Chapter 151: Chad

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd person POV:



Daisy: We got a huge haul ! Zahahahaha !!

Islanders: KYAAAA, Ran !! Daisy !! They're so cool... !! I'm gonna join them someday !! KYAAAAAAA !! It's the gorgon sisters !! Lady Hebihime !! Her beauty know no bounds !! Lady Marigold !! Lady Sandersonia !!

Attendant: Thank you for all you've done. We had prepared your carriage.

Hancock: Has anything changed here ?

Attendant: No, not a thing...

Islander: This is an amazing haul ! Steel, gunpowder, sake, and products from the north !

Ran: We plundered two merchant ships and a pirate ship. And right before we got back, we took the cargo of a government ship !

Nyon: Ran, did you get any books ?

Ran: Elder Nyon ! The government ship we met just now had this newspaper. You can have it.

Enishida: Welcome back ! Welcome back, lady Hebihime.

Hancock: ... Enishida, what is this ?

Enishida: Ah, that is... A clay statue of you, lady Hebihime, that the children from the village worked very hard on. They even painted it... I'm sure that it was very difficult for them. They carried it to the castle so carefully, so as not to break it. It was really cute...

Hancock: I see... They made me out of clay... It's so ugly. It's ruining the decor of this room.

Enishida: L- Lady Hebihime ?!

Hancock: Don't bring such filthy things into the castle. Just throw it away and clean up the floor. More importantly, Enishida...

Enishida: Y... Yes ?

Hancock: I didn't see the warriors defending our kingdom at the port.

Enishida: Ah, about that... It seems tha some dangerous "Monkeys" were spotted in the jungle... And so, they went to subdue it ! But do not worry, they will return soon. My apologies that they were unable to receive you.

Hancock: ... Monkeys... ? Well, whatever...

Enishida: Would you like something to drink ?

Hancock: bring me some white sake.

Nyon: Might I have a cup as well ?!

Hancock: Elder Nyon... ! This is my room, why are you in here ?

Attendants: E- Elder Nyon !! Where did you come from ?!

Nyon: I can enter from wherever I want... !

Hancock: Throw her out !


Hancock: ... Have you forgotten my title ?

Nyon: Excuse me, Lady Hebihime... There's a government ship anchored in the waters near here, isn't there... ? That ship has come to retrieve you, am I wrong ? The government has ordered you to assemble, and has sent them to escort you, right ?

Hancock: Yes, it is an invitation to war...

Nyon: Why didn't you go ?! You must go with them !! As long as you cooperate, the treaty will be upheld. And with your powers, your life will never be in danger.

Hancock: But... I'm so scared...

Nyon: Hawawa !! She's just like a puppy~... NOW'S NOT THE TIME FOR THAT !!

Enishida: Elder Nyon...

Nyon: Right now, our country is being protected by your status as a Shichibukai. Long ago, the Calm Belt was our greatest defense, protecting us from foreign invaders. But now, the government has developed new technology that allows their ships to cross even that sea... It is because you are a shichibukai that they do not interfere with this island, despite the Kuja pirates' actions.

Nyon: If you lose your title and we return to being just another pirate country... It will end in tragedy !! We have children and elderly here, too !!

Hancock: Are you just worried by your own well-being ?

Nyon: I've lived a good life, and I don't care when I die... Take a good look into this crystal ball... It will illuminate your future.


Attendants: Yes, immediately !!

Nyon: Wait, Hebihime !!

Hancock: ...Just who do you think you are ? Your time is long over, former-former-former empress of Amazon Lily, Gloriosa ! Even if this country is destroyed because of my whims... All will forgive me. After all, that is because... I'm beautiful !

Attendants: There she goes again ! Lady Hebihime, that pose shows you look down on others so much !! But rather than looking down, you're looking up !!

Hancock: You're a traitor to the Kuja who, while you were the empress, abandoned this country and went out to sea ! And then you shamelessly came back, the only reason you were accepted back was because the previous empress showed you mercy.

Nyon: That's why I live by myself on the outskirts of the village !! Ow ow ow... !!

Hancock: Then you just go on living that way... I am the empress now, and you have no right to speak to me !

Attendants: Lady Hebihime !!

Hancock: But, I cannot help but admire your passion. It's my loss...

Nyon: So you understand, Hebihime... I'm glad that I spoke with you !! Thank you !! So you'll go for us ?!

Hancock: Just kidding. Don't get carried away. GET OUT OF MY SIGHT !!


Attendants: Lady Hebihime ! How could you do that to an old lady ?!

Hancock: I slipped~...

Attendants: Oh yes, yes, that happens all the time !

Nyon: HAIYAA !!

Villager: Elder Nyon ?!

Nyon: I may have grown old, but I'm still a Kuja warrior !!


Attendants: IT IS NOW TIME FOR LADY HEBIHIME'S BATH !! Get out of the castle at once !! Lady Hebihime is taking a bath !! From now on, entering the castle is forbidden !!

Child: How come every time lady Hebihime takes a bath, it's such a big deal ? Does she not want to be seen naked that much... ?

