Chapter 150: Amazon Lily

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

*This is a country of women, "Amazon Lily", where men are forbidden. Those who venture out to sea sometimes return bearing children, but strangely, all the children born are female. In a tall mountain, surrounded by deep jungle, there is a large crater... This village, indeed, the country itself, is built inside of it like a fortress.*

*Of course, all of the work, and all of the manual labor is performed by women. Born and raised as warriors, these women are strong and hearty, but they also have an air of elegance about them. A man driven to foolishness by greed, has no place here. More than anything else, the women of this island are strong. In this country, strength is beauty. And if a man ever approached this country, he would simply disappear.*

Kuja: What is he mumbling about... ? All this time, he's just been sitting down, not moving at all...

Kuja: Hey, the other man is waking up !! let me see ! I wanna see, too !

Luffy: ... Fuaaaaaaah...

"Hey, Luffy, you're finally awake."

Kuja: They moved ! Look, they don't have any breast at all ! they're all scraggly, what weird creatures. Their hair is unkept, and they're so thin !They look weak !

Kuja: That one has been sleeping for a while... But I heard that while he was asleep, he was still eating, did you know ? What do men eat, anyway ? Raw meat ?

Luffy: ... Mmm... What the hell, it's so noisy...

Kuja: Ah ! They talked !!

Luffy: ... Hm ? Where am I... ? What was I doing... ? Ah, that's right... Everyone got split up at the Sabaody Archipelago...

Kuja: Everyone ! Be quiet ! they're saying something !

"Well, it's no wonder you're confused, Luffy. You did sleep for quite a long time after all."

Luffy: ... Oh, right... I remember I was eating that mushroom, and then... Ah... My hat's gone !! There it is ! Give that back !!


Luffy: Ah, that's better.

Kuja: What kind of trick was that ?!

Nerine: S... So men can stretch their arms ! that's surprising ! Memo memo... How fascinating... Um, man... What's your name ?

Luffy: Huh ? i'm Luffy !

"well, Luffy, I don't wanna sound rude or whatever, but you're still butt-naked."

Luffy: Ah ? Eh, that's right !!

Kuja: So slow !!

Luffy: I knew it was drafty in here, don't you know where my clothes are ?

Nerine: Men are dull and cover their heads before the rest of their bodies...

"Nah, that's just Luffy."

Luffy: That makes me think, how did you get here ?

"Um, let's just say... Due to certain development in your situation, my position was compromised..."

Luffy: ... ... What ?

"i was laughing my ass off at some point, so they found me and I couldn't fight back."

Luffy: Oh ok.

Margaret: Um, before you get dressed... That... What's in that bag thing hanging between your legs ?

"... Ohhh boy."

Luffy: Bag... ? You guys... Don't know what this is ? You guys are weird... These are balls !

Margaret: ... Balls... ? What do you mean "Balls" ?

Luffy: Isn't it obvious ? They're my family jewels.


"Pffrr... Pfffrrr..."

Margaret: Could you take them off and show us ?



Margaret: Did we really say something that funny ? Anyway, take these clothes... Yours were all torn up, so I made these the same shape.

Luffy: Ohh, sorry about that. I don't really know who you are, but thanks !

"Oh, don't worry, I'll give you a recap once we're out. Hurry and put these on so we... ... ... Pfffrrr..."

Luffy: ... You... !!

Margaret: I added some flowers and frills on it, too.

Nerine: Oh, yes, if you're going out, then it's got to have frills ! Nice, Margaret. he's so happy he's shaking.

Luffy: I'M A MAN !!



Luffy: WHAT ?!

Kikyo: How atrocious !! So that's your true face !! How dare you speak like that, without even thinking about your debt to us for saving your life ! What savage creatures !! The entire time we've been speaking to you, you haven't shown even a shred of refinement !! it's clear that your kind cannot coexist with us !!

Sweetpea: But Kikyo, killing them just for that, I pity them...

Luffy: Hold on, you said you saved my life ?! What happened ?! Please tell me !!

Belladonna: You ate a mushroom that would have killed you. These girls found you collapsed on the ground and saved you !!

