Chapter 147: Pacifista

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 " ": You talking

' ': you thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Rayleigh: Now, I can't run my mouth on things that Shanks hasn't talked you about... But anyways, you've done well coming this far... ! I'm sure he's waiting for you in the "New World".

Luffy: ... I see ! Okay ! I've wanted to see him, too !

Rayleigh: Well then, what's the situation ? You wanted me to coat your ship, right ? I'll get on that now...

Hatchan: Nyuu... Now that you mention it, coating is really expensive.

Rayleigh: No, it's fine. Hachi, you're my friend, so I won't take any money.

Luffy: That's great ! Thanks !

Zoro: ... How were you able to pay for the coating ?

"You already know I have a habit of picking on the slave trading business. You'd be surprised of the amount of money you can get just from raiding an auction house or two."

Usopp: Uwoooh ! I'm not really sure what happened, but if we're getting it for free, that's great !!

Sanji: Thanks for that. That's generous of you.

Robin: ... Rayleigh... I have a question... Just what is "The Will of D"... ?

Rayleigh: ... ...

Robin: Roger's name was carved into the poneglyph we saw on Sky Island in an ancient language. How did he know that language... ?

"We came here, found the text, and followed its guidance. Gol D. Roger."

Robin: Do you know what happened in the world 900 years ago, during the "Void century" ?!

Rayleigh: ... Yeah. I know. We... Knew all of history... But, little lady, you can't rush things... Just go forward one step at a time, on your ship. Maybe we... And maybe Ohara, too... Maybe we all tried to go too fast.

Rayleigh: Even if I told you everything I know about the history of the world, as you are now, you won't be able to do anything about it. Take your time, and after you see the world, perhaps you'll find a different answer... But if you must ask, I can tell you everything about the world.

Robin: ... No. I'll stop asking here... I'll continue my journey.

"That's good... When all you are after are the results, you start taking shortcuts... And when you start taking shortcuts, you might lose sight of the truth. Eventually, you lose your motivation, too..."

Rayleigh: True... Someday, you'll see everything. It makes me sick, what happened to your hometown, Ohara... But it's not like Roger understood those words.

Robin: ... Huh... ?

Rayleigh: We were pirates... We didn't have intellects like the genius Clover or the scholars of Ohara... he just... Heard the voice of "All creation"... That's all it was...

Usopp: Are you okay with that, Robin ?! Aren't you letting a huge opportunity go here ?! Um, old man ! I have a question, too ! The one great treasure, One Piece, is it really on the last island-

Luffy: USOOOOOOOOPP !! I don't want to hear where the treasure is !! I don't even want to know if it exists or not !! I don't know anything about it ! But that's how we all set out on this journey !! If the old man tells you anything here, I'll stop being a pirate ! I'M NOT GOING ON A BORING ADVENTURE !!

Usopp: I... I'M SORRY !! I GET IT ! MY MOUTH JUST... WENT OFF ON ITS OWN !! I... I don't want to hear it either !! yeah, that's right, I've got the "I-die-if-I-hear-about-One-Piece" disease !! Hey old man, don't you say anything !!

Shakki: Ahahaha...

Rayleigh: Can you do it... ? What Grand Line has in store for you is beyond your imagination ! Your enemies will be strong. Can you really conquer this wild sea ?

Luffy: I don't want to conquer anything. The Pirate King is just, the freest man on the sea !!

Rayleigh: ... Is that so... ?

Shakki: I'm definitely a fan of yours, Monkey.

Rayleigh: Your ship's at... Grove 41, right ? I'll go check it out. What'll you guys do ? An admiral might already be on the island.

Nami: If we stay here, we'll just attract trouble, so... Why don't we go shopping somewhere ?

"You... You really aren't that familiar with being a fugitive and all... Are you ?"

Franky: That's true... If we stay together, they will spot us right away... If we went this to go smoothly, it would be best for us to escape to the town...

Zoro: Then let's split up. When the coating is finished, we can meet up again.

Sanji: Where do you get off talking about meeting up... ?

Rayleigh: Shakki, there's some of that left, right ?

Shakki: yes, one sheet.

Rayleigh: I'm pretty notorious myself. So I think I'll move the ship from Grove 41 and work somewhere else.

Chopper: That's... A Vivre card !

Rayleigh: Oh, if you know what it is, then this'll be quick.

"Zoro, this is how you use the card."

Zoro: I know !! Shut up !!

"... So first, you put it in your hand like that..."


Rayleigh: Give me three days to do the coating.

Luffy: It takes three whole days ?!

Rayleigh: This is going to protect your lives, so that's the fastest I can go.

"Ahhh, to think I only needed a simple bubble back then..."

Brook: So we need to survive for those three days. Yohohoho ! That's scary !

Rayleigh: It's decided then. In three days, in the evening. I don't know which Grove I'll be at, but the Vivre Card will guide you to the waiting ship, with the coating done. You should gather whatever you need for the journey to Fishman island.

Camie: Luffy, everyone, thank you !

Pappag: Seriously !

Hatchan: I'm sorry that something so bad happened because of me ! I'm so grateful to you guys ! We'll guide you to Fishman island, so don't worry about it ! Just look out for the marines for the next three days !

Shakki: See you in three days. I'll go see you off.

Luffy: We're up against an admiral, make sure nobody dies !

Usopp: It's bad luck to say things like that out loud !

Chopper: Hachi, make sure you get plenty of rest !

Franky: three days, huh ?

"If we make sure to keep a low profile, that's manageable. In short, make sure Luffy's never somewhere on his own."

Brook: Ah, I can just pretend that i'm dead.

Franky: ... Who would have thought that we'd meet some of the pirate king's crew here. I'm shocked... How should I say this... Even though he was an old man, he was really intimidating...

