Chapter 144: One Gum Man

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Garp: "Dark King", Silvers Rayleigh, huh... ?

Marine: It appears that his captors haven't realized who he is, and he's supposed to be sold as just some old man.

Garp: they're selling the Lord of the Underworld at a human auction... !! BUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!

Marine: If it really is him, then this is a rare opportunity... My subordinates aren't 100% sure... !

Garp: Tea.

Marine: Ah... Right. What do we do, Vice-Admiral ? Should we report it to Fleet Admiral Sengoku... ?

Garp: No, I'll take care of it... Don't mention this to anyone else, even Sengoku ! Make sure you tell your men, too.

Marine: B... But if it really is him...

Garp: It's the real thing, no doubt about it.

Marine: EH ?!

Garp: I hear reports of people seeing him here and there. Most likely... He lost his money gambling and ended up betting his own body. He might be old, but if we go after him carelessly, we'll lose an unimaginable amount of men. Especially now... Do you want us marines to take on two legends at the same time ?!

Your POV:

Clown: Ladies and gentlemen, my apologies for the delay !! Shortly, Grove 1's traditional monthly human auction will open for bidding !! And, of course, our master of ceremonies !! The walking super bazaar himself !! MISTER... DISCO !!

Disco: Hello, everyone !! We've got some fine slaves up for auction today ! And ladies and gentlemen, you are lucky !! Today, we have a super special item for you all !! I pray from the bottom of my heart that you will be able to take home the slave you desire !!

Clown: And so, let the auction begin !! Entry number 1 !! From Toroa, West Blue ! A musician from a distinguished family, who can play any instrument ! A proud pirate !!

Disco: Give him an instrument, he'll play BGM ! Give him a mop, he'll sweep up ! And he even makes wine !! he's in the prime of his life: A 25 year old human male ! 192 Cm tall, weights 130 Kg. His name is Byron ! We'll start at the special price of 480,000 Berry !! Show your intent to bid by raising your plate !! I have 520,000. There's 580,000 !!

Sanji: Duval... What the hell is this disgusting list ?

Duval: They're market prices. You see why everyone's after Mermaids ? They're on a whole other level. If you buy one, you're free to do whatever you want... But they're usually put on display as trophies by the super rich. They spend their lives in a small tankon display.


Duval: No.. I was just thinking, you can't really call that living.

Sanji: If that's how you feel, then hurry up and find her !! To Grove 1 !!

Duval: Check today's auction schedule !

Riders: It started at 4 O'clock, 30 minutes ago.

Sanji: Uwooo, are we all right ?!

Duval: We'll be okay. A mermaid will definitely be the top prize. They won't bring her out until the very end, so we'll make it ! And remember, you've got a man inside already !

Sanji: Anyway, take the shortest route !! We're slower than a flying fish, after all !

Duval: i'm telling you... Calm down, young master Black Leg. I'm the boss of this team, you know ! Tell me, after hearing where the mermaid is... Have I changed course ?

Sanji: Hm... ? No...

Duval: That's because I've been heading to Grove 1 this entire time !! Look ahead !! That's Grove 1 ! We got here before anybody else !!

Sanji: Eh ?! It's true... You... You're awesome ! Was it your instinct that led you here ?!

Rider: Okay ! We're here, Reindeer.

Chopper: Thank you !


Rider: Be careful.

Franky: Got it, thanks ! Uwooh ! What's this guy ?!


Clown: You're the ones who don't have any rights here. If you continue to cause trouble, we will take legal action against you, for obstructing our right to do business !

Franky: Those guys... !

Sanji: What kind of business is this, you bastards ?! Do you think you can get away with this kind of trade ?!

Clown: Hmph ! A criminal pirate like you has no right to question our way of life.

Nami: It's taboo to buy and sell people like property !! How much are you bribing the government ?!

Clown: How impolite of you to ask... But since you brought it up... Whenever people from the government of the military come to see us, the words "Slave Trade" just never seem to come up. They appear to be completely unaware of our business.

Sanji: You've got to be kidding me... So they're accomplices too...

Franky: What a pain in the ass ! If the mermaid really is here, then this'll do just fine !!

Hatchan: Nyuu !! You can't ! there Tenryûbito inside ! And if Camie is being held in there, then they've already collared her !

Chopper: Ehh ?! The ones that explode ?! Then we can't just take her back by force ?!

