Chapter 152: Haki

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Kuja: KYAAAAA !! They look so magnificent !! This is what they received for defeating the Gorgon monster ! It's proof that they're strong warriors !! Even though they're cursed, the younger sister are still wonderful !

Luffy: Cursed ? What are they talking about ? No matter how you look at it, they just ate some devil fruits.

"Don't pay them attention."

Kuja: Death !! Death !! Death !! Death !!

Hancock: Do it !! Sandersonia !! Marigold !! That's the punishment for trespassing on the island of women !! And also for insulting us !! SHOW THEM HOW WE CARRY OUT OUR DEATH PENALTY !!

Sandersonia: Ufufufufu... Shall I swallow them whole ?

Marigold: or perhaps I should crush them to death ?

"Okay, steady now, steady..."

Luffy: Slow... All right ! They're not cracked ! You guys just await here ! Really sorry you got turned to stone because of us !

"Hey, kinda like when Robin was iced out by Aokiji, isn't it ? So there should be a way to turn they back to normal. Too bad Chopper ain't here though."

Sandersonia: ... Rather than worrying about others, shouldn't you be thinking about yourselves ?

Luffy: Shut up, that's for me to decide !

Kuja: They... Do they intend to save Margaret and the others... ?! It can't be... They're already been condemned to die... !

Luffy: Anyway, we just need to kick your asses !

Kuja: ... PUFU !! NO WAY !! AHAHAHAHAHA !! What did he just say ?! They really think they can beat them !! They're making us laugh even though they're going to die ! How funny ! Men are really funny !!

"What, is that wrong ?"

Marigold: Well, that's right, ufufu... if you haven't given up on your lives yet, then let me tell you. You should try not to fall into the gap between the stage and the bleachers. I don't care if you fall or not... But if you do, you'll be impaled by the spikes below.

"I see... Let's begin then..."


"Okay, she's fast !"


"... Huh ? LUFFY, GET DOWN !!"

Luffy: Poison ?! That's not good !!

Marigold: And it's lethal !! Too bad for you !!

Luffy: Gomu Gomu...

Luffy: Uwoh !! It bounced off !! GEFU !!

"LUFFY !!"

Luffy: O... Ow !! Why did that hurt ?! I'm made of rubber !!

Kuja: Look ! I knew they were just bluffing ! But it's true that men can stretch !! How interesting !

Luffy: Why ?! Am I not made of rubber anymore ?! As if that could happen ! But then why does it hurt when I get hit ?!

"Knowing the answer won't help us win. We gotta bring our A-game no- WAH !"

Sandersonia: You're so mean, Mari... keeping them to play all by yourself.


Sandersonia: Ufufu... So your friend has a devil fruit power, too... Do you ? But, you can't use Haki. Most outsiders are like that... And that's why they're weak. A sneak attack from behind.

"Heh ?!"


"Just amazing, she's reading my moves !"

Sandersonia: SNAKE SLAM !!

"BUGEH !! Hey, I ain't made of rubber you know ?! Now you're asking for it !! Gaster... HAMMER !!"

Sandersonia: Snake dance !!

"What ?! Again with that ?! Hammer ! Hammer !! HAMMER !!"

Kuja: What amazing moves ! There's no attack lady Sandersonia can't dodge with the power of Haki !!

Luffy: What's going on ?! All of his moves are being read !!

Marigold: Don't forget, there are two of us ! SNAKE STICK !!

"Shit !! LUFFY !!"

Luffy: A- Ah !! Th- That was close !! Haa...

Hancock: Fu... Looks like these men are all talk. How amusing...

Kuja: KYAAAA !! Lady Hebihime tucked her hair behind her ear~ !! There's nothing about her that isn't wonderful !!

"Would you kindly shut up, all of you ? You're annoying."

Hancock: Haaaa... No more...


Hancock: SONIA !! MARI !! Choke the life out of them as quickly as possible so that I never have to hear their dirty mouths again !!

Kuja: Lady Hebihime !! She's looking down too much again !!

Marigold: Well, the games stop here... Let's give them both despair and death...

"End ? Why, we're just getting warmed up here... Hey, what are..."

Luffy: Hey !! What are you doing ?! Don't touch her !! What'll happen if she breaks ?! I owe my life to her !!

Sandersonia: if she breaks ? Well, I'll feel sorry for her... But this is your punishment, after all...

"It's ours, not hers !! She's got nothing to do with that fight !! GAH !!"

Marigold: You're the only ones who think this is a fight... ! This is a public execution. Be quiet and watch.. This is nothing compared to the wounds on my sister's heart !


Sandersonia: Ufufu, everybody in the country does, so I think they'll be satisfied !

"Seeing you kill one of their own for saving someone ?! Are you all fucking morons ?!"

Sandersonia: Oh my, what vulgar words... 3... 2...

Kikyo: MARGARET !!

Sandersonia: 1... !


Kuja: KYAAAAA !! Some of the warriors are fainting !! C- Could it be... ?!

Sandersonia: ... ... ...

Luffy: hey, you guys listened to what I said ! You aren't so unreasonable after all ! Hahahaha !

"L- Luffy... Do you realize what you just did... ?"

Luffy: Huh ? Did I do something special ?

'.. He don't even know he has it... He just released it unconsciously. Then again, knowing his family, maybe I should've expected something like that to happen at some point...'

Ran: That was... HAOSHOKU HAKI !! (Royal/Conqueror's Haki)

Daisy: That can't be !! The odds of having it are less then one in several millions... It's the Haki of the chosen ones !!

Sandersonia: My sister is the only person I've ever seen who could use that... !!