Ran: How old are you ?

Child: I'm eight.

Ran: Well, I'll let you in on the secret.

Child: The secret... Of the three Gorgon sisters ?

Ran: That's right. The "Gorgon" was a monster that lived long ago in the central sea. She was a fearsome monster who would turn you to stone if you looked her in the eyes. At the end of their adventure, Lady Hebihime and her sisters, somehow managed to defeat the gorgon monster ! But with her last breath, the gorgon plased a terrible curse on them. The monster's eyes were engraved on their backs.

Ran: So now, when they take off their clothes and reveal the eyes... All those close by are turned to stone by the curse. That's why the gorgon sisters never take off their clothes whenever somebody's around. And that's why even when they bathe, we prevent anyone from coming close by putting up these barriers.

Child: ... So that's why... !!

Ran: It's a curse that they received by fighting bravely. And so it's also the pride of the Kuja and our warrior nation. Do you understand ?

Child: yeah ! I understand ! Lady Hebihime sure is amazing !

Kikyo: Where did they go ?!

Warrior: They climbed up the mountain !!

Margaret: They couldn't have gone back into the village, could they ?! They were looking for a boat !!

Your POV:

"Sooo, yeah. That's about it. We're in it, and we're in it deep."

Luffy: ... What do we do now... ?

"Good question. If we just stay here, they'll just find us again..."

Luffy: Didn't she said they had a pirate ship ? If we could borrow it, that would be great...

"Even on the thinnest chance that this would happen, how would we get back to Sabaody without a navigator ?"

Luffy: Oh, right... Nami's not here. On our own, we'd just drift. It would be best to hitch a ride with them. I'll just ask them if they'll take us to the Sabaody archipelago

"Luffy... I'll be blunt, with all the rumors I've heard about the Kuja and the pirate empress, there's about as much probability of them agreeing than Sanji turning gay. Right now, we have three possibilities. We try to make a raft again, with probably the results we saw earlier... We stay low for a few days, then I fly us back once i've recovered... And finally, we hitch a ride by whatever mean, and hope to get to Sabaody..."

Luffy: Then... To do that, we'd need to meet the boss around here, someone very important... Important people live in tall buildings... So... Nnnghhhhh..


"Careful Luffy, I think your brain's starting to overheat. But, yeah... Important people usually live above the rest."

Luffy: All right, I'll just enter a tall building !!

"How so ? We can't just stroll down the town annnnd he just jumped down... WAIT A LITTLE DAMMIT !!"

Kikyo: Hurry back to the village !! Lady Hebihime has probably already returned !! It's going to be a huge mess if they are discovered !!

Luffy: DOWAAA !! It broke !! BUHOOOO, it's water !! HOT HOT HOT !! IT'S HOT WATER !! I'm dying !! I'm drowning !! Help...

"Luffy, this is shallow. You can stand."

Luffy: D- Drowning... Ah ! That's right... Is this a bath house ?

Hancock: ... Men... ?!

"Ah... ! I think we didn't enter the way we were supposed to... Hm ? That..."

Luffy: Hey, that thing on your back... I think I've seen it somewhere...

Hancock: You saw... !!

Marigold: SISTER !!

Sandersonia: WHAT HAPPENED, SISTER ?! Who is that... ?! Men ?!

Marigold: Why is there men in our country... ?! Just hat happened here... ?!

Luffy: No, no... We just...

Hancock: They saw... My back... !

Marigold: ... Well then, they'll just have to die.

Luffy: EH ?! Why ?! We just saw her back... !! I feel like I've seen that somewhere before...

"... And I know where I saw that..."

Hancock: We would rather die, than let anyone see what is on our backs !! Take what you saw... To your grave !! Mero Mero Mellow !!

Luffy: Eh ? Noro Noro ?! The Noro Noro beam ?! Damn, i'm slowing down !! Slowing...

'M... Must... Not laugh...'


Marigold: There's no way that's possible, sister !! Your body is so beautiful that it charms men and women, both young and old !!

Sandersonia: Their fear of death must be overwhelming their lust. It's pathetic, but they are quite lucky...

'I mean... You're kinda half-right...'

Luffy: I dunno what's going on, but I'm getting out of here !! I just wanted to see someone important !!

"... I'll join you soon ! Just run for now, Luffy !"

Hancock: You won't escape ! Why didn't you turn to stone ?!

"... You said that fear was overwhelming lust... You're half right. It's true that something went over any lust I could have, but it wasn't fear..."

Hancock: Then what ?!

"... Pity... From knowing what that mark on your back is-"

Hancock: GET HIM !!



Kuja: KYAAAA !! Lady Hebihime !! Lady Marigold !! Lady Sandersonia !!

Luffy: Damn ! They got us... Again...

"28... 29... 30... Yep, lost 3 vertebrae from that literal curbstomp... Ghhrrrgh..."

Luffy: What's with these snakes ?! They're like steel ropes !

Kikyo: We're too late... I hope they don't ask them how they got here...

Margaret: ... They're going to get killed...

