Chapter 31: East Blue's strongest

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Krieg: You even bothered to save that useless sack of crap...

Sanji: Useless... Sack of crap ?!

Krieg: Of course. What else would you call a useless idiot, who loses sight of his objectives and disobeys my orders ? Seeing as how he may repeat his failures again in the future, killing him right now on the spot is how I show my love.

Pirates: I can't believe it ! The Don actually tried to kill our battle commander !!

Cooks: Hey look ! It looks like everyone is fine !

"... You guys take him somewhere else, while we deal with the rest here."

Patty: Hey, don't give us orders like that ! Besides, that guy's still an enemy-

"Did I stutter ?!"

Patty:*Gulp* F... Fine... You don't have to react like that, seriously...

Luffy: Don't you dare die, Gin... Don't you dare let yourself, be killed by a guy like him ! Because we'll send him flying right now !

Gin: No... Stop it, you can't hope to beat him...

Sanji: Calm down you idiots ! Charging directly at him is exactly what he wants ! You'll get yourselves killed !


Sanji: HEY !

Krieg: Fools... Nothing easier to kill than some worked up idiots... I've heard that even monkeys learn from their mistakes, but I guess you're even dumber that a monkey, seeing as how you're trying to repeat your mistake a second time. Ain't that right, rubber boy ?!

Luffy: I'm just bad at giving up, that's all !

Krieg: The ocean is your doom ! But if you try to jump, my spears will make mincemeat out of you ! BEYOND THE FINS OF THAT RESTAURANT LIES YOUR GRAVES !

"Our graves ?!"

Cooks: He's shooting his bombs again ! He's gonna make a screen !

Krieg: You'll die because you refused to run away !

It was clear that the spears hit their target, but the sound they made was just not right. Instead of skewering soft flesh, it was clear they were hitting something hard, and just to confirm that statement, all of those that were already fired suddenly got thrown to the side.

"Trying this trick with bullets never ended well, but with such slower and bigger projectiles, it's way easier to just deflect them."

Luffy: Improving your spinning block technique was definitely a good idea, but now...

Krieg: Using my own tricks against me... ? It looks as if you're going to stop at nothing to hit me ! THEN WHY DON'T YOU TRY HITTING MY "KENZAN CAPE" ?!

Sanji: That dirty son of a... It's a spike-covered cape !

Cooks: There's no way they can touch Krieg, with that thing protecting him !

Krieg: Haha... You can't lay a hand nor foot on me as long as I have my-

Luffy: GUM GUM...

Pirates: WHAAAT ?!

Sanji: W... What a reckless guy !

"Ouch... Doing this with your bare hands... That must've hurt quite a lot, Luffy... But hey, you knocked him out for good !"

Pirates: AGHHHH ! DON KRIEG WAS KNOCKED OUT !! What... What's with these guys ?! I've never even seen the Don on his knees before, much less flying flat on his face ! That kid just punched our Don right in the face ! Not to mention it was through that spike-covered cape !

Luffy: Now, is this place our grave, or your grave... ? Ours, or yours... Which is it ?! But don't you dare decide that question just by these measly spears or your stupid spiky cape ! This ain't the place for us to die !

Sanji: talk about reckless.

Zeff: Watch them carefully, Sanji... there are guys like them every now and then. Idiots that fight to the death once they decide on a goal...

Sanji: Fight to the death...

Zeff: Guys like them are the worst enemies you can face... Whether they win or lose this match, I like guys like them...

Pirate: W- Who's going to win this fight now... ?

Pirate: You dumbass ! That was just a fluke ! A fluke ! There's nothing to worry about !

Cooks: E- errand boys ! You can do it !

Krieg: If this place... Isn't your grave... Then exactly... WHOSE IS IT ?!

"What a stupid question... OF COURSE IT'D BE YOURS !!

Pirates: T... THEY KNOCKED THE DON DOWN AGAIN ! The hell's going on ?! Wha... They... They should've been killed before they could even lay a finger on the Don... ! Our Don's supposed to be invincible ! JUST WHO ARE THEY ?!

Patty: these kids can fight, that's for sure...

Pirates: They're definitely strong enough to match our Don... At this rate, the legend of our Don will come to an e-


"Did... Did it just exploded ?!"

Pirates: IT'S... THE GREAT WAR SPEAR !! He... He took it out ! Our Don's most powerful weapon !

Krieg: I'll look forward to seeing how long you can keep away from this, you brats... Unlike my earlier measly spears that you could afford to take 2 or 3 hits from, this spear's in a whole another league. TOUCH THIS AND YOU'LL BE BOTH BLOWN TO SMITHEREENS !!

"This one's definitely dangerous... Way more than the others."

Krieg: ARGHHH !!

Cooks: What's with that spear ?!

Luffy: Crap, I'm falling ! What's up with that spear , it explodes every time it hits something... ?

