Chapter 156: Going Impel Down

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Garp: I would have preferred for you and Luffy to have become great marines. But you did the opposite and turned into rogues ! ... Then again, it probably wasn't the best idea to task him to watch over you...

Ace: ... ... ...

Garp: Yeah. Speaking of which... I told Luffy about his father. He was surprised that his father was even around.

Ace: That stuff... Doesn't matter. One way or another, Luffy and I... We both have the blood of an infamous criminal running through our veins... There's no way we would've become marines... But... ! I took the name Portgas... To show my gratitude to my mother... My good-for-nothing father never gave me anything aside from half my blood... I don't have any memories of him... And I don't owe him a thing...

Garp: Well, be that as it may... he is who he is...

Ace: So... Old man...

Whitebeard: You look like you're about to die, kid... Why don't you take on my name, and run wild ? Become my son !!

Ace: The only father I have... Is Whitebeard !!

Your POV:

Soldier: Vice-Admiral Momonga !! We've spotted a pirate ship at ten O'clock !! Whose ship is it... ? I feel like I've seen that flag before... I'll look it up right away !

Momonga: If you don't know, then it can't be anyone important... Leave them, we're on a tight schedule.

Soldiers: Yes sir !!

Momonga: This is Momonga, marine code G100660. We will soon enter the current. Prepare to open the gate.

Morge: We... We've made it this far...There's nothing more we can do, Lady Alvida.

Pirates: UWAAAH !! Look at that !! A giant sea king !! D... Don't look this way...

Alvida: Don't look at me. Weren't you the one who wanted to come here ? You even paid all that money for an eternal pose...

Pirates: B... But we have to save Captain Buggy, who got imprisoned in Impel Down !!

Alvida: Look at the sea ! Ahead of us is the Calm Belt, where those monsters make their nests. Do you think we can do anything in this little ship ? Either way, the other path is reserved for marine use. They'd never open the Gates of Justice for a pirate ship...

Morge: that can't be ! We can't even get there ?!

Cabaji: If we don't do anything.. Captain Buggy will be executed !! Just like our friend, Ace !!

Alvida: Impel Down is the world's greatest prison ! It's impenetrable and inescapable ! Just give it up already... As a pirate, Buggy the clown's luck has run out...

Morge: THERE'S NO WAY !! Captain Buggy... Isn't the kind of man who would die here !!

Cabaji: THAT'S RIGHT !! Until the day we find Captain John's treasure island, we'll follow Captain Buggy !!

Alvida: ... Do as you please. But I'll be keeping the "Big Top". You can take the row-boat.

Pirates: EHHH ?! But this is Captain Buggy's ship !!

Alvida: I don't see him here, do you ?

Pirates: Uh... Well, that's true...

Alvida: I'm not sailing to certain death, and I'm not letting you waste this ship. You can take a boat and do whatever you want until you're satisfied... Though you'll probably die before you even get a glimpse of Impel Down.

Pirates: ... ... CAPTAIN BUGGY !! Thank you for everything you've done until now !! We'll never forget the debt we owe you !! We hope you have a good death !! Farewell !! Let us meet on the other side !

*It has been four and a half days, since the ship departed from Amazon Lily.*

Soldier: Vice-Admiral Momonga !! We've arrived at Impel Down !! We were slowed a bit by head winds, but...

Momonga: No matter... Let's hurry. Get Hancock out here !

Soldier: Sir ! Lady Hancock !! We've arrived...

Hancock: I'll be right there !

Luffy: What the heck is this... ?

Hancock: This is the most dangerous place in the world right now. Of course they'd come out in battle formation...

"It's even more ship than they use for a Buster Call... To think Ace is somewhere in here..."

Hancock: Probably far beneath the surface. Now quickly, Luffy. Into my clothes...

"... ... Okay, so I doubt I'll be able to sneak past all the guards here... Luffy, you go on ahead, I'll catch up later."

Soldiers: Well done, Vice-Admiral Momonga !! 'U... Uwoooooh !! L- L- Look at that... That's the pirate empress !! She's truly the greatest beauty in the world ! There's nothing about her that isn't beautiful !! How many thousands of volts is that beauty power ?! How many millions ?!'

Hancock: What's with all this chattering... ? It's so irritating... Woudl you care if they turned to stone... ?

Momonga: I'd rather you not... Regarding your condition, you wanted to see the central figure in this incident, Portgas D. Ace, right ? I told you this earlier, but pirates, even Shichibukai, are normally forbidden to enter here. If you wish to go in, you'll need to wear a pair of Seastone handcuffs... And you will be given a thorough body search. We can't have you pulling off any plans to free any prisoners.

Hancock: 'Luffy, they'll be searching me soon...'

Luffy: 'I'll take care of it ! Go on ahead !'

