Chapter 177: Cold shower

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:


Whitebeard: Men, stay below this line.

Pirates: RIGHT !!

Soldiers: Another shot's coming !! Just like before !!

Soldiers: Whitebeard has been frozen !!


Aokiji: My, my... That wasn't enough. Looks like vibrations cannot be frozen...

Pirates: he stabbed him with Haki ?! Is Aokiji dead ?!

Aokiji: No, don't be stupid ! Ice block: PERTUISANE !!

"More... I need to keep making more soldiers ! Turn the tides of battle ! Ignore these ten years of peace, ignore how rusty you are !

Kizaru: Ohhhhh ? What are you mumbling about over there ? You've definitely got guts, you know... I'm surprised we could lose sight of someone like you for so long... But your captain, Strawhat Luffy... Without strength, he can't help people by sheer force of will...

"... he will never fall. He will always push forward, even if it means leaving his own body behind. All for the sake of those he holds dear. And that's why he is my captain. Now... How about I show you, just how far the word loyalty can be taken in my mouth ? Let us dance... TO THE END OF THIS NIGHT !!"

Kizaru: And you have the audacity to call this a "Dance"... If this is what you are now, I'm afraid of how you could've been back in your days... Scary, so scary...

'Luffy... Ace will be freed. There is no need to worry... I will definitely...'

Pirates: To think someone... Could be on even ground with Admiral Kizaru, even in the air...

Luffy: Haa... Haa...

Pirates: Ace's little brother !

Kizaru: Oohhh... Whitebeard, it looks like you are having a hard time. After all, you're sending trash like that as your vang- BUARF !!

"Would kindly SHUT UP FOR ONCE ?! You there, take Luffy and treat his wounds !"

Whitebeard: Don't give me orders, brat !

Ivankov: There you are !! Strawhat boy !! Over there, Jinbe !

Pirates: Who's that ?! Where'd that voice come from... ?!

Ivankov: Look at that !! What did I tell you ?!

Jinbe: Luffy !!

Pirates: WHAT'S WITH THAT HUGE FACE !! It's the revolutionary Ivankov !!

Ivankov: Is the Strawhat boy still alive ?!

Luffy: ... ... Iva... Haa... Lemme go... old man, I'm... !

Whitebeard: ... You've done plenty. You heard what his second said, take care of him.

Pirate: yes, sir !

Luffy: Gu... ! I don't need it... ! there's no time ! Get out of my way ! Ace is... Ace is, the only brother I have in this world ! I'll definitely... Save...

Jinbe: Luffy ! Hey ! I'm sorry, doctor. Please help him !

Whitebeard: He certainly talks big... he's young, and clumsy... ! I like idiots like him...


Akainu: If you continue on like you are... The island won't survive... !

Whitebeard: Gurara... then try to stop me.

Kizaru: There has been something that bother me... I'm pretty sure these pillars of light have been seen quite some time ago...

"I don't think it serves any purpose to hide them anymore."

Kizaru: then, maybe you can answer this question... That "Goa incident"...

"... ... ..."

Marco: Just you wait, Ace...

Pirates: Squad leader Marco !!

"So the old dog's finally out to play... Time to see what work time made of his claws and fangs..."

Sengoku: Who told you to make you move... ?

Pirates: The legendary marine... !!

Garp: ... if you want to pass... Do it over my dead body !! Brats !!

Pirates: The hero Garp has joined the battle !!

Whitebeard: Don't get caught up in his name !! He's just another old marine !

Garp: Fufun !

Akainu: You're from the same age. Keep your eyes on the enemy in front of you !!


Akainu: Don't go ruining the town... !

Whitebeard: I thought I told you to try and stop me !!

Pirates: CLEAR A PATH TO ACE !! Show them the strength of the New World !!

Sengoku: ... What's the matter, Fire fist ?!

Garp: Hm ? Ace...

brats: Gol D. Roger ? You mean Gold Roger ? Do I know about him... ? Do you know why so many people are hurt by pirates ?! It's all Gold Roger's fault ! he's someone who shouldn't have been born ! he's an unbelievable piece of trash ! He caused trouble when he was alive, and caused even more when he died ! Remember this, he's the worst scum in the world !!

Ace: ... ...

Brats: Wha ?! Hey !! Why are you getting mad ?! Who are you, runt ?! GYAAAAAAH !!

???: What did you do when you went into town ?! Ace !! They're saying a kid almost killed some delinquents in town... It's a huge mess !

Ace: Oh... I thought they were actually dead.

???: What ?!

Scum: You want to know about Roger ? Roger ?! Don't even mention that damn name, kid !!

Garp: Buwahahahaha !! hey Ace, I've heard you've been causin' some trouble !

Ace: ... Gramps... Do you have any grandkids... ? Are they... happy ?

Garp: Yeah, his name's Luffy; I think ? he's being raised well. Or at least, I hope he is...

Ace: gramps... Should I... Have been born... ?

Garp: ... Keep on living, and you'll find out.

Pirates: CLEAR A PATH !! Just one more step ! We'll be right there !!

Ace: I... I'm awful... !

Pirates: Ace !! Ace !! we'll save you ! Just you wait, Ace !! Don't give up !!

Ace: Damn it... I'm... I'm so messed up !! At a time like this... My old man... My little brother, my brothers in arms... Their blood is being spilled all around me... ! And i'm so happy... ! I can't stop my tears ! At a time like this, I want to live !!

Escapees: captain Buggy ! he's awake ! he's alive ! Thank god !!

buggy: W- What happened to me ?!

Escapees: You were frozen by Aokiji, but then you thawed in the magma-heated water !