Said spear, along with its wielder, was currently encased in a bright blue light, completely frozen in place.

"Phew... You made it quite troublesome, but I finally managed to got you now..."

Little did I failed to notice, I was starting to sweat heavily, and the light in my eye was starting to slowly dim down, but I was brought back to reality, when his spear resumed his movement, completely obliterating the whole area, and forcing me to jump away.

"Crap... I knew it, I overdid it lately..."

Sanji: What ?! What's happening with him ?

Luffy: That's his limit... His powers may be incredibly powerful, but it uses up a lot of stamina to maintain it. That's why he always ends his fights as quickly as possible, before he tires out...

Sanji: But the fight just started a few minutes ago ! How can he be exhausted already ?!

"I don't use my powers exclusively for fighting... I've been using them almost non-stop for two days now, working as an errand-boy..."

Krieg: Hehe... It's the end of the line for you both...

Luffy: Damn it, we can't fight at full strength by jumping across these little "islands"...

Pirates: Looks like the Don will settle the fight quickly enough... That great war spear of his creates a stronger explosion the stronger he swings it.

Pirates: What monstrous strength ! Even though that spear made from his 2 shoulder plates weighs over 1 ton, he swings it around like it's nothing ! That's undeniable proof that our Don's the strongest !

"Whoa ! Too close, that one was WAY too close !!"

Krieg: STAY. IN. PLACE !!! DAMMIT !! You little... MAGGOTS !!!


Sanji: Errand boys !!

Krieg: I ain't done with you yet. After angering me to this extent, there won't even be any of your remains after I'm through with you !!

"Just... One more..."

Krieg: So ? Have you finally realized that the strongest man in The World, is none other than me ?!

"D... Don't go around... Assuming things like that..."

Luffy: We... We're not dead yet !



Luffy: We it it 5 times ! Now get ready !

"'Cause... Now that we're on a wide space like that, you're definitely done for... !

Krieg: What ?!

"With the spear-tip broken, that's nothing but a bomb on a stick ! Now its mower has been reduced by half."

Krieg: Is that what you think ?

Pirates: U... Unbelievable ! To think that Don Krieg's most powerful weapon, the great war spear would be broken !

Cooks: They did it ! They really are amazing !

Krieg: Considering that even a bomb on a stick can easily blow you away, I'd say that I still have more than enough power to win ! Not only that, you even took several blasts from my great battle spear. Seems to me that you're bluffing.

Luffy: Nuh-uh !

Sanji: ... he's right, those errand-boys should be on the verge of collapsing ! With those wounds, if they take even just one more blast from that spear, they'll be killed ! Damn it... With all those weapons and armor, it's almost impossible to beat him !

Zeff: But you know, Sanji... No matter how many hundreds of weapons or armor one is equipped with, they're no match for that "one special spear" that comes from your guts...

Zeff: On the pirates' battlefield where life and death are decided, the one who fears death and hesitates for even an instant shall fall to their doom..

Sanji: What do you mean by that ?

Zeff: Within these boys, if nothing else, lies no hesitation. Perhaps it stems from their complete preparedness to survive no matter what, or their conviction that fears no death...

Sanji: Conviction... ?!

Krieg: Say your prayers ! From the moment you went against me, your deaths were set in stone !

Luffy: As if ! Hit us if you can !!

"We're taking you down, and there's nothing you can do against it ! Take that !!"

Krieg: All your efforts... Are useless...

Sanji: A flamethrower ?! How many weapons does this guy have on him ?!

Luffy: Gum-Gum...

Krieg: KUHAHAHAHA ! FUTILE ! All attacks are futile before my Wootz steel armor !!

Luffy: And...


"Almost there... We need to make one last effort..."

Krieg: Can't you see that the greatest armor and weaponry, equates to the greatest might ?! And those who defy the strong are doomed to die, you brats.

Cooks: Ahh ! He's going to destroy that whole platform ! Run away, errand-boys !

Luffy: Bombs ?!

Pirates: FUHAHAHAHA ! It's over !

"We... Are certainly not gonna run away..."


Luffy: meaning us, of course !

Sanji: You idiots, don't run towards him ! Get away ! IT'S A TRAP !

Krieg: How useless... Because that's exactly what... I THOUGHT YOU'D DO !!

Krieg: there are some things you can't overcome with willpower alone...


Luffy: GUM-GUM...

Krieg: KUHAHAHAHA ! Your attack was useless again ! This is the extent of your strength ! But I'll compliment you for managing to put a crack in my armor !! NOW YOU BOTH CAN DIE HAPPILY !


Zeff: perhaps it stems from their complete preparedness to survive no matter what, of their convictions that fear no death...

Luffy: GUM-GUM...


Krieg: WHAT ?! IMPOSSIB- !!

Luffy/Y/n: ...BAZOOKA/THUNDER !!!

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