Hancock: Very well... !

???: Buggy the Clown... ?! He disappeared from his cell ?! Does he have a devil fruit power ?

Guard: Vice-warden ! Vice-Admiral Momonga and the Shichibukai, Lady Hancock, have arrived !!

Vice-warden: Got it, I'll be right there !!

Simp guards: WAAH... S... She... She's so pretty... Come on, open the gates !! Open it up~ ! Open up~ !

Hancock: ... 'Here we go ! Luffy !'

*Thirty-three hours remaining... until Ace's public execution.*

Simp guards: Please be careful !! Lady Hancock~ ! Have a safe trip !

Hancock: Silence !

Simp guards: Don't be that way ! Take care~ !

Momonga: The atmosphere is incredibly heavy... I wonder if hell is like this... ?

Vice-warden: Welcome... To my Impel Down !

Hannyabal: Ah, excuse me, "My" is a bit of an exaggeration. I am the vice-warden, Hannyabal ! Nice to meet you.

Momonga: I'm Momonga.

Hannyabal: I've heard about your situation. Is this the "Empress" Lady Hancock... ? My empress Hancock ? Ah ! Excuse me. I'm getting ahead of myself again. The damn warden... Warden Magellan is in the office on level 4, so please come this way. The vice-head jailer Domino and I will be guiding you.

Domino: It appears that time is short, so please hurry this way. Vice-Admiral, that way... And my apologies, but we need to perform a body check.

Domino: If you were a prisoner, you would head past those bars. You would be stripped of your clothes and dumped into the "Bath of hell", an iron kettle filled with boiling water. After you are sterilized and disinfected, you are "Baptized" and taken into the prison. Each prisoner has a character about them as well...

Domino: recently, we've taken in Fire Fist Ace, one of the Shichibukai, Jinbe, and a former Shichibukai, Crocodile. They didn't even flinch during their baptisms. Truly splendid. The visitors are checked in at this room. Please rest easy... If I could have you remove your mantle, that would be the easiest place to hide something, after all, so we'll keep it here. Not that we're suspecting you of anything, it's just so that you don't take any improper actions. All of the rooms in Impel Down are monitored by surveillance Dendenmushi, and the images are continually sent to the security monitors.

Domino: Now, put on these seastone handcuffs first... Eh ?

Hancock: Please be gentle~...

Luffy: Puhah ! That was close ! I was about to jump out and take my chances on not being seen.


"Okay, is it safe ? I felt Luffy starting to move on its own, so I assumed the timing was right..."

Luffy: Couldn't have been better.

Hancock: Luffy... ! It looks like this is as far as I can take you. I won't be able to use my powers from here on in... And without my mantle, there's no place for you to hide. I wanted to of more help to you, but...

Luffy: What're you talking about ?! If we were on our own, there's no way we could've gotten this far ! You got us onto the warship and into the building, that's plenty !

Hancock: Luffy... This place is a fortress built to keep people in... ! Whatever you do, don't do anything that'll get you noticed ! If they catch you, you'll never get out again... !

"They'll soon learn, that no prison in the world can hold me. But, yes, although I doubt we can, it'd be better if we stay low, and don't run wild."

Luffy: All right, I got it ! Thanks for everything, Hancock ! I'll never forget this debt ! I'll definitely repay you one day !

Hancock: 'He... ! He called me... He called me Hancock... ?' Now I can die... With no regrets...

"Um, could you undo the petrification now ? And don't worry about the rest, I'll make sure Luffy's still in one piece when you see him again."

Hancock: This is... Mutual love...

"Okay, we lost her."


Guards: Vice-warden Hannyabal !! The images from the Dendenmushi in the examination room has been cut. Is anything going on ?

Hannyabal: That's Domino's room ? Domino !! Is something wrong ?!

Domino: M- My apologies, did I take too long ? I've finished the body check. 'Strange, there's a little gap in my memory...'

Guards: The images have been restored. There's no problem.

Hannyabal: Yeah, there's nothing wrong here either.

Hancock: Hmph... these things are quite uncomfortable... I'm not a prisoner, either... ! Who do you think I am ?

Hannyabal: We mean no disrespect, but these are just the rules... This way to the large elevator.

Hannyabal: using this elevator, we can reach the fourth floor. we'll go to the scorching heat floor, where warden Magellan is. It'll get a little hot, so be prepared. Also, we'll pass through levels 1 through 3, and you'll hear the screams of the prisoners. You'll be able to feel it, so please enjoy yourself

Hancock: ... 'Luffy... i'm praying for your fortune...'

Luffy: 'Thanks !'

Hancock: ... 'He said "I love you" !!' Haaa~...

Hannyabal: L- Lady Hancock ?! What's wrong ?! Get a hold of yourself !!

