Chapter 174: Well sure, that's me !

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Crocodile: Join forces with you ... ? How arrogant of you to consider yourself on my level. Did you perhaps mean to say "please make me your subordinate" ?

Doflamingo: Fuffuffuffu ! And there I was thinking you might have gotten a bit more reasonable...

Crocodile: Would I be here now if I had ? Sables !! Out of my sight ! You damned Flamingo !!


Escapees: CAPTAIN BUGGY !!

Three: You're getting caught up in other people's battles now ?!

Mihawk: What now, hm ? You're just moving farther and farther from your objective.

"Don't speak like you've got nothing to do with that ! 'Damn it... He's not giving me enough time to shortcut out of here...'... Just get out of my... way... ?"


"... ... An opportunity !! Get over here !!"

Buggy: Eh ? i'm saved-



"... I said tag in !!"

Buggy: GAAAA STO- TO- TO- TO- TO- TOOOP !! UNFORGIVABLE !! You... You're Hawkeye, right ?! Take this !! "Muggy ball special" !! THAT'LL BLAST YOU AWAY !!

Buggy: ... Or not. Hey guys, know how the Muggy ball is useful for tunnel construction ?

Escapees: And the answer is ?

Buggy: Say it together everyone ! Because it goes...


Escapees: Good one, captain Buggy !!

"... In any case, that's what I needed ! Here I come, Ace !! Shortcut !!"


Mihawk: This is far from over. I told you, you're still well within my range.

Marco: Vista !! Lend them a hand !

Vista: Roger that ! Leave it to me !

Mihawk: ... Whitebeard pirates' fifth division commander, Floral Blade Vista...

Vista: A pleasure, Hawkeye Mihawk. So you've heard of me ?

Mihawk: I would be a fool if I had not...

Luffy: that was close ! Who's that old guys ? Whoever it is, thanks !!

Mihawk: 'That is no skill or technique... But the simple ability to turn those around him into his allies... I would call that the most dangerous ability, in this entire ocean... !'

Luffy: Move it !!

Garp: ... ... Hm.

"Why hello there. Fleet Admiral, expired fossil, nice to meet y'all in this lovely war."

Garp: If anything... My biggest regret is letting Ace and Luffy in your care... I should've expected that much.

Ace: G- Get out of here !! You don't...

"Stand a chance ? Oh, but I know that. I know that he knows that I know that, and he knows that. My head hurts, probably from Mihawk earlier."

Sengoku: ... Garp, what are you sitting here for ?! The enemy managed to breach all the way to here !!

Garp: Sengoku, if he really wanted to free Ace, he would've tried it already.

"Yup. Not stupid enough to try that right under the Fleet Admiral's nose. It's just a friendly reminder... You lot better not take your eyes off me for an instant, or you might regret it."


Garp: 'I can't even tell if he's a terrifying strategist or just stupid... What he said basically was "Leave Luffy alone, I'm the real threat here"... Really, I can never read this guy...' ... Wait, expired fossil ?! You little- COME BACK HERE THIS INSTANT !!

*As the execution draws ever close... A number of shocking truths have come to light. A massive breakout of over two hundred convicts from the impenetrable gaol of Impel Down... And the notorious prisoners making their sudden appearance on the battlefield... The spectacle that unfolds hardly appears to be of this world... A true ultimate battle set to change the course of history ! The people of the world can only hold their breath and watch as the course of their future is decided here.*

Soldier: Fleet Admiral ! The preparations are complete !

Sengoku: including the operation on the bay shore ?

Soldier: Indeed, everything !

Citizens: Hm ? It looks like they're making preparations for the execution ! Are they going to begin right now ?! They can't... they're still plenty of time left until the announced time !

Sengoku: Cut the dendenmushi visuals ! It would be troublesome to have the world lose faith in us. The tragedy that is about to occur would be too much for the citizens of the world to take in. there is no need for the rest of the world to learn of what is about to happen here.

"Hm. Maybe I was a bit carefree here... But if they really are about to cut all communications, then it's all for the better... No one must see that."

Luffy: they really are going to execute Ace early ! ACE !!

Sengoku: In a few hours' time... When the world learns of the outcome... The single word "Victory", will be more than enough.

Pirates: Look ! Over on the bay's shore ! There's something there !! Those aren't our allies... the must be marines who've snuck around behind the ice ! What are they ?!

Whitebeard: So those are the government's human weapons... I had heard rumors...

Luffy: It's those bear guys we saw back at the Sabaody Archipelago ! There's so many... ?!

Ivankov: K- K- Kuma ?!

"Not Kuma, I'm afraid..."

"... Pacifista..."

Sentomaru: Now, all of you !! We've waited long enough... It's finally our turn !!

*Approximately one and a half hours after the commencement of battle... The marines unveiled their master stroke... This would rapidly change the flow of battle, sending it hurling into its final phase !*

Pirates: the Shichibukai Bartholomew !! Why the heck are there so many of him ?! What's going on ?!

Citizens: these are the same guys who went on a rampage at the Archipelago !! Multiple Bartholomew Kumas... ! But I'm seeing way more than they were back there ! Hell, there looks to be about twenty !

Reporter: HQ ! HQ ! Huge breaking news !!

