Chapter 161: Intoxicating

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Guards: Haa... T- This is bad ! We can't stay here anymore !!

Magellan: This floor... It's damn hot...

Guards: CH... CHIEF WARDEN !! PLEASE WAIT !! Don't start fighting yet !! Let's get outta here !! We're gonna get caught up in the chief warden's poison !!

"... Poison... ?"

Luffy: Come on, it's just a little farther... ! I was about to get to the source of that great smell... !

Bonclay: G- GUYS, YOU CAN'T FIGHT HIM !! He's Impel Down's chief warden, Magellan !! he's got the power of the Doku Doku fruit !! WE'VE GOT TO RUN AWAY FROM HIM !!

"So he's a poison man, huh..."

Magellan: This is correct... Intruders... ! You breaking in into this impregnable prison has sullied my name as chief warden... I know what you're after ! I won't let you get to Portgas D. Ace ! And after this, we're going to have a nice long talk about how you got this far... !

Luffy: I'll never tell you, not even if I die !!

Bonclay: Straw-Chan... !! Hurry, this way !! You can't win against a man whose body is made of poison ! You can't even touch him ! We have to go back to the lake of blood and try another way !! Give up on the food and let's escape to level 5 !!

"... You do that, Luffy. You know very well that if you can't touch his body, I'm the one that should stay and fight."

Magellan: That's futile... The stairs to level 5 are being guarded by the head guard and three demon beast guards. All of the exits from this floor have been blocked !! YOU CAN'T RUN AWAY !!

Bonclay: NO !!

"There's no time for lamentations !! The rest of the guards, you can deal with them !! Rush to level 5 while I keep him busy !! HURRY !!"

Magellan: ... Hydra...

Luffy: What the... ? Is that poison ?! A ball of poison ?!

Guards: Eh... Wait, chief warden Magellan, we're still... !! BAAAAABLL !!! BUYAAAAAAAAAAAAHH !!

"He even got his allies !!"

Bonclay: Hydra's poison is a nerve toxin that paralyzes you and floods your entire body with so much pain, THAT YOU'LL EVENTUALLY DIE !!

Guard: Hii ! Don't come any closer !!

Guards: It hurts... !! Quick, the antidote... !!

Magellan: Don't come within the range of my attacks, you idiots !


"For the last time, Luffy, run !!"

Luffy: Fine, but you better be there when I come back !!

"What do you expect ? He can't touch that."


Magellan: Gh- !

"I see... So you're a paramecia after all... That's good news for me. NOW COME AND GET SOME !!"

Magellan: Fu... You rat... I'm well aware of your abilities. The headquarters already informed us of that. And I am glad of it... because if we let you run wild, the humiliation brought by Shiki the golden lion is likely to happen again.

"Who the what... ?"

Magellan: ... No matter, you need to know but one thing. Of the entire history of this prison but a single prisoner ever managed to escape. Such a humiliation... WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN !! HYDRA !!

"That again ?! I don't even need to get close ! BLASTER !!"

Magellan: Futile... there are more to poison than just some goo...

Magellan: Chloro Ball !


"trying to blow me up, are you ?! Still a better idea than just ramming *Cough* In... *Cough cough* H- Huh... ?!"

Guards: Put on your gas masks !! Don't get close to the center, warden Magellan is fighting there !!

Prisoners: ACHOO !! Sneezing tear gas ?! Damn ! It's Magellan's poison gas ! Why is he fighting here ?! Achoo !! Who's he fighting with ?! Is it these intruders they were talking about ?! Could this floor get any worse ?!

"A- ACHOO !! Shit !! *Cough* That one's on me... Never thought he'd go for that kind of attacks... I should get out of this cloud while I can still somewhat see something !"

Magellan: You're not getting anywhere, you rat ! Hydra !!

"GAH !! Of course, he's not bothered ! I don't even know where this cloud extends to, I can't shortcut !"

*Shortcut: the form of teleportation he uses. To achieve it, one of these three conditions must be checked: A direct line of sight to destination, precise knowledge of both locations, or the use of a "Beacon" of sort*

'i can't sneak away of this one... I can only muscle my way through him. But he knows he can't directly hit me with his Hydra, so he plans on bringing me down first with the gas... It's not lethal, just annoying. I must act quick !'