Buggy: Zeeh... zeeh... Those damn marines... Do you think i'm the kind of man who would let things end up like this... ?!

Escapees: UWOOOOOOH !! Those aren't the words a normal person would say right after getting frozen !! Even The revolutionary army's second-in-command can't compare !!

Buggy: ... The... THE WHAT NOW ?!

Pirates: BOSS !!

Akainu: Even you can't overcome old age... Whitebeard !!

Luffy: Iva... !

Ivankov: ha ! You're still conscious !

Luffy: This is my last request... ! Please listen !

Ivankov: ... Another shot of tension hormones ?! That's crazy !! Your body can't take it During the fight in Impel Down, you were almost killed by that poison ! Your body is at its limit !! if you push it any further... YOU COULD SERIOUSLY DIE !!

Luffy: Haa... Haa... I have to do all I can... If I die, that's fine... ! Let me fight, Iva... !

Pirates: hey, the boss... ! The boss is down !! Marco and Joz are in trouble too !!

Luffy: if I don't fight now... If I can't save Ace... I... I'D WANT TO DIE !! Right now... Give me the strength to fight !!

Ivankov: Look, if I let you die, neither me nor your friend will be able to look Dragon in the eye, you idiot !! Haa... Haa... Fine... Nuuuuh... DO WHAT YOU WILL !!

Pirates: Hey, what did you... ?!

Luffy: Ah !! They're still trying to execute Ace !!

Ivankov: Strawhat boy !! If you fall again, you won't be back !! the tension hormones trick your body !! You haven't actually healed any of the damage !!

Luffy: Then I won't go down !! MOVE IT !! Haa... Koby !!

Koby: 'I... I have to fight ! Or else nothing will change ! This is a battlefield ! I have to be ready to kill him !

Luffy: Gomu Gomu...


"Old man !! 'God dammit... just maintaining the army up is taking all my focus... Adding an admiral on top of it is a bit too much-"

Kizaru: A battle is decided on the blink of an eye. Maybe next time, you won't take your eyes off your opponent.


Kizaru: well, next time... In another life, maybe."


Luffy: Y/N !!

Ivankov: Dr.W... !! He fell in the ocean !

Luffy: ... ... Continue forward ! We need to save Ace !

Ivankov: B- but-

Luffy: Don't worry !

Pirates: Boss !!

Whitebeard: Stay back !! You all... think that this, is enough to kill me ?! I don't need any help... Haa... Haa... I AM... WHITEBEARD !!

Whitebeard: If I die... Will my death have any meaning... ? I know... That I must watch over my sons' futures. I can't afford to die... ! Right, Ace ?

Soldiers: What ?! They're gathering behind Whitebeard !!

Pirates: Haa... Haa... It doesn't matter if you people don't understand. We will protect our boss's pride !!

Whitebeard: You all care too much about that, idiots.

Sengoku: I'll show you the future right now, if you want to see it that badly, Whitebeard !! DO IT !!


Pirates: That was... Conqueror's Haki !!

Aokiji: Whoa whoa, are you serious... ?!

Ivankov: Hey, did you just... ?!

Luffy: I'M COMING, ACE !!

Whitebeard: That kid...

Kizaru: ... Hm ? That's weird... He already disappeared below the surface... yet all these skeletons are still fighting... What does that mean ?


Soldiers: Those with weak wills, get back !! He's no ordinary rookie !!

Doberman: he's the son of the revolutionary, Dragon... It's not surprising that he has that ability... !!

Soldiers: Vice-admiral Doberman !!

Doberman: Don't let him escape this battle !! If we let him live, he will grow to be a terrifying enemy !!

Ivankov: Hey, when and where did you gain that power ?!

Luffy: Ah ?! What do you mean ?!

Ivankov: ... It's nothing ! 'He didn't even notice ! His power is still sleeping... But of course, he naturally draws people to him ! There's no mistaking that he has your blood ! Dragon !!'

Soldiers: Whitebeard comes first !! Even if he is a monster, he's badly hurt !! Take him down no matter what !! UWAAAAAAAAHH !!


Pirates: ... Ace's brother ?!

Whitebeard: 'Show me what you've got, brat... ! If you carry the "Will of D" as well, then show me what lies beyond this age !!'

Ivankov: Look out, Strawhat boy !!

Pirates: Hurry ! Ace's brother !! The marines are focused on our boss right now ! If you let this opportunity pass, you won't be able to get past the admirals ! We're going to push through ! Follow us !!

Ivankov: This is serious, Strawhat Boy ! The world's greatest pirate is testing you !! i'm asking if you're ready to answer Whitebeard's attention !! YEEEEHAAAW !!

Luffy: I don't know anything about that Whitebeard guy !! I only have one reason for being here !!

Ivankov: ... But now that he's been taken out...

Luffy: Out ?


Ivankov: What was that ?! What... A- Aaaaaaaaaahh...


"Haaaaaaaaa... Nothing like a cold bath to wake you up..."

Kizaru: Now that is quite terrifying alright... the small ones were already a nuisance, but that... It's almost as big as Oars... Did he create that one standing up from the ocean floor ?

Garp: I had no idea... That little brat hid even the fact he worked directly with Dragon this whole time... let alone these kinds of abilities...

Sengoku: that's not the problem here !! he was thrown in the ocean, and yet... Does that... Would that mean... His powers don't actually come from a Devil fruit ?!

"You lot had the kindness to slap me awake for the first time in over 20 years... Let me repay that kindness... In kind. GIANT SKELETAL SOLDIER, MARCH ON !! TRAMPLE THEM ALL !!"

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