Pirates: Is that one over there the real thing... ?! I've heard rumors about this.. About how Dr.Vegapunk is in the process of developing a human weapon... And he's been occasionally been sending prototypes out to deal with various incidents... ! But why do they all look like Kuma ?!

Sentomaru: Uncle ! What happened to the plan we laid out ?! I thought we were only meant to appear once the pirates were ready to be driven into the bay... But they're all over the damned place !

Pirates: So the marines were planning on driving us into the bay and surrounding us completely, huh... ? So that's why old man Whitebeard was telling us to prioritize taking out the ships around the outside... he knew what they were trying to do ! And thanks to that, they failed to surround us !

Sengoku: Even if we are weakened on the left and right, we can still move in from the front and back to crush them !! Target the pirate crews under Whitebeard's command as planned !! If they escape from the encirclement, eliminate them !!

Sentomaru: uncle... Is it all right if we end up damaging the battleships too ?

Kizaru: Within reason...

Pirate: I don't know what's going on here, but we're not going down that easy !


Whitebeard: So you are not above sacrificing your own forces... ! PAY TEH FORCES TO THE REAR NO MIND, MEN !! PUSH ONWARD INTO THE SQUARE !!

Pirates: YEAAAAAAAH !!


Sentomaru: Charge them down, Pacifista !

Citizens: What's going on ?! It's like they're not even human ! Are they immortal ?! The visuals !!

Sengoku: as soon as the visuals have been cut... mobilize the encircling wall ! Then we can both execute Ace and eliminate the enemy in one fell swoop !

Soldiers: Roger that !!

"An encircling wall... Maybe I'll have to play it real risky sooner than I anticipated after all..."

Kizaru: Thinking that one of the enemies would be able to fly around and even teleport... Scary... It's high time you went back to square one.


Luffy: A- Are you all right ?!

"When I told you they wouldn't be so lenient... Attacking the platform directly, or even trying to... It's a death wish, even for me... We'll need to keep the admirals busy, at least for some time !"

Jinbe: He may be powerful, but we must hurry nonetheless ! No matter how formidable the enemies who appear to stand on our path... We were fully prepared for as much when we made the decision to come to this place !!

Izo: Hey ! Are you finished already ?!

Jinbe: Ah... the division commanders are here... ! Fearsome allies indeed...

Izo: You can't let yourselves get held up by a single admiral !! Come with us ! With the marine infantry retreating, this is our chance !! We're gonna break through their ranks !!

Luffy: Haa... Right... We'll show him... !

Kizaru: Ohhh ? Dear me... How scary...

Moria: Tenth division commander Curiel !! If you mean to fight me, then I will simply crush you... But your death is already certain as long as you remain in this bay ! Kishishishishi ! Ace will die ! And you will all be trapped like rats and exterminated ! I care little which side prevails here, but seeing the death of Whitebeard will be a treat indeed !

Curiel: I will let neither the old man nor Ace... Go to their deaths !!

Mihawk: Let us postpone this match for the moment, Vista.

Vista: That would seem to be most advantageous to both of us.

Sengoku: Have all the visuals been cut ?!

Soldier: Not yet ! It will only be a little longer !

Sengoku: What exactly is the delay ?! Hurry it up !!

Citizens: Only one of the screens is still working ! What are those voices saying ?!

Escapees: Ahh ! That figure over there... Could it be... ?! Is it really him ?! The man who was concealing his true identity until recently... Who actually once sailed upon the great ship of the pirate king Gold Roger as a member of that legendary crew ?! Could it be... that pirate of pirates, Captain Buggy the Clown ?!

Buggy: Hmm ? Well, sure... that's me !

Citizens: ... 'Huh... ?'

buggy: I thought the fact that I'm a legendary pirate was supposed to be a secret, though...

Escapees: Whoa, whoa, captain Buggy ! Your nose is bleeding ! Your face ! Wipe your face ! let's try this again... Take 2 !


Soldier: well, the thing is... one of the visual den has been stolen by the escaped convicts from Impel Down !

Sengoku: ... ... ... WHAT ?!

Escapees: Fande ! All clear ! Going for take 2 !

Escapees: Ahhh ! That figure over there... ! Could it be that member of Roger's legendary crew... ?! That close comrade of the Yonko Red-haired Shanks ?! Could it really be... That pirate of pirates, Captain Buggy the Clown ?!

Buggy: Well, sure... that's me !


Escapees: AHHHHH !! SHIT !! Run for it !! they found us !!

Escapees: Why, didn't you take a blow from the one and only Hawkeye Mihawk just moments ago ?! And you're still standing ?! Just who are you ?!

Buggy: Who, me ? The name's Buggy... the legendary !!


Citizens: What's going on with the battle ?! What happened to all the other visuals ?! Bring Ace back ! It looked like he was about to be executed ! Bring back the Bartholomew Kuma army !!

Pirates: Forget the enemy behind !! Push on forward !!


Whitebeard: ... Squardo ! So you're safe... I tried to contact you earlier.

Squardo: Yeah, sorry about that, old man ! Our allied crews in the rear ranks are taking a real beating... !

Whitebeard: They will attack us with all the forces they have... ! If they decide to push us from behind, then so much the better. I will join the battle myself ! We too must do nothing but push onward with all our might !

Squardo: True enough. Every last one of us owes you an enormous debt. For the sake of the Whitebeard pirates, we would gladly lay down our lives !

Marco: Hm? What's Squardo doing up-

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