Chapter 155: World tour

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Officer: Fleet admiral Sengoku !! We have contact from vice-admiral Momonga !! The empress Boa Hancock has relented, and they are now making their way here !

Sengoku: Finally... I hope that they make it in time... That woman is strong... ! That makes... Six of the Shichibukai. The last one... Has the one we sent to prison finally cooled his head ?

Officer: No... he still refuses to take part in the fight... ! He's even prepared to lose his Shichibukai title over this...

Sengoku: I thought he'd be the first to help us... But coming here and making this huge mess... Damn Jinbe... !!

Officer: Reporting, Fleet Admiral !! Regarding the Sabaody Archipelago incident, Admiral Kizaru captured 500 pirates. Currently, we are unable to complete the paperwork to send them to Impel Down...

Sengoku: That's just busy work !! If it doesn't have anything to do with Whitebeard, I don't want to hear it !

Officer: Furthermore, the Tenryûbito Saint Roswald...

Sengoku: Leave that to the admirals ! And what happened to Garp ?!

Officer: Vice-Admiral Garp... Was heading to Impel Down.

Sengoku: What does he intend to do in this situation ?! He's too damn free-spirited... !!


Sengoku: Here he comes... Are there any reports from the patrol ships ?! Connect them here, I want to ask them myself.

Officer: No, all the ships monitoring Whitebeard's flagship, the "Moby Dick", 23 ships in all... We suddenly lost contact with all of them a short while ago !

Sengoku: WHAT... ?!

Officer: It appears that the other pirate crews in the New World have been taking suspicious actions as well. But we have no idea of the scope of their plans. We have no information at all !! We've completely lost sight of them !! New patrol ships are preparing to depart-

Sengoku: They got us !! They've already made their move !! We don't even know where they'll attack ! While Ace is being held there, alert Impel Down that they might be targeted as well !!

Officers: YES SIR !!

Guard: This is it, Vice-Admiral Garp... Be careful.

Garp: Yeah... ... Man you look terrible...

Garp: You still breathing ? Ace... ?

Ace: Haa... Haa... Gramps...

*Turning back the clock a bit... On a certain island, there's a giant paw print in the ground.*

???: Hey hey... Hey hey hey... Hey hey hey hey, girl... Girl who came flying from the sky...

Nami: You talk too much... What is it ?

Old guy: Looks like you've calmed down... You won't go crazy anymore ? Now presenting... These tightly tied "Wind knots" ! If you undo one, it brings a gentle breeze. If you undo a second, it brings a strong wind... And if you undo a third... It brings a squall !!


Old guy: I- I thought it would cheer you up!!

Nami: Well, it did, thank you !! Anyway, I want to go home !! Where is this ?!

Old guy: This is... A small sky island, Weatheria. This is a country where we study the weather.

Nami: A... Sky island ?!

Kid: Wait, stop !! Taroimo !! I'm sorry, are you all right ?! He though that you were prey... !

Franky: Yeah, I'm fine !

Kid: H- How are you fine ?!

Franky: Damn, this is a mess. How far did I fly ? Aaahh ? So cold !! Ah... Ah !! FRANKY-CHOO !!

Kid: That won't do, wearing just your underwear in this snow... Were you robbed ?!

Old guy: Put on some clothes, quick !

Franky: A loincloth ?! Don't screw around !! I don't need it ! If I put something like that on, I'll be betraying my reputation as a pervert !! Follow my lead !!

Franky: Your butt~ to the right !! Your right hand on your waist~ Thrust out your left hand !! Slide in left !! And do it again~ ! One-two, one-two !! Bring both hands up from down below ! And screw !!

Franky: ... I'M STILL COLD !! WHERE AM I ?!

Kid: EHHH ?!

Old guy: This is "Karakuri island", the birthplace of this world's most incredible genius, Vegapunk. You're currently in the "Future country" Baldimore.


*This is also known as "Pink island" or "The other island of women." Here, the animals, the plants, everything in sight is a single color: Pink. All the people who have gathered on this island... Have a maiden's heart.*

Sanji: Dear Nami and Robin... Are the two of you well, wherever you are ?

Maidens: Kyaa, kyaa, wait for me~ ! Oh no, wait~ !

Sanji: Like hell I will !!

Maidens: You're like us, right ?! You must be, right ?!

Sanji: Shut up !! Stop following me !! I told you, I'm not like that !!

Okamas: WELCOME TO KAMABAKKA KINGDOM !! (Nothing but transvestites)


Sanji: Right now, I... Am experiencing hell...

*These islands, which bloom in the ocean like flowers, are the Boin Archipelago, in Grand Line.*

Usopp: Uwaa, help me !!

???: Take this !!


???: Hey... Are you gonna eat this'n ?

Usopp: AS IF I WOULD !! But thanks for saving me, even though I don't know who you are.

Heracles: My name is Heracles'n !

Usopp: Wow, that's a cool name.

Heracles: Eh... is that so'n ?

Usopp: I'm Usopp, nice to meet you.

Usopp: C... Can you really eat this... ? I've never seen a fruit like this...

Heracles: It's all right, Usopp'n. And my name is... Heracles'n !

Usopp: Uh, right... That's cool... Why don't I... try licking it first...

Heracles: Usopp'n !!


Heracles: Of course, it's a man-eating plant after all'n...

Usopp: MAN-EATING ?!

Heracles: This the forest of thieve plants, Green Stone. If you don't wish to lose your things or your life, you should take care'n...

Usopp: A... And what did you just do ?!

*Grand Line, Namakura island. The country of poverty, Harahettanya*

Villagers: This is... A demon... !! We really... Did summon one with black magic... It looks so fearsome ! It's clearly not of this world... Our wish has been granted, we might have our revenge !!