"That's pretty much the topo I was gonna give you. And, since they seemed to know how to deal with that, I preferred to just follow from a distance"

Luffy: Oh, so that's what happened !! Thanks, you guys !! i'm sorry for complaining about the clothes ! So don't shoot !

Kikyo: Save your apologies and your excuses !! This is the empire of women, Amazon Lily !! For hundreds of years, our absolute law has been to forbid men from entering !!

Luffy: A country of women... ?

Kikyo: This law has never been broken !! Now that you've regained consciousness, we have no more compassion for you !!

Luffy: It's true... now that I take a good look, they're all woman... What a weird country ! Margaret, Sweetpea, Aphelandra, this is for your sake ! If the Snake princess returns... She would find these... No, this entire situation to be unacceptable !! You three, who brought the first "Man" to the village, would also be stained with sin ! It would be better if we covered this incident up !! FIRE !!


"They can't be reasoned with, Luffy ! We need to escape now !!"


Nerine: They've broken through the roof !!

Kikyo: Don't let them escape !! They're quicker than they look !! Aphelandra !!

Aphelandra: Right !! Sorry for saving you earlier !!

"... Dunno why, but that makes me wonder where Sanji landed... What are we even gonna do once we escape them ?"

Luffy: Ah, that's right. The Vivre card was in my other pants ! We can't leave without it !

"... Okay, just give me like, three seconds..."

Margaret: E- EH ? KYAAA !!

"Okay done. We're off !!"

Margaret: LET ME GO !! HELP ME !!


Luffy: Gomu gomu... BALLOON !!


"Flawless landing, thanks, Luffy. Hey, you okay ? We need to ask you something right now."

Margaret: Grrrkkrrrgh...


"Oh, you're finally awake ?"

Margaret: ... Falling from that height... There's something strange about you !! Haa... I was ready to face my death... !! It's a miracle that I'm alive... ! And, did you... Get fatter at some point ?!

Margaret: Haa... Stay back... I've heard that you men carry a virus !! ... C... Can all men... Suddenly expand like that ?!

"Okay, first of: Rude. Second, that's really just Luffy, but if it can make things simpler, let's just say yes. Now, would you be so kind to give us what you found in Luffy's pockets ?"

Margaret: What... This ?

Luffy: AHHH !! Yeah, this is it, this is it !! Thank god !! If this got lost... Than I don't know what we would do !! Thanks for holding on to it !!

Margaret: It looked like it had something written on it...

Luffy: Check it out !

Margaret: ... How strange... It looks like it's moving..

"And it is. You've never seen a Vivre card before ? Annd... Right, mine must've fly off while I was on my way here... Good thing you kept yours, Luffy..."

Luffy: Hee hee. A lot of stuff happened ! We all got split and were sent flying through the sky. Buy they all have a paper like that don't they ?

"Well, speculating that Zoro remember how to use it, it should be fine..."

Luffy: ... We should pick him up first.

"Hey, no doubt he'll be fine. Not only him, they all can fend for themselves. Next stop, Sabaody Archipelago."

Luffy: Really, thank you for all you've done. Is there anything we can do for you ?

Margaret: Then can you take out your balls and show them to me ?


Margaret: What kind of friends are they... ?

Luffy: Ah, we're pirates ! Do you know what pirates are ?

Margaret: You're pirates ? Our empress is a pirate, too.

"Ah, right... Almost forgot where we got ourselves for a moment..."

Luffy: Huh ? Does that mean it's an all-female crew ? Are they strong ?

Margaret: What a foolish question. Warriors are chosen from throughout the kingdom to serve on her pirate ship... of course they're strong ! Everybody in the country loves the snake princess. She's strong, elegant, and the most beautiful woman in the world ! The pirate empress, Boa Hancock... Along with her two sisters, have fiercely guarded our island.


Aphelandra: Kikyo, it definitely looks like they descended into the jungle !

Kikyo: This is terrible... ! We need to take care of this "Men" incident quickly !! WARIORS ! INTO THE JUNGLE !! TAKE CARE OF THE MEN AND RESCUE MARGARET !! LADY HEBIHIME IS RETURNING !!

Margaret: How can you not like frills ? Men are such strange creatures...

"I told you, it was absolutely the best-looking thing on you, Luffy."

Luffy: You're getting it later... Well, whatever, thanks for taking them off. We'll be on our way ! If I don't meet up with the others, I won't be able to calm down.

