Chapter 47: Little Garden

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Sanji: I see... Well, that's a shame but I guess that also means that I've still got a chance to shine. So don't worry ! Now that the sleeping prince has awoken, your safety is guaranteed.

Usopp: Wow............... I'm glad I slept through all that !

Sanji: Are you jealous, Nami ?

Nami: Not really.

Usopp: Well you can count on me to back you up ! The whole world's talking about whether or not the 30 million bounty isn't actually for the back of my head instead !

"One day, Usopp... One day, you too will have the same bounty..."

Luffy: I wonder if it's gonna snow...

Zoro: Why the hell would it snow ?

"You slept all the way through the blizzard, Zoro. And it earned you a set of nice concussions."

Luffy: hey ! Do you think it'll snow some more ?

"I hope not. It was a real pain to deal with..."

Vivi: Well, it's not like it never snows or anything, but that part of Grand Line up to the very first island is special. The 7 magnetic fields that stretch from Reverse Mountain clash together to make things even more unpredictable. So you can't let your guard down even for a minute; Even though it would be quite rare to encounter such bizarre conditions once you've passed the first island, Grand Line is still by far the most difficult ocean to navigate on. So it's absolutely imperative that you never underestimate this sea !

Sanji: Anybody up for some special drinks ?!

Everyone: You bet we are !/Quack !

Vivi: ... Are you sure things will be fine like this ?!

Nami: It'll be fine. they'll work hard when we come across rough seas. It's not like they want to die or anything. Here, your drink.

Vivi: That's... true... But at this rate, we might be caught unaware.

Sanji: Oh, looks like this duck knows how to drink ! Tastes god, right ? Drink up, buddy !

Karoo: Quack !

Luffy: Hey, Usopp. Can you make us some fishing rods ?

"Fishing, huh ? Good idea."

Usopp: Sure thing ! Let me just fire up my ol' artistic skills to create some masterpieces !"

Nami: being on this ship, sure makes you lose the will to even worry, doesn't it ?

Vivi: ... yes... It is quite relaxing...

"Hey look ! It's a dolphin !"

Usopp: Oh, it's so cu-

everyone: IT'S FREAKIN' HUGE !!!

Luffy: Let's run away !!

"YES !!"

Nami: there's no doubt about it. Our destination is... That island !

Luffy: WOOHOO !! Our second island on Grand Line !!

Vivi: we should be careful... i'm worried about what Miss Allsunday said about this island.

Usopp: Y- Y- You don't think there are monsters here, do you ?

"Beats me. But this is Grand Line, after all. Here, 'impossible' has no sense at all."

Sanji: And we gotta stock up on some food pretty soon. I wasn't ale to restock at all at the last town. But man, look at this place... It's like a land yet to be explored by people. The entire island is a thick jungle.

"Little garden... I was surprised that an island with a name that sounded so harmless would be dangerous... But what exactly is 'little' about this ?"


Nami: Kyaaa ! What was that just now ?!

Sanji: terrified Nami is so cute ! Don't worry, it's just a normal bird. And even this island, is nothing but your average jungle !

"Sanji, I'd like you to say that again after spotting what actually produced that noise..."

Luffy: A lizard... ?


Nami: Does this SOUND like your average jungle ?!


"So, to answer your previous question Usopp. The presence of monsters on this island just went from 'possible' to 'yes'."

Usopp: Alright, then it's decided. We are to not set foot on this island !

Nami: Let's just quietly wait on our ship, and leave the very second our log pose finishes recording ! After all, we have to hurry on to Alabasta as soon as possible.

"Well, someone surely have something else in mind already..."

Luffy: Sanji ! Prepare a lunchbox ! A pirate lunchbox ! I smell adventure ahead !!

Nami: W- Wait a second ! Where do you think you're going ?!

Luffy: On an adventure ! Wanna come along ?

"It's too late to stop him. He's too fired up already."