Clown: ufufufufu... Please, take her if you'd like...

Sanji: Why, you... !!

"Stop that, Sanji. That won't get you anywhere, just bring more trouble."

Hatchan: Nyuu ! Where is Camie ?! Is she safe ? Is she alright ?!

"Calm down. They've haven't brought her out yet. Otherwise I wouldn't be here. Moreover, that auction house wouldn't be standing. What I meant is, brute force isn't going to lead us anywhere. Our only choice here, is to play by their rules."

Nami: Right now, we've got a lot of treasure on the ship. We've got 200 million at the very least... What's the marked rate ?

Hatchan: Nyuu ! If you've got that much, it should be fine. But I can't repay that much...

"Hatchan, are you Camie's guardian or something ?"

Hatchan: Nyuu !! No, that's not it...

Nami: Then can it. If we can get our friend back, then I don't care how much it costs !! No complaints, right ?!

Chopper: Of course not !! Money is no object here !!

Pappag: ... You guys... ! Thank you... !! We'll remember this for the rest of our lives !!

"This is definitely a new side of Nami."

Sanji: I love this side of you, Nami !!

"Get your ass over there now !!"

Sanji: YES SIR !!

Disco: All right, all right, everyone's getting excited !! Continuing on, we have another treasure at entry Number 15: An unparalleled beautiful slave girl ! Please take a look at her perfect proportions: The 20 year old dancing girl, Pashia !!

Pirate: Boss... Those are some more of the Strawhat pirates...

Sanji: Nami, can we spare some money for this girl...

Kidd: The Strawhat captain isn't here... I wanted to see how big of an idiot he is.

"I dunno, how big of an ass are you ?"

Disco: How extraordinary !! the beautiful dancing girl Pashia !! Starting at 800,000... She sells for the sum of 7,200,000 Berry !!

Charlos: Haah, we're finally here. Mufuun. They're still going, but we missed at least half of it...

Disco: All right, shall we move to the next item ?!

Charlos: It's all because you're such a block-head !! You really piss me off !! Take this thing and sell it off. I don't want it anymore !

Guard: Right away, sir.

Charlos: I want a mermaid. Will they have one this time ?

Guard: It is said that mermaids aren't caught very often. So, it is unlikely that one will appear...

Clown: Oh my, Saint Charlos !!

Charlos: Show me to my seat.

'... Another Tenryûbito... Just fucking great...'

Sanji: 'If we cross him, then a marine admiral will come, huh... ?'

Sharlia: You finally came, brother Charlos.

Disco: Entry number 16 !! And here we have the captain of a pirate ship !! This man's name is Rakyuba !! A pirate known as a cunning strategist !! His bounty is 17,000,000 Berry, and his chiseled body is a point of pride !! You can ride him, use him for manual labor, or use him as a sandbag !! He has many uses !! Now...

Audience: KYAAAAH !! What's wrong with him... ?!

Disco: That bastard... ! He couldn't have... !! 'Close the curtains !!'

Nami: What... just happened ?

"He just bit his tongue off. Between a life of slavery and death, he made his choice. Perhaps even the right one..."

Franky: the mermaid still isn't up... !

Chopper: Camie must be so scared...

Nami: She just has to endure a little more, then we can buy her back ! It's a good thing we have all the treasure from Thriller Bark.

Disco: Uh, number 16, the pirate Rakyuba was taken to emergency care for a nosebleed. Though he collapsed, we hope to bring him back to you in a few days !! But, ladies and gentlemen !! the item I am about to present to you, will blow away all your troubles in an instant ! OUR SUPER SPECIAL ITEM !! please take a look at this silhouette ! Countless men have sought after them !! I won't say any more, see with your own eyes !!

Audience: Ooh, could it be ?!


Audience: UWOOOOOOHH !! It's real ! A real young mermaid !!

Hatchan: Camie !! It's Camie !!

Pappag: GABIEEE !!

Nami: All right ! We'll take her back !! We've got 200 Millions to spend !

Camie: ... Ah ! It's Hacchin and the others !! They came to save me !!

Charlos: ... Oh my god... ! It's a mermaid !! they're selling a mermaid !! 500 MILLION BERRY !! I'LL PAY 500 MILLION !!

Disco: ... ... Wha...?

"E- Eh... ?"

