Chapter 61: Reunion

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Luffy !! Luffy !! LUFFYYYYYY !!! Where the hell are you ?!"

Ace: Can't you just sense him with that weird psychinetosis of yours ?

"It's Psychokinesis, for fuck's sake ! LUFFYYYY !!!"

Ace: Calm down, even if it's Smoker after him, I'm sure he's fine. In fact if it's Smoker, then he'll be fine.


Ace: Seriously, you're just a massive pain in the ass, man... Do I have to do everything myself ?

Nami: Oh, how lovely ! This is just the kind of thing I like !

Vivi: Sorry if I sound like I'm complaining after making you go out and buy clothes, Sanji, but...

Vivi: These dresses make us look more like exotic dancers than inconspicuous civilians...

Sanji: Oh, it's all fine, isn't it ? Aren't dancers civilians as well ? As long as we don't look like pirates and you don't look like a princess, it's all good right ?

Vivi: But to walk across the desert in this is...

Sanji: Don't worry, I'll carry you if you get tired~. Ohoho~ !

Sanji: But compared to the 2 lovely ladies, the rest of you guys are just... You might be trying to hide the fact that you're pirates, but those outfits make you look like bandits !

Zoro: How're any different from you ?

Usopp: Hm ? What's wrong, Chopper ?

Chopper: My nose... It feels like it's tearing apart...

Vivi: Is that so ? Your nose must be quite sensitive, Chopper. Nanohana is also famous for its perfumes.

Chopper: Perfumes ?!

Vivi: made from very pungent ingredients no less...

Nami: Like this one here ?

Chopper: WAHH ! Stop that !!

Sanji: Ohhh~, I could go all the way to the gates of hell for her !

Zoro: Then go ahead.

Sanji: WHAT WAS THAT ?!!

Nami: In any case, we now have all the supplies we need to cross the Alabastan desert... So Vivi, where do we head from here ?

Vivi: Well... First, we have to stop the rebel forces ! I can't predict when they'll start rampaging and needlessly shedding blood. So we'll head over to the oasis town called Yuba. Which is being used as the base of operation by the leader of the rebel army. And to go to Yuba, we-

Zoro: Get down !! Marines. What're they doing here... ?! Sounds like there's something going on in town... Maybe some pirate appeared.


Luffy: HEY, ZORO !

Zoro: Oh, for the love of-

Marine: Look ! There's the rest of his crew !

Zoro: YOU IDIOT !! Lose them first before you come here !

Luffy: Yo, is everyone here ?

Smoker: The rest of you Stand back down ! I WON'T LET YOU ESCAPE ! WHITE BLOW !!

"One of the good things you learn for Grand Line, is that even though you can't touch Logia users, laser beams still comes in handy."

Ace: I take that personally.

"What ? The Ace can't stand being a 2 ?"

Smoker: So it's you. I wasn't expecting the two of you to team up...

"You better believe it. After all, when you mess with Luffy, you better be ready to fight with the siblings and guardian."

Ace: Fire and light together, we're plasma. I'm sorry, but I don't think your smoke's enough right now.

Luffy: Who's that... A- Ace... ?!

Ace: you haven't changed at all, have you, Luffy ?


Vivi: No, we'll take the ship to travel along the river se we can dock further inland. From there, the desert we need to cross is right ahead ! The only reason why we stopped by in Nanohana was to buy supplies !

Usopp: Hurry up ! The marines are coming ! Raise the anchor !

Luffy: Wow ! Never thought I'd meet Ace in a place like this !

Ace: We don't really have time to talk right now, so run ahead, we'll catch up with you later.

"We'll just do a bit of sweeping about and with these guys, and we'll be back right away."

Luffy: Alright ! Let's go guys !!

Luffy: It's been years since they've seen each other...

Usopp: Luffy ! Hurry up and get onboard !

Luffy: Oh, right.

Vivi: Karoo, wait ! There's a task that I can ask only you to do.

Karoo: Quack ?

Vivi: Head north to Alubarna and deliver this letter to my father. This has all the information about Baroque Works and Crocodile that Igaram and I dug up while we were undercover.

Vivi: Other than that, I've written down how I'm still alive, and will return soon to Alabasta with reliable friends. Can you do it ? You'll have to cross the desert all alone.