Luffy: What's with this country ? There really isn't a single guy here.

Hancock: ... Now I'm asking you, "Men"... Why and how did you come to this island... ?!

"A big christian cyber-bear pimpslapped us all the way here from Sabaody Archipelago."

Hancock: ... ... ...

Marigold: ... ... ...

Sandersonia: ... ... ...

Kuja: ... ... ...

Hancock: ... I'm asking again...

Luffy: I'm telling you, I don't really know either. Just a little while ago, I was flying through the sky... And when I came to, I was here !!

Hancock: You liars ! I won't be fooled by such a ridiculous story ! You must have some motive !

Luffy: If it's something we want, then we just need a boat !! I'd really like to get a ride out of here... There's some place that we need to get to, fast ! If you're the most important person here, then I'm begging you !! We need to go out to the sea !

Kuja: D- Did you hear how they spoke to Lady Hebihime ?! What a rude, vulgar way of speaking... ! They're the worst !

Hancock: ... Don't think you'll be leaving here alive ! You will not escape your death... !

Margaret: PLEASE WAIT !! LADY HEBIHIME !! Th- This man... Doesn't seem like the kind of person who would lie !! They really mean everything they said... ! I truly believe they mean no harm to our country !!

"... As grateful as I am for that, are you sure this was the wisest thing to do ?"

Hancock: ... You're one of the guardians warriors ?

Margaret: I am called Margaret.

Hancock: The moment they entered our country, where men are forbiden, their death was certain. Why do you stand up for them ?

Margaret: ... I feel responsible... ! I was the one who allowed these men to enter our country.

Kuja: Margaret... ! Why ?!

Sweetpea: Lady Hebihime !! Th- There's a reason for that !!

Aphelandra: That's right !! We found this man in the forest, covered with mushrooms !! We thought he was from the village, so we just took him back with us... ! The other just happened to follow us from a distance... !

Kuja: Sweetpea !! Aphelandra !!

Aphelandra: If you're going to punish her, then we're responsible as well !!

Margaret: Stop it, you two ! I was the one who said to bring him back to the village !!

"Weren't you adamant to end our lives just a little while sooner ?"

Luffy: Geez, you turned out o be nice people after all, Shishishi !!

Margaret: I was the only one who brought the man here !!

Sweetpea: Margaret !!

Hancock: That's enough... Raise your head... You're very honest, Margaret...

Luffy: Eh ?! Hey, what's wrong, you guys ?! Say something !! What happened ?!

"... they turned to stone... Looks like the rumors were true... The pirate empress with a heart of stone..."

Luffy: Hey, you !! What did you do to them ?! I owe my life to them !!

Hancock: This is their punishment for saving you. BRING OUT BACURA !!

Hancock: This is the country of warriors, Amazon Lily, where strength is beauty... Fight with all your strength, die a noble death... We will watch you to the end.

"Oh, they at least let us fight... How absolutely honorable... Hahem."

Hancock: That black panther's name is Bacura. He has been used by this country's empresses for generations. As a carnivorous executioner, once he is finished, not even the bones remain.

Luffy: What's gonna happen to them ?! Will you return them to normal ?!

Kuja: Don't talk back to Lady Hebihime !! Get them, Bacura !! You're pretty cheeky for someone so weak "Men" !! Bacura !!

"... Hey, Luffy ?"

Luffy: Yeah... ?

"... Fuck its shit up."

Kuja: K- KYAAAA !! BACURA !! He's strong... !! Bacura was beaten with one attack ?! He didn't even use Haki !! That was just brute strength ?!

"I swear... What the fuck is wrong with all of you ? Under your eyes... THIS BITCH WAS TURNING YOUR FRIENDS TO STONE, AND ALL DID WAS CHEER AND LAUGH ?!"

Kuja: THAT SAVAGE IS YELLING AT US !! What an unbelievably barbaric creature !! We feel sorry for those three, but there's nothing wrong with what Lady Hebihime did !! they were wrong for breaking our country's laws !!

Hancock: You see ? No matter what I do, I will be forgiver... ! And that is because... yes, it's because, I'm beautiful !


Hancock: ... Fufufu, don't you... Feel the same way... ?

MONKEY CHA. D. LUFFY: God, you piss me off !

Hancock: Haaa...

Marigold: Sister ?! Hang in there !!

Hancock: This is impossible... There shouldn't be a man alive who won't be my plaything... That man's very existence... I can't stand it !!

"Ahah ! That's my Luffy !!"

Luffy: Stop that ! Not the noogie !

Kuja: How dare you speak to Lady Hebihime like that... !! HURRY UP AND EXECUTE THEM !! DEATH !! DEATH !! DEATH !!

Hancock: ... Go.


Sandersonia: ... leave it to us, sister...

"... So these ones are devil fruit users as well..."

Kuja: HERE IT IS !! The gorgon's curse !! The younger gorgon sisters are starting their "Dance of the snake pit" !! DEATH !! DEATH !! DEATH !!

"Ahh... if one die today... That won't be us."

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