Luffy: Sanji !! Prepare my lunchbox !!!

Sanji: Alright, just hang on a moment.

Vivi: Could I come along with you ?

Luffy: Sure, sure !

Nami: EVEN YOU ?!

Vivi: Yes... Just standing around here doing nothing is only going to end up making me think about my worries again. So I may as well try to clear my head until the log pose finishes recording ! It'll be fine ! Karoo will be by my side after all.

"That great new is leaving him speechless..."

Sanji: Then allow me to make a lunchbox of love for you, Vivi !

Vivi: Could you also make another drink for Karoo as well ?


Vivi: We'll be back !

Usopp: that miss Wednesday's got some guts.

Nami: I guess it's expected of the one who infiltrated Baroque Works.

Zoro: well, since I'm not doing anything either, I'll go for a walk.

"'K. just be careful to not get lost on that jungle."

Zoro: Who do you take me for ?

Sanji: Yo Zoro, wait ! We're running out of food onboard so if you see any animals that look to be edible, can you hunt it down and bring it back ?

Zoro: Hm ? Sire thing. I'll go hunt for some animals that you'd never be able to kill yourself.


Zoro: Huh ?

Sanji: Did I hear you wrong, or did you just imply that you could hunt a bigger game than I can... ?

Zoro: isn't that obvious ?

Sanji: THAT'S IT ! I CHALLENGE YOU AT HUNTING !! Whoever brings back the most kilograms of meat will be the winner !

Zoro: Fine by me. Though in my case, it'll be tonnes of meat.

Nami: Why does everyone on this ship have to be like that...

Usopp: I know exactly how you feel, Nami. Don't cry, at least I'm by your side...

"All of this show the premises of some magnificent contest, we can only wait in anticipation for the results."

*Head judge/Judge/Commentator*

Nami: THIS IS NOT TIME FOR JOKES !! And why are you the three roles at once ?!

"We're lacking staff."

Nami: Wait a second... I feel like I've read this in a book before... I'm sure I've heard of it... of Little Garden.


Usopp: What, did you find the book ?

Nami: We're in trouble ! On this island...



*To it's inhabitants, this island is like a little garden. An island of giants, "Little garden". That is what I have decided to name this island. -Explorer Louis Arnote-*

???: Hey, I'm asking you if you have any booze.

"Well, I think we have some on board."

Brogy: Really ? That's good to hear. NUAHHHHHH !!!


Nami/Usopp: A d... Dinosaur... ?


Brogy: I AM ELBAF'S STRONGEST WARRIOR, BROGY !! GABABABABABABABA !! Good, I got some meat ! Let me welcome you as my guests !

"With pleasure. Sitting here until the log is ready will be unbelievably boring. What about..."

Usopp: 'P- play dead...'

Nami: 'Just play dead...'

Nami: Y/n... What have you...

"I did... What I had to do."

Brogy: I... Impossible... This is... THIS IS DELICIOUS !!! GABABABABABABA !! Never I would've imagined that you could cook meat with just some light !!

"Spending a decade or two on your own makes you learn a few tricks."

Brogy: I can't deny that ! Well it's all cooked up now so eat up !

Usopp/Nami: W... We're not hungry.

Usopp: 'Psst. There are skeletons all around us...'

Nami: 'I know...'

Brogy: No need to decline out of modesty ! Eat as much as you want ! Dinosaur meat's especially delicious, you know !

"E ot e pnt !" (He got a point !)

Usopp/Nami: It's fine, we're not up for much of a meal. 'It seems we're going to be eaten too... It's only obvious that he's trying to fatten us up so he can enjoy human meat... We're too young to die... But maybe that's the best time to eat humans...'

Nami: Umm, Mr brogy... May I ask you a question... ?

Brogy: Hm ? What is it, girl ?

Nami: H- How long does it t- takes for the log pose to finish recording on this island... ?

Brogy: One full year. So take it easy while you're here ! GABABABABABA !!

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