Momonga: hey, what happened all of a sudden... ?!

"... Reeeeally starting to feel like a third wheel here... But hey, a third wheel brings lots of stability after all. That's what I do..."

Luffy: Now then... Which way to go ? They said that elevator goes underground... And Hancock said that Ace is probably gonna be on the sea floor, too.

"Can't you juts use the Vivre Card he gave you ?"

Luffy: Ah, right !

Guards: The Blugori prison guards have returned. Ration collection complete. Open the hatch.

Guard: Good work.

Guards: We've found him !! The pirate who disappeared from the number 4 mixed residence cell on level 1, Buggy the Clown, he has been sighted in the passage in front of cell block 22 !!

Intercom: Capture him immediately !!

Buggy: Damn it !! They found me !! IT WAS YOU !! YOU PIECE OF SHIT !!

Intercom: Image has been lost from surveillance Dendenmushi number 71 !

Prisoners: hear that ? It's Buggy ! This happens to him cuz' he's tryin' to escape on his own ! Just look how he's ending up ! he's in for a hell of a torture session, hehehehe !!

Prisoners: Here come the Blugori !! GO !! Go get him !! Hyahyahyahya !!

Luffy: okay... the Vivre card is telling us to go down... But this looks like a dead end...

"That's just a door. Blasting it off would be easy enough, but it would attract too much attention..."

Guards: It's prisoner number 8200. Seems like he's got a devil fruit power, so don't forget the Seastone ! It's not like he's actually gonna escape.

'... Thanks for the door. Dumbasses.'

Guards: Split up and flank him ! Hurry !!

*Impel Down, First floor, underground level 1. Crimson hell.*

Luffy: uwa, this place's huge... And, are these screms ?

"This is to be expected from the world's biggest prison... Also, don't pay attention to these. We're here for something very precise."

prisoners: 'hey hey hey, bro ! Bro ! Wait, wait, how did you get outside ?'

Luffy: Get out... ? We came in from outside.

"Luffy, I told you to not pay attention to them. We're on a tight schedule."

Prisoner: Wait, wait ! Don't lie you bastards ! Who are you ? You ain't jailers or guards. And why aren't you in a cell ?!

Luffy: Oh ! Do you know where Ace is ?

Prisoners: Ace ?! Ace.. You mean Fire Fist Ace... ?!

Luffy: That's right, we're here to save him !

Prisoners: Puhehehe, don't be stupid ! I heard he'd been brought here recently. But he'd definitely be put in level 5 ! There's no way you'll ever get close ! Totally impossible ! that's the floor where they keep everyone with a bounty over 100 million !

Prisoners: So bro, why don't you head over to the guard room and pick up the key for us ? Meeting up with you in this huge world, it's gotta be fate ! Right ?!

"Sorry, but we're kind of in a hurry. But if I see an opportunity, I don't mind opening this up on the way out..."


Luffy: What's that ? Looks like someone's being chased !

Prisoners: IT'S THE BLUGORI !!

"Blue what now ?"

Prisoners: Get outta here bro, they'll kill you !!



Buggy: SHAKIN' !! GYAHAHAHA, you think you can cut me ?! Idiots !! DOWAAAAAAH !! STRAWHAT ?! PSYCHIC BRAT ?! WHY ARE YOU HERE ?!

"... Oh, Buggy."

Buggy: THAT'S YOUR ONLY REACTION, YOU MORON ?! You're as impudent as always !! I never heard that you were caught too !!

Luffy: We came in on our own, we weren't caught !!

Buggy: What kind of idiot would go into a prison on his own ?!

"Depending on the context, but remember who you're talking to, please."

Buggy: ... Hah ! Could you have... ?! You heard about how I was captured... And you came... To help me... THERE'S NO WAY, YOU STUPID BASTARDS !! THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG HERE !!


"No offense, but the very idea of you going all the way unnoticed was extremely unlikely to begin with. But, as a matter of fact, your idea was half-right."

Buggy: You're blaming me ?! You totally ruined my "Buggy sneakily escapes" plan !!

"The amount of cares I give is abysmally low. You remember you were that close to kill Luffy back at Logue Town ? Give me one good reason to not throw you onto these guys to buy us some time."


"... That is a good reason."

Luffy: Hey, is there any way to get away ?!

Buggy: WHAT'RE YOU TALKING ABOUT, IDIOT ?! If we're caught, they'll torture the hell out of us !! You don't know ?! These guys don't have blood or tears !!

Luffy: I can't get caught now, I'm in a hurry. And now that I think about it, things are already messed up.

Buggy: ... That's what I hate about you and the Red-hair... You guys are both optimistic to a fault... ! All right, fine, I get it... We've just gotta do this, right ? CHANGING TO THE "MAKE A HUGE UPROAR" PLAN !!


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