Chapter 28: Shining resolve

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Mihawk: 'Don't rush to death so fast ! Young one !'


Usopp: ZORO !

Johnny/Yosaku: BRO !

Sanji: 'Why... ?!'

Pirates: This is the power of Grand Line... The power of The World... ! Even the pirate hunter Zoro couldn't come close !

Zoro: Ever since I've decided to become the world's greatest swordsman, I threw away my attachment to life.

Sanji: 'That damn bastard's out of his mind ! His enemy was the world's strongest ! The result's obvious ! If it's gonna mean your death, then just throw your damn ambition away !' It's simple ! Just throw away your ambition !!

Luffy: Damn it ! DAMN YOU !!

"Luffy, you stay here. Shortcut."

One blink later, and I was on the other side, with a dozen Gaster Blasters pointed at that guy's face.

Pirates: What's that ?!! He's the one who blew up our ship !!

Krieg: That brat... ! He must be a devil fruit user !

Mihawk: A comrade of the young swordsman ? So you've also witnessed what just transpired...

"Give me one reason to not disintegrate you right here and now..."

Mihawk: Fear not. That man is still alive.

Johnny: Bro ! Answer us, bro !!

Luffy: Zoro !

Zoro: PUAH... !!

Usopp: Hurry up and get him on the boat !

Mihawk: I am Dracule Mihawk ! It is much too early for you to die. Know yourself ! Know The World ! And become strong, Roronoa ! No matter how many months or years pass by, I shall stand here at the top of The World and wait for you ! SO FORGE ON AHEAD WITH THAT FIERCE CONVICTION AND TRY TO SURPASS MY SWORD ! SURPASS ME, RORONOA !!

Johnny: Bro ! Answer us !

Zeff: To think that Mihawk would say such a thing...

Mihawk: Young one, what do you aim for ?

"... Nothing in particular. My captain wants to be the Pirate king..."

Mihawk: A tough path indeed. Even tougher than surpassing myself.

"He's gonna do it whatever, as for me... I made a promise to follow and protect him until the very end..."

Luffy: Usopp ! Is Zoro alright ?!

Usopp: Like hell he'd be alright ! But he is still alive ! He only lost consciousness !

Johnny: Bro... !

Yosaku: Please answer us... !

"Zoro ?"

Zoro: G- Guys... C- Can you hear me... ? Sorry for worrying you... I know, that if I don't become... The world's strongest swordsman, it will only embarrass you... ! GUH !

Yosaku: Bro ! Please don't talk anymore !!


Zoro: Any problems ? Pirate King ?!

Luffy: Hee hee ! Nope !

Mihawk: You make a good team. I'd like to see you three again, sometime in the future...

"... If you had killed Zoro, you'd be a pile of ashes already. But you made his resolve shine even brighter than before, so... I'll let you go."

Krieg: Hawk-eyes ! Did you come all the way out here for my head ? The head of the infamous ruler of East Blue, "Don Krieg" ?!

Mihawk: For a while, yes. But I've already enjoyed myself here, so I'll return back to my nap.

"Oh, so they DID interrupt your nap ?"

Krieg: No need to be so curt. You may have had your fun, but I sure haven't !

Pirates: D- D- D- Don ! W- Why's he purposely trying to prevent that man from leaving... ?!


"They were already ready, and I hate wasting things, especially my attacks."

Mihawk: Hmph, they never learn. Farewell, for now.

Pirates: AGHHHH !!

Krieg: Hmph, gone already...

Luffy: Whoah ! Usopp ! Go on ahead !

Usopp: Alright ! Zoro and I will definitely bring back Nami ! So you two make sure to get us a cook ! Once we have 6 people in our crew, let's head to Grand Line !!

Luffy: Yeah ! Let's !!

Sanji: So they're finally coming. Damn pests.

"Hey, old man ! If we chase them away for you, will you let us off the hook ?"

Zeff: Fine, do as you wish.

Krieg: Well, that was a bit of a nuisance, but it's nothing. We were originally planning on abandoning this ship anyways, so who cares if it's been destroyed. Look at this goofy-looking ship... If we have that boat, we needn't fear even Grand Line anymore. Having that ship will be even more effective than hanging a whit flag or pretending to be the navy. It'll lower our enemies' guard and we'll be able to sneak closer to enemy ships than ever before. It'll be the perfect disguise for us.

Pirates: I see... Nobody would ever suspect that there would be pirates waiting on such a stupid looking ship like that.

