Chapter 153: Back-to-back trouble

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Luffy: What's going on ? Some business... Ah, an after-battle meal, maybe ? If that's the case, then I'd be happy to...

Sandersonia: ... We really need to thank you... You have our gratitude.

Luffy: Nah, it's fine. It's not like I can eat your gratitude-


"I thought Makino taught you that kind of things."

Marigold: if they had seen what is on our backs, we wouldn't be able to stay in this country any more...

Hancock: You may enter... Come inside, "Man".

Luffy: inside ?

Hancock: Inside the curtain...

Luffy: Oh ! Food ? Excuse m-... That's not food. Why are you naked ?

Hancock: That was a very rude response... But I suppose that's to be expected. Very well...

Hancock: This mark... ! You said you had seen it somewhere before... Take a good look at it now. Do you know what this symbol means ?

Luffy: ... ... ...

Hancock: Answer me already... ! This is not something that I show off to people... !

Luffy: ... Well, the one that I have seen is a little different... One of my friends, a fishman named Hachi, he has a similar mark on his forehead, and I got it mixed up with that. I don't know what that mark is !

Nyon: If you don't know, then I will tell you !!

Hancock: Elder Nyon !! How... Did you get in again... ?!

Nyon: The depth of this man's heart... You've seen it with your own eyes... ! Be at ease, and tell them everything... You ! You're thepirates Monkey D. Luffy and Y/n "Sans" L/n, correct ?

"... isn't this island supposed to be extremely isolated ? How do you..."

Nyon: You're pretty easygoing for pirates who caused such stir in the world. Look at this newspaper from a few days ago. At the Sabaody Archipelago, right next to the heart of the government, a Tenryûbito was sent flying with a punch ! This man, unafraid of the gods themselves, was the perpetrator !

Hancock: A... A Tenryûbito... ?!

"And three for the price of one, please. Let me tell you, they will eat their next meals with a straw."

Nyon: In response to this, the government dispatched their greatest military force, but they miraculously escaped... ! It has only been a few days since that incident, but here they stand before us. Though there is much about it I still don't understand...

"We told you, didn't we ? A big christian cyber-bear pimp-slapped us all the way here."

Luffy: To be honest, I don't even know where this is. And I don't regret what I did to that Tenryûbito guy at all. What do you think that bastard did to my friends ?!

Hancock: So it's true that you raised your hand against a Tenryûbito ? ... I had no idea idiots like you... Still existed in this world... !! With no regard for your own lives... You challenged heaven itself... just like he did... !

"... 'He'... ?"

Hancock: I... Will tell you everything... As well as the meaning of this symbol engraved into your friend's brow... !

Luffy: Hachi's mark... ?

"... the 'Hoof of the Soaring Dragon'... The crest of the Tenryûbito."

Hancock: You... Knew ?

"I thought I told you. I've been mauling down on the slave business so much in the days, I can recognize these at first glance. They brand it into every slave owned by the World Nobles... The indelible proof that you are less than human... "

Luffy: The Tenryûbito... !

Charlos: Father, look !! I got an fishman slave for free !! Free~, free~, an octopus for free !!

"Then that really means..."

Hancock: We three sisters... Were once... Slaves to the World Nobles !

Luffy: You were... Slaves ?!

Hancock: When I was twelve... The three of us were abducted from the Kuja pirate ship and sold. After that... I don't even want to think about the abominable things they did... ! That was the first time we ever saw men, but they inspired nothing but terror in us...

Sandersonia: Uuu... WAAAHH !! AAAAAAAAAAAH !!

Marigold: Sister Sonia !! Calm down !!

Luffy: Hey ! It's fine, don't force yourself ! You don't have to talk about it !!

Hancock: Now that I've started, I can't stop... It was terrible... We couldn't find any hope at all... I just wanted to die... !

Luffy: Whoa, come on !

Hancock: But after four years, in one night... An incident occurred that shook the world Government itself. The iron law of the world was that nobody could oppose the Tenryûbito... yet one man climbed the Red Line with his bare hands, and entered Marie Geoise, where the Tenryûbito resided.

Luffy: ... ...

"As much as I wished that was me, it wasn't."

Hancock: That man... Would later lead a crew of fishman pirates. The adventurer, Fisher Tiger. In order to free the many fishman slaves who were being oppressed in the city, he rampaged through the city with all his strength... And even though he, a fishman, hated humans... he did not discriminate... he freed thousands of slaves, of all races.

Hancock: We ran, prepared to die... We owe that man an unfathomable debt... !

"I think I can take it from now... Tiger freed many fishmen, who escaped to sea. But the slaves' brands could not be erased... Tiger, who had made an enemy of the World Government, formed the Sun Pirates with those former slaves, and they set out to sea... ! And, as if he was lifting a curse, the Tenryûbito mark that had been burned onto everyone's bodies... Was changed into the symbol of the Sun !"

Hancock: Yes... The mark you mistook for ours, was the sun symbol of the Fishman pirates.

Luffy: ... Ah, I get it ! The mark on Hachi's forehead looked like a sun ! SO he was a slave, too... ?

Sandersonia: ... We can't say that for certain.

Marigold: They were given those symbols so that you couldn't tell the difference between those who had been slaves and those who weren't. Though he was definitely a member of the Sun Pirates...

"Fisher Tiger died not so long after these events, so the Sun pirates split into a number of crews. And well... The rest is history."

Luffy: Hatchi's been through a lot...

Marigold: That's why the marks on our back resemble that fishman's.

Luffy: I see, I kinda get it now...

Nyon: ... You sure know a lot about this matter...

"Fisher Tiger is one of the few I really look up to... Pretty sure I still have his bounty poster somewhere..."