"What do you expect ? Roger's crew is not messing around. This is literally the creme of the crop of all pirates."

Franky: 'That was one of the Oro Jackson's crew. That was one of the pirates that Tom bet his life on... !' I'm glad I met him...

Usopp: I didn't know you were so respectful of your elders.

Franky: I can be like that sometimes !!

Luffy: Hey... How about we go to the amusement park... ?


Chopper/Brook: We want to go too.



Kizaru: Oh... Hello ? Hello ? This is Kizaru... Hm ? That's strange...

Pirate: ... It... It's one in a million... But if... If I... If I could take him out, then I would instantly become famous...

Pirate: Don't be stupid !! he's one of the strongest men the marines have !!


Kizaru: How strange... Hello ? How very strange...

Pirate: What ?! What ?! I definitely hit him !! It just went straight through his head !!

Pirate: It's obvious that he's got a devil fruit power !! A gun would never work ! Run away !!

Kizaru: Excuse me, if you have a moment, I'd like to ask you something...


Kizaru: i'm looking for a man named "Sentomaru". ... Ah, he's one of my subordinates...


Kizaru: ... Jeez... All I did was ask you a question...

Marines: Admiral Kizaru, aren't you overdoing things a bit ?! You can't knock down Yarukiman mangroves !

Kizaru: ... Yeah... I guess I overdid it.

Apoo: That's crazy... So that's admiral Kizaru, huh... ?

Pirate: Apoo, let's get out of here already !

Apoo: Don't be stupid. Where's the fun in that ? let's piss off the enemy as much as possible before we run !

Pirate: What're you going to do ?!

Soldier: We need reinforcements at the harbor !!

Marine: What happened ?!

Soldier: I don't know, but... ! All of the soldiers have... They've turned into children or old men !!

Bonney: Ahahahahaha !!

Soldiers: She did this !! Jewelry Bonney is here !!

Bonney: Ahahahaha, awesome !!

Officer: Be careful of the rookies worth over 100 million !!

Soldiers: You're... Gang Bege ?!! Where are your men ?! Give it up !! We won't let you get to the sea !!

Bege: ... It's your loss... I've got more "Military power"...

Kizaru: Oh... Excuse me... if you have a moment... I'd like to ask you something...


Hawkins: Don't panic... Today is not my day to die..

Luffy: That's why I said let's go hide in the amusement park...

"You just want to go play."

Luffy: ... Hm ? Who are you ?!

Pirates: Please, just get away !! Captain Hawkins !!

Hawkins: "Combat". Probability of defeat... 100%. "Escape". Probability of success... 12%. "Defense". Probability of evasion... 76%.

Pirates: Captain !!

Kizaru: if you have a minute... I'm looking for a man named "Sentomaru".

Hawkins: "Survival". Probability of death... ... 0%. I don't know that man. Ask someone else...

Kizaru: Well, you know... If I can't find him, oh... Then I've got all this time... And you know, I can't just leave a head like yours lying around. Basil Hawkins... ! Speed is... "Weight". Have you ever been kicked at the speed of light ?


Pirates: CAPTAIN !!

"Luffy, get back... He is one of the Shichibukai... But, something's off..."

Luffy Shichibukai ?! How come... You guys all know him ?!

Sanji: Don't let him hit you with that attack !! It's a shockwave !!

Usopp: Hey, what's going on ?! What was that ?! Since when could he do that ?!

Luffy: Heey !! That wasn't a shockwave !

Chopper: That was... !!

Chopper/Luffy: A LASER BEEEEEAM~ !!

"Now's not the time to be in awe !!"

Robin: Bartholomew Kuma... ! Not him again !

Zoro: That bastard... !!

Luffy: is that the guy who came after I was out at Thriller Bark ?!

Usopp: Yeah !! This is the guy ! That time, he got us by shooting shockwaves from the paws on his palms !

Chopper: he meant to finish us off at the time, but he must have realized we survived, and came after us again !

"... That doesn't make any sense..."

Zoro: yeah... Something's not right here... the atmosphere is wrong... or it's just my imagination... ?

Franky: You really did a number on us back then !! COUP DE VENT !!

Brook: Eh ! Luffy ?!

Luffy: Gear... Second !! I know you're strong... So I'll go all out from the start !!

Sanji: We've got no choice !! That first time, we had just finished with Oars ! It's gonna be different now when we're fresh !!

???: He's late... The battleship should already have arrived, strange... Why haven't you contacted me, uncle Kizaru... ! If we don't hurry, they're all going to be wiped out !


Usopp: Haa... Haa... From his hands... And his mouth !

Brook: Scary !

Franky: What the hell is that ?!

Usopp: I told you, it's a beam !!

Franky: When you say "Beam", you mean a ray of light ?! A weapon like that is something out of a Fairy Tale !!

"I'm gonna take exception to that !!"

Franky: ... Ah, uh... Sorry !! hey, brook, what are you doing ?

Brook: Pretending to be dead.

Usopp; You just ruined it !!

Zoro: Santoryu...


Luffy: Gomu gomu...

Sanji: Diable...


Nami: They did it !! is he down ?!

Chopper: They're amazing !!

Robin: We're fighting a Shichibukai... It doesn't seem like it would be that easy... And judging from their faces...

Luffy: Haa... Haa... Was it that different ?! Maybe he was a twin or something ?!

Sanji: That might be so... !

"I doubt it... But one thing's for sure, he isn't the real thing ! Right now, we're not facing the real Bartholomew Kuma."

Zoro: otherwise, he would be using his "Instant movement" to dodge more of our attacks. And most importantly, he didn't use shockwaves to attack us, and he didn't have paws !

"Let's assume that's a fake. That raise a whole new problem. It means, there are at least two people as strong as him..."

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