Chapter 162: Newcomer Land

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

*Impel Down Level 5: Freezing hell.*

Prisoners: Hey ! Hey !! Haa... No, he's done for... Is he dead, or.. ? Mayeb he was frozen to go to the future...

Prisoner: Buhehehehe, idiot. Ah ! My finger fell off.

Prisoner: Hahahaha, looks like frostbite. You don't have long.


Prisoner: DAAAAH !! God dammit, now you're just mocking me !! I can't even get a bite of bread !!

Prisoners: Hm ? Hey, look ! Looks like we got some newbies... Hey ! What's your name ?! What' your bounties, newbies ?!

Prisoner: ... Ah, they're no good... They've already gotten the poison sentence...

Hannyabal: WHAT DID YOU SAY ?! NO... WHAT ?!

Doctor: Nobody who has fought with Magellan has ever survived after being dosed with this much poison. One type of poison is one thing, but even Strawhat's vice-captain has been hit with several types. there's no way to create a single antidote for multiple types of poison... !

Hannyabal: And you call yourselves doctors ?! Stop joking around !! Huh, this is not joke !! Do something !! We need to hand them over to the marine alive !!

Doctor: Any attempts we make to cure them would just hasten their death. Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do...

Bonclay: Gnuuuuuu... !!

Buggy: Look, there's no way to save them now !!

three: Fighting Magellan and surviving would take some kind of miracle.

Bonclay: ... A miracle...

Buggy/Three: Hm ?

Bonclay: ... that's right. he's here in Impel Down... ! The "Miracle worker", Okama King Iva... !! people that doctors had given up on... Countries on the verge of ruin... A man who saved them all ! Leaving behind legends of his work throughout the Okama world, the strongest star, Iva !! Our only hope is to find him !!

Buggy/Three: Who ?!

Guards: To level 5 ?

Hannyabal: yes, that's right. These prisoners have been sentenced to freeze !

Hannyabal: 'We've got no choice but to go ! Just wait, guys ! But there's something strange about this list of prisoners in level 5... What's going on here ? "Emporio Ivankov", history's strongest Okama King... Iva's name is gone ! Was he released... Or executed ?!'

Hannyabal: This prisoner... Was he released ?

Guard: Oh, Ivankov... Several years ago, there was an incident... Have you forgotten, vice-warden ?

Hannyabal: ahh... ! I see, that ! That happened ! I know, but if you do, tell me what happened !

Guard: Yes... But in front of the prisoners ?

Hannyabal: It's fine, go ahead !

Guard: ... From time to time, people have simply disappeared from Impel Down. They clearly didn't escape. Prisoners who never even made a move... Would vanish without a trace. As if they were taken by demons. These unnatural disappearances were greatly feared... As if they were pulled to the gates of Hell. And so it was said that they had been "Demoned away".

Three: They... Disappeared... ?

Buggy: 'So cold !! the door's not even open yet !'

Three: 'And we're already wearing this much... !

Guard: We've arrived. Be careful of the cod and the wolf squad. Now, we'll proceed as usual.

Hannyabal: Eh ? What ?

Guards: Right... Your weapon and your coat ! Man, there's no way we could do that ! "To show the prisoners your conviction as the vice-warden", you always enter the freezing hell unarmed and unclothed... You truly have all of our respect !

Hannyabal: ... Ah ?!

Guards: And it would be laughable for the prisoners to wear coats !

Buggy/Three: AH ?!

Guards: Well, take care !! The dendenmushi can't work in this cold, so be careful !!

Buggy: Uwooh, it's so cold !! It hurts !! it's so cold it hurts !! Hm ?

Buggy: One... Two, three, four... Hey, could those be the wolf squad ? Hey... Do you know why they aren't on the demon best floor ?

Hannyabal: Why ?

Three: Ah ! I know ! If they were released on Level 2, they would devour the basilisk, the sphinx and the other beasts !! They're extremely aggressive !

Hannyabal: Well then, let's put our hearts into it Save them ! EHHHH ?! YOU'RE RUNNING ?! AND SO FAST !!

Buggy: You think I'm gonna stick around and get eaten, you idiot ?!

Three: Take care of them yourself !!