Marigold: This man... he has the qualities of a king, the disposition to stand above others... !

Hancock: He has the same... Haoshoku as me... ?! How could that be ?! But he can't really control it... Just who is this man ?!

Luffy: Sheesh, these people just won't shut up... What's with them ? But I realize that you two are strong. So, from here on, we'll go at full power !

"Yeah... Power-ups are in order... Oh, and, I just feel like I need to say that... I'm not taking 'No' for an answer this time, Luffy."

Luffy: Yes... Gear... Second !!

"Mode... Neutral !"

Kuja: What's that... ? Smoke ?! Purple flames ?! Can men do that ?!

Sandersonia: ... There's nothing to be afraid of, Mari...

Marigold: That's right.

Sandersonia: If he can't control that Haki, then it's just spirit ! Snake hair possession !

Kuja: KYAAA, GO ! Lady Sandersonia !!


Kuja: the fence around the arena... those snakes are made from hair... But they're like steel fangs !


Sandersonia: 'Why can't I hit him ?! I'm reading his moves, but I can't... I can't keep up !

"Gaster... GRAND PILLAR SURGE !! And... THUNDER !!"


Luffy: Gomu gomu...

Marigold: It's futile ! You saw how I reflected your attack earlier !

"Don't forget, there's two of us. Mind-body combo puppeteer style... ULTRA..."

Kuja: ... ... ...

Hancock: ... Sonia ! Mari... !! What are you doing ?! What are you playing around for... ?!

Marigold: R- Right, sister !!

Sandersonia: I... I'm sorry, sister !! We'll finish them off right away !!

"So she lit herself on fire..."

Luffy: I've got a plan. Listen here... ... ... ...

"... Pffrr. Okay, count me in."

Marigold: Snake hair possession... SALAMANDER !!

Sandersonia: Don't give them anywhere to escape... ! YAMATA NO OROCHI !!

Kuja: THIS IS THEIR BEST ATTACK !! No matter how quick they are, they won't get away !!


Kuja: Huh ?

Luffy: Gomu Gomu...

Sandersonia: KYAAAAAA !! HOT !!

Marigold: Damn !! Sister Sonia !! Quick ! Move away !!

Sandersonia: AAAAAAAAAAAAAH !!

Marigold: Eh ?! Wait !! I'm getting pulled back !! What ?! I'm getting pulled towards Sonia !

Marigold: AHH !! Our tails !! When did they ?!

"I've been rooting out Luffy from giant snakes' mouths enough time to know what I'm doing with that."

Luffy: Shishishishi !! Good job !!

Sandersonia: HOT !! It's so hot, help me !!

Marigold: Wait, sister !! We're going to... !! Sonia !! Look out, the spike pit's there ! Grab onto the wall !!

Sandersonia: Haa... Haa... Th- That was close...

Kuja: L- Lady Sandersonia ?!

Kuja: HE'S TRYING TO FINISH HER !! That's not fair !! He's trying to skewer lady Sandersonia !!

Sandersonia: YOU DAMN MAN... !!

Luffy: DON'T MOVE !! Even if you're trying to kill me... ! I have no intention of killing you !

"Luffy... You're too nice for your own good..."

Sandersonia: You impudent bastards !! Mari !! Get him now !!

Marigold: ... ...

Sandersonia: What are you doing, Mari ?!!

Marigold: I can't, Sonia... Right now, we're being protected... By that man !

"her clothes have been burnt off and her back is exposed... If he moves, everyone will see it..."

Kuja: The Gorgon's eyes will be exposed !!

Hancock: We would rather die, than let anyone see what is on our backs !!

"if you really mean what you said, then I'd advise you against moving. Or else..."


Kuja: ... OH NO... !! OUT OF THE COLISEUM !! We're going to be turned to stone !! HURRY, HURRY !! It's the Gorgon's curse !!

Sandersonia: ... I was fighting against you... Why are you helping me ?

Luffy: because that and our fight, are two different things.

Sandersonia: We're sorry, sister !!

Marigold: Not only did we lose, but we were even saved by the enemy !!

"So... Now that this is done, are you next ?"

Hancock: ... No, that's enough... I don't feel like it... !

"Whatever, suits yourself... Umm... Not a scratch... Thank god..."

Luffy: if that's so, then turn these guys back to normal !! You can do something like that, right ?! They were just helping us out, they didn't do anything wrong !!

Hancock: ... I certainly can undo the petrification. But, you said there's somewhere you want to go by boat, right ? I will take only one of your requests... ! Either I change them back, or I let you leave the island !! Choose one and abandon the other ! 'Show your true nature, you man !'

"Is that so... Then I guess it can't be helped..."

Luffy: Okay !! Thanks !! Then please save these guys !! Thank you very much !!

Nyon: ... ... Without a moment's hesitation... A man with that kind of Haki... In order to help those who saved him, is willing to lower his head...

Kuja: Margaret !! Sweetpea !! Aphelandra !!

Margaret: Everyone !! So this is where you were !

Nerine: Thank goodness you were un-petrified. We were worried !! Going out there to help these men... ! We thought something happened !

Margaret: Petrified ?

Aphelandra: What happened... ?

Sweetpea: The tale of "I have no idea what happened..."

Margaret: When I came to, the men were really happy... And everyone was gone...

"You know, you really had us worried..."

Luffy: Thank god, you guys are okay ! I don't know what I would do if you guys died !

Ran: Looks like your memory from right before and after you were turned to stone is gone. We'll tell you what happened after that. But, what happened to the two men ?

Daisy: What about Lady Hebihime ? Did she turn them to stone ? Zahahaha...

Margaret: I don't really understand, but... They were taken into Kuja castle...


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