Magellan: Hydra, three heads !!

"I've only got one shot at this ! GASTER BARRIER, BONE CAGE !!"


Magellan: What ?!

"that's the thing with Paramecia ! You can trap them pretty easily ! How about a blazing hot blood bath now ? How does that sound, getting a taste of your own medicine now ?!"

Magellan: You little...


"You've got to be kidding me... His poison can even melt my bones ?! I can't contain him !"

Magellan: I'm the one keeping criminals locked up ! Don't think you can do my job better than me !!

"Shit !! What can you even do ?! You're gonna get boiled alive ! Gaster... BLASTER !!"


"Haa... H- Haa... ACHOOOO !! ACHOO !! God damn !! WACHOO !! *COUGH* !!"

Magellan: VENOM ROAD !!

"W- Wha ?! HAH !!"


"E- Even rocks ! I can't risk going trying the close combat !"

Bonclay: Magellan is a man who can keep up the world's strongest prisoners inside the world's greatest prison ! He runs this hell... ! It's clear, Straw-chan... ! You need to run ! You can't win... ! Against him, there's no way to win ! I... i'm running ! i'm sorry... i'm so sorry, Straw-chan ... i'm sorry ! S- Straw-Chan... ?!

Three: This is our only chance, while Magellan is fighting with them !

Buggy: Are you crazy, you bald idiot ?! Just look at the number of guards here !!

Three: It's not about the numbers ! Think about it ! they're all looking to stop Strawhat and Co from going farther down ! The demon beasts guards are positioned at the passage down to level 5, and this is where they're most short handed ! If we let this chance go by, their net's only going to get tighter !! This is the very best way out !! The Strawhat's going to lose eventually ! We have to get up to level 3 before then !!

Buggy: Nuuu... That might be the case, but... the vice-warden, Hannyabal... I don't think that he's got a devil fruit power... And we could get the rest of them with a Muggy ball... ! If it's only him... Then we might be able to do it !!

Three: That's right ! Get ready, i'm already pretty tired of this hot floor !

Both: LET'S GO !!

Magellan: You really don't feel like giving up quietly... ?

"Haa... I'm sorry, what was that ? Spell it up, please, I don't speak that kind of language... We're getting out of here... Ace is getting out of here... And most of all... Haa... You're going down..."

"You really are a poison man... But here, I'm the toxic one !! Gaster... !!"

Magellan: What's with that light... ?


Magellan: BUGAAH !!

Hannyabal: ... Fools... ! 'If you two had gotten through here and made trouble, I could have blamed it on the chief warden ! I told you two that you could pass. But you idiots still came at me...'

Guards: reporting from the passage to level 3. We have a few casualties from a bomb attack... Yes, Buggy the Clown and Mr. 3 have been captured !

Buggy: haa... Ka... He's... he's strong ! he's stronger than expected !! Haa... ! Damn you, Hannyabal !

Three: Augh... Ahh... I don't want... To be tortured... !! If you're going to torture me, then I'll... Bit my tongue off right here and now !! i'm gonna bite it... !

Magellan: Urg ! Gh... You actually brought me to my knees... *Cough*... A cornered rat can be fearsome... !

"Quit whining, if this was enough to bring you down, you wouldn't be chief warden... I'm getting hit after hit after hit, and your poison keeps missing... 'Yes, if this keeps up... Luffy, just hurry and get to level 5 already !'... Gaster..."

Magellan: Hydra !



"Uh ? AH !!"


Magellan: ... I suppose I should praise that quick judgement of yours...

"Phew... The droplets when I hit these things... it's just as dangerous, if not worse... *Cough*... H- Huh... ? *Cough* Fog... ?"

Magellan: Haaaaaaa... Poison cloud...

"*Cough* Again with the tear gas ? You saw, *Cough* it won't be enough..."

Magellan: This is no tear gas... Although not as potent, this is the same poison as my Hydra. And in this form, your body will absorb the neurotoxin even faster...

"Guh... Must... Get out of here..."

