Chapter 48: Mr.5, has already touched the booze

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"One full year... ?"

Brogy: That's right ! Now you see the reason for all those bones. Just like you, they were adventurers or pirates that came to this island, but couldn't survive the year. They all died because of the jungle beasts here.

"That's a real problem... We can't afford to stay an entire year here, we'll be way too late."

Nami: ... We're all gonna die...

Usopp: Come on... I couldn't be possibly worse...

3rd person POV:

Goldenweek: Mr.3 !

3: What is it, hmm ? Ah, hold on a moment. Ahh.. When iy comes to tea, nothing beat Earl Grey, you know ?

Goldenweek: i'm bored.

3: You say you're bored, but you're not exactly fond of working either, aren't you ?

Goldenweek: Yup.

3: then why don't you try enjoy this blissful time away from our duties ? After all, leisurely enjoying our break is also one of our privileges as an officer agent, you know ? And also... Would you mind not calling me by my codename so casually in a public place like this ? Otherwise, don't you think people will find out I'm Mr.3 ?

*Baroque Works, officer agent: Mr.3*

Goldenweek: Oh, really ?

*Baroque Works, officer agent: Miss Goldenweek*

3: By the way... You've been staring intently at that paper for the past few days. What is it exactly ?

Goldenweek: An order from the boss.


3: It seems Mr.5 has been beaten... Oh, don't you wish if somebody were to be beaten, it'd be Mr.2 ?

Goldenweek: Then we could be promoted.

3: Well, if only Mr.5 has been beaten, the matter is nothing to panic about, don't you think ? After all, that man is just an overconfident fool who overestimates his abilities. No matter how powerful one's devil fruit ability is, without the talent to use it effectively, one will forever be a useless bum. A brilliant criminal uses his brilliant intellect to carry out his objectives, you know. Why don't we go and teach them the terror of antagonizing a criminal organization ?

Your POV:

"To think that you've been at it for 100 years now... Giants really are something else..."

Brogy: Well, this is how we solve problem amongst us. As long as Elbaf's gods haven't decided which one of us is right, we must battle on this island. This is Elbaf's law.

Usopp: Even though you've already forgotten the reason long ago... I have decided ! I want to be like you one day !!

Brogy: You want to become a giant ?

Usopp: No, that's not what I mean !! I want to live proud and honorably, just like the warriors of Rlbaf !!

Brogy: Gabababababa !! I see ! We giants have much longer lifespans than you humans, and as such, we wish nothing more than an honorable death. After all, one's fortunes or life is all bound to come to an end one day. To a warrior of Elbaf, to die without tarnishing one's pride is what we mean by an honorable death. Our pride alone never come to an end, it's an eternal treasure that's passed on through the lands of Elbaf.

Usopp: So your pride is your treasure !

5: Get out of my way, stupid oversized lizard.

Valentine: leave that to me. 10.000 KILOGRAMS WEIGHT !!

5: Hmph.

3: Oh. You are back so soon, Mr.5 ?

5: You are really skilled to build a house in the middle of this forest. However, let me tell you something. This job is still ours, so you's better not get involved.

Valentine: because we won't lose again !

3: Lose ? I don't think so. You're just weak !

5: What did you say ?!

Valentine: We just underestimated them, that's all ! We didn't know that those pirates were protecting the princess !

3: You didn't know ? What a lame excuse you have. Do you remember that we are professionals ? Lose and let our enemies live, it means that our organization will be revealed to the world. So, when we get an order, we have to complete it ! However, since you came here, we will give you around 30% of our work to you. If you won't accept this job, I will make both of you disappear from this world right now.

3: Mr.5, Miss Valentine... You don't have to be so serious about it. Here, have some tea. This is a very special occasion because on this island, we got another big job to take care of, too. I thought you saw that already.

Valentine: A job ?

3: I should thank both of you for giving me a chance to come to this island. Look at this wanted poster. I was surprised at first, too. This poster is from 100 years ago, when the giant pirates were creating turmoil around the world. The two leaders of these pirates group are two giants that live on this island. They were known as "Blue-demon Dorry", and "Red-demon Brogy". But that was just a history.

3: Right now, both of them are living here on this island. Besides, the government still wants them. The two of them are worth 200 million berry. 100 million each.

5/Valentine: 200 million berry !!

3: So, do you realize how huge this job is ? If we can accomplish our goal and get that 200 million berry reward, we will all get promotions.