Villagers: revenge on the long-arm tribe that stole everything from us !! Demon king, Lord Satan !! if you fulfill our wish... All of us are prepared to offer you our souls !! We do not have anything left... ! Please strike them with your hammer of blood !!

Brook: Just how far... Did I fly... ? I must return... To where everyone else is...

Villagers: Wait, you can't return to the underworld, Lord Satan !! is our tribute lacking ?! Do you need a sacrifice... ?! Blood ?!

Brook: ... excuse me, young lady. May I see your panties ?

Villagers: PANTIES !! Quickly, show him some panties !!

Chopper: A m... M... Monster bird !! I have to escape !! Haa... But I can't move my body !! GYAAAA, please stop... Please stop !!

Chopper: Ugoh !! H... Help... !

Villager: ... A tanuki fell out of the nest...

Villager: Ohh, let's make a hot pot.

Chopper: Stop... !! I'm a reindeer !!

Villager: Then it'll be a reindeer hot pot... Huh ? Did it just talk ?

*It's said that this is a treasure island... the country where the birds control the people. The Torino Kingdom.*

*Grand Line, Kuraigana island. The ruins of the Shikkearu kingdom.*

Perona: It's true that I said... that if I were to take a trip, I wanted to go somewhere dark and damp... Near an old castle, swirling with malice, and that I'd like to pass the time singing cursed songs...

Perona: But you didn't tell me I wouldn't have any servants !! You didn't tell me I wouldn't be able to wake up in a fluffy bed and eat my bagel sandwich and drink warm cocoa !! You didn't tell me I wouldn't have my cute stuffed animals !! Jeez, where am I ? Lord Moria ?! I want to go back to Thriller bark...


Perona: AH ?!

Perona: I knew it ! I knew someone else would come flying here ! GEH... !!

Perona: H... He's... ONE OF THE STRAWHATS !! he must have been beaten by Kuma ! Wow, he looks like he's about to die. Just look at him ! Horo horo horo !!

Zoro: ... I'm alive... Where... Am I ?

Kuma: If you were to take a trip, where would you like to go... ?



Zoro: Hm ? You're... Why are you here... ?

Perona: What's wrong with you ?! Yelling like that all of a sudden !!

Zoro: ... Where are my swords... ?

Perona: You think I'd give you a weapon ?!

*East Blue, the country on a bridge, Tequila Wolf.*

Overseer: This is a country of laborers... The workers here, are either criminals gathered from every country, or citizens of countries that refused to join the World Government... Well, at the end of the day, they really are slaves...

Robin: What are you building... ?

Overseer: A bridge. A gigantic bridge that connects two islands. But we're a long way from completion... people keep on collapsing... So we keep on taking in new workers. After all, the bridge has been under construction for 700 years... !!

Robin: 700 years... ?! Whatever for... ?

Overseer: You have no need to know that... ! I don't know where you came from, but now that you're a laborer, all you need to worry about is building that bridge !!

Your POV:

"GH !!"

Luffy: Something wrong ?

"I have a distinct and sudden urge to break some Tenryûbito spines... No idea why, though..."

Soldier: GYAAAAAAH !!

Hancock: Remember this well, you dimwit ! My meals are to be 100Kg each !! Any less won't be enough to satisfy me !! Do you wish to be turned to stone again ?!

Soldier: No no no !! M... My deepest apologies !! we'll be more careful from now on !!

Soldier: I... Is that... ?!

Soldier: It's a warning... if you ever try to peek into Hancock's room... You end up like that... Damn !

Hancock: Luffy... Come now... Take a bite~.

Luffy: What an amazingly delicious flavor. When you feed me anything, it becomes the sweetest food in the world !

Hancock: Oh, you~.

Hancock: 'Oh, to be talking like that~...

'... Listen, I can try all I want to act as a wingman, but this is Luffy you're dealing with... He's probably the second most dense guy I ever met... or even first ex-aequo...'

Luffy: What're you doing in the corner ? You're not gonna eat ? This sea king ham is ridiculously good !

Hancock: I... I... i'm fine. Just fine. I don't feel hungry.

'... Really, when I was asked "Take care of Luffy", helping him eventually getting laid was probably the last thing I had in mind... By quite the large margin...'

Luffy: Buheeeh, I sure ate a lot ! Damn that was good !

"Shhh ! Luffy, we're supposed to be hiding here ! You're not helping our situation !"

Soldier: Hancock, is there someone else in your room ?!

'Shit ! The window !'

Officer: Lieutenant Stalker, did you really hear something ?

Stalker: I'm certain I heard someone say "Buheeh, I sure ate a lot ". Is that really something an empress would say ?!

Soldiers: There's no way ! If she really said that, then I'll get a mohawk ! Ha ha ha !

Hancock: B... Buheeh ! I sure ate a lot !


Hancock: Take away these dirty plates. And don't forget, I need a meal like this five times a day.

Mohawked: You eat that much ?! That doesn't leave anything for us !!

Hancock: I don't care if you all starve.

Mohawked simps: You're terrible !! But... You're beautiful~.

*Portgas D. Ace's public execution... is 6 days away. Since Whitebeard destroyed all the patrol ships around him, tensions are running high at Marine headquarters. At the port in Marineford, more and more famous and powerful marines arrive every day. All of the military forces serving under the banner of "Justice" have assembled at marine Headquarters. And at the same time, in the holy land of Marie Geoise...*

*The shichibukai who have already gathered are having their own powwow. Each one of them is a villain with considerable power. But one thing is absolutely clear. The very thought of these men fighting together, is totally unthinkable.*

Garp: You want me to kill you... ? You've gotten desperate, you idiot ! Soon, it won't matter what we do... Whitebeard won't stop now, even if you died... Nobody can stop this anymore... We have angered... The king of the seas !

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