Chapter 173: Not so easy

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Luffy: ACE !! I'm going to save you even if it kills me !!

Marco: We won't leave a single one of those bastards who hurt you alive, Ace !! You just wait ! We're coming to get you !!

"We're here to save you !! And we ain't gonna take no for an answer !!"

Garp: ... What now ?

Ace: I feel like... I can accept any future at this point. I'll grasp the hand that will reach out to save me... I'll also accept the blade that will swing down to judge me... I won't resist anymore. I owe everyone that much.

Escapees: The guy managed to get all eyes on him in an instant, in the middle of this war !! That Strawhat... ! Captain Buggy, we can't let that guy outdo us !! Let's go and take Whitebeard's head for ourselves ! Damn right !! Let's see what we can do !!

Buggy: 'That's easy enough to say, but this battle is just too screwed-up ! The pirates... The marines... Both sides are chock full of world famous faces !!'

???: Oi ! Red-nose !


Whitebeard: Why, if it isn't the little brat from Roger's ship. That takes me back. So you're still alive, eh ?

Buggy: 'I- It's all over ! He's looking right at me ! I'm gonna die ! I'm done for ! I've just got to run for it !'

Escapees: H... H... He's actually talking to the Whitebeard... ! It's only natural, of course, but still, seeing it first-hand... It's amazing ! You really are a legendary guy... !

Buggy: GH !! 'Stop talking like it's got nothing to do with you !'

Whitebeard: You seem to have quite a following of convicts there... Do you mean to take my head for yourselves ?

Buggy: D- Damn right we do ! It's been a while, huh ?! I hope you're ready for this !!

Whitebeard: Well, I don't particularly mind if you do... But what do you mean to do about the marines afterwards ? You can't handle all of them. To be honest, I'm having trouble with them myself... What do you say to joining forces as fellow pirates to crush the marines ? You can think about taking my head after that.

Escapees: WHOA, WHOA, WHOA... !! Just how strong does Whitebeard think you are ?! He's talking to you like an equal... !!

Buggy: W... Well, sure I am, if I get serious !

Escapees: Seriously ?! Ahh, I'm tingling all over ?!

Buggy: 'I'm starting to feel like I can actually do this...' Hell, me and him together... We could crush those marines no problem !

Escapees: AAAAAHHHH !! Stop it, we're gonna faint~ !!

Buggy: 'Yes... I can see it now... Me, the king of the world !' VERY WELL, WHITEBEARD ! I'LL TAKE YOU UP ON THAT !!

Escapees: Ehhhh ?! What's with that attitude ?! that's our Captain Buggy all right !!

Marco: ... That man sure is a simple one...

Whitebeard: I don't know about that red-nose, but the convicts on his side are reasonably strong. I don't want to have to deal with them as enemies right now... This is Whitebeard ! Is Squardo there ?

Soldier: Admiral Sengoku !! We've seen a change in the New World pirates' movements !

Sengoku: Yes... They seem to have split to the left and right... They're attacking the battleships !

Garp: You're a sharp one... So you noticed, eh ? Whitebeard...

Sengoku: So he's not one to let us guide his actions... It was never the most refined of strategies... Still, intuition alone will not be enough to protect him... !

Moria: Jinbe... It looks like as long as you're around... I won't be able to use my zombie soldiers... Such utter impudence ! Come, lend me your power, my shadows !!

Moria: Kishishishi ! I think I will take your shadow as well, Jinbe !! You can live the rest of your life in the darkest depths of the ocean !!

Jinbe: he grew larger... Proceed !!

Luffy: Thanks !!

Soldiers: the royal Shichibukai are one of our major military forces... ! We can't have them fighting among themselves !! Ahh, to think that Jinbe would turn against us... !

Moria: Give me your shadow !!

Jinbe: Fishman Karate...

"Well... Now that's someone I wouldn't mind fighting alongside to."

Tashigi: Strawhat !!

Smoker: Tashigi, MOVE !!

"Luffy !!"

Luffy: Owww... You ! Smokey ! Of course... That jitte, its got seastone in it ! Damn you...