Karoo: Quack !!

Vivi: Good, just remember to conserve your water in the desert. Then hurry up and send the word to my father ! That we can still save this country !

Karoo: QUAAACK !! *Gulp gulp gulp*

Vivi: I said conserve your water !

Sanji: YOU TOO !!

Usopp: Don't waste the water we just bought !

"Let's see... 17... 23... 26... 31. I've got 31, what about you ?"

Ace: 34. Suck on it.

"Shit. You just love to flex those kind of things, don't you ?"

Ace: You're the one that came up with this idea. So anyways, why are you of all peoples here ?

"On Grand Line, or in Alabasta specifically ?"

Ace: You know what I meant, don't try to play dumb.

"You know, the usual. Saving a princess, rescuing a kingdom, destroying an evil organization... Classic Wednesday."

Ace: Isn't it the opposite usually ?

"You know what I meant, don't try to play dumb."

Ace: Indeed. I must say, looking after Luffy must be a nice change of pace for you, you know, after all of this...

"And you know very well that I hate talking about that in public. Anyone could hear, and I don't want it to be known, especially by Luffy. I'd hate to bring more unneeded attention to me right now.

Ace: You know he'll find out one day, right ? One day, he'll finally reach the truth...

"And at that time, he'll either have matured enough for that, or he'll be strong enough to go on without me."

Ace: You're still that stubborn on that "laying your life for his sake" thing, huh ?

"I failed once already... Don't remind me of that day, please... Anything but losing another one of you..."

Usopp: BROTHER ?! That guy earlier was your brother ?!

Luffy: Yup, he's my older brother.

Zoro: I'm not surprised by the fact that you have a brother, but what's he also doing in Grand Line ?

Luffy: He's a pirate too. He's also searching for the One Piece. Ace is 3 years older, so he left our hometown 3 years earlier than me.

Usopp: Didn't you say that Y/n's been with you for over the last 10 years ?

Luffy: Yep, he's always been looking after us, even though we never missed any opportunities to drive him crazy.

"You guys were such little brats... I can't remember the number of times I literally had to extract you from a random beast's mouth..."

Usopp: GAH !! Where'd you come from ?!

Sanji: To think that both brothers would end up eating a devil fruit...

Luffy: Yeah, that surprised me too, HAHA ! He didn't have a devil fruit ability back when we lived together, but even then, I could never beat him in a fight. Ace is really strong !

Nami: Y- You couldn't beat him even once ? When he was just a normal human ?

Usopp: Guess the brother of a monster is an even bigger monster...

Zoro: Given they were with Y/n, that explain so much and yet so little...

Luffy: Yeah, I got my ass handed to me ! Bahahahaha !! But I could take him on now !

"You have any evidence to back up that bluff ?"

Ace: You can take on who now ?

Usopp: GAH !! Where'd YOU come from ?!

Luffy: ACE !!

Ace: 'Sup. Oh, but first, thanks for taking care of my troublesome little brother.

Sanji: Yeah, he really is quite a handful.

'Ace: I thank you very much !/Makino: No, that's not like it...'

"... Pfffrrrr..."

Luffy: So what are you doing here in this country ?

Ace: Hm ? Did you not get my message at Drum Island ?

"What message ?"

Ace: Ah, whatever, it's not too important. I'm just glad I met up with you. I've been sailing the seas around here for a little business I have to take care of, and I thought it's be nice to see you once before sailing off again.

Ace: Luffy, Y/n... How about you join the Whitebeard pirates that I'm in ? Of course, all your friends are welcome too.

Luffy: Nope.

"If it means I get a chance to be under your orders, you'd better keep dreaming..."

Ace: Ahahaha... I knew you'd say that. Just foolin' with you, really.

Usopp: Whitebeard ?! Then that mark on your back is the real thing ?

Ace: yeah, it's my pride and honor... He's by far and above the best pirate I've ever known. And I want to make him the King of the Pirate, not you, Luffy !

Luffy: It's fine. I'll just fight him later then !

"When I think about it... I'd rather not fight against you, now that you're all fired up..."

Sanji: If you wanna talk, why don't you come aboard ? I'll pour you some tea.

Ace: Nah, it's fine, no need to mind me. I'm not gonna be here for long anyways.

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