5: So, that's why you asked me to put a bomb I the booze.

3: That's right. If we don't use trickery, we can't beat them. As long as you follow my orders, everything should be fine. If you know how to adapt your strategy, you can defeat anything.

"Again with that volcano ? This island sure is active."

Brogy: Gabababababa ! The fight will begin again soon. This is a good day.

Nami: You will fight again ? What about your injury ?

Brogy: Don't be silly. We both got hurt last time ! Both of us risk our lives on this fight ! We don't use lame excuses to postpone this fight !!

Usopp: Go and get him, master Brogy !

Brogy: Sure ! I will crush him down this time ! Gabababa !!

Nami: *Sigh*Why do they have to continue this stupid fight ?

"It's not stupid. It's their pride that is at stake here. They truly are warriors."

Nami: Anyway, let's go back to our ship. It will take a year to register the magnetic field, so we'd better wait for everyone and try to find the way out.

Usopp: Wait a minute. Out of us three, Y/n's the only one that can fight these dinosaurs, so, getting out of this forest by ourselves would be too dangerous.

Nami: But, aren't you supposed to be a great warrior of the sea or something like that ?

Usopp: I meant that as a way of thinking ! To live like a warrior who is proud of himself !

"Good for you. We should probably go find Luffy now, he should be at the other giant's house."

Usopp: One day, even if I have to lose everything or I have to face death alone on an isolated island, I will die with pride and my last words will be "I am Usopp, the great warrior of the seas" !! That's what I hope.

Nami: Ok, ok, I understand. Then, please become a great warrior soon, ok ?

Usopp: Um, sure...

3: Between the fight, if you're not concentrating, you will lose. Right now, their concentration is running out ! All because of the bomb from the invisible enemy. Our first target was Dorry, the blue demon. I knew that the bomb couldn't kill him. However, it should've dealt some heavy damages to his stomach, so there won't be any trouble taking care of him. Besides, this is a good time because they are just starting to fight !

3: They are just like boars, after all. As long as we don't fight them face-to-face, everything should be fine. And as for those kids who learned about the boss' secret, we will lure them into a trap. Beginning with the most stupid one, they will all receive a full service from me. My principle is evasion criminal, I have many plans to take care of my enemies without doing it myself.

Zoro: This is bad. I must be lost. I think I saw this tree before... yeah, it was left after the tree with the vine around it... Huh ? Hey, it's you, Nami ? This is great. I was just worrying about how to get back to our ship.

Zoro: By the way, what are you doing here ? Eh ? Hey ?



Nami: HEY !! YOU ARE RUNNING TOO FAST !! Huff... Huff... I can't believe this...

Nami: Luffy ! I am so lucky ! What are you doing here ? Luf- Aah !! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKK !!

Luffy: What was that noise just now ?

"Don't know. But sounded like Nami. Speaking of, weren't her and Usopp following behind ? Where did they suddenly go ?"

Luffy: i'm sure they're fine. Now get me out of this, would you ?

"I don't want to alarm you, Luffy, but that mountain is way over what I can lift... We're gonna have to dig your way out of this."


Luffy: IS THAT TRUE ?!!


Vivi: Wait a minute. Calm down. You said that Nami disappeared. Have you checked around the area ?


"A valid argument. But if you're not sure, we should still check. You just lost sight of her."

Vivi: It's possible that Nami was eaten, but...

"hey, I'm trying to lighten the mood, you're not helping."

Vivi: ... I was saying, what if Baroque Works has sent someone to this island ?

"That would explain all those weird statues I saw on my way here..."

Usopp: Statues ?

"Yeah, of us. Scattered around the jungle. I didn't really paid attention to them because, to be honest, you'd have to be quite stupid to fall into that level of trap..."

Vivi: This, plus the alcohol, there's definitely something fishy going on here...

Usopp: Alcohol ? What's wrong with the booze ?

Usopp: WHAT ?!! It exploded inside his stomach ?!

"I'm sure it wasn't THAT strong... Well, as long as gunpowder wasn't mixed with it."

Usopp: So, he went to fight with this injury ?! Both of them have risked everything in this fight for 100 years, and it always ends up by a draw ! Maybe this is the greatest fight in the world ! AND THIS FIGHT WILL END BECAUSE OF THIS STUPID REASON ?!

"... First step, get Luffy out of here. Second step, find whoever is behind this. Third step... Making them regret every single breath they've taken since their very birth."

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