Prisoner: Looks like we got a good one here. Are we in charge of seeing him off or something- ?!


"Lay a finger on him... And you're dead..."

Luffy: Uuuuh... ! It hurts... !! UUUUHHH !!

Nyon: You'll be the same as two ants in a storm. You will be blown away, unable to do a thing !

Luffy: UAH !!

Prisoner: Stop that, it's pointless... There's no way you'll live after taking that much poison. Neither of you... Your eyes are already done for... Can you still even hear me ?

"Loud and clear... So just shut up..."

Prisoner: Most say that... just be quiet and accept your death..

Luffy: ... NO !! I WON'T DIE !! I... WON'T DIE !! NOT UNTIL I SAVE ACE... !!

Prisoners: You can't even help yourself... You got a friend in these cells ? Ridiculous. In here, you look out for yourself... Nobody's coming to help you, everyone here is alone... !

Prisoner: To survive the sea of fire, climb over those around you. To escape a monster, use the guy next to you as bait to save yourself. If you worry about others you lose your life.

"... I can see how and why you got here... And why you'll never get out..."

Prisoner: Gh ! Crap like trying to save other people... hearing that makes me want to puke !!

Prisoners: ... hey, look... Someone's coming. It's not a guard... And it's not a worker... he's naked... ?


Prisoners: He's covered in blood...


prisoners: ... Who... Are you ?

Bonclay: A FRIEND !! I swear... I won't let you die !

Prisoners: He left the keys... Escaping... I've never even thought about it.

Prisoner: Iva ?! I have no idea where that Okama bastard went ! And who the hell are you ?!

Prisoner: Emporio Ivankov... Yeah, he was here, long ago... Didn't he die ?

Prisoner: Huh ?! Why are you looking for someone who ain't here ? And more importantly, how did you get out of your cell ? Get me out too... !

Bonclay: I'm looking for someone named Iva ! Hello ?!

Prisoner: Look that way, see that forest ? there's an abandoned guardhouse over there... I've seen a weird man leave there. Go look...

Bonclay: Really... ?!

Prisoner: ... ... Hey, that forest.. That's where the wolves' den is.

Prisoner: Hm ? Is that so ? Fufufu...

Bonclay: 'The gates of hell ?! The hell is that ?! I'll never believe Iva disappeared for a reason like that !! I've never met him, but he's already created so many miracles ! I'm sure he'll be able to do so again !! God of the Okama world... please, save their lives !! if there's no antidote, then only you can save them !! I... Won't give up on that !!'

Wolves: Grrrrrrroooooooo...

Bonclay: Gah !! GYAAAAAAAHH !!


Bonclay: W- What... You... ?!

"My body may be failing me... But I'm still able to think straight... And that's all I need."

Bonclay: Straw-Chan !!

Luffy: ... What the hell are you doing to them... ?! GET BACK !!

"Again... With that... Urg..."

Bonclay: St... Straw-Chan... What... was that... ?

*Time until Ace's public execution: 26 hours.*

'Nami': Haa... it's so hot down here ! It really is like hell in here !

Hannyabal: NGEH !! Totally my type !! What a healthy and spunky beauty !! Wait, but... huh ?! Where'd that slippery okama go... ? The one who beat these guards down... Huh ? Who are you... ?

'Nami': Don't worry about that. Come on over here~. My clothes are all sticky from the sweat... Won't you help me get them off ?

'Nami': Then go ahead and open this door~.

Hannyabal: Sure sure sure ! Here we go~ !

Bonclay: I've got you now.

Hannyabal: Hm ? WAH- !!

Hannyabal: 'I won't forgive you... I'll never forget this, you Okama... !! It's great that this is the warden's responsibility, but I hate being outwitted ! And I wanna be the warden...'

Bonclay: ... ... ... Eh... ?!

Okamas: Ohh, you finally awake, bro ? You were out for a while. Wanna drink ?! Newkama cheers !! We were watching you on the monitors, you had one interesting journey !!

Bonclay: ... What is this... ? Where is this ?! Where are my friends ?!

Okama: Grab a seat. Which floor are you from ? We've got plenty of food ! Do you remember escaping or something ? Rest assured, this is still Impel Down.

