Chapter 163: LIVE !!

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Ivankov: Ten years... !! Ten years of your life you would have lived... I'll be using them for you, Strawhat-boy.

Luffy: Haa... Haa... Fine...

Ivankov: But I can't guarantee that using those ten years will save you... ! If we say that you have a ,% chance of surviving now, then doing this might give you a 2 or 3%chance of living. Whether you'll survive or whether survival is impossible, that's up to your own will. If you die, then the poison wins. If you're still clinging to life, then you win. Well, have a good trip... To death's doorsteps !! EMPORIO HEALING HORMONES !!

Bonclay: he's been screaming like this for 10 hours... ?! Straw-Chan !!

Ivankov: His will and the hormones combined are manifested as "Vital Force".


Ivankov: I awakened the dormant power of Strawhat-boy's immune system to give his body a chance to fight off the poison. His body is being broken down and rebuilt at incredible speeds... ! If he can endure this suffering... Then his life will be saved ! If you're that worried, then take a look.

Bonclay: ... Straw-Chan...


Bonclay: H- He... he's gonna die !! His body is coming apart !! No, he's already dying !! You're terrible !! Help him !! Save Straw-Chan !! Undo the chains and stop the blood !! Do something about-

Ivankov: SHUT UP !! I'm saving him right now !! Don't make light of his life !! Do you understand what it takes to survive when you're fated to die ?! I'm not a God or a Buddha. Man of miracles ?! that's just a name other people decided to call me... I've never been able to save a fool who only relied on others. Countries that were mired in poverty, countries that were broken by war and about to collapse... I just called forth their own will to live. MIRACLES ONLY COME TO THOSE WHO NEVER GIVE UP !! DON'T UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF MIRACLES !!

Bonclay: ... ... W- Wait... Where is...

Ivankov: Hm ? His vice-captain ? Oh right, he's also locked in a room.

Bonclay: W- Will he live ?! Why can't I hear his screams ?!

Ivankov: Scream ? Oh no, his treatment is long done already. It's a real good thing he wasn't poisoned nearly as much as Strawhat-boy, it was quite easy to cure him. But we still had to lock him up, or else-




Ivankov: ... Just you wait. EMPORIO MELATONIN !!


"HNGN... Gh... Rzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..."

Ivankov: So yes, we have to keep him here, or else he'll just try and go back.

Ivankov: basically, I ate the "Horu Horu" fruit. I can manipulate hormones. Gender, body temperature, pigment, growth, tension ! i'm a human engineer who can remake people from the inside out.

Ivankov: Bon-Boy, you do have strong predispositions to be a "Newkama", but you still have quite a long way to go. The candies here have completely surpassed the concept of gender. A man might have originally been a woman... A woman might have started out as a man, that is a miracle. Nfufufu ! It's a miracle !

Newkamas: FUUU !!

Bonclay: I see... You used hormones to change that man into a woman... !

"... No matter how you look at it, there's no way this can still be Impel Down... Where the hell are we ?!"

Ivankov: This is no hell !! It's a kingdom of Dreams !

"BUGAH !!"

Ivankov: All of the candies here were prisoners who got lost. They found their way to one of the many entrances through sheer luck. In the needle pit, dripping with blood... In the beasts' den... in the midst of a raging fire, in the graveyard... In other words, we can use those entrances to get all the supplies we need.

"And... None of the guards ever noticed anything ?"

Ivankov: Nfufufu, after all, how could a paradise like this exist in hell ? However, we can get information from outside. We have the same kind of camera dendenmushi they have in the monitor room, so we catch all of the information they have. We even steal newspapers from the trash, so we get information from all over the world. We've been watching the struggles of the first intruders ever. Oh, it's been a great show, very interesting for us !

"... That doesn't answer... Where are we ? Why is there so much space ?"

Ivankov: This space wasn't always here, of course. Long ago, a prisoner with the ability to "Dig" was held here. I've heard that that candy was the one who made this prisoner's paradise. This place is like an ants' nest dug into a gigantic boulder, located directly between floors 5 and 6.

"... 'That couldn't be Him... That kilt-wearing giant queer...' wait, floor 6 ? there's a sixth floor ?!"

Ivankov: Nfufu, that's right. Most people don't know about it... But of course, it exists... the truly dangerous guys are held there ! All the prisoners there are either on death row or have life sentences !! level 6, Infinite hell !! they've committed inhuman crimes that have been covered up by the government !!

