Chapter 88: Shandora

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:


"So let me get this straight... You woke up at dawn wanting to take a leak... And you saw someone or something on the boat, fixing it... ?"

Nami: Yup... Even the broken mast was reattached...

Sanji: Sorry to say this, but they weren't very good at it...

Luffy: So there are still good people in this world.

Usopp: I thought it was kinda ghost...

Zoro: ... Considering where we are, who could it have been ? In this place, there shouldn't be anyone who's friendly.

"These guerillas do want us to leave... But not to the point of helping us."

Luffy: Oh ! The ship is not in flight mode anymore...

Usopp: I've been thinking about that, too. How could the guy who fixed our ship... Know what the Going Merry originally looked like ? That it didn't have the chicken crown or wings.

Nami: Alright ! Time to move out, you lazy bums ! Escape team, finish up what we were doing last night ! Explore team, get ready for adventure !

Luffy: Okay !! I'll distribute the food !!

Sanji: Luffy... That's the one task that I will never assign to you.

Zoro: Hey, we need to move the ship down.

"It's a move in progress. Can someone get the ropes ?"

Usopp: How did he know ? Hey, Going Merry... Who fixed you last night ?

Nami: gather up. Look at the map. This is the explore team's route: A straight line to the South. In this "Right eye" place, there should be a ruin of some sort. Watch out for enemies and bring the gold back !!

Usopp: You're making it sound easier than it really is...

"You say that, but you aren't going... ?"

Nami: Duh. It's scary.

Chopper: 'HUH ?!! She wants to get gold so badly, yet she isn't willing to risk her life for it ? So strange !!'

Nami: Anyway, at the same time, we will navigate the Going Merry through the island, which is very dangerous, too. We will land on shore as close to the ruins as possible. Then the teams will meet at the shore and leave this Sky Island ! Thereafter we will be known as "The rich pirates", and we can buy anything we want :

"Such a flawless masterpiece of a plan, I don't see what could possibly go wrong."

Zoro: You don't sound very convinced.

"That was sarcasm."

Luffy: Look ! The weather is nice today !

Usopp: 'Cause we're on top of the clouds.

Nami: Let's all meet again safely on the Eastern shore !!


Luffy: Hey ! Where do you think you're going, Zoro ?! West is this way !! *Sigh* You are such an idiot with no sense of direction.

Zoro: Oi, Luffy ! Do you ever listen to other people ? She said it's the "Skull's right eye", so it's to the right. That's this way ! You dumb ass !!

"... I'm gonna get the rope, else these troublesome kids will keep getting lost."

Robin: First things first, you should tell them that we're going South, which is this way.

Luffy: Oooh, so we are going South ? Why didn't you say so earlier ? Lala la~...

"Luffy, you claimed we needed to go West, while going East."

Zoro: Hey-

"No, I'm not removing the rope. We're on an expedition with a clear objective, I can't afford to let you on the loose."

Chopper: Luffy, that's a nice stick !!

Luffy: Nhahahaha ! I think so, too, but I can't give it to you. Go find one yourself

Chopper: Oh, okay... Stick, stick...

Zoro: What about a stick ?

Luffy: Eh, Chopper, you're brave today.

Chopper: Yup ! Hahahaha. I was worried that the forest would be a very dangerous place, but now I think it is really nothing to worry about. 'I feel a lot safer with these guys.'

Zoro: It's a bit depressing actually. Nothing came at us when we went into the forest yesterday. Didn't meet a priest, either... So I can sort of relate, Chopper.

Chopper: Huh ? Really ?

Robin: What a strange group. Do they really want something to happen that badly ?

"Trust me Robin. With these ones around something horrible will definitely happen. Even more, if they're talking about it. Oh, and just to prove my point, look."

"There. Are you happy now ? Something happened."

Luffy: RUN AWAY !!! IT'S A SNAKE !!

"Stop that ! Stop being so ecstatic by the idea of being brutally murdered !"


Robin: The size... is this an effect of the sky island's environment ?

Zoro: Hey big guy... I'll cut you in half !

Zoro: How can a body so big move so fast ?!

Chopper: P- POISON ?!!

"This has evolved from a dangerous situation to a 'Let's-get-the-fuck-outta-here' one."

Robin: Precisely.

Luffy: So scary !

"Don't touch the poison, you'll die instantly !!"

Luffy: Yoohoo ! Poisonous snake, over here !! Follow me ! Your food is running away !! Ah ha ha hah ah a !!

"I fucking give up. Hey, Robin, watch out, he's coming for you."

Robin: Cinco fleur. Too bad for him.

Zoro: Bah, not good.


Robin: What should I do... ? I'm back to where we were but... Nobody is here. Did I get lost... ? I probably should just go ahead and wait for them at the destination...

"You'll wait for a long time. We better get going before that snake decides he wants another snack."


Zoro: Hum... Where did they go ? I stopped watching them for a little bit and... Ah well, they'll be fine by themselves. I've memorized most of the map already, too. It was to... the right.

Luffy: Darn it, darn it... Where are those guys... ? They got lost, did they ? Kids ! I think I'll just meet them at the ruins. She said "A straight line to the South", so it's gotta be where it's warm...

God's shrine:

Enel: have they all gone now ?

Attendant: yes... Everyone is ready. Including the 3 prelates and their trials... Along with commander Yama and 50 members of the God's militia. This is our entire battle force... But do we really need to go all out ? The invaders are only composed of Shandia warriors, and a few citizens of the Blue Sea...

Enel: Yahahahahaha !! the more the merrier, isn't it ? Oh, and, you underestimate the real power of sky battles !

Attendant: The real power ?

Enel: Yeah. It'll start revealing itself soon... Yahahahaha... hey, give me a banana.