Magellan: It's too late... Are your eyes blurry ? Your ears malfunctioning ? The poison is already circulating. Soon you'll find yourself completely paralyzed, from head to toe.

"Shit... No... I don't... need my body to fight... As long as..."


"As long as... My mind stay clear..."

Magellan: But it won't... It's a neurotoxin. You're already missing your shots by a mile.


Luffy: Gomu Gomu... JET BAZOOKA !!

"L... LUFFY ?!"

Luffy: Twin... JET PISTOL !!


Luffy! H- heh... ?!

"Luffy, for god sake... I told you to fucking run !!"

Luffy: No way i'm letting you on your own for this one !!

Magellan: It's too late... Your hands, are already useless. And with that direct hit, the poison... has already stolen everything from you...

Ace: HEY !! GUARDS !! Tell me the truth... What the hell is going on upstairs... ?!

Guards: ... Nothing... Nothing at all.

Magellan: ... What fearsome determination... You haven't had enough ?! Even with your captain on the verge of death...

"i'll have enough... Once I'm dead... Fucker... Agh !"

Magellan: You can't even stand... Your entire body is paralyzed, and you can barely sputter out these words. This is your sentence, intruders. For 24 hours, you will suffer. And then... You will truly fall into hell.

Magellan: With that level of exposure, there is no way you can be cured...

"... A... Ace... Luffy..."

Guards: Chief warden Magellan !! Good work !! What should we do with them now ?

Magellan: They'll die soon enough... But they'll be in the way if we leave them here. Throw them down the central tower to level 5 !

Guards: Yes, sir !!

Guard: Haa... Haa... Ch- Chief Warden Magellan !! It appears that something strange... Has happened at the passage to Level 3 !

Magellan: What happened... ?

Guard: We still aren't sure... !

Magellan: ... WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE ?! HANNYABAL, WHILE YOU WERE HERE... YOU WERE WIPED OUT... ?! Wake up, Hannyabal !! What happened here ?!

Hannyabal: Gueh !! Gueehh !! Ah, Ch- Chief warden !! please let go !! Buheh... !! My deepest apologies ! I let my guard down... !

Three: I... I HATE TORTURE !!


Hannyabal: the escapee... used his Okama kenpo... How should I say it... ? He caught me off guard...

Magellan: I don't care about your excuses. Did he escape up the stairs ?

Guard: That prisoner was in Crocodile's "Baroque Works", and was known as Mr.2... Ah ! And he is an Okama...

Magellan: Whatever.

Guard: he's a prisoner from level 3. It's only a matter of time before he's captured...

Magellan: What happened to the riot on level 2 ?

Hannyabal: It's been suppressed for the most part...

Magellan: have the forces gathered here on level 4 go up to level 3. Let Sadi-Chan take command, and dispatch the demon beast guards ! Take care of the rest.

Hannyabal: Yes, sir... What about these two we captured... ?

Magellan: Do as you please. Clean up this mess as son as possible. We're going back to business as usual... ! i'm heading to the "Closed place".

Hannyabal: Diarrhea, huh ? ... Hey !! You men get up and find that last escapee already !!

Guards: Y- Yes sir !! Ah, what do we do with these two ?

Hannyabal: Ah... I have something I want to ask them. Open the interrogation room. I'll take responsibility for them.

Guards: Very well, sir.

Buggy/Three: Gueh !!

Guards: Take care, vice-warden.

Hannyabal: Yeah.


Buggy: Haa... Haa... We're safe...

Three: W- W- We escaped from torture ! A- All right, what now ?

Hannyabal: isn't it obvious ? We've got to hurry... ! As quickly as possible...

Bonclay: We're going to save them !!

Three: D... Did you say rescue them ?! they've been drowned in Magellan's poison !

Buggy: the soldiers said they were taken to level 5, right ?! There's no hope for them ! We would just die like dogs !!

Bonclay: I don't care if I die like a dog or like an Okama ! When I turned my back on them while they were fighting Magellan, I left my life there as well... !! rather than being beaten or captured there, I ran... And as long as they're still alive, I swore that I'd return to save them, even if it meant my death... !!

Buggy: I don't care what you swore, we finally escaped ! we're safe !! Why are you going back into the lion's den just to save them ?!


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