Ivankov: Those who have committed crimes that are inconvenient for the government are there too. For example, when you were running wild, you made it to level 4... But if you had gone just a little bit earlier, it wouldn't have been so easy. The prison had one more person with immense strength... Impel Down's head guard, Shiryu of the rain. His strength was on par with warden Magellan's... ! If you take into account how Magellan was out of commission for long periods of time, the one to really worry about was Shiryu.

Bonclay: As strong as Magellan... ?!

Ivankov: These two formed the backbone of Impel Down's impregnable walls.

Magellan: Shiryu... ! What are you doing ?!

Shiryu: What, you ask ?

Magellan: the prisoners aren't just here for your amusement ! Shiryu !!

Shiryu: ... ... Who cares... if I cut down this trash... ?

Ivankov: He massacred many prisoners for no apparent reason. He was labeled as a dangerous threat and imprisoned on Level 6.

Bonclay: I hadn't even heard of that... ! Even if that happened before I was caught...

Ivankov: the most evil woman in the history of piracy, Catarina Devon... The gigantic battleship, Sanjuan Wolf... The drinker, Vasco Shot... Pirates who would make you shiver just by hearing their names... There're even people on Level 6 who did things so unspeakable, they didn't even appear in the newspapers and are now only te subjects of legends... Your former boss is there too, and he's not too happy about it.

Bonclay: ... Zero-Chan... ?! Crocodile ?!

"Baahahahahahahaha !! I'll be sure to rub it in his face once I get down there."

Ivankov: You and the Strawhat-boy's crew were enemies in Alabasta, right ? You have an interesting relationship.

Bonclay: Friendship has nothing to do with that !!

Ivankov: Hahaha, I suppose so... And there's also the Shichibukai, the "Knight of the sea", Jinbe. And the man you must be after, captain of the Whitebeard pirates' 2nd fleet, Portgas D. Ace ! We heard the guards say that they were brothers.

"Yeah, that's kind of the whole reason we came here."

Ivankov: Nfufu... ! it's already something of a miracle that you were able to get in... But you and Strawhat-boy will have to give up on that... He's got to worry about his own life first... ! it's already past midnight, meaning Ace's execution is scheduled for today at 3 PM... So they'll need to move him to Marineford in the morning... In another seven or eight hours, Ace boy will be taken out of Impel Down.

Ivankov: It'll take Strawhat-boy two more days to heal for the poison, if he even survives. And then he'll be asleep for another three days to recover his strength. By the time he wakes up, it'll all be over since long.

"... I-"

Ivankov: Don't even think about it. You were already extremely lucky to have only received a relatively small dose of poison, but nonetheless, the process has been taxing for you too. So if you try to go one your own, I'll stop being nice and give you another shot of melatonin, just to keep you down until Strawhat-boy is up.

Bonclay: wait... Straw-Chan's body needs to hold up... For another two days ?!

Ivankov: well, a normal person wouldn't be able to ! That's why it'll be a miracle if he survives, you know ? You need to give your bodies some rest, too. Eat something at the table and then go to sleep. We'll show you to a quiet room.

Bonclay: I'll be at Straw-Chan's room !!

Newkama: ... hey, give it up, guy... You need to catch some rest...

"I'll catch rest when I'm dead ! You expect me to just walk away when Luffy's life is on the line ?!"

Newkama: Wh... What are you even going to do... ?!



Sadi: Why can't you find Mmmm~ This one Okama ?!!

Guard: reporting, warden !! on level 5, Strawhat Luffy and his Vice-captain has... Disappeared !!

Magellan: Hm ?!

Guard: EHHH ?! V- Vice-warden Hannyabal, why are you here ?!

Hannyabal: HMMMMM !! MMM ! (Get me down from here !!)

Jinbe: Ace, I... Don't know what's with that woman... But you shouldn't believe what she said...

Ace: So you think she came all this way to lie to me ?! No, i'm sorry... But Jinbe, That's the kind of brother he is... That's the kind of reckless crap he pulls... ! Ever since we were kids... he's always making us worry. That idiot... !

Domino: Warden ! Warden Magellan, good morning.

Magellan: I'm busy !!

Domino: Then I'll make it quick. Portgas D. Ace, on death row, is set to be transferred.

"B... Blood..."

Bonclay: His voice...

Ivankov: the pain never stops while they're recovering... ! So if he's stopped screaming and two days haven't passed...

Ivankov: 'it's a pity... ! But twenty hours... You fought well...'

"No... I can't believe that... it can't be..."

Bonclay: Straw-Chan...

"E- Eh... ?"

???: Guuuuuuuuu...


"LUFFY ?!"

Bonclay: STRAW-CHAN ?!!


Ivankov: It... !! It can't be !! What's going on here ?! It hasn't even been a full day !!

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