Margaret: You look restless.

"He is reckless. Then again, we all are. And at this time, they should all have landed safe and sound. Well, if Kuma didn't screw his aim this time."

Luffy: If they're all alive like we are... Then everything will be fine !! As long as we're alive, we can fight them as many times as we need ! We'll surpass them all !! UWOOOOHH !! ALL RIGHT, I'M GOING ALL THE WAY TO THE SABAODY ARCHIPELAGO WHILE WALKING ON MY HANDS !! THAT WAY, I'LL GET STRONGER !!

"... And how do you plan to cross the sea like that exactly ?"

Luffy: ... AH !! Hey, do you have a boat you could give us ?!

Margaret: Really, really restless...

Luffy: You don't have any boats ?!

"This is Calm Belt ?!"

Luffy: Didn't you said you knew where we were ?

"Well, yeah, I know where we are... But not where this 'Where' is... Amazon Lily is on Calm Belt... Shit..."

Margaret: Yes, and because of that, giant sea kings live in the waters around the island. That's why sailors never come by. And, even if by some miracle a castaway reaches the island... By the time they wash up, they're just a corpse.

"Yeah, and not like you'd finish the job yourselves anyway..."

Luffy: But didn't you say you've got a pirate crew ?

Margaret: Lady Hebihime's pirate ship is drawn by ferocious beasts called "Yuda". They're poisonous sea snakes, so even sea kings won't attack. That is the one and only ship in Amazon Lily.

"Okay, that's a problem... Our only way out is... Haaaaaa..."

Luffy: Hey, uh... I know I usually don't like it, but can't you just fly us back ?

"Luffy... It took me three days of flying non-stop to get there. Meaning I literally spent around 76 hours without sleeping. We will both drown if I try."

Luffy: Oh... And there's no wind... Maybe we should make a raft and paddle out ?

Margaret: That's stupid !

Luffy: All right !! We'll make a raft and paddle out !!

Margaret: You're not even thinking twice ?!

"Okay, you think this is enough wood to start ?"

Luffy: Perfect !


Luffy: OKAY, DONE !!

Margaret: That's terrible !! It's already coming apart !!

"You're just dramatizing..."



"... Ah..."

"Funny how you lose your knack of doing things with your hands after a while..."

Margaret: So men can't even swim... ?

"Once again, that's just Luffy. Annd a few others, actually."

Luffy: Ahh, that was close, damn it ! If only Franky was here... This is bad... !

Margaret: ... I'm the one in trouble here... ! If only you could run far, far away... If I get too friendly with you, then I might get attached !

Luffy: Hey, stop that !! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING ?!!

Luffy: Those arrows !! It's the same as when they were chasing us earlier !! They were breaking through stone walls.. they've got a huge amount of power. But the arrows don't look like they're anything special...

Margaret: What are you talking about ? These arrows are infused with Haki. Of course they're powerful ?

Luffy: Haki ?

"And now I really regret not looking that stuff up."

Kuja: We've found them !! Margaret is uninjured !!

Margaret: Everyone !!

"Crap !!"

Sweetpea: Margaret, the tale of "Are you hurt anywhere" ? We need to hurry and take care of the "Men" before lady Hebihime return !!

Margaret: EH ?!

"Oh god... Luffy, we're running !! I'll explain what I know about who, what and where later, but for now, we absolutely must lose them !!"

Calm Belt, the seas around the island of Women:

Kuja: You certainly are brave, stopping in the middle of a sea full of monsters.

Officer: yeah, we were just attacked. Even though our ship is plated with Seastone, if we stay here for too long, they'll spot us again. It's not easy for us, but... In accordance with the agreement the government has with the Kuja pirates, we are forbidden to come within three kilometers of the island of women's coast. We have no choice but to wait for you here, in the midst of these sea monster nests.

Soldiers: I've heard that the Kuja are monsters who can turn men into stone... that's ridiculous...

Ran: And did you finish off that Sea King ?

Officer: Well, even our cannons didn't have much effect... So I sliced it open from the inside out. And I'd rather not do it again.

Ran: Yes, it seems like you are quite strong...