Smoker: I will finish you myself !

Luffy: Gomu Gomu...

Smoker: White Launcher !!

Luffy: He's way stronger than he was before !

Smoker: I believe that goes for both of us. But you cannot defeat me with your ability !! I can see exactly why it was that Dragon saved you back in Loguetown, Strawhat...

Luffy: M... My strength is fading... Dammit... That jitte... Get it off me... !

"That's MY captain you're bullying ! OFF YOU GO ! HOME-RUUN !!"

Smoker: Guh ?! You... Your attack connected... How ? Is that...

"it's not. Although I don't feel like explaining mana to you. But... You're in for a whole other world of problems now...

Smoker: Wha- UNGH !!

Hancock: OUT OF THE WAY, FOOL !!

Smoker: Again... ?! Someone managed to attack my body os smoke... Hancock ! Do you, too, mean to abandon the Shichibukai ?!


'Sheesh, girl, calm down... is that what I look like when someone attacks Robin... ?'

Smoker: So this is the Kuja's haki...

Luffy: Hancock !

Hancock: Indeed ! 'Ahhh... he called me Hancock again~... !'

Ivankov: Kuma... Kuma ! Enough of this nonsense ! It is I !! Do you mean to tell me you have forgotten this face ?! If you do not stop this, then I will be forced to attack you !

Doflamingo: Fuffuffu... I don't know what connection the two of you may have had... But you should give it up, there's no point trying to talk to him, revolutionary army commander Emporio Ivankov.

Ivankov: What on Earth do you mean by that ?!

Doflamingo: I daresay the guy you knew was "Bartholomew Kuma", right ? he's the man once know by the name of "tyrant Kuma". Well, he's... Already dead.

Ivankov: ... Whaaaa ?!

Hancock: I believed all along that you would live and make it here. Take this... ! It is the key to your brother's handcuffs... !

Luffy: Eh ?! Hancock !! You really are the best !! Thanks ! I'm in your debt !!

Hancock: O... O- Oh... Oh, no, no, think nothing of it... Just go... Do whatever you must do, Luffy... ! Aahhhh~...

Soldiers: EEHHH ?! Impossible ! The pirate empress was defeated ?! It was a Sabaori !! A Buchikamasi followed by a Sabaori !! (Sumo wrestling moves)

Hancock: Haa... Haa... 'To think that he would embrace me so tightly... ! Is that what they call... Marriage... ?!'

Smoker: You're not getting away, Strawhat !!

Hancock: insolent swine !! get back, I say ! I shall not permit you to pass !!

Soldiers: Check that out ! It's her unmatched way of looking down on people ! She's looking so far down on him... She's looking up !

Smoker: I hope you're aware of what will happen to you if it gets out you've been obstructing the marine forces !

Hancock: No matter what I may do, I will always be forgiven !

Luffy: Man, that was great... She really is helpful !

"Truly a reliable one... And now, one of the main problems has been lifted."

Ivankov: Kuma is dead ?! What nonsense is this ?! he's standing right in front of us !

Luffy: Iva-Chan ! it's that bear guy again... ! Iva-Chan, do you know this guy ?!

Ivankov: Somewhat, yes... ! However, there is something strange about him !

Doflamingo: Fuffuffuffu ! Looks like all of you knew ol' Kuma, eh ? But this guy and the Kuma you knew are two different people.

Luffy: ... ?! What's this guy going on about ?!

Ivankov: Utterly impossible ! This is most certainly the user of the "Nikyu Nikyu no mi" ! And that user is Kuma !! Come on, Kuma, say something !

"... Even though he already was a cyborg... He looks even more 'Mechanic' than before..."

Doflamingo: It happened but a few days ago ! The government scientist Dr.Vegapunk performed the final restructuring of his body... Finally turning him into a complete human weapon ! This man is... The former Bartholomew Kuma !

Ivankov: restructuring ?! Weapon ?! What on earth are you blabbering about ?!

Doflamingo: this man volunteered of his own volition to take part in the government's research, becoming a test subject for its human weapon project !! First came the hands, then the legs, all while leaving the original man's consciousness intact... Over an extended period of time, they restructured each piece of his body, little by little.

