Chapter 164: To Hell and back

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:


Newkamas: Wow !! It's disappearing like it's going into an ant lion pit... How long is he going to eat... ? He's been eating like this for 30 minutes now... !

Newkamas: That's several days worth of food for all of Newkama land...

Ivankov: he has an incredible will to live !

Luffy: Haaaa...

Newkamas: H- Here he comes... !

Newkama: What is that... ?! It doesn't look human...

Luffy: Haa... Aahh... MMM !! I'M GOOD !!

Newkamas: UWOOOHH !! He absorbed the energy !! What a guy !! he's inhuman !! He took Magellan's poison and survived ! What a guy !! he recovered from the poison in only twenty hours !! It's a miracle !!

"... Was my own survival that predictable ?"

Ivankov: Nfufu... Compared to him, you had all the chance in the world to win against the poison. This... This is a real "Miracle"... No, miracle doesn't even begin to describe it...

Bonclay: ... Thank god...

Luffy: Bon-Chan !! Y/n !! You're okay !!

Bonclay: YOU IDIOT !! DON'T JOKE AROUND !! That's my line... ... !

Luffy: Bon-Chan... ! Hey ! Are you okay ?! Hang in there !

Ivankov: he's just exhausted... It's not because of his wounds.

Luffy: ... Ah, Iva-Chan !

"KUH- Pffffrrrrrr..."

Newkamas: IVA-CHAN ?!

Luffy: We lived !! Thanks for saving us !!

Ivankov: if you want to thank someone, then thank Mr.2 Bonclay... I only lent you a little strength using my powers, but he... For hours and hours, and hours, even as his throat grew hoarse and he coughed up blood, he stood here and suffered alongside you. He never stopped yelling... telling you to live... ! I can't imagine that didn't have some effect on you pulling through !!

Luffy: I see...

Bonclay: Straw-Chan !! I came to help you !!


Inazuma: Here are your hat and clothes. You've only just survived. You need to rest to rest for another days, or else you won't really recover.

Luffy: Haa... I don't have time for that ! I've already taken too much time. Sorry, but can you take care of Bon-Chan ?! I'll come back for him ! Uwah !

"Just look at you... You can barely stand, you're completely exhausted... You can't go save Ace in your condition..."

Luffy: the paper is still pointing down ! Ace is... Below us ? Where are we, anyway ?!

Newkama: What's that ?

Ivankov: A Vivre card... Now that you've revived, i'm sure you'll want to go save your brother... Well, it's your life... Do what you want with it...

"Oh, and, speaking of, Iva, aren't you planning to escape ?"

Newkamas: What did you call him ?!

"You know, Bonclay came all the way down here to help you."

Ivankov: Nfufu, is that so ? Bon-Boy came to help me ? That's pretty cute. I appreciate the thought, but it's not time to escape just yet.

Luffy: ... hey, didn't you say that you wanted to get him out, too ?

"Bah. If he doesn't want to, who am I to force him."

Ivankov: Nfu, do you know me ? I don't think we ever met before.

"We haven't. I've simply heard quite a lot about you. I thought you'd want out of here."

Ivankov: We know what the situation is out there... the conflict between the marines and the Whitebeard pirates will certainly impact the world greatly... But that man won't make his move yet. The man pulling the strings behind all the revolutionaries in the world. My compatriot... "Dragon the revolutionary" !!

Luffy: Oh... You mean my dad ?

'Oh... You mean my boss ? ... Lol.'

Ivankov: Yes, that's right. When your dad marshals his army... I will escape from here and once again throw myself into the world's flow. If I recklessly tried to escape right now, they would just capture me again out there... ... ...

Ivankov: ... ... ... ... DAAAAAAAAD ?!!

Newkamas: Did he just say his dad ?!


Luffy: Ah... I suppose I wasn't supposed to say that.

"Well, your grandpa couldn't keep the secret either."

Ivankov: 'Not knowing makes it all the more believable ! He doesn't look like the kind of guy who would lie about this, and he's a Supernova in the pirate world ! And that amazing will he just displayed !he's definitely not normal... ! It's definitely possible... !!' W- Where were you born... ?

Luffy: ... East Blue.

Ivankov: I knew it... !

Ivankov: Dragon... Whenever the wind blows, wherever you are... You're facing the same way...

Dragon: ... Is that so ? You pick up on some weird things. I've never noticed that myself.

Ivankov: Maybe it's just what you would call an animal instinct. Is your home that way ? After all, didn't you send him in that area ? Perhaps you have family in the eastern seas ? Hmm ?

Dragon: Please stop prying into my past, Iva...

Ivankov: Nfufu, excuse me...

Ivankov: 'if that were true... if this Strawhat boy is really Dragon's son... then...' Inazuma !! Find out the plans for Ace-boy's departure !!

Inazuma: yes, right away.

Ivankov: It'll be close... if the Vivre card is still pointing down, he hasn't been moved yet ! I'll go with them to level 6 right now !!

Luffy: Ehh, you'll show us the way ?! But to level 6 ?! Isn't he on level 5 ?! Well, whatever, thanks ! Let's go !