Krieg: This era is teeming with pirates on every ocean. Rebuilding our pirate fleet will be a piece of cake !

Pirate: B- But Don... ! When we go back to Grand Line, what if we were to come across another monster like that "Hawk-eyes"...

Krieg: You're still afraid of that bastard ?! Do you really think a normal person can just cut down a gigantic galleon ?!

Pirates: Wha ?! What do you mean by that, Don ?!

Krieg: Isn't it obvious that he's got some strange power from a devil fruit ?! Devil fruit users, who we've only heard of in legends and hear-says... Grand Line is full of them !! There's no doubt that the hawk-eyed man used some strange power when cutting our ship ! Even that white-haired punk there with his weird ability is just another run of the mill pirate in Grand Line !

Krieg: But "Red-leg Zeff", spent an entire year sailing in Grand Line, meaning he must've found some method to deal with those monsters ! And that method's written down in his travel log for sure ! There might even be information on One Piece in his log as well !

Pirates: As expected from our Don Krieg ! All we gotta do is get our hands on that log, and all the treasures of this world are ours for the taking ! Alright, you bastards ! Let's take over that restaurant ! YEAH !!!!

"Wow, they're all fired up to fight too."

Luffy: Hey old man ! A promise is a promise, right ?!

Zeff: You don't have to ask me twice. My restaurant would become a wreck if I let you work here for 6 more months anyways.

Sanji: Where are patty and Carne ?

Cook: They're busy with the battle preparations ! Those guys sure are reliable in times like these !

Sanji: Only in times like these... You better go to the control room and open up the "fins".

Cook: What ? You sure ?! That'll just give our enemies a foothold !

Sanji: Doesn't matter. The geezer won't shut up if we fight inside the restaurant.

Zeff: You said something, brat ?

Sanji: Just that you were completely deaf.

Cook: On it right away !

Pirates: Hand that ship to us, you pathetic cooks !!

Luffy: Let's get things started ! Gum-Gum... ROCKET !!


Luffy: Followed by...

Cooks: That errand boy too ain't bad !!

Sanji: So Grand Line is teeming with guys like them... ?

Luffy: I'll send ungrateful crooks like you flying !

Krieg: Hahaha ! Planning on fighting here where you can't even stand properly ? You're another devil fruit user, aren't you ? I've heard that people like you are weak against the sea... is that right, anchor boy ?

Luffy: I can't swim, but in return I can stretch !

Patty: TAKE OFF ! Baratie's naval weapon !! "Mackerel head No.1" !

Carne: if you don't wanna die, then get the hell out of our way !!

Krieg: Huh... ?

Luffy: Damn that's cool !!

"Ummm... Define 'cool', please..."

Pirates: The... the restaurant's head is moving ! W- Wha... What the hell is that ?!

Patty: hey ! Pedal properly !

Carne: No you pedal faster ! i'm already pedaling !

Patty: You're the one who has to pedal faster if we wanna turn left !

Carne: Yeah, I KNOW, dumbass ! Just shut the hell up, you bald-headed freak !


Cooks: HAHA ! Nice one, Patty ! Carne ! Go get them !!


Krieg: Hm ? What is it this time... ?

Luffy: Ack ! I'm sinking !

Sanji: If you pirates want a fight, then bring it.

Pirates: AGHHH !! What's that ?! A platform appeared from below the sea !

Luffy: COOOOOOL !!!

"This time I agree."

Krieg: I see... They don't want us fighting inside and destroying the restaurant. All the better for us when when we take that ship. Now I want that ship even more !

Pirates: Just what the hell can a couple of measly cooks do against us pirates ?!!

Cooks: Don't you dare look down, on the cooks of the sea !!

Patty: GYAHAHAHAHAHA ! Come on ! Show them the power of fighting cooks !!

Carne: Patty ! Now's not the time to be distracted ! We've gotta aim for him ! Prepare yourself, Krieg !! ALLOW US TO DEMONSTRATE THE POWER OF BARATIE'S PRIDE !! BECOME SOUP FOR THE FISH !

Patty: Wha ?! W- We're not moving !

Krieg: I'm Don Krieg, the man who'll rule all the world's oceans !

Luffy: hey, that'll be me !


Patty: HUH ?! WHA ?! WHAT STRENGTH !!!

Sanji: All talk and no substance... Useless bastards.

Patty: AGHHHH ! Crap ! We're gonna crash into the restaurant !!

Cooks: Sanji !!

Krieg: He kicked it ?!

Sanji: Heh.

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