Bonclay: HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE ?! Chilling in normal clothes, eating food and drinking... is this heaven ?! I- I remember... we were attacked by the wolves... And we were saved by Straw-Chan's mysterious power... then I passed out... Am I dreaming ?! Or did I freeze to death and go to heaven ?!

???: Oh my... You're awake ? You slept well, about 10 hours...

Bonclay: Ten hours ?! What are you saying ? Who are you ?!

Inazuma: My name is Inazuma, excuse me~. To prevent you from freezing to death, I carried you here... !

Bonclay: carried us... ! Then are Straw-Chan and his friend here ?! Where are they ?! Are they okay ?! Are you guards ?! Where are we ?!

Inazuma: Now, calm down... he'll tell you everything. Go to the front.

Okamas: Oh... ! The lights are out. It's starting ! Check out the stage !

???: Did you sleep well, candy boy... ? No, Mr 2... Bon Boy...

Bonclay: ... What ? Why do you know my name...

??: Mmmm ? You've done well getting here. From Impel Down's sewers, you take the "path that doesn't exist", and you arrive at the prisoners'... Paradise ! Nfufu, we've got everything your heart could desire. Liquor, weapons, games, and most importantly... A scent of freedom... !!

???: Mmm ? Yes yes, the guards were certainly busy today. "prisoners are disappearing", "they've been dragged to hell", or so they say. But in truth, they're all right here !! Nfufu, this is not hell, fufu... If you had to say, it is the Okama's world... An underground world. Welcome to...


Okama: Kyaaa, queen Iva !!

Bonclay: What's with this pervert brigade !! Eh ?! Queen Iva... ?!

Ivankov: Fuu... Aah... I upped the tension a bit too much there... i'm feeling anemic...

Okama: Queen Iva, are you all right ?!


Okama: You're totally fine !! You got us !!

Ivankov: NNNNFUFUFU !! Wel-Kama !! To my Newkama land !! Yeeeehaaaww !!

Bonclay: ... Could you be... Iva... ?!

Ivankov: Ohhhh my~ !! You've heard of me ?!

Okamas: Wait, wait !! What are you doing, calling her "Iva" ?!That's the King of Newkama, Queen Iva !!

Ivankov: Shush, Candice. Don't get caught up with little things like that. What you calls me matters very little... Even "little fruity" would be fine... WHAT NEXT ?!

Okamas: You hate it that much ?! You got us again !!

Bonclay: He's... The man of miracles... ! I've always held him in great respect... !

Pirate: EMPORIO IVANKOV !! I heard you used to be the queen of the Kamabakka kingdom... !! Fifteen years ago... My father was the king of our country... But after he went o the Kamabakka kingdom... he came back as an Okama !! It ruined my country and my family... !! I have royal blood running through my veins, but I was forced into piracy !! I never dreamed I'd find you here ! I may have fallen from grace, but I'll have my revenge right now !!

Bonclay: creator of miracles, Emporio Ivankov !! It is a great honor to meet you !! I'm so glad I found you !! I'm so glad... I know this is too forward, but I have a request !! please, save my friends who have been struck with Magellan's poison !! There's no way to make an antidote, and they're reaching their limits !! if you save them, I'll do anything !!

Ivankov: Are you talking about the Strawhat boy and his friend ? we're prisoners here. We're not the kind of people who would help a wounded man out of the goodness of their hearts... ! Do you know why we treated our wounds ? It's because he asked us to !

Bonclay: Eh ?!

"I do not care what happens to me... But you have to save them !! I'm begging you !!"

Ivankov: Nfufu... I can see why your captain would be that important to you... But him ? Who is he to you ?

"... A friend. Please, save him."

Ivankov: ... ...

Ivankov: that's not something you'd hear from men at death's doorstep very often. The flower of friendship can bloom even in prison. If I heard that and did nothing, I would be a demon in human skin. We started treating them at the same time, over ten hours ago !

Bonclay: REALLY ?!

Ivankov: But it'll be rough, for that Strawhat boy. We shut him in that cave, where he's been screaming nonstop for ten hours now... ! And it'll take another two days.

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