looks pretty awful...

"Nah, don't worry. They're good people. Compared to Nami, they're nothing."

Hatchan: Rayleigh, Shakki, are you here ?

Pirate: ... I... I'll pay...

Shakki: Welcome. What will it be ? ... Oh, my. Hatchan ?!

Hatchan: Nyuu, it's been too long, Shakki.

Shakki: How long has it been ?! 10 years ?! Just take a seat and wait. I was just extracting some outrageous amount of money from these guys.

Hatchan: Nyuu, take your time.

Shakki: I see... You gave up the pirate's life. That's good. Your health come first ! And you're Camie-chan ? It's pretty rare to see a mermaid above the surface. Are you two dating ?

Camie: EEHHHHHHHH ?! I... I- It's not like... I... He didn't ask for my hand just yet...

Pappag: You jumped a little too far there.

Hatchan: She helps me with the Takoyaki shop.

Shakki: Oh, I see... Ah, that's right, do you guys want anything to drink... ?

"Oh, don't worry about that, they're already helping themselves."

Brook: Shakki, these beans... they're delicious.

Pappag: You guys are going through the refrigerator ?! Do you think you're at home ?!

Shakki: Ahahaha... Do as you like.

Chopper: LUFFY, BROOK, STOP !! She's going to scam you for the food !!

Shakki: You're friends of Hatchan, so it's all on the house. Here, this is for you.

Chopper: COTTON CANDY !!

"... And expert briber as well. What was I expecting ?"

Shakki: The same as last time ? It almost feels weird seeing you with an entire clique after these ten years. You were always such a solitary boy.

"Ten years... I really didn't expect that so much could change."

Hatchan: Nyuu, you know each other ?

"I've lost count of how many times I had to ask for coating to go back and forth between the New World and here."

Hatchan: Wait, so... When Rayleigh referred to "That one insufferable white-haired brat" then...

Luffy: hey lady, how did you know what Chopper likes ?

Shakki: You're the little Monkey, the captain of a pirate crew, right ?

Luffy: You know about me, too ?!

Shakki: Of course. You guys are getting pretty notorious. Plus, i'm a well informed person. Well, I didn't know about you having a skeleton in your crew, or that skeletons could move around.

Shakki: I read about the Enies Lobby incident. How much of it is true ? Did you really start a fight with the Government ?

"Don't wanna talk about that. Massive pain in my ass, that's what it was."

Shakki: Ahahahahaha, no boasting, huh ? What a big shot. You've got the same name as Garp from the marines, right ?

Luffy: Yeah, because he's my Grandpa !

"And yet another massive pain in my ass."

Shakki: Ahahahaha. I knew it. You know, Garp's come after me before.

Luffy: Why ?

Hatchan: Shakki used to be a pirate.

Shakki: It's been over forty years since I last sailed the seas, though.

Luffy: ... Lady, how old are you ?

"Luffy, didn't Makino teach you this isn't something you ask a woman ?"

Shakki: Right now, I'm looking forward to cheering on rookies like you.

Hatchan: By the way, Shakki...

Shakki: Oh, there's no need to say it, I already get it. The reason why you and Camie-chan came this way by land was to help them get their ship coated, right ? As if the face of a regular customer wasn't enough hint.

"We can only have the best of the best, after all. And preferably one who wouldn't tell the marine afterward."

Shakki: In other words, you want Rayleigh to do the coating for you. Well, he's not here right now.

Luffy: Ehh ?! The guy's not here ?! But we want to go to Fishman island !

Shakki: There's no way he would have left the archipelago... You should look for him in the bars and gambling houses around here.

Luffy: if we wait here, he'll come back, won't he ?

Shakki: I suppose so... But he hasn't been back for about six months now.

"Six months... ?! That's unusual, even for the guy."

Shakki: He's probably been meeting women and shacking up here and there, so I'm not worried about his health or anything. I guess picking up and leaving for long periods of time is just what former pirates do.

Luffy: This craftsman guy was a pirate, too ?!

"And certainly not the least, Luffy. It's better if he tells you himself."

Brook: But, that's a problem... Then I suppose we must search for him. Where should we start looking ?

Shakki: Let's see... I think he would be somewhere in Grove 1-29. he's pretty notorious himself, so he's not going to relax wherever the marines are. Other than that... He does like "Sabaody Park"...


Camie: All right !! Amusement Park !!

Pappag: Hey, Camie !!

Shakki: Look, wherever you go... You better be careful. My sources tell me that, with you guys here now, there 12 pirates on Sabaody Archipelago with bounties over 100 million.

Chopper: THAT MANY ?!

Shakki: That's 9 people other than You guys, counting Roronoa. When you all entered Grand Line, there were 7 different routes you could have taken. You picked one route and followed your Log to this point.

Luffy: Yeah.

Shakki: So, of course the pirates who chose one of the other 6 routes, went through the same kind of difficulties as you did, and some of them made it here. No matter what route you take, you run into the Red Line, and so, everyone gathers here to cross the wall. Get it ? All the World's rookies have gathered here at the same time. That's not something that happens every day... Kidd, Luffy, Hawkins, Drake, Law... Those names have been all over the newspapers.

Luffy: I don't read the newspaper.

Shakki: Ufufufu... Information is a weapon. You should at least know the name of your rivals, right ? And speaking of bounties... Among the rookies, you two are respectively only number 2 and 3 !

Chopper: There's someone higher up than them ?! On these islands ?!

Customers: ... Look at her eat. Where does it all go... ?

Bege: ... You vulgar woman, you're making my meal taste bad. Shut her up and bring her over here !

Mafioso: We can't do that, padre ! We're right under the marine Headquarter's nose...

Bonney: Where's my food ?! I'm almost out !!

Pirate: It seems like they're going as fast as they can, captain.

Bonney: Well then, they need to go faster !! MORE PIZZA !!

Pirate: Why ?! This bastard got spaghetti on my shirt !

Waiter: M- My humblest apologies !

Hawkins: then that was your shirt's fate... I apologize for startling you. Today will be a day of death, when fate is unkind.


Apoo: If you want a fight, why don't we wait until we're over the wall ? How about it ? Don't you know how strong I am ?

Kidd: You're the one who was staring at me. You annoy me... I'll take care of you right now.



Drake: If you want to do this, wait until you're in the New World !!

Urouge: You're that disgraced marine officer, Drake, huh... ? Fufu. Looks like your life is spared for today, masked man.

Killer: ... ... ...

Law: That was pretty good just now... But, Drake... How many men... Have you killed ?

Shakki: There were mountains of pirates who entered Grand Line, but now, only a few are left... Grand Line really is a gigantic tournament... The surviving pirates from each routes have improved themselves to be the fittest, the elite.

Shakki: One of them might even become the person who inspires the next generation of pirates. At the very least, all these rookies entering the New World won't go unnoticed. The reason why Captain Kidd has a higher bounty than you... is because they cause a huge amount of damage to ordinary citizens... Not cute at all, right ? So, I'm definitely rooting for you guys !

"Inspire... I really hope no kid is inspired by what I did..."

Luffy: Well, i'm just going to have fun. But all there pirates being around makes me worry about the craftsman guy.

Shakki: Oh, he'll be fine. he's about, 100 times stronger than you boys.

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