Audience: ... man, we didn't stand a chance...

Nami: What was that... ?! All of a sudden ! We don't have nearly enough... !

Roswald: Charlos, you're wasting money again... And you're keeping piranhas in your aquarium, aren't you ?

Charlos: It'll be fun to watch them chase her. Mermaids are the fastest creatures in the water, right, father ?!

Disco: Th... The whole audience is speechless ! But does anyone want to bid over 500 millions ?! If there isn't, then this will be an early end for this item !!

Chopper: isn't there anything we can do ?! Isn't there no other way ?! This can't be happening... ! Our friend is being taken away because that guy has more money !!

Sanji: This is bad... I never imagined that this would happen ! We were counting on money solving this problem, but the situation is much worse now.

"... I wonder... Will I have to reiterate that... 'Even though that's the one thing I swore to Luffy, years ago,,,'..."

Hatchan: Nyuu ! If it comes down to it, I'll take her by force and escape to the ocean !

Pappag: Don't be stupid ! What about the collar ? Camie will explode !!

Hatchan: Then we'll find the key somehow... !!

Disco: Time's up !! Today's big prize, Camie the mermaid, will go to the Tenryûbito, Saint Charlos, for the price of 500 millions !

Charlos: All right !

Kidd: ... It's like the world in miniature. What a farce, let's get out of here. Hm ?

Disco: What ?!

Sanji: L- Luffy !!

Luffy: What the hell was that ?! Can't you land any better ?!

Rider: How was I supposed to ?! This is a flying FISH ! You told me to get you in, didn't you ?!

Zoro: man, I got on because you guys told me to... I was heading back to the Sunny when you grabbed me.. Where are we ?

Chopper: Zoro, too ?!

Kidd: That's... Strawhat Luffy... !

Audience: What the hell are those guys... ?!

Luffy: Ah, CAMIE !! CAMIE, WEWERE LOOKING FOR YOU !! Thank goodness !!

Hatchan: Wait ! Wait, Strawhat !! What're you doing ?!

Luffy: What do you mean ? Camie is right there !!

Hatchan: yes, but she's still got the exploding collar on !! We can't just take her ! And a Tenryûbito is involved..

Luffy: Like I care !!


Disco: Stop that man with the straw hat !!

Luffy: I'll save you, Camie !! You bastards, Camie's not something you can sell !!

Audience: Why is a Fishman on land ?! Disgusting ! Look at the color of his skin !! Look at his arms... ! i'm scared ! i'm so scared ! Don't come any closer !! Go back to the sea, you monster !! get away !

Sanji: What the hell is going on... ?

Nami: It's just like Robin said... On these islands, Fishmen and mermaids, are discriminated against... !!

Chopper: What ?! Both Camie and Hachi ?!

".. Not just the slave trade... I wish I would've sent the whole archipelago to the abyss long ago..."

Charlos: Mufufufu mufuuun mufuuun ! I hit him !! I finished off that fishman !!

Nami: H... HACHI !!

Audience: Haaaaaaah, i'm so glad they shot him. I was worried that I would get some kind of disease from that thing. He must have been up to something. He has the brain of a fish after all.

Zoro: ... ...

"Don't move. Something's interesting is about to happen..."

Charlos: Father !! Look !! I caught this fishman !! I caught him,so he's free, right ? Take him away ! I got a fishman slave for free !! free, free ! An octopus for free !!

Luffy: ... ... ...

hatchan: Wa... Wait... Haa... Strawhat... ! You can't... Haa... Don't get mad... It was my fault.. You promised... That... Even if someone is shot right before your eyes... You wouldn't go against the Tenryûbito... !! i'm a pirate anyway ! I've done bad things... This is my punishment !

Hatchan: i'm sorry... I... I didn't mean for this to happen... ! Nami... I wanted to make it up to nami... Even a little... I just wanted to help you guys...

Nami: Hachi...

Hatchan: Everything I've ever done... It was all a mistake... ! i'm really useless... But in the end, I just cause trouble... I'm so sorry... !

Charlos: You damn fish !! I shot you, but you're still talking... You piss me off !!

Luffy: ... ... ...

Pappag: Strawhat, stop !! You won't be able to get away !!

Audience: What is he doing... ?!

Kidd: Is... Is he serious... ?!

Charlos: You're pissing me off, too !!

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