Chapter 176: Codename

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd person POV:

Audience: What happened to the picture ?! Show us Marineford !!

Soldiers: It seems like they're having trouble with the broadcast dendenmushi over there... there's nothing we can do... !

Audience: Is it true that the marines and Whitebeard are fighting it out ?! Did Whitebeard sell out his comrades ?! Show us something !!

Reporter: That's right, headquarters.. ! there's no hope of restoring the picture...

Audience: What's happening to the world ?!

Kidd: This is crap... Marines... Is that the end of the show... ? Really... ?

Pirate: We finally got back from the ship to see this war, and they've got dendenmushi trouble ?!

Apoo: That's obviously a lie.

Pirate: Eh ? Really ?

Apoo: You guys are idiots... They're not showing it because there's something going on they don't want us to see. Not the world nor us pirates !

Bege: Whitebeard sold out his comrades ?! That's ridiculous ! He's a living legend because he doesn't do crap like that !!

Mafioso: Father !!

Urouge: let's go...

Hawkins: The probability that the Whitebeard pirates survive...

Pirate: C- Captain Bonney... !

Bonney: S- Shut up !! Leave me alone !!

Law: ... Set sail, Bepo !

Bepo: Aye aye, captain ! Let's go, Jean Bart !

Your POV:

Ivankov: C- Codename... Windings... ?!

Luffy: What's that ?

"And crap... Looks like I've been too careless when erasing traces of my passage... They found out."

Sengoku: You recognize that name, don't you ? That was the nickname you used to go with right before your sudden disappearance, ten years ago... The revolutionary army's second-in-command, DRAGON'S RIGHT ARM !!


Jinbe: Second-in-command... ?!

Ivankov: B- B- BOSS ?!

Sengoku: What are you waiting for ?! FIRE AT WILL !!

Luffy: Y/N !!

"No need to fret, Luffy. If these meteors couldn't even graze me, do they really expect cannons to be of any help ? If anything, all they're achieving, is giving me quite the efficient ammunition."


Ivankov: B- But... Dr.W...

"There's a reason I never shown my face to anyone back in the day, Iva."

Ivankov: I... I'm terribly sorry ! I didn't recognize you back there !!

"... And that's why I always wear a mask... Iva, if I wanted to be recognized, I wouldn't bother with changing my whole identity to begin with. In fact, had you recognized me back in Impel Down, there's several questions I'd have asked myself about my disguise skills."

Ivankov: So... When you disappeared ten years ago...

"Luffy is Dragon's son. Figure out the rest yourself. If you want, I'll tell you a bit more of this story once this is over. But for now... I'll open up the path, the rest of you follow through."

Pirates: The wall won't budge ! Even the boss couldn't break it ! that's no ordinary steel !

Sengoku: the plan is proceeding accordingly. We will no proceed with Portgas D. Ace's execution !

Pirates: Did you hear that ?! Do you think we'll let Ace die in some place where we can't even see him ?! Oar's path is the only way ! Be careful ! The enemy must be guarding it !!

Ivankov: Wait... Jinbe boy ! Where's Strawhat-boy ?! He was here just a second ago !

Jinbe: there !!

Ivankov: That idiot ! He was told to wait ! If he tries to rush in like that-

Soldiers: FIRE !!

Luffy: UWAAAAH !!

"LUFFY !!"

Ivankov: Did you see that ?! There's no way the enemy would leave the one place a hole is open unguarded ! it's obviously a trap ! Don't be so reckless !

Luffy: If I don't do something... If I don't hurry... they're gonna execute Ace !!

"We know !! And that's exactly why I told you to wait ! That's the only opening in the wall we can use !"

Ivankov: But only a few people can get through at a time ! And then they'll face the full force of the marines !!

Luffy: Haa... Haa... Y/n... I've got an idea !!

"... I'm listening."

Soldiers: UWOOOOH !! He's still alive ! That last shockwave must've woken him up ! Little Oars Jr. !! Oars is still breathing !!

Oars: A... Aze...

Ace: OARS !!

Soldiers: Fire !! Even if he's standing, he's barely alive !!

Kizaru: Ohhh... It's fine, I'll take care of it. At times like these... You gotta take out the head...

Soldiers: Admiral Kizaru !!

Soldiers: What's that ?! A water spout ?!

Koby: Ah ! That's...

Soldiers: THE STRAWHATS !!

"Luffy, I sure hope you know what it means to throw yourself on such a scene. This time, I'm afraid I won't be able to completely watch your back."

Luffy: I know that. But you're the only one who can make this possible.