Enel: Let's see... We have 50 soldiers... 3 prelates. So including me, we have 54 fighters... There are 20 Shandia coming here, along with 5 citizens of the blue sea who entered the forest, and 4 more on their ship... No... That should be just 3, the old man can't fight anymore... So the total is 82 fighters !! Now, this will be a survival game, Yahahahahaha !! the question is, how many fighters will remain after three hours ? Anyone want to guess ?

Attendant: ... You turn everything into derision...

Enel: And so ? Hey, you ! Take a guess.

Servant: Ah ?! Me... I can't??? I don't have a clue...

Enel: What ? What's wrong with you... ? Go with the flow... Just use your instinct. Your instinct Then... You ! Take a guess.

Attendant: Hm... The 3 prelates will survive, that's for sure... The militia is very strong too, so they won't fall easily. But the enemies are strong enough to rival the priests, so after 3 hours... There will probably be 30 fallen fighters... So I'll say about 50 remaining.

Enel: Yahahaha !! You think so ? 50 fighters ? That is an optimistic guess. You seen to underestimate the violence of the upcoming battle

Attendant: then how does God see this situation... ?

Enel: Alright... I'll tell you. After three hours, out of the 82 fighters I counted... Exactly six will still be standing.

"I don't really know what's going on... But one things for sure, this forest is far from being as tranquil as it seemed..."

Robin: ... Here are the first homes outside of the city. They are totally swallowed by the forest... I hope the city is still holding up...

"... A goat ?"

Goatman: You ! This path leads to the God's shrine ! You may not continue forward !

Robin: Get down from there, right away ! Do you have any idea how valuable those historical ruins are ?

Goatman: Huh ?! You'll see, cheeky little girl !

Robin: See what ? You have a problem with us ?

Goatman: Kind of ! God Enel ordered us to eliminate any intruders who entered the fo-


"... I'm sorry, did you wanted to deal with that personally ?"

Robin: It's fine. He deserved it, that bad-mannered idiot.

Robin: A tombstone for the city itself... It was probably constructed by the descendants after the city fell... What is up there ?

"Sha... Shandora... The name of that ancient city ?"

Robin: Most likely. Year 402... The city prospered more than 1100 years ago... Then disappeared, 800 years ago... !

"800... Isn't that just about that blank period ? That 'Void Century' ?"

Robin: yes... Then, maybe this island... Knows the "Untold history"... That even disappeared from the world... !

"... Hm ?"

Robin: There's a map of Shandora...


Robin: if we go to the city square, we can probably find out more.

"Hey... hey, Robin..."

Robin: Maybe even a clue to the "Untold history"... !

"Robin !"

Robin: What ?

"I think we've got a problem."

Yama: What a cute couple we have here. MEH !!!

Yama: Aiya aiya, I didn't think Blue Sea citizens would be such scaredy-cats. But I guess I should praise you for being aware of the gap between our strength.

"... Robin, I really want to put a hole where his head is supposed to be."

Robin: Wait. Keep dodging his attacks by flying around, at least until we're out of the ruins.


Robin: Ancient text... ?! Y/n, lead him to the right !

"Roger that. Hey fatass, over there !"

Yama: MEEEH !!!




"Still not."


"Missed again."




"You really suck at aiming, I hope you know it."

Yama: Wuuuu ! Phuf phuf phuf... MEHH !! You... You think I wouldn't notice what you were trying to do ?! Why are you trying to protect a dead city like this ?!

Robin: ... You have no feeling of joy in honoring our ancestor's footprints.

Yama: I do not care about the past !!

Robin: Foolish people always say that.


"At this point, I believe all the interest we could have for that was vaporized."


*Two hours have passed since the start of the survivor game of Upper Yard. Fifty-six contestants fallen. Thirteen members of "God's militia" remaining... Seven Shandia remaining... Six straw-hats remaining... Twenty-six active participants.*

Yama: Have you had enough of running away ?

Robin: We'll know it in a second.

"... ... No traces of any ruins in this area. But there's a cliff over there, just so you know."

Robin: Perfect. So yes. Running away is no longer necessary.

Yama: No longer necessary ?

Robin: Now, even if you apologize, you won't be forgiven !!

Yama: You, forgiving me... ? That's preposterous... You really want to protect those ruins... But those ruins aren't even yours...

Robin: True. The ruins don't belong to anyone, but... Forget it. I don't want to talk to you anymore.

Yama: Huh ? Don't worry... Even if you would want to talk, you wouldn't be able to, Because... I WILL CRUSH YOU HERE !! DROP MOUNTAIN !!!

"Charging blindly like a bull, is that all you're good for ?"

"Do me a favor, and just stay still for a while."

Robin: At least until we teach you the severity of destroying history !! Treinta fleurs... Hang !!

Yama: BUGAH !!

"Shit... How can someone be so heavy... ?"


Robin: You're sure there are no ruins around ?

"Absolutely certain. There's no need to hold back here. Gaster... FLIPPER !!"

Yama: GUH !! ARH !! GAH !! STO- !! PUH !! MEEH !!!

Robin: The ruins you destroyed are priceless... Even though history is always being created, men cannot return to the past... Do you understand ?

Yama: I understand... I won't do it... Again... Forgive me...

Robin: No.

Yama: Grr... In that case... !! I'LL KILL YOU !! WUHEHEHEH !!


'... Ouich... I can feel that one...'

Robin: Cien fleurs... Delphinium !!

Yama: Huh ? What ?! Stop it !! WAIT ! WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME ?!! AAAAAAH !!

Yama: Enough... STOP !!!

Robin: It's too late for apologies...

Yama: It hurts... ! I DON'T WANNA DIE LIKE THAT !!

"... ..."

"Whatever you say."

Robin: That's how bad your crime was...

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