Ivankov: You are lying to me !! Kuma detests the government ! He would never do such a ridiculous thing as placing his own life in their hands !!

Doflamingo: There' sno use shouting at me... even I don't know what kind of deal the government made with this guy. And until mere days ago, I can promise you he still had his original personality ! However, right now, he has no memory of ever being human... He may as well be dead. He is nothing more than a monster who fights as the government instructs ! He is Pacifista PX-O !! So forget anything you once knew about him !!

Ivankov: Kuma... ! What on Earth has happened to you over the course of these last few years ?!

"Thinking of... he did say something like that back there..."

Kuma: We will not be seeing each other again... Farewell.

"So that's what he meant... Kuma knew that..."

Ivankov: Gh... Damn you, Kuma !! Face Spectrum !!

Ivankov: How dare you raise a hand against my cute candy boys !! i'm not going to hold back against you any longer !!

Newkamas: Ahhh ! So strong...

Ivankov: This is the first time in my whole life... THAT SOMEONE HAS ACTUALLY FORGOTTEN MY FACE !!

'That actually wouldn't be surprising at all. For... Obvious reasons.'

Ivankov: I don't care if you have lost your memory !! If you say you have forgotten how terrifying I can be, THEN I WILL HAVE TO POUND THAT KNOWLEDGE RIGHT BACK INTO YOUR BODY !! PREPARE YOURSELF !!

Ivankov: You can leave this to me !! Everyone ! Go with the Strawhat boy !! And back him up !!

Newkamas: Roger !! To the execution platform !! Yeaahhhhh !!

Buggy: Damn you, Strawhat !! We're not letting him outdo us, men !! the time has come to execute plan "Let the world know the name of Captain Buggy" !! if we pull this off, the whole world will tremble in our presence !! Everyone do as I told you... No slacking, you hear ?!


Three: Are you sure about this strategy ?!

Pirates: Crocodile !!

Crocodile: There's no end to them... We still have a long way to go...

Pirates: you're not coming near our old man !!

Crocodile: I suggest you don't get... IN MY WAY !!

Pirates: GUAAAAAAHH !!

Whitebeard: What a troublesome man. Causing a scene like this...

Crocodile: Guh... Such speed, even with that size. What a fighter you are... Diamond Joz !

Doflamingo: Fuffuffuffu ! Nice to see you made it, croc-man ! How were the Impel Down bloodbaths ?

Crocodile: Doflamingo... ! Don't stick your nose in where it isn't wanted. Do you want me to kill you ?

Doflamingo: You always were a sweet-talker... Fufu ! What do you say to joining forces with me ?

Newkamas: Go, Strawhat !!

Luffy: Yeah ! Haa...

Mihawk: My apologies, red-hair... But I will not be merciful with my power...

"Hawkeye... Dracule Mihawk..."

Mihawk: Now, fate... Let us see how you favor these shining stars of the next generation. Will their lives end here... ? Or will you save it from my black blade... ?

Luffy: There's no time to fight a guy this strong ! Take the key, and go straight to Ace !

"You got that ! Well, I got that, you got that... Got it ?"

Mihawk: ... Useless.

"Guargh !!"

Mihawk: You remain within my range.

Luffy: Are you okay ?!

"He cut me... the strike was so fast, I couldn't even see it coming... Looks like this might be a bit more difficult than I anticipated. Teleport to the platform with enough precision, free Ace from his shackles and make a run for it, I'd need at least 10 seconds... And there's just no way Mihawk, let alone old fart or Sengoku would give me enough."

Newkamas: Out of the way ! You need time ?! We'll buy you some time !! HAWKEYE !! Do you remember us ?! We once faced in battle ! But we are newkanas now, far stronger than we once were !! UNGH !!

Mihawk: I do not recall the face of every insect I crush.

"... Just now... I was lucky he just cut me... had I tried to push through the attack, it's my head that would've fly off."

Mihawk: You seem... Unusually calm.

"... It won't last long. At least, not until... I'm sure no one will spread it..."

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