Aokiji: Arararara... So it really was you, 20 years ago, on Ohara... if I ever expected us to meet again... You made it this far already, but it's still a little too early for you to stand on this stage.

Akainu: I remember a blinding light, descending from the skies... Dragon's son and right-hand man... You certainly are bold.

Kizaru: And the Sabaody archipelago... You truly made it your live to provoke the strongest forces around you... That youthfulness, so frightening...

"It's about to go from frightening to terrifying... You remember the role you have to play here, Luffy. Right now... You are to rush and save Ace... And I am to stall them down."

Kizaru: Ooooooh... And how do you expect to do that... Alone...

"Where did you see I was alone ? Let me show you... the kind of mistake you lot made, bringing an army to fight a summoner."

"O, remnants of fallen soldiers, allow your strength to become mine that day, let the rage befitting you fall upon those I deem as my enemies. Rise and fight in my name ! ARMY OF THE NIGHT !!"

Soldiers: What... WHAT IS THAT ?! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT ?!

"There was about 100,000 of soldiers on your side, was it ? Then, let's start slowly, shall we. Just to balance off the odds in terms of numbers."

Akainu: The dead... This doesn't look like what Gecko Moria would be able to pull off...

Kizaru: It is becoming pretty terrifying, if you ask me... No matter how much are taken down, there's always more coming...

'And this is what happens when I start pouring mana instead of stamina in my skills. Funny how these aren't even dead to begin with, just summoning I created myself... They're my puppets, to do as I please with.'

"Luffy ! The army is busy, and only those three remain in front ! Go now !!"

Whitebeard: Those guys... What recklessness ! Just like Ace's... OARS !! STAY THERE ! WE NEED YOUR STRENGTH !!

Oars: Boss...


Joz: Right !!


Pirates: UWOOOOOHHH !!

Luffy: Gear... Second !!

Kizaru: Mmmm... Still... A tad too slow...


Kizaru: ... Oww...

"I don't think you understand. When I told Luffy to rush in, it's because the three of you won't budge from here."

Akainu: Hmph. Revolutionary. You're too late.

Sengoku: DO IT !!

Soldiers: yes, sir !

Luffy: haa... ACE !!

Sengoku: Who's that ?! You... ! I thought you would side with us because of your grudge against Whitebeard... !! CROCODILE !!

Marco: What ? I thought it was my chance...

"The last person I expected to step up..."

Crocodile: I'll take care of the old man later. First, I want to wipe the smiles from your faces !

Doflamingo: hey, croc bastard ! Are you ditching us for Whitebeard ?! You're making me a little jealous here... Fuffuffu !

Crocodile: ... I'm not working with anybody...

Aokiji: While it's true I owe Garp, I've got no choice here... You and your captain chose the path to your own death.

"No way I'd hold it as a grudge to you to do so, Kuzan. But, there's one thing I should probably remind you off. For those sitting on top of all, Let heaven descend and give judgement... PILLARS OF HEAVENLY LIGHT, CARPET BOMBING !!"


Marco: I see that title of second in command isn't usurped... He really is a one-man-army, in the end.

Soldiers: First squad leader, Marco !! several men slipped through already !! Some devil fruit users have crossed the wall ! Fleet Admiral !! the pirates in the bay are doing something strange !!

Pirates: cross the water toward Oars !! We've got to get to the platform no matter what !!

Soldiers: the pirates are getting desperate !! protect the hole in the wall !! They've gone into a frenzy after losing their ship and their ground !! What idiotic pirates !! Pick your targets and fire !! Hm ?!

Pirates: HANG ON !! Everyone get on the ship !!

Soldiers: It can't be ! A ship !! Another coated ship has appeared !! Crap ! It was hiding on the sea floor the entire time !!

Sengoku: What ?!

Whitebeard: I don't remember saying those were all of our ships... !

Soldiers: IT'S A PADDLE SHIP !! IT'S CHARGING AT US !! Sink it, like the Moby Dick !!

Sengoku: NO !! Not the ship !! Shoot Oars !!

Whitebeard: it's too late !

Oars: here we go, guys !!

Soldiers: UWAAAAAH !! HE LIFTED THE SHIP UP !! they've gotten past the siege wall !!

Garp: They got us !! they aimed for a gap the size of a mousehole, and they made it !! They used the siege wall against us !!


Ace: Old man !!

Sengoku: Whitebeard... !!

Whitebeard: I see your head is still attached, Ace.

Soldiers: Whitebeard has reached the platform !!

Whitebeard: Get down, my sons.


Sengoku: Garp...

Garp: Yeah...

Sengoku: An army of death from below... the judgement of the heavens from above... We can't let this go unchallenged... !

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