Momonga: We've been waiting for you, and now you've finally come back, Kuja pirates ! I am Vice-Admiral Momonga of Marine Headquarters ! ROYAL SHICHIBUKAI, "PIRATE EMPRESS" BOA HANCOCK !! SHOW YOUR FACE !! WE'VE COME TO RETRIEVE YOU !!

Ran: ... Sorry, Lady Hebihime won't be coming out.

Cosmos: We've told you a thousand times !

Blue Fan: Men, men ! Animals with no dignity !

Daisy: It's been a while since I've seen a living man. When they see the Kuja Flag, pirates a merchants both go running in their boats ! Zahahaha !!

Rindo: Watch that laugh of yours !

(I'm not putting pictures)

Momonga: We already have your reply. "I will immediately comply with the summons". But you seen to have no intention of coming... This morning's paper... Whitebeard pirates' second unit commander, Portgas D. Ace... The location and date of his execution have been set !! there is no turning back now ! THIS TIME, THE SHICHIBUKAI ARE UNDER THE STRICTEST ORDERS TO ASSEMBLE !! IF YOU REFUSE, YOUR TREATY WILL BE BROKEN !! YOUR SHICHIBUKAI TITLE WILL BE REVOKED !! CAN YOU HEAR ME, BOA HANCOCK ?!

???: ... Just who was it... That left this... Kitten in my path !!

Kitten: MIAAAAAAW !!

Kuja: M... My humblest apologies, it is my responsibility...

???: Be more careful next time...

Momonga: So you've come... Boa Hancock... ! Don't let your guard down, men !!

Soldiers: 'Th... That's the pirate empress... ! She's truly a beauty without equal... !'

Hancock: So you meddlesome men have finally come for me... That response from the other day was a fake, we will not be going to war. However, I would rather not relinquish my position as a Shichibukai... And your ship's cargo... I would like that as well.


Simps: Come on, hurry~ ! What a beautiful woman~. I want to give her anything she wants~.


Simps: HAH !! Oh no, I suddenly started doing what she told me !!

Momonga: The execution will be exactly one week from today ! At the plaza in the town of Marineford, owned by marine Headquarters, "Fire Fist" Ace's life will end ! In other words, within this week !! WHITEBEARD WILL DEFINITELY MAKE HIS MOVE !! MARINE HEADQUARTERS, HEADED BY OUR THREE ADMIRALS, ARE PREPARING TO MARSHALL ALL OF OUR FORCES TO FACE WHITEBEARD !! EITHER LOSE YOUR SHICHIBUKAI TITLE OR ASSEMBLE WITH THE OTHERS !! THOSE ARE YOUR CHOICES !! THE TIME IS DRAWING NEAR !!

Hancock: ... I like my position as a Shichibukai. I would hate to have it revoked... But I also hate the world government... And I will not follow their orders. So how about this ? In a mysterious accident, the Marines who were sent to retrieve me had their bodies turned to stone and were completely destroyed...

Soldiers: S- She's planning something !! Don't show any weakness !! I've heard rumors about the Kuja Pirates... All the ships that attack the Kuja ship are later found without a shadow of a man, carrying only strange stone statues !

Momonga: I told you before, don't think we'll grant your selfish demands !!

Sandersonia: Fufufufu, my sister certainly has a terrible personality. But she is always forgiven.

Marigold: Yes... And there is a reason for that...

Hancock: Do you know why ? No matter what I do, whether I kick a kitten, rip off your ears, or even kill people in cold blood... The world will always forgive me... And that is because...

Hancock: Indeed, I am beautiful !!


Simps: KYAAAAA !!


Hancock: Guilty heats, charmed by my beauty, will petrify your bodies... !! Mero Mero... Mellow !!


Hancock: You stabbed your own hand... I see, you used pain to erase your impure feelings. A sign of experience. But there is nothing left of your soldiers.

Momonchad: ... You blasted fools...

Hancock: Your crew is down to one.

Momonga: "One"... is not the same as "None".

Hancock: ... We set sail for the peaceful island of Amazon Lily !

Kuja: Yes, Lady Hebihime !!

Momonga: BOA HANCOCK !! I will wait as long as I must !! I will not go back empty-handed. If you do not return within the next two days... The treaty is void.

Hancock: ... Do as you wish.

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