Hancock: Strangely enough, while we were slaves... We were forced to eat the Mero Mero no Mi and Hebi Hebi no Mi as entertainment. And thanks to those powers, we were able to fool the country... And protect our secret. If you hadn't covered up Sonia's back, we wouldn't have been able to stay on this island... We can't let anybody know about our past... !! EVEN IF WE HAVE TO DECEIVE AN ENTIRE COUNTRY... I'LL NEVER SHOW ANY WEAKNESSES !! I WON'T BE CONTROLLED BY ANYBODY EVER AGAIN... !!

Hancock: I'm afraid to let my guard down against anybody... !! I can't face... My own fear... !!

Marigold/Sandersonia: Sister... !

Nyon: But... It's been a while... Since you've let your emotions show like this... recently, it's as if lady Hebihime had been turned to ice... !


Nyon: YOU BE SILENT !! You escaped the Tenryûbito, only to find you had no way of returning to the island ! You were just three lost, hurt little girls !! You who do you think brought you back here !! It's all because I was living in the outside world !!

Hancock: Hmph ! You're blowing things out of proportion...

Nyon: WHAAAAT ?!! I've been looking after you like a mother !!

Hancock: ... You... Do you despise me, for being a slave ?

"Despise ? I told you that as well, didn't I ? The ones I hate are the Tenryûbito. To the slaves, I have nothing but empathy, and perhaps pity..."

Luffy: I really wanted to punch the other two...

Hancock: Fufufu, I've taken a liking to you. Tell me where you want to go, I'll lend you my ship.

Luffy: REALLY ?!

Hancock: Luffy, right... ? We'll set sail tomorrow morning... The kuja Pirates will take you as far as the Sabaody Archipelago. Rest up tonight for the journey ahead.

Luffy: Come on, you guys ! It's "Kuu" !! "Kuu" !!

Sweetpea: Kuu ?

Luffy: It's "Kuu" !!

Daisy: Yeah, "Kuu" !!

Kikyo: ... Such an inelegant dance...

Nerine: So men stick chopsticks between their nose and mouth... And hold a sieve... And... Hahahaha... !!

Luffy: Hm ? Gorgon what ?

Cook: It's penne gorgonzola, with sea king meat ! It's a specialty of the island of women !

Kuja: Wow, he really stretches~ !

Nerine: All right, time's up.

Kuja: Ehh~ ! Let me do it again !

Nerine: Nope, there's a long line behind you.

Luffy: Wow, this sea king is great... HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO EAT WITH YOU GRABBING AND STRETCHING ME ?!!

Nerine: There's no helping it ! You're leaving tomorrow, right ? These girls just want to touch a man once. See, you're popular !

Kuja: Luffy~ ! Luffy~ !


Kuja: It's fine, my sweet Luffy !! Let me touch you ! Let me grab you !!

Luffy! Stop !! I can't eat... HEY !!

Kuja: Kyaaaaaa~ Luffy~ !!

Kuja: Huh ? Oh no, he got away !! I haven't touched him yet ! He can't have gotten far !! Find him and touch him !!

"WHO PUT THAT HERE ?! ... ... Huuuuuh..."



Luffy: Haa... Haa... Shoot, I only got away with this much food !

Margaret: It's great that you'll be able to go back to where your friends are.

Luffy: Hm ? Oh yeah... I feel like I've caused you a lot of trouble. Sorry about that. I was freaked out when you got turned to stone.

Margaret: But you helped us, right ? I heard about what you did. Thanks, Luffy !

Nyon: What happened, Margaret ?

Margaret: Luffy has become very popular amongst the girls of the village...



Margaret: ... What did...

"After Luffy's 'subtle' escape, look how I emphasize that, the next target of their... I don't even want to use words to describe that..."

Nyon: The state your clothes are in, I can understand, but why are you covered in bruises ?

"They wanted to see if I could stretch too. Turns out I can't, and now it hurts. So, Luffy, you go back to the village, please."

Luffy: No worries, they won't find us at the old bean lady's house.

Nyon: Well, men are a rare sight around here... This place is well secluded, so take your time... YOU ! DID YOU JUST CALL ME "BEAN LADY" ?!

Nyon: got some food with you, huh... ? Margaret, could you prepare some tea ?

Margaret: Sure thing.

"... Again with that newspaper ? And I was pretty sure they didn't deliver in Calm Belt... Looks like I was wrong."

Nyon: You were right, this one was from a marine ship. It is fairly difficult to get a hold of one... But our empress is a member of the Shichibukai, so it wouldn't do for her to be uninformed of world affairs.

Luffy: Huh ? Who's a Shichibukai ?

"Luffy... I told you that while we were running... That's Boa Hancock..."

Luffy: ... ... EEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHH ?!! She... She's a Shichibukai ?! Then... is she really strong ?!

Nyon: ... You're a pirate, and you didn't know ? You don't read the newspaper or anything ?

"We did, but... Our navigator stopped buying it after they raised the price..."

Luffy: Man, that was surprising.

Nyon: It has been eleven years... Since Lady Hebihime became the empress of our country, as well as the captain of the Kuja Pirates. She's still young, but after a single campaign at sea, a 80 million bounty was placed on her head. That, along with the already infamous reputation of the Kuja pirates, alerted the world Government immediately. They cautiously recommended her to be added to the Shichibukai... But now, she is in danger of losing her title.

"Lose her... Okay, that's becoming hard to handle, even for me. Why would... ..."


Nyon: You amaze me... there's got to be a limit to how ignorant a person can be ! This is nothing but a prediction right now, but in all likelihood, a battle is imminent ! The World Government caused this... Whitebeard is not a man who would let one of his men die, and they know that...

"One of his men... Who... ?"

Nyon: No one but Whitebeard's trusted subordinate, that the plan to give a public execution... Portgas D. Ace... !

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