Ivankov: 'I was careless ! I never imagined this could have happened! If Strawhat-boy is dragon's son, then Ace, his brother, is Dragon's son as well ! Could the marines have known about this ?! No, there's no merit in calling down both Whitebeard and Dragon's wrath ! What is the government really after ?! Anyway, now is the time to escape !!'

Luffy: All right, Bon-chan, I'll come back for you later !

Ivankov: Strawhat-boy ! You shouldn't talk about such information so casually !

Luffy: yeah, I guess so...

"I keep telling him that. If people were to know he's the world's worst criminal's son, then... Well, punching a Tenryûbito was a good taste."

Ivankov: I was your father's comrade ! I was one of the heads of the revolutionary army ! that's why I'm imprisoned here. I have an obligation to support you !i can't let one of my compatriot's sons die before my eyes !

"... One of the heads... ?"

Ivankov: ... Going to East Blue... If he really is Dragon's son, then you... Could you be...

"Iva, don't you think there's other things to worry about ? We're on a tight schedule here."

Ivankov: R- Right ! Tell everyone in Newkama land... We will go to save Ace-boy and then make our escape from Impel Down ! If you wish to come with me, make your peace and prepare to battle !!

Newkamas: Ehhh !! What is this, all of a sudden ?! You always make rash decisions !!

Luffy: ALL RIGHT, JUST WAIT, ACE !! I'M COMING NOW !! Ooohhhh...

Ivankov: Eh... ! His pulse...

"What, his pulse ?!"

Ivankov: ... I feel it.


Ivankov: That's adrenaline... You'll forget your fatigue and pain for one day ! But once the day is up, it'll come back stronger ! You don't mind, do you ?

Luffy: Ohhh... !!

Hannyabal: Mr.2, Mr.3, Buggy the Clown... You're sure those three entered Level 5 ?

Guards: yes, it was a perfect disguise... But the only thing we found in level 5 was this blood-stained head covering. After freeing Strawhat Luffy and his vice-captain from their cell... perhaps they were all eaten by the wolves... ?If not, and they got away again, then both the Warden's and your jobs are on the line.

Hannyabal: WHAT ?! MY JOB TOO ?!

Domino: You're late, warden !

Magellan: You're strict, Domino...

Domino: Please be more punctual in the future !

Magellan: i'm doing my best...

Domino: We're handing the prisoner over at the front gates at 9 O'clock this morning. Until then, Impel Down's reputation will be stained if we don't do our duty.

Vice-admiral: we'll take Portgas D. Ace into custody here. Then we'll transport him to Marine HQ at Marineford ! Until we transfer him there, we must not let our guard down for a single instant !!

Soldiers: YES, SIR !!

Vice-admiral: Be prepared for anything !! We have five battleships commanded by five Vice-admirals ! We will carry out this imperative convoy !! Be prepared to give your lives !!

Soldiers: YES, SIR !!

Inazuma: Hurry, one or two minutes could make all the difference !

"I'm going on ahead !!"

Luffy: UWOOOOH !! My strength is overflowing !!

Ivankov: If we don't worry about, stealth, it's not that far !! RUN FORWARD !! Or, huh... FLY FORWARD !!

Prisoners: What's that ? Somebody is running ?! That's... ! Ivankov ! He should be dead... it can't be !


Inazuma: ...

Ivankov: DEATH WINK !! Inazuma !! the lock !!


Inazuma: That won't be necessary. The doors have already been blasted off. And speaking off...


Inazuma: I think the guards have been as well.

Luffy: Bring it on !!

Guards: We've sighed unidentified men !! they're in the passage from level 5 to level 6 !! That giant man is... The Okama king who disappeared years ago... Ivankov ?! What's going on here ? How did he survive all these years ?! And the intruders from yesterday, Strawhat Luffy and his vice-captain, are with him !! they should have died from the Warden's poison... And that's another level 5 prisoner who disappeared ! The revolutionary from South Blue, Inazuma !! What's going on ?! they're making a beeline for level 6 !! they must be after Fire Fist Ace !!

Guards: Domino and Warden Magellan are heading for level 6 now. At this rate, they'll run right into each other !! Ah...

Hannyabal: they were alive ?! Activate the traps in the passage immediately ! Put the level 6 guards on high alert !! tell them to hold out until Sadi-Chan and the demon bests guards arrive !! Inform Warden Magellan and all the floors !! THAT'S ALL, HURRY !!

Guard: 'The vice-warden is serious here !! Could he be a fake ?!'

Ivankov: Make it in time, please make it in time !!

Luffy: Haa... Haa... I'M COMING, ACE !!

Magellan: Now then, Portgas D. Ace. You will now be transported to the execution site, Marineford !


Guards: What is that ?!

Magellan: ... You... How are you here... How are you still alive ?!

"... I think that makes about 54..."

Ace: Y... YOU !!

"Just wait for a little more, Ace... There's a couple of people coming right behind to back up. We're getting you out of here, now."

Magellan: ... Just having you still alive is already a stain, not only on Impel Down's name, but also my reputation as the Warden... This time, I will personally ensure your heart has stopped beating before turning my back on you.

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